Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. If I did, I would be Sam's soul mate but I guess Mercedes is just as good. ;P


Chapter One: What Happened To Us

Mercedes didn't know what to think – she could barely breathe. Her chocolate eyes stared at his mouth, watching it move as he spoke but was unable to actually listen. The only things that registered in her frazzled mind were: "Let's break up… I don't know what I want right now… I just need some time away."

A year of being together was going down the drain – a year of happiness and love.

She didn't understand. He had just told her he loved her yesterday!

"Sam…" Blinking quickly, she focused her vision on him and realized he was looking at her expectantly. "I don't understand."

He sighed; seemingly unsure of what he was doing. "Mercedes, I love you. I really do but I… I just need some time alone – figure out who I am – and I think I can do that best if we aren't together." His green eyes stared into her chocolates ones and a pang of guilt made him breathless. Not knowing what else to do, he lifted his hand to her shoulder, begging with his eyes that she'd understand. "I just – please understand."

Mercedes didn't say anything as she stared at the ground and flinched from his touch, noticing how he seemed to sadden the tiniest bit. "No. I don't understand."

Nothing else filtered through her brain after those words left her lips as she turned and walked away, desperately trying to hold in her tears as she walked to her car. Kids playing in the park, the chirps of birds – not even the sound of him shouting her name kept her from opening her car door and driving off. It wasn't until she had reached the safety of her room with the door locked that she let the tears flow.

She cried herself to sleep that night and for the first time in her life, Mercedes Jones knew what it was like to be truly heart broken. The tears came streaming down her face by the dozens even when she wished they would stop, the pounding in her head telling her that crying this much wasn't healthy. Even in her sleep she couldn't escape the heart ache, waking up every couple hours only to cry herself to sleep again.

He had broken up with her right after Graduation and forever ruined what should have been a wonderful memory. Why he chose a park – a place of happiness – to break up with her was beyond comprehension even a month after everything was said and done.

The first month went by in a blur. The only thing she attempted to do was work at a local department store and then still try and act happy around her friends when they forced her out of the house, which wasn't often.

Something Mercedes always prided herself in began changing. She loved her curves and when her mother mentioned that she seemed to have lost a couple pounds, Mercedes didn't even care. All she had done was keep constantly busy as she forced the memories away, either working or cleaning around the house, even walking around the mall with Kurt and Rachel as she had to buy new clothes for her slimming figure. They never questioned her about it anymore because they both knew that it would only bring back bad memories. The few times they tried only ended up with her becoming silent and leaving wherever they were.

Somehow – through it all – Sam and Mercedes had been able to keep their relationship a secret until the very end. How she was able to keep it a secret even to her two best friends was surprising and after the breakup she didn't dare tell them why she was depressed. Maybe she could one day, but not until she felt like herself again.

Sighing through her nose with a pout on her lips, Mercedes put her name tag on her dresser and began to get comfortable. Working seven hours a day began to take its toll on her and lately she only felt tired.

Pulling up her loose pants, she closed her eyes and held in a curse. A sound to her left had her opening her eyes and she watched as her phone lit up. As she walked to her bed she tried to think of who was texting her at eleven at night but when Kurt's name popped up she remembered that he had promised to tell her about some "reunion" news.

The New Directions were going their own way, each of them practically going to different schools besides what she considered the "End Game" couples such as Finn and Rachel, Kurt and Blaine, Santana and Britney (took them long enough, she thought), and Mike and Tina. Puck and Lauren were still together but had decided to go to separate schools. They wouldn't see each other for who knows how long so it had been Kurt and Finn's idea to have a get together before they all shipped off.

After unlocking the screen to her phone, she quickly went to her new message and gasped.

"You better have an awesome bathing suit, Diva, because we New Direction graduates are going to Myrtle Beach for a couple weeks. Details about when and where will be coming soon!"

Don't fret! It will get better, trust me! I know making Mercedes lose weight is kind of going against her normal persona but I believe that in this situation, she could've either turned to food (which would've only made her feel worse) or do what I had her do, which is the healthy thing to do during a break up and I want Mercedes to be the best she can be. She'll be back to normal in no time :)

Why Myrtle Beach? Well it's a major vacation spot on the east coast and I've met so many people that come to Myrtle Beach on vacation right after they graduate so I figured why would McKinley High graduates be any different?

Tell me what you think! Reviews are appreciated!

Panicked Karma