Sorry for the long wait. I lost interest in writing as I got too engrossed reading the RPG #Huddy fic on LJ entitled, "CUDDY'S HOUSE." Anyways, pardon me, #Huddies. This is definitely how I originally planned to end this simple fanfic of mine though I didn't know this was going to be the last chapter.

Thank you so much for all the lovely and kind words on the comments/reviews, peeps. They were truly the motivation that kept me writing even if I knew some may not like this and my writing style.



The following morning, Dr. Lisa Cuddy was seen entering the automatic glass doors of PPTH with a graceful stride and excited blooming expression painted on her lovely features. Everyone was well aware that today is the day that little Aaron was going to be discharged from the hospital and that their favorite Dean of Medicine can now bring her beloved son home.

Dropping her briefcase and hanging up her coat, she went to go visit her son at NICU Ward. This is the last time that she will be visiting her son, Aaron here as later this afternoon, she and House can now bring their little bundle of joy at home.

It was decided that the baby be brought home at Cuddy's place as House's old apartment isn't exactly baby proof anymore seeing as the man was back living in there. Nothing was discussed yet as to how will be their living arrangement from now on that they are engaged and the baby is to be brought home from the hospital. That is something that is yet to be discussed by them. The Dean of Medicine decided that they have to discuss it later tonight as soon as the baby will be brought home.

For now, she was just that elated to see her son inside the incubator for the last time. She went to touch the glass where the baby's face can be seen. She couldn't wait to hold and kiss her son after almost two months of just observing him through the glass walls. This is indeed one of the best days in her life aside from the fact that the father of her kid is now back with them where he truly belongs. She left House peacefully sleeping in his bed this morning. She thought the man needs that rest as he might be more exhausted than her due to their festivities last night. They just couldn't seem to get enough of each other after being afar for 5 lonely months. It feels great to be back at each other's arms and just spending time being content and snuggled in bed together. And after knowing about Lydia and how the stranger woman was able to connect with her man, she needs to make House feel that from that day onwards, she will be there for him no matter what and that they will spend the rest of their lives together raising three kids with the possible help of his Nana Sela. That brought another full-bloom smile on her face.

Now that their son is about to be brought home, Lisa Cuddy knew that it will truly be a challenge for the both of them to balance their still fragile relationship with the kids considering that soon, little Chris will also be joining them. More things need to be discussed like as to whether or not it will be better for all of them to just acquire a new and bigger place where everyone can fit in with the kids and Nana Sela, too.

Spending another 15 minutes with her son, the hospital administrator went down to perform her duties as PPTH's Dean of Medicine.

It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon when Dr. Gregory House was seen entering the glass doors of PPTH on his way up to NICU Ward to meet one Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Though, he knew it was supposed to be his first day back at work, he didn't report to work as expected of him. Instead, he spent the entire day planning things to surprise Cuddy in preparation for their son's arrival at their new home. Without Cuddy and Wilson's knowledge, he was able to contact Bonnie, the Oncologist's ex-wife about a bigger house for his "family" to move in to. With enough amount of dollars, he was able to rush the Real State woman to find a suitable house that is fitting for all future occupants of his family and the sale was officially done this morning as everything was settled quickly by all parties involved. Though their furniture and other things are still at their old places, House was also able to contact movers to move them the following day at their new home. For now, he and Cuddy will still be bringing home the tiny perfect person they created together at the Dean's house.

With an obvious excited gait on his limping steps, he was seen entering the elevators that will bring him to his desired destination where Cuddy and their son, little Aaron were waiting for him. As soon as the elevator doors dinged opened, he was practically floating with happiness as his steps became lighter nearing the one place that will bring him and his woman eternal joy in the presence of their kid. He knew that there will be many upcoming greater challenges that will come between him and Cuddy as both of them are individuals of some flaws and imperfections and surely, him being a known screwed-up man, it's a given fact that their journey as a couple will not be that full of rainbows and roses. Add the 3 kids and his Nana Sela into the equation, then one will really have a clear picture of their possible life together.

But knowing all those possible repercussions from those times that he and Cuddy were apart not only by emotional distance but as well as physical, he vowed to himself that he will do everything to keep his family by his side at all times. He doesn't have exactly a good father-kid experiences and model growing up under the dictatorial reign of John House but he knows that he will never be like the man. Even if back then when he has no plans of actually having kids of his own, he promised to himself when he was 8 years old that if ever there will come a time that he will eventually be a father himself, he will be the exact opposite of his father. No kid should grow up and experience the torture he got from the marine guy.

Recalling the short time he spent with Rachel, Cuddy's eldest daughter, he knew that somehow he was a bit successful in that promise of his. He wasn't exactly that soft with the kid but he knows that he did good while being with her as Rachel seems to like him and his unusual ways. Now that he has a kid of his own, he knew that he can't afford to screw this up and that there will be more lives at stake here. He was just that grateful to have the presence and guidance of his Nana Sela whom he will be seeing in 3 days along with Jacque's own son. More responsibilities are on his shoulders now and it's really a big pressure on his part but with Cuddy's love and patience, he knew that he can do this and that he will survive. The woman is a fighter herself and doesn't easily give up which is one of the qualities he did admire of the Dean of Medicine.

A few feet from the entrance doors of NICU ward, House saw Cuddy with her back towards him holding their baby, Aaron and was overly engrossed with the little angel on her arms to notice him and her surroundings. Even with her back on him, he can see how happy she was with the way her shoulders were positioned and her posture also seem to carry out that positive aura. He saw that his woman was doing her own version of baby talk to the little bundle of joy in her arms. It made his heart swell with joy, too seeing her like this. Finally, her dream of having to deliver her own baby into this world was realized and knowing that he was partly responsible for this just made it more real and pleasing.

Lisa Cuddy might have perceived his presence behind her as she slowly turned towards his direction. A radiant smile was plastered on her gorgeous features as her grey eyes seem to sparkle with delight and utter happiness. She was indeed his own version of Aphrodite as she stood there with their own angel safely enveloped in her arms. Her beauty was just simply ethereal as a glowing aura was surrounded on her lovely face. Their gazes met and for a few minutes they were able to deliver a promise to each other that this time around, nothing and no one can break them apart. They now share this little creature that binds them forever and together, they are gonna be the perfect parents they can be to this kid along with Rachel and little Chris. Their family will finally be together in their new home and that they will make it a happy place to live in.

Just as House was about to reach the entrance doors that will bring him closer to his woman and baby, a sudden explosion was heard and his vision was clouded with smoke that blocked his view of the lovely scenario he was staring at a few seconds ago. He instantly panicked knowing that Cuddy and his kid were in danger. With pure desperation to get to them, he heard himself screamed at the top of his lungs, "CUDDY…."

Almost instantly, Gregory House finds himself lying in bed in an all-too familiar ICU room at PPTH. He tried to clear his vision and the panic state that he was in after seeing Cuddy and their kid being swallowed by smoke just a few feet away from him. Slowly reaching his ears were soothing gentle voices and a soft touch on his left hand. He blinked a few times to try to recognize the voice and the tender touch on his own rough skin.

Now with his eyes a bit adjusted to the bright lights, he reluctantly followed the direction of the voice that was music to his disoriented bearings and his heart immediately settled down upon recognizing the owner of that angel's voice. The exhausted but relieved features of Lisa Cuddy was seen looming over his figure besides his bed and he felt her continued soothing actions rubbing the palms of his hand.

He was about to open his mouth to say something to her and to ask her about what happened and their son when he heard the woman beside him stop him from doing so by saying, "Sshhh, don't try to talk. Just rest." House tried to object to her gentle command but he felt that his body was too exhausted to actually have the will to do otherwise. Within seconds, he felt himself once again succumbed to darkness.

As soon as the man's breathing even out again, Lisa Cuddy released a sigh of relief and happiness. She still can't believe that House woke up from the one-week comatose state that he was in after being shot in his office by the husband of the diagnostician's former patient. The hospital's security personnel were able to bring the man down after shooting him on his legs and is now recovering in one of the high-security alert private rooms upstairs. The Dean of Medicine since then after hearing the shocking news that Gregory House was shot kept on her nightly vigil besides the bed of her hospital's biggest pain in the ass employee.

She couldn't explain it to herself why a sudden fear was enveloped deep within her heart upon knowing that she might not be able to hear again the man's sarcastic remarks about her medical objections to all his unorthodox medical procedures and playful comments about her body. The man has been part of her working life for nearly a decade and of her personal life for almost two decades. It was just impossible to imagine life without his constant annoying presence and if she was to be honest with herself, she knew that all these reasons were simply beautiful little lies she keeps on telling herself to stay away from the bitter truth that Lisa Cuddy loves this misanthropic jerk with all that is within her. She was fully aware of House's constant pull towards her elusive heart but it took this scary incident for her to finally admit to herself that she loves Gregory House and she can't do anything about it but to eventually just live with that fact. Denying and burying those feelings aren't enough anymore especially if the man himself won't have the chance to hear those confessions from her.

The hospital administrator was just mourning the death of her unborn child that House himself had helped with the fertility treatments and his unusual comments about her possible sperm donors when this sudden turn of events were brought upon her. That's why even if she knew that she will be the constant topic of her staff, she doesn't care. She needs to be by his side at all times because she won't be able to forgive herself if House dies or if the man wakes up from his coma without her near him. She knew that she is only setting herself to further pain and hurt as soon as the man will wake up since it was impossible for him to return her feelings. The diagnostician doesn't believe in emotional intimacy anymore after his infarction. He avoids all human connection from the people around him even from those who seem to care about him. He has this set of solid walls surrounding him that no one can penetrate.

But Cuddy also knows that deep down, House is still the man that she fell in love with all those years ago when they first met back at Michigan. Circumstances just made him this scared to open up to someone again. With hope in her heart, she was wishing that if she stood by him this time around, House will learn to trust her and maybe, to accept her love for him. She's not expecting him to return the feelings but her being besides him is enough for her.

Remembering the name and the panic state that House was in when he woke up brought some questions within the Dean of Medicine's mind. What was he thinking when he screamed her name like that? It's as if she was on his subconscious mind and based on his expressions when he said her name like that, it seems like she was in sort of a danger in his dreams. Was that even a good sign for her, him being that concern about her safety? She doesn't know what to really think or feel about this little scenario that she witnessed a few minutes ago. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she went to sit on the chair near his bed and kept holding his hand as if that alone is enough to make her established the limited contact she might have from the man. After all, when he wakes up, she can't stay by his side anymore without answering some important questions she isn't prepared to answer yet even to herself.

House soon finds himself awake now in the dark room with still the feeling of Cuddy's smooth hand wrapped on his own. He can hear her steady breathing as the woman was sleeping with her head down on his bed near where their hands were joined. She might be uncomfortable with her position seeing as she was only asleep in a hospital chair. He can't see her face much as her black hair was covering most of her lovely features.

Now staring at her, the diagnostician was able to recall the events that had led him on this part of this hospital. He remembered that he and his team were in the middle of a differential diagnosis when a man suddenly comes in asking them who Dr. House is. He even made a joke by pointing to Cameron first but the man obviously knows her and when, he said that he was skinny, even before he finished his words, he saw a gun pointed at him followed by a loud bang and the sting of the bullet that went through his stomach as he fell down on his office floor. Then, the man came nearer him to point the gun again towards him and fired another shot that went through his neck and then, his vision faded to black.

He was acutely confused as to the events that followed as he seem to recall that he did wake up a few days later on this same hospital room but it was not Cuddy's face that he saw. In fact, the first thing he remembered when he opened his eyes was that no one was holding his hand like this now but that there was just a person present near his bed. It was Cameron and then, some unusual events followed like him being able to walk again pain free when the Ketamine treatment he ordered from Cuddy temporarily worked; how in the short months that followed, his leg pain came back again and he was back on Vicodin again; how more months after, he loses his original team and how Cuddy forced him to hire new fellows; how Wilson fell in love with one of his fellows, Amber and how he was the one responsible for her early death; how he was drugged by Wilson to force him to attend his father's funeral; how he finds out about Cuddy trying to adopt a baby and how eventually, their first kiss after almost two decades happened when the adoption fell through; how one of his new fellows committed suicide; how he was admitted to a Psychiatric hospital after suffering from a shameful delusions that he finally slept with Cuddy again; how he got out months after only to find out that Cuddy was seeing the PI guy he hired before; the constant struggle he did to get Cuddy's attention; the crane incident that finally brought him and Cuddy together; the short months that he was in a relationship with Cuddy that made him unusually happy; how after his relapse when Cuddy got sick, the woman broke up with him and the destructive behavioral patterns he indulged himself with to escape his pain from losing Cuddy and the incident that brought him and Cuddy to be physically separated by millions of miles away when he chose to escape to a foreign land; how after months of not seeing each other, he saw Cuddy and knew about the tiny person they created and their plans to try again and finally be a family until he was on his way up to bring their baby home and saw Cuddy and their son being enveloped by the smoke brought upon by the sudden explosion that occurred in front of him.

All these events and confusing vivid scenarios kept on playing on his mind as he tried to calm down himself when he realized that everything was just part of his over-active subconscious mind while he was in a comatose state. Nothing had happened but it took several minutes for the world-renowned Diagnostician, Dr. Gregory House to realize that everything wasn't real. He did not have an intimate relationship with his boss nor did he share a son with her. After contemplating all these, he wasn't sure what to exactly feel, if he's supposed to feel relieved that he didn't actually hurt Cuddy but also disappointed that he never got to actually be that close to her even in a short period of months.

Taking a deep breath, he went to raise his right hand towards Cuddy to gently brush off her hair that is covering her face. He wanted to observe her this up-close knowing that he didn't actually had the chance to be closed to her and everything was just part of his figment of imagination while his mind was trying to escape the reality of being in a floating state.

Now, he really did regret that he wasn't given the chance to be with her. But also, knowing all those painful events that followed between them, he was a bit grateful that those weren't real and that now, he can actually prevent those from actually happening. When Cuddy's lovely face was actually revealed to him, he went on to touch her cheeks with the slightest of pressure as to not to wake her. He wanted to have this quiet time observing her while she is still deeply engrossed in her lala land. He knew that as soon as she wakes up, she no longer will be at his side and that they will resume to be back to just being boss and employee.

He's not sure as to why she chose to stay by his side for days as judging by the bristles of facial hairs he had when he touched his cheeks, he knew that he must have been out for at least 3 days or more before he woke up. Why is Cuddy by his side and judging by the visible lines below her eyes, he knew that she must have spent a lot of time near his bed side? Why is she here? Is this purely out of guilt seeing that he was shot within her hospital or is there something more? There was no doubt on his mind that once maybe, Cuddy might have felt something for him way back when they spent a brief period of time together in Michigan and with the way she does interact with him at work, he knew that somehow, she might have liked him, too. But is there more to that enough for her to stay by his side?

Gregory House's mind was in overdrive mode as he tried to come up with a plausible reason to explain this odd behavior from his boss. Truly, Cuddy might not have the same feelings towards him, right? He wasn't even sure if his feelings for her run that deep as his subconscious mind had conjured up with enough for him to consider marrying her and to give her the century-old engagement ring that he carries with him every day and that is securely kept within the secret pockets of his backpack that he brings to work on a daily basis. He went to scan the room for the said backpack as clearly the content of it is of that much importance not only to him but to his whole family as well.

After scanning the room, he saw that the said thing was actually on top of the small table to his right side, opposite to where Cuddy was sitting (or sleeping).

Taking away his hand from Cuddy's face, he slowly reached out for his backpack to check if the heirloom was still where he kept it. That was too precious for him as it was given to him by his mother as soon as he turned 18 and as based from the stories he heard from his relatives, that had been passed on to the first-born males of the House' family for generations.

Also recalling the incident on his dreams when the ring had appeared, he knew that if he wants to finally be happy for once, he needs to make that huge step towards his and Cuddy's lives that will incessantly changed as soon as he will have the courage to confess his secret love for this amazing woman that is now by miracle (or by chance since he doesn't believe in other deities), on his side.

Opening the bag, he carefully extracted from its hidden pocket the treasured gem that was kept inside its original wooden jewelry box. The stone is as perfect as he remembered it the last time he brought it out to inspect it. His still confused mind recalled the day when he brought this century-old piece of gem again from its confinement. It was actually just a few weeks ago when he found out about Cuddy's attempt to carry a baby through IVF.

He was so surprise to discover that the ever tough and fearless Dean of Medicine, actually had the desire any other woman would want to, that is to become a mother. He knew that as tough as the woman can be hiding behind her professional success, Lisa Cuddy is afterall, first and foremost a normal woman that wants a normal life with a family to share her success with. Seeing that her duties as hospital administrator and also one of the two people who can actually keep him in line apart from his best friend, Wilson, her chance to actually have a man by her side is slim to none. So, eventually, she might have thought that her last chance to have a bit of normalcy in her life is to have a baby to raise of her own. Acquiring that goal with the natural way seems impossible also so she settled for the next available option, that is through IVF.

He might have been quite an ass towards her during the time that she had seek for his help about his medical opinions towards her chosen sperm donors and the obvious fun he was having helping where with her fertility treatments, but deep inside, his heart and mind were in conflicting thoughts. He knew that if the woman becomes successful with her goal, he no longer be having her attention much as surely, her baby will have them all and he can't accept that. The mere thought of her having to carry a stranger's baby is enough to make his blood boil.

When he did tell her in the clinic's exam room to find someone she likes, his heart was hoping that Cuddy will finally approach him to ask him to father her child. What confusing thoughts he had when he finally saw her entering his office that afternoon to maybe ask him that vital question and then, he felt his heart sink in disappointment and defeat when she seemed to change her mind during the last minute that they stared into each other's eyes.

When he went home that day at his apartment, he carefully retrieved the wooden crest he had below his bed where this heirloom was kept all this years when his mother first gave it to him. And then, since then, he took that small wooden jewelry box with the most treasured gem inside locked in the secret pocket of his backpack which he carries around in the hospital in the hopes of maybe, he'll finally have the courage to take it out and tell the one woman that kept him on the line for years at work to take a chance with him and be the recipient of that ring.

He was actually carrying the said item in his backpack for a week before this shooting incident occurred and now, he was once again staring at the brilliance of the diamond sparkling in the dark room where he and the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with are. He knew that the time has come for him to make that decision and to brace himself to the answer that he might get from this lovely woman near him now.

And then, just as he was about to shot the lid of the jewelry box, the diagnostician also just started to notice that in the all the time that he was awake, though he was aware that he was still hooked up with morphine, he knew that it's impossible for him not to feel pain at all on this damaged leg. But, now after carefully contemplating it for a few good minutes, he came to the conclusion that it doesn't hurt at all. He can feel a bit of a throbbing pain on the parts where he knew he was shot but what is mostly surprising was that the part where he's expecting to feel pain the worst isn't exactly triggering pain to his brain. The pain in his damaged leg was completely gone. But feeling it through the thin hospital sheets covering his thighs, he knew that the giant hole was still there but the pain there was completely gone.

Could this mean what he's actually thinking now? He did seem to recall that he was able to tell Cameron to pass the message to Cuddy that he wants to be given Ketamine when he was being wheeled into the OR. So, maybe they did put him into a chemically induced-coma to inject the Ketamine treatment he requested to be administered to him. And feeling that there is no pain now means that the treatment worked. It worked. He went to move his feet to further proof that the pain was completely gone.

The sudden movement might have been enough to bring Cuddy out of her peaceful slumber as she begins to stir from her position. Slowly, House went to turn his gaze towards her direction and kept on observing her every little move as she went to open her eyes to also stare back at him. He saw that Cuddy registered a bit of a surprise behind her features when she caught him staring at her. And then, she brought her right hand to rub her eyes to maybe wake herself more. And then, a small timid smile can be seen plastered on her face followed by her soft greeting, "Hi."

"Hi." House also answered, still staring intensely at her. He then saw that her cheeks is slowly turning to red due to his stares maybe. Internally, he was congratulating himself that he seems to have that effect on her.

They just kept drowning themselves into each other gazes when Cuddy spoke again trying to hide her discomfort, "How are you feeling?" Her smile is still evident on her expression.

"Just still a bit drowsy but I'm feeling good." The man answered still tracing every contours of her lovely face with his ocean blues. Then, he went to ask what he was trying to contemplate a few minutes ago, "How long was I out? Did they administer the Ketamine?" His features turned serious as he really wanted to know the mystery behind his leg being pain free.

Lisa Cuddy, on the other hand was now really feeling conscious seeing as House seems to study her every reaction and doing more than his usual staring on her. She was starting to feel uncomfortable with it, not knowing how to properly interpret this unusual behavior from the man in front of her. Then, upon hearing his questions, she tried to compose herself to answer him, "You were out for a week and yes, we did administer the treatment you requested."

"Oh, good. It worked then as I no longer feel any pain on my damaged leg." A sigh of relief was let out as House took in this piece of information. Then, he continued, "Thank you…. for everything and for…. for being here."

As soon as Cuddy heard this, she let out a gasp and then, without conscious thoughts, she went to touch House on this cheeks with her other hand that wasn't currently locked with those of the man as both of them seem not to have the strength to break that contact that they established. "That's great, House." While still intensely locking her gaze with his, her hands lingered for a few seconds on his scruffy skin before the Dean realized what she was doing and then, just as quickly as she placed her hand there, she went to pull out but was stopped by the man himself.

House took Cuddy's hand and brought it to his lips to give it a gentle kiss and he saw the surprise registered on her face but she didn't try to pull it away from him. Still holding it within his grasp, he brought it down to be placed on top on his chest to let her feel his beating heart and then said, "Cuddy…" This is it, House. Your make or break decision. Go for it, man.

House heard his mind talked to him to give him the final encouragement he needs to make this woman in front of him his forever. Taking a deep breath and not breaking their established eye contact, he recited what every other House males had recited to their chosen women to one Lisa Cuddy, "I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. Marry me?"

As soon as the words were out, Lisa Cuddy was left speechless by this sudden and unexpected turn of events. A surprised gasp was elicited from her lips as her brain tried to give a plausible explanation to the words she heard that was uttered by the man she loves. Where did this come from? Is she dreaming? If she is, she hopes that she won't wake up soon from this wonderful scenario. God, this is too lovely to end soon. She closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath to maybe calm down her over active brain first before she will actually scold herself for allowing such amazing but so unreal scenario to conjure in her mind.

But then, she felt something slipped into her ring finger and she was brought out of her reverie by the man's voice himself, "You don't have to answer me yet. I know that…."

The Dean of Medicine went to look down on her ring finger to see the most beautiful diamond ring she saw sparkling and perfectly adorning her hands that is still within the man's grasp and she couldn't have prevented herself from answering even if her life depended on it, "Yes…." Tears were beginning to form in her grey orbs and seeing the stunned expression of the man in front of her only made her cry in joy more when she felt herself trying to smile despite her vision being clouded by her tears. "Yes, House. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." This time around, her voice was firmer as she kept on locking her grey orbs to House's ocean blues.

Then, almost immediately, she saw the man's eyes lit up and sparkle upon hearing her words. The, she felt him brought his hand to cup her cheeks to wash away her tears and she leans in to his tender touch. She closed her eyes as soon as she saw House' face approaching near hers and within seconds, their lips met to seal the promise they made for each other.

There you go. This is the end of my first and probably, the one and only #Huddy fic. Thank you so much, #Huddies for sticking with me till the end. I just absolutely love House and Cuddy and for me, they are and always will be the best TV Couple of all-time.

For a more thorough view of their journey, a dear friend from Greece prepared this GREAT #HUDDY TRIBUTE Video for all of us to enjoy, cry and reminisce House and Cuddy's complicated yet uncommon relationship from Season 1 to Season 7. Here - http:/www. youtube. com/watch?v=3kGZ6WbgbfY - .. THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear ELECTRA for this perfect depiction summary of Drs. Gregory House and Lisa Cuddy's unique journey.

