A/N: Well, howdy. This is my first fanfic! R&R please! This will only help me improve you know! Chapters for this story are going to be pretty short but very frequent so you are not missing out! New Mew and two new aliens! So… much… OC! Let me know if you absolutely hate them, please! Since this is my first story, I'm quite willing to be the readers' bitch. Thanks, all!

Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew.

Chapter 1:

The three once- promising alien warriors stood before the Grand Council. They kneeled, heads down, and remained motionless in the silence. After a few minutes of this, the smallest of them began to twitch impatiently and then stood hesitantly.

"Um… sirs, why are we here?"

The council whispered amongst themselves disapprovingly as the boy's two comrades sighed and also stood.

The tallest then said, "I apologize, Council. Our friend here anxious due to the sudden summons."

Finally, one of the councilmen stood and spoke, "Cordial as always, Pai-san. Well, as you know, your last mission to Earth proved a failure, resulting in the end of our potential savior, Deep Blue."

"Savior? He said so himself, he had no intentions of even helping us!" interjected the smallest.

"Taruto, please." said Pai, as the council once again broke into whispers.

"We've heard your reports," began another man, breaking through the whispers, "And know of Deep Blue's corruption but you did not succeed in taking the Blue Planet or bringing back the one thing that could save our people anyway. The Mew Aqua."

"But as we said before, Council. Our technology isn't yet developed enough to use the Mew Aqua properly," Pai stated.

"Yeah!" continued Taruto, "And even if we did, there is no way we could defeat the Mew Mews. They were too strong for us!"

The third alien, who said nothing through the meeting, clenched his fists.

"We recognize the strength of the Mews," stated yet another councilmen, "And the technology we lack, however, they have the technology to properly use Mew Aqua, don't they?"

"Where are you going with this? We cannot steal their technology any easier than we can steal their Mew Aqua," said Pai.

One of the councilmen who, so far, had been silent spoke up saying, "That is true. You three alone were not strong enough to steal from the Mews. But now, we are after far less than their whole planet and you three won't be alone. We'll be sending two more young warriors to join you."

"We, of course, know that you three were the strongest warriors previously, but seeing as you were such a disappointment, perhaps we were mistaken," he continued.

Pai sighed, clearly irritated and said, "Well then, send three new warriors. And send us back to our homes, please."

"Actually, you three will go to Earth. You have experience with the people there and know the most about fighting the Mews. We'll be sending Shukurimu-san and Keki-san. Even numbers with the Mews. You should be grateful. You're being given another chance. And this time you will not only succeed, but you will thoroughly defeat all of those who oppose you. Do you accept this mission, Pai-san?"

Pai and Taruto shared a look, then Pai turned and answered, "Hai."



"And Kisshu… I understand you may find this particularly difficult, but do accept this mission?"

Kisshu spoke with no hesitation, "Hai, and no one, Council, will stand in our way."

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


"Ryou! You should come and see this."

"What is it, Keiichiro?" asked Ryou, strolling down the basement steps, "A new environmental disaster? Don't get too worked up, we always handle it."

"No Ryou," said Keiichrio, shaking his head, "The Cyniclons have returned."

"What? They left! What could they possibly want?"

"I don't know. But look. The satellite is picking up not three, but five life forms."

"There's more of them? Is there any chance that their reasons for returning could be peaceful?"

"I'm not sure… but let's not be hasty and jump to conclusions. The Mews did get their marks back, so this may be the threat their bodies are reacting to. One thing concerns me though…"


"Their numbers now match ours, not including the Chimeras. They have the advantage."

"Well… that can change."

"You have more Red Data Animal DNA prepared?" asked Keiichrio

"Yes," said Ryou, " I'll begin the search for a new Mew."