I no own, you no sue. Warning, some of these one-shots are pwp (plot? What plot?). Established Poshen.

"Po, what are you doing?"


*Sigh* "Po… what are you doing?"

"I already told you, I'm not doing anything."



*Growl* "Po, I'm getting annoyed, here."

"Don't care, I'm not doing anything."

"Po, tell me what you are doing or you may find yourself facing up against an 'old enemy' rather soon."

"Hm, what?"

*Deadpan* "I'm going to push you down the stairs."

"I – that's not fair!"

"No, it's not. Now, what are you doing?"

"I – I'm making almond bars, happy?"

*Twitch* "Po, is that all you were doing?"

*Sigh* "Shen, don't you know what today is?"

"What is it?"

"It's one month!"

"One… month?"

"Yeah!" *Huff* "It's been one month since we got together! I was making almond bars to celebrate, but now you ruined the surprise!"

*Chuckle* "Oh, Po, my love, you needn't exert yourself on gifts for me, you love and forgiveness are all I shall ever need."

*Snort* "So do you want the almond bars or what?"

*Grin* "You know me too well, love."

