"There have been rumors for quite a while My Lady,"

Haruka Suzushiro heard the steady whisper from one of her trusted spies, causing her to scowl at the moon, for the thirtieth time during that hour.

"Bah…rumors. Rumors can be excessive."

"Sometimes that depends on the mouths that spread them", came the sagely reply.

There was a slight indiscriminate noise from Haruka which seemed like a choked snort.

Just the fact that her spy had disagreed more than once was enough to make her note the information.

"You are sure of this then." It wasn't a question but the spy hummed her affirmation anyway.

"Argh...blast it. Send Erstin to me this moment." The blonde said in a sharp tone, her golden mane suffering the shake of her head.

"Yes Milady. Would you have me do anything else?"

The question was greeted with a moment's silence as the blonde seemed to think on it.

"Call Nina as well, if you can. And continue dialogs with our friend. That will be all I think, for now. Some days I wish these mangos would just raid the capital like last time and be done with it. Then, we know what's in front of our eyes. Otherwise we might as well scramble next to them and sing a song to boot."

Her spy remained motionless on the imaginary but Haruka knew it was taking her effort not to laugh.

She closed her eyes and suddenly smiled wildly.

"Yes, but then I would be doing most of the work, wouldn't I Akira." She said, finally turning around and picking her silver lining.

Her spy smiled and relaxed. Speaking her given name was one way that the Lady Suzushiro always implied that the meeting was over and they were friends. It was a unique habit as it were among nobles. She had only ever met one other who possessed it. She was also accustomed to what would happen next.

"It's a shame really Akira chan. Thank God my father didn't live to see it…I suppose our friend doesn't know what this information is worth?"

"Yes, but she will keep it quiet for sure. She never was one for much details or talk unless without purpose."

Haruka harrumphed and gave a sort of look that implied derision. "Yes, but her purpose is what I'm concerned about."

Akira dared a little chuckle.

Haruka directed a soft smile at the olive haired ninja. The soft features of Akira's face often belied the stark contrast of her strength and agility. She was second to none in battle and Haruka trusted her companion on her ability to do many tasks; however laughing was not one of them.

"Send Erstin and do get a hold of Nina will you? You are one of the two who can."

Akira nodded and made to go. Haruka sat up from her seat and looked out of the window again, looking uncharacteristically pensive once again. She heard Akira's voice softly whisper,

"And is she to be told?"

"Not for now. Let her come to it. Perhaps for the best."

She heard the soft ruffle of fabric on metal and the whisper of the wind indicating her spy had gone.

And for the thirty-first time during that hour, Haruka scowled.

The sun had begun to show its presence on the sky when two girls, one blonde and one blunette, entered the well-lit study room that was the pride of one Lady Suzushiro. It had soft blue curtains picked out by the lady herself or as few understood, by her secretary in charge, Yukino Kikukawa. The furniture all imported, was made from Lutetian wood, and had rare and exquisite intricacies crafted in ways which one might consider a Heraklean task. Symbols of bygone eras found refuge and revel in this study as did books of literature. The carpet boasted a very simple yet elegant design which mirrored the ceiling above, embroidered with tender threads of golden blue and every so often violet and pink. Soft linen formed inner curtains and large windows gazed out into a marble balcony flittered with flora. It was opulent to the degree which suited the benign observer, and filled with quietude and beauty.

But the two new observers had not spared a glance to anything but Haruka Suzushiro who was again looking out into her gardens.

It was the bluenette who first spoke, "You called for me Lady Suzushiro." The words appeared lazy but the tone betrayed the restless energy of the spokesperson.

Nina had spent a year incognito searching for evidence of a plot against the Queen and Princess. There was no way that Haruka had just called her from her work for just any old reason. Every minute spent away from her work was a minute the discovery was delayed.

So what was so important that it had brought Akira to her that day?

"I fear we are too late Nina." Haruka said softly closing her eyes

"What do you mean too late?"

"Our sources tell me the assassins have come as far as Mount Zarka without detection. We have delayed because of the search for the traitors long enough. At this point I feel we must think of increasing our chances of counter measures. So we need you and your team here. Bah…I can smell the war in the air. "

Nina stood silent watching the Lady for a second then spoke firmly.

"Very well Suzushiro sama. I shall be here from this moment. And so shall Akira, Tenji, Rad, Arika & Erstin. What shall you have me do?"

Haruka Suzushiro bared her teeth, smiled slyly and turned around to face her companions. At such times it was no wonder to Nina why other nobles often feared her. "Let's play you maggots." said the blonde sounding fearfully like a lion and finally managing the right word for her nemesis.

When Shizuru had known of Natsuki's presence in the room there were many introductions she could have predicted for their meeting. But this one was one which she hadn't thought of.

"Always be prepared Shizuru. It makes life simple", her father, a great visionary had told her.

I wonder why father's words always come back to me at such times…

A few moments earlier, and a first few seconds of quiet drama after her exclamation, Chie had just walked forward and hugged Natsuki. The bluenette in question had smiled softly in return which led to Shizuru curiously disarmed, all jealousy and threats forgotten.

How beautiful she looks when she smiles, even cuter than when troubled.

Shizuru had thought suddenly, a treacherous thought which Chie's voice broke thankfully as the knight explained.

"We're best friends from our childhood days, My Lady, and once we shared an adventure together. It was my first adventure and that's why I became a knight."

Natsuki snorted derisively.

"And the fact that it makes easy to charm girls."

For the first time since the conversation began, Shizuru found her mirth, giggling softly while Chie pretended to look aghast.

"I'll have you know…"

Natsuki raised an eyebrow.

"Well okay…yeah that too. But that was then." Chie acquiesced.

"Also can't say I would've been more surprised or pleased had the Black Cat from Aswad herself been there Natsuki. "

"Yes, well neither can I…I wouldn't have thought you'd make a knight let alone a second in command."

"Hey!" came the miffed reaction.

"Ara, well I'd have to put my money of Natsuki's claim too Chie kun…but it just goes to show you never cease to surprise and amaze." said Shizuru, a little annoyed at how close and friendly Chie was becoming to her Dutchess.

That title, a creation of her mind, itself alarmed her conscious self far less than it should have. She made a mental note to investigate her subconscious need to prioritize her Natsuki.

There it was again.

Whilst Shizuru was so busy, Chie found her own mental sense activating, in so far that she felt important to mention something.

"Yea…laugh all you want…I still have my Aoi."


"Oh yeah…she's the love of my life Natsuki" Chie said firmly and innocently.


"Ara, the surprises do truly never cease." Shizuru commented on Natsuki's look of total shock and disbelief

"Oi, dont be like that. It isn't that shocking." The ebony haired knight said nudging the blue haired girl.

"If you say so..."

Shizuru smiled mirthfully at their play.

Somehow after Chie had mentioned Aoi, her mind had visibly relaxed.

"Really, Natsuki didn't expect you to join the military...If I had known you were available I would've led you to the General myself. Come to think of it. How did you meet her?"

"Ara, I would like to answer that Chie. You see, I had heard of a wonderful blacksmith in the town and as I wanted to commission someone to make a special sword for me, I decided to pay them a visit. There I met Natsuki. My specifications were delicate, and the project would provide my patronship thus I wanted to be satisfied with the way it was handled. I requested that she have the knowledge of swordsmanship herself…"

"And I impressed her. I'm here as you told me to. Where are your soldiers?" The bluenette's voice cut through the air. It was followed by a long pause and then merry laughter rang through the room.

"That's Natsuki for you my Lady." remarked Chie, still chuckling briefly.

"Ara, indeed." said Shizuru. She then turned to the scowling bluenette and gave her an appeasing smile.

"They will be here the within five days Natsuki, they were specially training near Mount Zarka. Since most of my troops are here, it makes for lack of surprise if they were to mingle."

"Yes...it seems very simple to blend in here." Natsuki commented, shrugging a little.

Choosing not to counter and instead let her companion have her victory, Shizuru just smiled. Inwardly excited at the display, she analysed her reaction.

By God! I find her pride attractive...

While one part of her mind was busy resolving the issue of her recent decent into something strange with her crush, another continued to converse.

"They are my elite branch Natsuki and information about them is secret and scarce. Not many people besides Chie know about their existence. If they do, it is unconfirmed. It is how it is to be. They will come here in the guise of your personal assistants for the smithy. As such, your practice grounds will be within that premises. "

Natsuki nodded that she understood.

"Also we will expect you to be training them rigorously for two weeks, after which we will consider your duty fulfilled. You may continue to serve as a blacksmith for another week or two after that to avoid suspicion. "

Natsuki hummed. "But why the secrecy? It...helps if other people know of your force."

Shizuru smiled again.

"Yes, indeed my Natsuki, I agree it dissuades people from action. But I don't need to use them for...crowd control when I have the army and, well me. They serve an even greater purpose- deceit. Lying enemies strike only when they think we are weak." said Shizuru not noticing that her mind had given her away somewhat. Not for that matter did the person she was talking to notice it.

Once more in the day, grey eyes found eyebrows increasingly at a distance from them.

But for all her surprise this time, she managed to escape detection and choosing a somewhat safe route, the knight stored the information away, somewhere where it would no longer warrant attention or provoke discussion.

"Sometimes, I wonder about what will be this country's payment to find peace Aoi, to give this country a new life. "

"Mashiro chan…" Aoi said softly, reaching to replace her ward's head with a cold towel. But the feverish girl could not be stopped.

"It wouldn't be a lie that it fears me so to lose what I have here…to lose you and mother to a neighbouring country.

To lose myself alone, and all hope of having a kingdom and letting my family's name rise is fearful yes, but if royalty went down that road I would like to know that you and the people are safe.

Let it be someone who has right heart and head not hierarchy. So they can handle the power which cuts the cord between the regent and his people.

And then I will be happy that I release it from my grasp."


"I am sick of this waiting Aoi chan and my anxiety grows everyday of what will happen to the people I've grown to care about when I am gone… Okaa san cannot hold them without an heir. As it is a sickly heir has their thoughts running…" she broke off as her breathing became shallow.

The words of wisdom and pain looked strange coming from the mouth of a 15 year old.

"She won't marry again after father." The young girl looked subconsciously at the picture next to her bedside, as if asking for comfort. She stayed silent after that.

"Did Chie give you any good news, Aoi chan?" she said after a while

"None that mattered, Your Majesty." Aoi said softly.

"Tomorrow...pls let Haruka san know I will meet her."
Aoi stayed silent.

"Aoi chan?" asked Mashiro as if searching whether her friend was still there.

"Mashiro chan...your physician..."

"I'll be okay by tomorrow...yes. By tomorrow."

And then the room was quiet.

My gratitude to the following people. You know you all are wonderful amazing people. And here I get a chance to speak to wonderful amazing people. Thank you all for reviewing !

Angelscry217: Well...*rubs back of head* Gomen! But since it updated, I pray you liked this chapter?

Indiobot: I thank you for your support and kindness bot-san!

ApersonWithLostSoul: Arigato!

ShadowCub: Thank you for your kind words and support!

Taka Ryo: Here it is now, finally. Forgive me for delay.

Ethereal Forest: ethe kun, I wonder if you're here. * peers around*

Fan of story: I dunno how you knew I wasn't going to continue it for a while, fan of story san. Please share that with me. I am doing it now though. Thank you for encouragement!

H3artbreak3r: Hai...I will!

Love As You Will fan: Oh boy, your words were really a big help getting this story together. Thank you! This will be completed and soon. *coughs* Gomen for delay. *bows*

manticore-gurl071134: Thank you for your kind words and support!

nightwolf93: Thank you wolf san. More shiznat is on its way. *salutes*

cam714: Thank you very much for your kind words!

Shushumomo: Thank you very much shushumomo san. There will be intrigue. Neh.

oOYuuOo: Thank you! I will post the next chapters consistently after each other; once I finish the entire fanfiction draft. Aha. Then we can sit together and enjoy.

Wolf-of-Five-Elements: Thank you for your kind words! And yes five element wolf san, I will. Yep yep.

Guest: Oh if only you had left your name Guest san, I would've written you a poem. Or perhaps I would've included you as a character in here. Do give me the honour sometime, wont you? I look forward to hearing your opinion in further chapters.

M: thank you for your kind words!