
Disclaimer : I do not own the awesomeness that is Bleach nor the original Bleach characters.

Author's Note : I wasn't going to post this but my beta forced me too. Unfortunately she's my best friend who has access to all my stories...

Beta note : YAY! Now she has to finish it.. *evil smile*

Shiro wrapped his paws under him and snuggled closer to his brother who was curled up in the corner of the see through kennel they were kept in. Even though they were hybrids they kept to their kitten form. Many people had tried adopting one of them but they never made it out of the store without being attacked by one or both of the males. Noone wanted two male wildcat hybrids. Till a new human came in followed by a teal haired panther hybrid. The store owner spoke to the human before leading it to the kennel holding the two. Shiro watched as the human's albino hand lifted his brother bringing him to his chest and the panther in his human form lifted the other out and handed it to his master who smiled as the two kits curled up together under his chin.

By the time the kits opened their eyes they were in the backseat of a car. The panther's head was on his master's lap and the kits were curled together next to his stomach. They mewled as they were lifted by the scruff and carried up stairs and laid on unbelievably soft carpet.

"Come on, it's time to get up."

Shiro sat up glancing around the room with his mouth hanging open at the enormous room everything but the ceiling was covered in carpet and the room had cat trees and beams of wood connecting everything. The beams were large enough to support humans along with the trees.

Shiro glanced back at his brother and the panther before bolting into one of the cat trees and raking his claws down the walls. Ichigo sat where he was and glanced between his brother and the larger panther that he was currently next to. Going by the human form of the panther he assumed he was 21 maybe 22. And didn't lose his tail or ears in his human form, that was normal for wild cats though.

Ich was brought back from his thoughts when he was carried by the scruff of his neck and carried to the top of one of the larger trees in the room. Shiro followed the larger silently. Ichigo was placed between massive paws and a tounge glided gently over his fur. He relaxed as the smell of humans and that pet store were washed away. He did find it slightly odd that this older male would clean him so willingly. A snout pressed at his stomach rolling him over and the tounge slid from his tail over his stomach. Ichigo couldn't hold back his moans. Shiro clung to the edge of the tree and watched the treatment his brother was receiving.

"That's kinda mean, don't ya think?"

The panther raised an eyebrow to the white kit before the words clicked.

"Ain't ya a little young to be making passes at me."

"Well considering you're the one with their tounge all over my brothers cock, NO."

"I was simply removing the scent of humans and that store nothing more whether or not he chooses to see this as a pleasurable thing is his choice." Shiro smirked at the glare he received from his brother but it was cut short when the tounge slid over his dick again. Ichigo crawled over a massive paw as Shiro was snatched up by the scruff and placed in the same spot Ich had been in. Ich giggled as he watched his brother try to fight his way out of the other's reach but he was caught again and the licks began.

"So what's your name?"

"Grimm, and yours?"

"I'm Ichigo and that's Shiro."

"Hmm, I take it Shiro is the one that likes to make trouble out of the two of ya."


"Can't you transform yet?"

"Of course."

"Then why don't you?"

"Well we never had a need to. We have a human form, a kitten form, and the normal for our age."

"So you're not really old enough to leave your kitten stage yet?"

"I don't know but we're 18 so I'm sure we'll lose it soon."

"Some wild cats don't lose it. Did anyone in your family live with a kitten form?"

"We never knew our family. Our mother was killed and our sisters were taken from our father along with us and afterwards we were separated."

"You speak of such things as if they are normal. Do you feel no sorrow toward this?"

"Of course! But it's been many years and I still have my brother and he healed me. Which is why I never leave him and he never leaves me."

"Well either way you're perfectly safe here."

Shiro crawled over a massive paw and curled up behind his brother glaring at the now smirking panther.

"I wanna see your human form."


"Well it's not gonna kill ya and ya'll done seem mine."

"True but we don't have clothes."

"Yes, you do. All things in this room are your's you'll find a closet inside one of the trees farther toward the back of the room. If ya can't figure out which one it is you're blind."

The kits wandered toward the back of the room were a massive round tree stood with clothss on hangers lining the walls.

Moments later a tall well built albino with white hair appeared dressed in a black tight fitting shirt and dark jeans followed by a tan male with bright orange hair dressed in a Black Veil Brides T-shirt and black skinny jeans. Grimm fought the urge to drool at the sight of the two males. The albino sat lightly on a beam in front of the panther and the other leaned against a wall of another massive cat tree. Grimm now in his human form tried not to stare at the undeniably sexy cats before him. Which became impossible when an albino hand gripped the panthers chin forcing him to stare directly at him when he spoke.

"So Grimm, tell me. Am I still to young to hit on you?"

Grimm was speechless. He had no idea how to reply to him. Did that mean he was serious about what he had said earlier or about being attracted to him? Ich plopped lightly on the beam where his brother sat waiting on the panther to answer when he turned and smirked at him.

"If you're not interested I have a lil berry here to keep me company."

Before anything could be said by anyone Shiro fisted orange hair and his lips locked with his stunned brothers who timidly returned the kiss. Shiro's tongue glided easily into his counter parts mouth when he moaned and he made sure to hold the kiss until he knew Ich would be panting for breath the minute he was released.

Grimm couldn't help the growl that rang in the back of his throat. He knew he was playing straight into the smaller's game but damn.

At hearing what he knew was a growl from the jungle cat before him Shiro pulled away taking pride in both winning the game and how flustered his brother looked when he pulled back leaving a string of saliva connecting them that he slowly licked away.