A/N: Hi, my names Caro Gomez and you can beat me up. Truth is I haven't been on because of sheer laziness. When I did want to go on, can you guess what happened? I got really busy. So the more I forgot to update the busier I got. For example, this December my best friend moved to Switzerland and my friend tried to commit suicide so um yeah i'm back!

P.s. I know I did mention this a lot I did take writing classes and I do have a higher vocab now!

*Nina's Pov*

Trapped. Like a monkey in its cage. I was in a car with Marty driving. And no, we were not in a limo. Many of you might think, "oh she's Nina Martin dating Brad and he is Marty, record producer". I mean sure, we're going to save Fabian but why not at least be conspicuous about it? The car rolled to a complete halt and Marty turned around from the front seat.

"Alright, its all up to you now no pressure," I rolled my eyes, "okay just a little bit of pressure. But you'll do fine! Thats why we chose you! You remember what you have to do right?"

"How could I forget?"

Marty sighed, "Just remember reach me if you have any troubles."

"Okay," I nodded. I stepped out of the car closing the door with a soft thud. Marty and I made eye contact one last time before he drove off.

I walked towards the main entrance of the arena, the lanyard dangling down my neck. Checking my watch I realized I was right on time. I got in line near the middle, sandwiched in between a bunch of girls younger than me. All these people were here for the same reason I was. It only took around an hour till I got onto the stage. Once I was closer I took out two letters, one pink, one blue. I was next. I saw the woman with her tan skin and neon pink lipstick. MoniQue. Next to her was a boy my age with rosy cheeks who froze when he saw me. Fabian. I was trying my best not to lunge at him and I could tell he was doing the same. I stood in bewteen the duo and felt Fabians fall a bit lower than my hip. I gave them each their respective letters, thanked them, and walked away. Feeling a pair of eyes watching me as I left.

A/N: New chapter soon! Let me just update all my other stories! Leave reviews!