Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Blue October or this song!

This is a songfic I just threw together... It's actually meant for a certain somebody... In this little story it's like I'm Sasori and that person is Deidara... This really speaks for itself...

Song used:Should Be Loved by Blue October (you should really either listen to the song or read hte lyrics while reading this,)

Redheaded Sasori Akasuna sat out his couch watching his boyfrie- ah… ex-boyfriend slamming things around and shoving them forcefully into a sack. Sasori couldn't believe what was happening. He and Deidara were suppose to be together forever. Dei has promised him… But this, he just didn't quite understand. The blonde had said he loved him just that morning! How did things go so wrong so fast? Sure, Sasori had been unhappy lately, but Dei was just suppose to help him through it, not get angry at him for it! That's not how it was suppose to go… Deidara was his best friend and lover… How could… Maybe he'd complained one too many times about not being able to work on his puppets as often with Dei around him so much… He loved Deidara though, and the blonde knew that. I mean, Sasori may have complained, but it was his choice to spend so much time with the blue-eyes beauty.

The blonde grabbed a picture of the two holding each other and glared at it. The frame was a present for Sasori on one of their anniversaries or something, the redhead couldn't remember. All he could do was stare blankly as the blonde slammed the thing into the trashcan, shattering it. Sasori cringed. Why wouldn't Deidara just sit down an act rational for once? Instead of flying off the handle like a little kid! When Sasori called him 'brat' it was cause the blonde was immature, but usually in a tolerable way. This… This was too much.

The redhead ran a shaky hand through his hair. Was all this really happening? He just couldn't quite grasp the reality of the whole situation. Wasn't there anything he could do? Did all their time together really mean so little? Was Deidara able to throw it away that easily? But Sasori… Sasori wasn't done! No, he was still very much in love with the blonde. Deidara had fought so hard in the beginning to get Sasori to just look at him and now Sasori was just wishing that the blonde would look at him. Not with that hateful glare, but those sweet, soft, baby blues looking in his direction, soaking in and loving all that was Sasori.

Sasori swallowing thickly and walked slowly over to where Deidara was standing. The blonde wouldn't look at him at all now, so he didn't know that he was so close. The blonde had found another one of their framed pictures and was rearing back to through it at something when Sasori caught his wrist.

"Deidara! Knock it off!" The redhead yelled. The blonde spun around and kicked Sasori's knee backwards. The redhead dropped down and held the aching limb tightly.

"God dammit! What the hell is wrong with you?" He ground out.

"Ch." Deidara scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm tired of you hurting me over and over and over again, Danna!" He said the last word with such spite, such venom it made Sasori's blood run cold. "I'm too afraid that you'll do it again to just keep on hanging around where I'm not wanted!" He continued furiously. Sasori gulped. He'd never once intentionally hurt the blonde… He didn't even think he did it that often, did he? Did all those little off comments really sting the boy? When he was joking did the blonde misunderstand him? Or when they would get in fights and Sasori would lose his temper and say anything that he thought would hurt, did Deidara take all of those lies to heart? But Sasori always said how he never meant those things! Also, he always said the was kidding when he was teasing the blonde… Maybe he'd pushed too hard…

"Mother fucker." The redhead mumbled. He felt defeated. He couldn't promise not to hurt the boy anymore, the damage had already been done…Plus, he couldn't say for sure that it wouldn't happen again. But wasn't Deidara paying attention? He'd hurt Sasori many times too.

How was he suppose to just roll over and accept this? He didn't want the blonde to go. He really didn't. But the redhead couldn't think of anything that would make the beautiful boy stay…

"Deidara! That's no reason to throw us away! Let's take couple of hours to calm down and then come back and talk it out!" Sasori suggested. That would give him plenty of time to figure out what to say to get his boyfriend to be in love with him again.

"Talk about what? There is no solution to this! Not even you, Mister Genius, could think of something to make this all better." He said snidely. Sasori ground his teeth. The blonde could be such a little prick sometimes! But god he didn't care right now! The blonde was everything to him. He loved him with everything he was. He couldn't just let that go. But the blonde refused to listen to him. The blonde had made up his mind. He wasn't easily swayed either… The redhead started scraping his thumb nail with his teeth, a nervous habit. He loving being with Deidara so much… he didn't want that to walk out the door.

The blonde grabbed a hold of the straps on the bag he'd been packing and stormed over to the front door. He hesitated for a moment. He did still love the redhead, but he'd just been so unhappy lately, and so had Sasori. He wanted to be happy, he wanted Sasori to be happy. Something had gone wrong, and they needed time apart. Hopefully, maybe one day, they could fix it. But not a for a while. No, he was done. He was tired of hurting and always feeling like he was doing to wrong thing. Sasori seemed to be in a constant state of 'pissed off' and Deidara couldn't seem to lift the mood at all, no matter what he tried. He opened the door and walked out.

Sasori watched his life walk away. He felt his chest tighten and eyes water, he hadn't cried in so long, it was a strange, unwanted feeling. His throat felt like ti was closing and he couldn't really breath. Sasori laid down on the kitchen floor and curling in on himself. He let himself cry loudly. He didn't care. He sobbed and sobbed until he forgot how to breathe. Deidara was really gone.

"Dei… Please don't go."

Well, there you have it.

Review! -Lunar