Disclaimer: I do not own Glee

Written for the Glee Kink Meme prompt:Blaine/Kurt, body worship:

Blaine is hesitant to take off any clothes because he's embarrassed by his body hair. Kurt eventually sees his naked torso (by accident? Finally talks nervous!Blaine into it?) and LOVES the chest hair and happy trail and is determined to see more.

It was a hot summer day in Lima, Ohio. Kurt and Blaine were watching TV on the couch at the Hudmel household when Finn burst through the front door.

"Dudes, c'mon, we're going swimming!"

Kurt raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "And where, may I ask, are we swimming? You don't know anyone with a pool."

"Well, no, but Puck does – er, he knows someone with a pool who's on vacation, actually." Finn mumbled that last part, then continued. "Come on, all the Glee guys are going. The girls too," Finn grinned.

Kurt shrugged and looked at Blaine, questioningly. "Shall we?"

"Oh, um, I don't have a swimsuit with me, but Kurt, you can go," Blaine said.

Kurt scoffed. "Like I want to go without you. You can borrow one of mine."

Blaine looked uncomfortable at the suggestion, but Kurt ignored it. "It's not that big of a deal, Blaine, I have swim trunks that'll fit you. It'll be fabulous."

Blaine shrugged. "I'm not that big a fan of swimming, you go on. I'll just watch."

"Dude, it's like two hundred degrees out, you'll die!" Finn exclaimed.

"While my step-brother is clearly exaggerating, he does have a point," Kurt said. "What's the big deal? Let's go cool off for a while."

"It's not a big deal, I just don't want to go swimming. Why can't you guys respect that?"

"Whoa, dude, do you like, not know how to swim?" Finn asked.

"Of course he can swim," Kurt answered. He looked to Blaine and whispered, "You can swim, right?"

"Yes, I just don't want to go! Why do you keep pushing the issue?" Blaine shouted.

Kurt and Finn fell silent, staring wide-eyed at Blaine as he laid into Kurt. "God, Kurt, you just push and you don't care about my feelings at all!"

Finn, showing more compassion than Kurt thought capable of his frankenteen brain, silently headed upstairs to change, leaving the two boys alone in the living room.

Blaine refused to meet Kurt's eyes as Kurt studied him with a quizzical look on his face.

"Okay, so what was that all about, Blaine?" Kurt asked softly.

Blaine kept his eyes focused on the floor.

Kurt tried again. "This isn't about swimming, is it? What's bothering you?"

"I just don't... I can't... I'm not..."

Kurt moved closer to Blaine on the couch and put his hand on his knee comfortingly. "I'm sorry if I got pushy, Blaine, I didn't realize it. But what feelings am I supposedly not caring about?"

Blaine sighed, still not meeting Kurt's eyes. "I don't want to go swimming because I don't like the way I look. There, happy now?"

"The way you look? Blaine, I'm as pale as a ghost, but it's just our friends, so who cares?" Kurt said.

"I'm just not comfortable in a swimsuit," Blaine said.

"If it's because of borrowing mine, don't worry, it's not a bright sparkly speedo or anything," Kurt pressed.

"It's not that, although now I have to ask, do you actually own a speedo?"

Kurt saw the corners of Blaine's mouth curl upward into a half smile. "Not a sparkly one, but that's beside the point," Kurt replied, trying to keep the mood lightened. "Look, I'm your boyfriend, just tell me what you're so uncomfortable with - whatever it is isn't going to change the way I feel about you. And then we'll stay here, just the two of us. Watch a movie or something."

Blaine finally raised his eyes and met Kurt's gaze. "You promise you won't be disgusted?" he asked, hesitantly.

"What? No, god, Blaine, have you seen yourself? There's nothing even remotely disgusting about you!"

"You haven't really seen me... yet."

"So show me," Kurt replied simply, sounding braver than he felt. What was Blaine on about? And what had Kurt just asked him to see? They hadn't even made it past the kissing stage yet. Was there something wrong with Blaine's-

But Kurt had no more time to contemplate what Blaine could be talking about, as Blaine stood up and began stripping off his clothes. He slowly lifted his shirt up, pulling it over his head. Kurt held his breath. Was he just going to whip it out right in the middle of the living room? Kurt waited for Blaine's hands to travel down to his belt buckle... but they never did.

"God, I knew it, you can't even look at me, I'm so gross!"

Kurt was confused. He looked at Blaine, standing shirtless in front of him, his eyes raking across the wide muscles of his chest, which was covered with coarse, dark hair.

"Wait, Blaine, what am I supposed to be looking at?" Kurt asked.

"What do you mean, isn't it obvious? I'm so hairy, it's disgusting!" Blaine cried out, frustration in his voice.

Kurt's gaze followed the hair on Blaine's chest down his stomach, where it tapered off into a trail leading right down into his jeans. Kurt gulped, suddenly wishing he had something to drink. Why was his mouth so dry? And why was he blatently staring at Blaine's crotch again?

"God, Kurt, say something!" Blaine demanded.

Kurt searched for words... he knew English, right? He forced himself to break his gaze and raked his eyes back up Blaine's luscious naked chest and, finally, met his eyes.

"Wow," he finally managed, remembering to breathe again. Blaine watched Kurt quizzically, as Kurt slowly stood up and occupied the space right in front of him. Kurt lifted a hand, hovering it between them, mesmerized. "Can I... can I touch you?" he asked.

Blaine's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected request. He stood frozen, unbelieving, until Kurt took his silence for assent and gently but firmly stroked his hand across Blaine's shoulders and down his chest. Kurt groaned as he felt the hard muscles of Blaine's pecs, underneath the slightly scratchy layer of dark hair that felt so sexy under Kurt's fingertips.

"God, Blaine, I... I had no idea how incredible you looked," he breathed, still stroking Blaine's chest, now swirling around one hardening nipple.

Blaine closed his eyes and moaned softly. "So, wait, you actually... like this?" he finally asked, his confidence growing, though he was still a little apprehensive of Kurt's answer.

"Oh my Gaga, yes," Kurt replied with no hesitation whatsoever. Then he slid his hand up to the back of Blaine's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Kurt and Blaine's lips fused together, but stayed still only seconds. Kurt, so enthralled by this new discovery about his boyfriend, nipped on Blaine's lower lip, demanding entrance. Blaine immediately complied, as Kurt's other hand, the one not currently twisted in the curls at the nape of Blaine's neck, swiftly began the journey across and down Blaine's chest.

The kiss became more heated as Kurt dug his short nails into the hair on Blaine's chest, loving the way it was somehow scratchy and soft at the same time. He needed more, he wanted to feel it against his own bare skin.

Only separating their lips for a moment, Kurt swiftly pulled his own shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor, then pressed his flawless porcelain skin against Blaine's.

Blaine ran his hands up and down Kurt's impossibly smooth back, feeling the strength in the muscles he didn't know Kurt even had. Kurt now tangled both of his hands into Blaine's hair, pulling it free of the gel Blaine insisted on using to tame it.

Blaine pushed his hips forward into Kurt's and groaned when he felt Kurt push his erection right back against Blaine's. The friction was amazing even through their layers of denim, just the right amount of pressure. Their tongues mingled, each fighting for dominance but easily giving in to each other.

"Dudes, seriously!" At the yell, Kurt and Blaine quickly separated, looking wide-eyed at Finn, who had just descended the stairs clad in swim trunks with a beach towel slung over his shoulder.

"Um, we were just..." Kurt began, but Finn cut him off.

"If you guys just wanted to stay here and have sex, why didn't you just say so! I'll tell the others you couldn't make it," Finn said, averting his eyes from his half-naked step-brother and boyfriend, but grinning nonetheless as he exited the house alone.

"Well," Blaine began. "I guess we have the house to ourselves for a while..."

"Looks like," Kurt breathed, eyes fixated once again on Blaine's delicious naked chest. "Any other insecurities I should know about?"

"Um, no..."

"Good, let's go upstairs," Kurt said, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and hurriedly leading him toward the staircase. "I think I need to continue showing you how NOT disgusting you are."