Hi yes I'm back and please feel free to flame me up bc i am a piece of trash i know.

I honestly tried to write again but some things came up and basically 2025 has not been my year.

BUUUUUUT I'm back for sure and i'm sure most of you would rather read then listen to my pitiful excuses, so without further ado here ya go (-:

_ Line _

Maddie sniffled as she hugged her stuffed animal tighter, her eyes not once breaking away from the door in hopes her friend would run through it talking about how "she was so sorry" and to "please forgive me I'll buy you bitches starbucks", but no such luck. Lovina still remained locked away in the guest room, which was technically just hers and Michelle's. The atmosphere around the apartment was tense and sorrowful.

"I.. I should go look for her.. I need to.." Maddie whispered to herself as she slowly stood up using the wall as support.

She sighed as she set the stuffed bear down and slightly stretched before grabbing her coat and walking to the door. 'Please be okay, Michelle.' Opening the door, she slightly hesitated before calling out to Lovina, who she doubted would even hear her "L-Lovi I'm going out to look for Michelle. If I'm not back in 20, call the cops." She called out facing the night sky.

"No need, I'm coming with you." A quiet voice spoke from behind her, startling her. Maddie spun around to come face with a disheveled yet lightly grinning Lovi, who looked at her apologetically while tugging her coat on. "It's my fault after all.."

"Lovi.." Maddie whispered in concern.

"Don't- Just- Let's go." Lovina muttered as she led Maddie out of her apartment before closing the door behind her. "Let's go get out egocentric idiot back." She lightly said making Maddie smile.

_ another liiiine _

Michelle gasped and quickly jumped away, hurriedly wiping away any sign that she had been crying.

"Th-The hell you creep? Do-Don't sneak up on me like that!" She angrily spat out at the man who was watching her with a crooked smirk. "Th-The fuck are you looking at?" she muttered and glared at him.

"Now now, mon amour. No need to be so spiteful. I just wanted to have a little.. chat."

"Hah, that's hilarious. You're creepy and I'm going home now. Bye." Michelle huffed before flipping her hair and turning away.

'What a creepy jerk, seriously who does that? Maddie and Lo- the heck?!' Michelle's eyes snapped down to the hand which was clasped on her wrist before looking up at the still smirking frenchman. What she wouldn't do to punch that smirk off.

"Can I help you?" she said boldly, completely disregarding the fact that the man in front of her was potentially dangerous. 'Mommas right, my temper is gonna be the death of me, but right now I couldn't care less.'

"I told you, I wanted to chat." He said while still grabbing onto her wrist.

"About?" she muttered, wriggling her wrist around and desperately trying to free herself from him.

"About you. Now what's a beauty like you doing out this late by herself, hm? You know there's men out there who wouldn't mind getting a taste of something as exquisite as yourself?" He said in a sultry tone,yet a concerned look in his eyes, something Michelle did not see.

"Men like you?" Michelle spat, yanking her wrist back but to no avail. She growled and looked up only to freeze and gulp. The man in front of her did not look too pleased as his grip on her wrist tightened.

"Excuse me?" He calmly yet dangerously questioned.

"Y-You heard me. I bet that's what you and your 'brothers' do, neh? I bet you pick girls off the streets and trick them into coming home with you for the night so you can defile them, huh? You monster!" Michelle honestly did not know what came over her at that moment and neither did she want to know. All she really remembers of that moment is that she kept going. "You and your brothers think you're so high and mighty, terrorizing the town, huh? Well guess what- ah!" she was cut off abruptly by a slap to the face, the stinging sensation soon spreading throughout her cheek as tears threatened to pour out. She looked up at him, eyes shining with fear as she took his silent yet seething form.

"Shut up. Just shut up."


"SHUT UP! You and your stupid people know nothing about us! How dare you speak of us in such a manner, you insolent girl? I should teach you a lesson, you bi-"



Next thing Francis knew was that he was on the floor with a harsh ache on his ankle. "Th-The fuck..?"

Michelle immediately stepped back and hugged herself, eyes brimming with fear and tears. Maddie quickly ran to her side and hugged her while Lovina took her place in front of them, fists clenched at her side and a furious scowl etched on her tan faced. Her olive green eyes were ablaze with fury as she stared down the frenchman, disregarding his two brothers which knelt down besides him and helped him up.

"Don't ever let me fucking catch you with your grimy hands on Michelle again, bastard!" She angrily spat out, ready to launch herself at the blonde man again until Maddie's soft voice stopped her.

"L-Lovi please,, let's just go home.."

"Listen to your friend, princessa. It's best if you three got out of here right now." Antonio's cold voice cut in, his face blank as he stared at the girls.

"Why should we listen to you, creepy bastard? I'm not done with this-"

"Do as Antonio says or else, girl. Don't test our patience." Gilbert spoke up as he hoisted Francis to he feet. Despite the fact that he was talking to Lovina, his eyes remained set on Madeleine as he studied her fragile yet alert and ready to fight stance. 'Smart girl' he mused to himself.

"Let's go Lovina." Michelle whispered not willing to stand there any longer. She could feel Francis' eyes burning into her skin and she wanted to leave NOW.

"Fine. Let's go." Lovina growled out then intertwined her hands with Maddie's and Michelle's. Throwing a quick glance over her shoulder she caught Antonio's cold and calculating gaze zeroed in on her before he smirked and walked away.

"The fuck happened back there, man?" Gilbert asked Francis worriedly on their way back to Ivan.

"I don't want to talk about it.." Francis sighed as he rubbed his temples. Antonio walked next to the silently.

"Alriiiight. Anyway, we're off the hook with Ivan." Gilbert continued, throwing his arms behind his head and looking ahead.

"Because I turned into a pussy for a minute and ran out?" Francis questioned, turning to the whitette.

"Tsk, no. Apparently something big is happening." Antonio finally cut in.

"Like?" Francis pushed, curiously.

"Angels." Antonio spat in distaste.

"Angels?! What?" Francis sputtered in disbelief as he turned to Antonio. 'No way.. we-we're not ready for this!'

"Yeah, and they're heading our way." Gilbert said, red eyes shining.

_ linea _

And thaaaaat's it. Once again I'm so sorry you guys! I hope you liked it! Please leave a review c: and follow my tumblr! It's .com c: thanks for reading!