Hi all! Its Thest3vi3girl, formerly Dimitri . and . Roza . 4e. I have some explaining to do. First off I decided to fully edit all 5 previously posted chapters and just have an all nighter and finish this sucker. I will be posting chapters every other day if i have enough time. Secondly, I hope you enjoy! Please be sure to leave a review with your honest opinion. Thirdly, who's ready for the VA movie? *raises hand*


The club was packed tonight, and not like it usually was. When I say packed, I mean packed. Bodies were pressed against each other everywhere, and against their will. I've gotten to the point where I can recognize faces; I've bartended here long enough to. The only difference tonight is most of these people were strangers. I asked some of the bouncers that granted people entrance if some rich guy rented the place out, and he said he had no clue. My own father who owned this place was even lost at the sudden rush of newbies.

Not that we're complaining or anything, my aching feet will be able to have new shoes with the amount of tip money I'm getting. Guys are approaching the bar left and right, a few women will linger here and there but mostly guys. It's always the same thing when they try and talk to me.

"Are you old enough to be serving us pretty thang?"or something even more repulsive. I'm hit on constantly, but as long as my good look tips keeps the rent paid so be it.

I've been on my feet all night, and just as it looks like I'll get half a second to sit down, a short man in a expensive looking suit saunters up, a smirk on his face. I glance to my right at the bouncer who's assigned to overlook the bar area. I don't know his name, he is by far the most unsocial person who has ever stepped foot in this place.

He's always got some scantily clad woman trying to get in his pants, and he just gently turns them down and continues working. I've never seen him get anyone's number, or flirt, in the 3 months we've worked together. The surprising thing is he isn't ugly. At all. He's got to be one of the tallest people I've ever seen, probably around 6'7". He's well built from what I could tell, and has gorgeous shoulder length hair he keeps pulled back.

He's just so quiet. I'm very close to all the guys who work here, we're a family. It just seems like we've adopted some foreign kid who can't speak English. But Even though we've never spoken, an air around him tells me he has my back and will keep me safe.

"Hey sweet cheeks," the short man calls to me over the bar's dark oak counter. "What's a pretty young thing like you doing working back there? Seems to me like you'd be out there, ahem, working the crowd. With a body like that you'd make 5 times the money you do back here all covered up."

He flashed an attempt at a sexy grin, and I didn't smell alcohol on his breath like the usual guys who hit on me. I glanced down at my uniform my father insists I wear. He barely let me get this job, and demanded I not show everything my momma gave me. The uniform was simple, light jeans, any shoes I want, and a black crewneck shirt. No skin showing, and yet men still insist on hitting on me.

"Yeah well, you can dream all you want buddy, but this is all you're gonna see of this girl." I poured a drink for another customer as he sat in silence. I stood in front of him and slammed my hands on the counter.

"Look buddy, do you want a drink or did you just want to see how easy I was? If it's the latter, you can just go ahead and get your ass and leave. There are actual customers waiting to be served." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the bouncer tense. He straightened up and his eyes never left our general area. Something was wrong, very wrong. The man licked his lips, and appraised me as if I was cattle about to be auctioned. It made a dangerous shiver go down my spine.

"Mmm, feisty! Just the way I like 'em. Don't worry sweet cheeks, no one can resist me. Ever. But if you insist on me staying and having a drink… I'll take a scotch. Straight up."

I gave him my best fuck you glare and poured it for him. He threw a twenty on the bar and grinned.

"There will be a lot more where that came from, if you just play by my rules." And with that, he was gone. I watched him walk right back into the crowd, and disappear. Something told me that wouldn't be the last I'd see of that guy.

All my customers were satisfied for the time being, and I glanced at my watch. It was getting close to closing time thank god. I don't think my feet could handle more running around my cramped little corner of the club. Sighing, I pulled myself up on the back counter where I prepare drinks. I stared into the crowd, watching them slowly trickle out the exit. I didn't even notice the bouncer right next to me until he spoke.

"Are you okay?" he asked, having to lean in to me so I could hear him over the TV speakers and the booming music.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine… why?"

"That guy just seemed to be harassing you, he didn't threaten you or anything did he?" I turned to look him in the eyes; his face had concern etched all over it.

"No, it's no biggie. Guys hit on me all the time, I turn them down, and they walk away with their tail between their legs. Same old, same old. That one was just a little more persistent than the usuals."

He looked at me for what seemed like hours, nodded, and returned back to his post. What did he mean was I ok? He's seen tons of guys do that before, and he's never said anything until now. I shook my head to clear any bad thoughts and I started cleaning up the spilt drinks and putting bottles away. The music eventually quieted as everyone worked together to close Revamped down.

"Yo Rosie!" My friend Eddie called, he was a bouncer here too, he was around my age. "Tough night tonight? I saw you working your ass off."

"Nothing I can't handle!" I teased, jumping over the counter just to lean against it. "What about you? There were a ton of people here tonight."

"Yeah there were, you know that guy in the suit? He apparently brought all these people here. Something about celebrating a new business. Crazy huh? He paid for like everyone's stuff."

"Do you know who he is?" I asked, glancing at the mystery bouncer whose name I forgot to ask for. He looked as intrigued to know the answer as I did.

"Nah, sorry. Why? You finally are wanting to date?" He grinned and I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Oh Edison, don't get your hopes up. If Rose here dates anyone it'll be me." The co-owner Adrian called, walking down the steps from the offices above the club.

"After all," he began, "I have been waiting a very long time. If you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes. Adrian was quite a few years my senior, and he's known my dad for years. He practically watched me grow up. I bet he threw a party once I became legal.

"You wish Ivashkov. In fact, you'd be my last choice of dating someone. I've seen all the girls you go through."

He approached me and pulled me into him by the arms, and spun me around and back into his chest.

"Oh but Rosie! With you'd I'd be different." He exclaimed, causing me to giggle like a schoolgirl. I gently pushed myself away from him and saw everyone was eying him dangerously. Even the mystery guy.

"Everyone who steps foot in this place wants you. Hell, I bet even Belikov wants you. Isn't that right Dimitri?" Adrian asked, I had no clue who Dimitri was.

The mystery guy answered, "I think I'll leave her for you guys to battle for," he said with a smile, looking right at me.

"Oooo burn Rosie. Belikov doesn't want you!" Adrian stated. "Oh well, less competition."

Eddie was about to say something until my father entered the room.

"This place looks pretty decent; you guys can go home now. Thanks for all your hard work." He nodded at us and shook the guys' hands. We all said our goodbyes, loaded up our stuff and walked out together.

The guys all drove, but I chose to walk. I mean, I had a car, I just preferred the feeling of cool night air and the somewhat quietness of the city. I called goodbye to Eddie and Adrian but Dimitri was still inside. I still had an urge to ask him why that one guy worried him so much but I decided against it, and started walking.

"Rose!" A deep voice with a slight accent called.

I turned to see Dimitri at his car. "Can I give you a ride home? It's awfully late to be walking home alone."

"No thanks;" I called back, "I'm good."

He walked towards me. "Come on please? I'd feel better if you let me." He leaned in to me and his mouth brushed my ear, sending a warm fire coursing through me. "That man in the suit's car is still here," he whispered into my ear, "Please let me take you home."

I stared up at him, and instantly I could see he was telling the truth. "Okay, thank you Dimitri." I said with a smile.

He led me to his truck, it was a black Titan. So cliché I thought. He opened my door and made sure I was buckled in before he walked around to his side. We sat in silence as the truck got warmed up, I could tell questions were about to explode out of me about the man.

His car's still here, so does that mean he was waiting on someone? Could he have been waiting on me? I was just about to ask Dimitri when a sudden knock on Dimitri's window made me shriek.

He put a hand over my mouth and put a single finger over his mouth. I nodded, and tried to control my heavy breathing. Deep breaths Rose, you're getting all worked up over nothing. It's probably Eddie or Adrian or someone.

Dimitri rolled down the window enough to see who was there, but he leaned away from it cautiously. I had to hold back another gasp when I saw the man in the suit standing mere feet away from me.

"Can I help you?" Dimitri asked, his voice almost a growl yet it held this immense calmness.

"Yeah, looks like you got something of mine, or rather something I'd like to be mine sitting up front with you. Mind if I have her?"

My jaw dropped. He flirts with me once and all of the sudden I'm his? Oh hell to the no. I was about to tell him he can take what's his and shove it when Dimitri gave me a warning glance. The message rang loud and clear, "Don't say anything stupid."

I sighed and leaned back against the door of the truck, letting Dimitri handle whatever this douche bag wanted.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't belong to anyone. We'll be leaving now." Dimitri was shifting the truck into drive when the man's hand shot into the car attempting to stop the rising window. Dimitri did a maneuver I've only seen in movies and shoved the man's arm back out the window.

We took off in no time, leaving the crazy man behind.

"I… uh. I don't even know what just happened." I rambled, truly not knowing how to react to the crazy event that hadn't even registered in my head yet.

"Tell me something, are you sure you've never seen that man before? Ever?" He demanded, fiercely looking at me and returning his gaze back to the road.

I shook my head. Usually I at least vaguely remember guys who hit on me, so I know when to be rude and forceful if they show up again. I'm 98% sure I've never seen him before; I mean he was decently good looking, and for heaven's sake he had on a suit. Who goes to a steaming hot club in a suit? I think something like that would've stuck had it happened before. I told Dimitri my thoughts and he just sighed and asked for the next directions to my apartment. We rode in silence until we reached my complex, and he offered to walk me to my door. He didn't give me time to answer as he got out of his truck and came around to open my side.

"Ooooh, very chivalrous, thank you." I teased with a grin as he took my hand and helped me out of the tall truck. Oh the woes of being short. He had released my hand the second it was no longer needed and my body felt the absence of heat. We walked up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment in silence.

His mind was no doubt processing the suit guy, and me being myself I was analyzing the sudden motives of a guy I've worked with for months yet am just now holding a full conversation with. I wondered about all the girls who've hit on him at Revamped and went on to the next guy with their esteems lowered. Were they not good enough for him? Was he one of those guys who had a wife and kids at home but no one knew? Maybe his girl died in some freak accident and he was just scarred for life. As I stared at him out of the corner of my eye I understood all the evil glares I received from some of the girls in the complex's "living room" as we walked by. I laughed in my head, if they only knew I just now learned his name. He's taking me home but not in a way you call your bff in the morning about.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when we reached the faded blue door of my apartment, lucky number 313.

"Well…." I stated awkwardly, running my hand through my tangled hair that no doubt reeked of the club. "Uh, thanks for the ride home and the total hero thing. I'll see you tomorrow night?"

I looked up into his big brown eyes for the first time and came to the conclusion that he was beautiful and wished I could just stare all night.

"Anytime, have a good night Rose. Stay safe." He lingered for a second as I unlocked my door and once I was inside he left.

Sighing, I headed into my empty apartment. I made enough money from the club to not need a roommate, but sometimes I wish I had someone to be here with me. My dad had practically begged me to either live with him, or let him pay for someplace nicer, but I refused. I needed to be on my own, frankly I was sick of him coddling me. I could always live with my best friend Lissa but she was more of a nicer part of the city dweller and I liked being close to work.

I threw my keys down in the bowl sitting on the little island in my kitchen. My eye lids were demanding to close, exhaustion was slowly creeping up on me. I decided against eating, and drowsily changed into my pj's and buried myself under the covers.

My ribs and back ached like I was lying in fire, and my neck was twisted unnaturally.

Groaning, I opened my eyes and squinted at the blinding, naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling. My body felt like it was a million pounds but I still managed to get on my feet. Using the concrete wall to steady myself, I looked around, studying my surroundings.

I was in a cramped room. A bare, small room with no carpet or chairs or a TV. Essentially hell from the get go. Cement walls and floors surrounded me and I noticed a pipe leaking dirty brown water off on the left side of the room.

The place was filled with an unpleasant aroma—stale sweat, moldy water, and dirt. Everything was just…nasty. I screamed as a rat scurried across my feet and ran to the other side of the room, in the corner. I heard a few girls moan in protest at my screams, and that's when I realized I wasn't alone.

There were people there. Young girls, from ages sixteen to twenty-three.

The expressions on their dirty yet delicate faces broke my heart. They were so scared—no, absolutely terrified of something. I just wish I knew what it was.

Some maternal extinct within made me want to keep them safe, protect them from danger.

"Do you know where we are?" I stepped forward, mustering all my strength and hoping it showed. When all they did in response was back up further into the corner and whimper, I looked straight at the oldest one.

The woman had bright green eyes and neon-blue hair that at one time probably looked good but was now fading due to lack of coloring.

"Where are we?" I demanded, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic. My throat closed up in fear, and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it. I was suffocating.

Blue pointed to a door that had appeared out of nowhere. "Help us, Rose. Please. We need you. You're the only one who can save us!"

"No she can't she's just like the rest of us!" an older girl muttered.

"She's new. New girls always have the most motivation. Don't fret it honey you'll be like us eventually…" another said.

I shook my head at the pessimism. All I knew was that I was there to help. I had this gut feeling that time was of the essence; I ran over and started pounding on the wood door. "Somebody help! Please. We're trapped! Help us!"

I screamed and pleaded until the roughness of my throat made it unbearable. I continued banging on the door.

The door abruptly flew open and I fell straight to my knees. Looking up, I saw a man. He looked so familiar, yet I could have sworn I'd never seen him before.

He leaned down and smiled viciously, "You're not going anywhere, pretty young thing!"

I shot up in my bed, screaming, panting, and covered in sweat.