Chapter 1- It's a girls talk

-This is my first chapter hope you enjoy it!-

Hinamori Amu is already 16 and she is a sophomore at Seiyo academy.

For some reason she has got a feeling for the last 3 days that something

big is going to happen in her life very soon. But she hasen't got any idea

what is it and when.

"Amu-chi, are you alright?" Yaya popped over Amu's shoulder.

"Huh? Um yeah Yaya. Why do you ask?"

"Well you seem out of it Amu-chi. For the last 3 days exactly."

"Well it's about..."

(Nagihiko appeared)

"Morning .What are you guys talking about?" Nagihiko asked.

"Morning Nagi-kun. Well Amu was just about..."

Yaya got cut off because Amu covered her mouth.

"Um I was just about Yaya that there is a new flavor of crepe near

the subway .(teardrop)

"Oh. Why don't we try it later after school."Tadase appeared.

Yaya struggled from Amu and said...

"Really Amu-chi! What flavor is it? Yaya wants to try to!"

"Uhm...its strawberry marmalade with chocolate and caramel or strawberry

syrups. It's very delicious and sweet to."

"Really! Yaya wants to eat it now!"

"Yeah Yaya. We'll all go to eat crepe after school." Nagihiko stopped Yaya

from shouting. And boy it was a hustle.

While Nagihiko was stopping Yaya from shouting, Amu and Tadase noticed

Rima walking very timid.

"What is wrong with Rima?" Amu asked.

"I don't know. but maybe you could ask her Amu-chan?" Tadase gaved Amu

a smile.

"Y..Y..Yes. I'll go ask her." Amu's face was red like a tomato.

And Amu was thinking...

"Tadase keeps getting more handsome every second! And he stills says

'I love you!' Uhhhhh..."

While Amu was thinking "that"...Rima was very unenergetic, and the both

banged their heads at each other.

"Ouch! I'm sorry Rima." Amu apologized.

"No. I'm the one who should apologize."

The two stared at each other for a moment and...


Tadase and the others were staring at them.

"Why are they rolling around everywhere?" Yaya asked.

"I don't know..." Tadase looked at them.(teardrop)

After school...

"Hey let's go now! Yaya wants to eat crepe now!" Yaya barged in to the

sophomore's classroom.

"Okay Yaya. Just for a sec, okay? Amu backed Yaya off.

"Fine. But make it quick. Yaya's craving now to eat strawberry marmalade!"

"Okay Yaya. Just wait for us at the gate. We'll be out in a sec." Amu went in

and Yaya walked away.

Amu went over to Rima. Rima seems down again. She looks like that she has

no energy at all.

"What's wrong Rima? You seem down this whole day." Amu asked.

"'s just...could I go later to your house Amu-chan? It really is important."

"Sure. But first let's go and eat some crepe. Everyone is waiting for us."


After the whole afternoon of crepe, Rima finally arrived at Amu's house.

"Rima. Welcome. Come in." Amu opened the door.

"Sorry for intruding."

Amu led Rima up to her room and gave her some snacks.

"So Rima. What do you want to talk about?"

"Um..." Rima suddenly noticed the photo album on Amu's bed.

"Um... Can I see your photo album?" Rima gaved a smile.

"Sure. I guess."

While Rima was getting the photo album, Ran,Miki,Su,Dia and Kusukusu

went out of their eggs and played

Rima opened the photo album and saw the pics was the school life of Amu.

"Oh that's a picture tooken when I officially entered the guardians." Amu

pointed at the first pic.

"What about this one?" Rima pointed out a pic where there were snow


"Oh that one? That's when we went to the ski resort and stayed over

at Kukai's grandfather's temple."

"And this?" Rima pointed out a pic of Tadase and Amu in the aquarium.

"Oh. All of us were suppose to come and only me and Tadase came."

"Sounds like a date." Rima teased.

"It wasn't a date!" Amu yelled.

The photo album dropped and it showed the picture of Rima and the others.

"Oh that's when you and Kairi joined the guardians."

And they flipped the album to where Nagihiko arrived.

"And that's when Nagihiko got Temri back and got Rythym."

Until the last page...

"What's this?" Rima pointed out to a picture in the old amusement park

which was torn down already.

"Um that's when Ikuto, me, and Tadase played at amusement park. And

the other one is where we all played to."

"Lot of things changed haden't they?" Rima said in a low voice.

"Yeah. I grew my hair long and acted much more feminine now,Tadase became

much more handsome and acted more mature. Yaya changed a little bit...

you became much more cheerful and isn't afraid to tell jokes and get along

with others now. Nagihiko became manly now, but still has to dance. Kairi

fulfilled his dreams,Kukai became much more serious now. Lulu found her own

dream. Utau is performing again in huge stages. Rikka and Hikaru are both

happy. While Ikuto is happy performing in Europe."

"Um...Amu-chan I've got to tell you something." Rima hesitated.

"What is it Rima?"

"'m engaged!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!" Amu yelled.

Just at that time, Amu's cellphone ranged.


"Did you miss me Amu-chan? It's been so long."

"I-I-I-Ikuto! "

"I'll see you soon, and prepare yourself cause , I'll not lose to that prince."



"Why is this happening all at once!"

-To be continued...-