Notes: I can blame this on a couple of fanarts of K2, Cryle, and my perverted mind. I can't help it that I imagine Kyle as such a…delicious whore? XD As the story goes on, it will develop a less smutty atmosphere and turn into a Style.

And if you couldn't tell from the title of this lovely story, yes, it's all about the sex, baby! Nothing too graphic yet though.

Mostly takes place when the boys are 19-20 years old.

Disclaimer: South Park © Matt and Trey. I'm only using the boys as my puppets. Enjoy!

Pairings: Kenny/Craig/Kyle, Crenny, K2

Closet Nympho

"Nngh, Kenny," a certain redhead moaned before biting his lip. His eyes rolled back and closed as he laced his hands in unruly blond hair, tugging at the golden locks slightly before opening his lust filled emerald eyes and locking them with sky blue as Kenny teased his throbbing desire.

The blond smirked up at him as he flicked his tongue across Kyle's head before standing up from the floor, leaning over and placing his hands on either side of those red curls on the back of the couch and moved in for a kiss. And with a fiery redhead, whose lust and passion was as fiery as his hair, it didn't take long for Kenny's knees to buckle from the odd position. One knee found its way between Kyle's spread legs and the other over the Jew's left leg, fingers now wound tightly in a sea of red waves as his tongue begged for entrance between Kyle's lips.

"Why do you always start without me?" came a somewhat annoyed sigh from behind the blonde, while gorgeous blue eyes that rivaled Kenny's, albeit a bit colder, stared down at the pair blankly as the teen crossed his arms over his bare chest.

"Because you take to damn…Fuck, Kenny! …long to get here," Kyle gasped as the blonde bit down on his right shoulder, his hands squeezing tight against Kenny's shoulders as he repeatedly bit and licked the quickly reddening spot.

A typical smirk spread across Craig's lips as he uncrossed his arms, looping one around Kenny's neck and shoulders, pulling him backwards, waiting to see if the teen would manage to stand or fall on his ass. "I don't think that it's because I take so long," he purred in Kenny's ear, loud enough for Kyle to hear, soon after he fell to his knees on the floor -Kenny had fallen on his ass- his long fingers making quick work of unzipping the blonde's parka and tossing it aside.

"Oh, then why?" Kyle pressed as he sat up, hunching over with his chin in his palms and elbows on his knees as he intently watched Kenny's face contort into expressions of pure ecstasy as Craig's hands explored his sensitive areas.

"You two," he grinned as his eyes flicked up to lock with Kyle's, one hand slowly inching towards the front of Kenny's quickly tightening pants, "are nymphos and can't stand the wait."

The Jew only grinned lopsidedly, his eyes roaming down to watch as Craig's hand dipped inside the squirming blonde's pants, gripping his member tightly.

"It's your fault," he then murmured as he slid casually off the couch to sit in front of Kenny, taking the teen's face in his hands. "You two just couldn't keep it in your pants the night we had that sleepover. How was I to know how erotic it was to watch someone have sex in the same room? Even then, how addicting it was once I was invited to join the festivities?"

The redhead briefly reminisced that night as he quickly slid his tongue into Kenny's mouth, moaning slightly at the flavor of the watermelon gum Kenny had been chewing that afternoon and the feel of Kenny's hands running through his hair.


It had been about three years ago when Kenny's family had moved into a newer house – his father had actually taken some alcohol abuse classes and cut way back on drinking and gotten a decent paying job – and Kenny had a sleepover to celebrate.

It was a given that Kenny and Craig would share the blonde's bed, seeing as they were dating as the entire school knew, and the other teens would have to find a place either on the floor of his room or sleep on the fold out couch downstairs or the floor there.

Kyle unfortunately had been one of the first to fall asleep, having crashed leaning up against Kenny's bed, and so had been stripped down to his boxers and his clothing hidden until the morning. He had planned on sleeping wherever Stan was sleeping, but Stan had decided to crash downstairs with Clyde, Tweek, and a the others. Stan thought that make out time was private time and so left the pair alone and Kyle to fend for himself should he wake up. Kyle was also the only person to sleep in that room besides the currently lip locked couple.

In the grand scheme of things, it was a good thing, though his head throbbed for a good five minutes after the fact, that the lamp on Kenny's bedside table came crashing down on him as Craig shoved Kenny down on the mattress none too gently and the blonde's elbow just happened to crash into said bedside table. Though Kyle, at the time, only knew that something had fallen on him and it was suddenly too bright.

He groaned slightly, though not enough to draw attention from the pair on the bed, and shoved the lamp aside, rubbing the side of his head. His mind was too hazy from being woke from a deep slumber, and so hadn't yet begun to hear the various sounds emanating from just inches above and behind him, but once he fully came to he realized with a sense of growing curiosity just what was going on.

Cautiously, Kyle had turned his head and eyes up towards the bed, trying not to make a sound, and those emerald orbs grew tremendously as he watched with slight fascination as Craig's hand worked its way up and down Kenny's length. And that kiss…! He suddenly felt a shiver go down his spine and he turned a bit more, his body heating up as every second past. He could even feel the heat creeping up his face as he was sure it was turning bright red and he wiped his slightly sweaty palms against his boxers.

This was so much hotter than watching porn, even despite the fact that it was two guys. Two of his best guy friends, nonetheless.

The redhead watched as the raven haired teen broke the kiss and began trailing slow, lazy kisses down Kenny's jaw line, to his neck, down his chest… Kyle bit his lip and rolled his hips once as he watch Craig slowly take all of the blonde into his mouth, cloudy sky blue eyes locked with each other as he slowly moved his head up and then quickly back down.

This went on for several minutes, and Kyle couldn't decide what was more exciting to watch: Craig skillfully giving Kenny a blowjob or watching the expressions Kenny made and listening to the noises escaping his slightly parted mouth. He finally decided that it was watching and listening to Kenny, and as he indulged in this new found pleasure, his hand found its way past the waist of his boxers.

Kenny's fingers soon found themselves wrapped in short black hair and his hips began to arch off the bed, and suddenly Craig abandoned him, leaving the blonde thrusting up into nothing as he sat over him, smirking devilishly. And as this happened, Kyle quickly turned back around, breathing heavy, and withdrew his hand from himself, hoping that Craig didn't see him.

Unbeknownst to the poor Jew, Craig had in fact spotted him watching and flicked his eyes from Kenny's, once he calmed slightly from being neglected, to the back of Kyle's curly red head with a slight roll from his own head in Kyle's direction.

Kenny returned the evil smile to his lover, sitting up and wrapping his arms tightly around Craig's neck.

"What do you think?" Craig whispered in the blonde's ear before latching his mouth onto his neck, sucking gently.

"Do you really have to ask?" was the quiet response as he angled his neck so the raven haired boy could better access his neck.


More smut to come! Reviews and comments are love and fuel my perverted mind!