Title: Just a Year. Or Two.

Writer: Pochee (me!)

Rating: M

Summary: This is the somewhat epic story before the epic story. This story takes place before Ramona moved to Canada, before Scott got a real job, before Wallace started dating the other Scott, and before Julie became a bitch-wait...no, Julie was always a bitch, never mind. This is the less-awesome-than-the-actual-Scott-Pilgrim-comics tale about how our awe-inspiring, uncanny, oddball duo met; and why they share the same bed.

This story is dedicated to mollydolly9999. :)


Prologue: Need to Know Info.

Scott Pilgrim's First Year of High School.

Three weeks after third quarter began:

"Scott Pilgrim, please report to the Principle's office. I repeat, Scott Pilgrim, please re-"

"What did you do this time, Scott?" Young Kim Pine hissed at her classmate, while trying not to be caught be their teacher.

"Ha, nothing," Scott Pilgrim, one of his high school's best fighters, smirked as he stood from his seat. Before leaving the room the middle child of the Pilgrim family turned to his red-head classmate once again: "Nothing, yet."

"Ah, Mr. Pilgrim, come in please," Scott's principle motioned for the high schooler to enter. The boy nodded as he walked into the office. Scott couldn't help but noticed there was someone sitting in one of the two seats that faced the man's desk. Nonetheless, Scott took the other chair next to the mystery person. "Mr. Pilgrim, this is Mr. Wells," He gestured towards the person in the seat beside Scott.

Scott's eyes widen, as his gaze laid upon what he would have said was the hottest guy he had ever seen, aside from himself. The other boy turned his attention to Scott, simply watching him. Scott couldn't fabricate the idea of anyone's eye being that memorizing, or that the man's dark brown hair framed his face perfectly. Or maybe it was the way he smirked at Scott, the way that look made Scott feel heat collecting in his southern reign...

"Mr. Pilgrim, Mr. Wells is here to take you to the hospital,"

"Yeah, okay..." Scott trailed off as he continued to drool over "Mr. Wells". The freshman wondered what the other boy's first name was- "Wait, what hospital?"

The principle looked somewhat shocked at Scott's question, "Well, you haven't heard, Mr. Pilgrim?" Scott shook his head. "Oh dear, my apologizes then. It would seem that Ms. Stacey has broken her arm and was recently taken to the hospital. We just got word that your parents are out of town and the hospital needs some papers filled out, so they sent for you. But seeing how your parents are gone, Mr. Wells here, has offered to take you-"

"I do have an older brother, ya know?" Scott interrupted, pissed that everyone acted like he didn't have a brother, when he did.

"Yeah, and I didn't 'offer' or volunteer," Mr. Wells cued in, feeling a bit offended by the lucid comment. The principle was dumbfounded and awe-struck by the two boys' remarks.

"Well, I mean...I suppose that was an option too, but as Mr. Wells pointed out, Ms. Stacey requested that Mr. Wells retrieve you."

"So...how old are? I mean, I've never seen you at school and-"

"I'm almost in college," Mr. Wells glared at the red light that they were momentarily stopped at.

"Oh..." Scott turned to look out his window, "That's cool. So you're like...what? 16?"

"No." Scott chewed at the inside of his cheek, thinking: "So...17?"

"Yeah, going on 18," He sighed as the light finally changed.

The duo passed more buildings and more lights before any words were exchanged again: "Um, Scott, right?"

"Yeah," Scott finally turned away from the passenger's window to look at the older boy. His neck hurt like a bitch though, from being in the same position for so long.

"How is your older brother?"

"Okay...haven't seen him in awhile," Scott spoke as he rubbed his sore neck.

"Oh, that's good," Mr. Wells stated as he turned the steering wheel, making a left at a stop sign. "So...you dating yet?"

Young Scott studied the older boy for a moment or two before answering, "No...my last girlfriend dumped me."

"Oh, bummer," Mr. Wells said as the car slowed down, before stopping completely at the entrance of the hospital. Scott just nodded; it was a bummer especially considering the fact that he wasn't gay and this perfectly hot guy as sitting right next to him, with these amazing chocolate orbs that Scott found himself having a hard time looking away from. "Well, anyway," Mr. Wells turned towards Scott and smiled, "Tell Stacey I said: I'm sorry I can't come in and stay, but I gotta get back to school," Scott frowned at this, he wanted to spend more time with Mr. Wells. But Scott understood, Mr. Wells was going to be enrolling into a college soon; he needed to be at school for the last semester.

"Okay, but..." Scott wasn't really sure what he was doing but he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned closer to the soon-to-be-college student, "What's your name?"

Mr. Wells stared at the brunette boy with curiosity, a faint pink dust covering his cheeks, before leaning in and almost closing the gap between their faces, "It's Wallace,"

Scott smirked at this, what a sexy name. "Well," Scott closed his eyes before continuing, "Thanks for driving me here, Wallace." Scott whispered as he place a kiss on Wallace's lips.

Okay, least get one thing straight: Both Scott and Wallace had kissed someone before. But for some reason, this kiss was different. Much. Different.

The kiss itself was intended to be just a simple peck on the lips out of a pure innocent feeling that bubbled inside of Scott's chest, but once their lips connected, Wallace took it to a whole different level. Wallace ran his tongue along Scott's lower lip, asking for permission. At first Scott was hesitated, not sure if he was ready for what was to come next; but when a comforting hand cupped his face, pulling him closer to its owner, Scott granted the upper-class man's wish. He parted his lips just enough to able Wallace to stick his tongue inside the wet, warm cavern. They tongues fought for dominance, as Scott leaned over even more, almost crawling into Wallace's lap. Almost.

Finally, Wallace won the "battle" and expertly worked his tongue inside of Scott's mouth. But all too soon, the need for air overpowered the passion of the kiss. As the boys separated, a single string of salvia still connected them. After the string broke, disconnecting with the smallest "pop", the two boys were left flushed, panting, and a bit embarrassed:

"Uh! Um, b-b-bye, Wallace!" Scott, as red as a tomato, waved as he shut the car door as fast as he could and dashed inside of the hospital.

"See ya later, Scott." Wallace whispered breathlessly.

But to our duo's dismay, they never did.

Oh my…strange prologue? Okay, so really quick, for those readers who were like: "What the fuck? They just met and they're sticking their tongues down each other's throats? _" (or something along those lines) Let me just say that for Scott, it was like love at first sight; and for Wallace, well I'm not really sure…I thought he was the type who would just go along with it… _

Anyway, please review because I'm not sure if I should keep going; if it sucks tell me please! Thanks for the read! :)