FINAL CHAPTER! Much as I'll be relieved to have finished this, I can't quite believe it's over ;u; Enjoy a ridiculously short ending, people. Oh yeah, and the village name doesn't actually have hyphens in it, FF just wouldn't let me post it as one word :/

Chapter 14: The Update That Concludes Our Tale

If the nations thought they were getting the same lie-in on Sunday they'd had the day previously, they could think again – Evan banged on every door at six.
"Breakfast in half an hour, we're leaving at in an hour! Shake your legs!"

The dance had ended at about midnight, and most people had stayed awake long after that. Four hours of sleep just wasn't enough for some. Breakfast was mostly quiet, because everyone was too busy glugging coffee to chat. Once settled onto the coach (an hour later than originally planned), some promptly fell back to sleep, while others were excessively loud to make up for everyone else.

Evan sat in the back again; the row of five seats had been dubbed 'The Kirkland Row'.
"You know, my proper surname isn't really Kirkland," James was telling Bella, who was dozing off in his lap. "In my own government, they call me James MacDonald."
"Do you all have other names?" America piped up, from the row in front of them, to the left. Natalya was beside him again (she was probably going to have to put up with him falling asleep on her shoulder in an hour).
"Our surname is Murphy," declared Aoife and Cian in unison.
"And my other name is Evan Davies." Evan grinned. "I wanted to go to so many other places. Electric Mountain, South Stack Lighthouse... there's one village that I really wanted to take you lot to. I wanted to see if you could pronounce it, Alfred."
"Oh yeah? What is it?"


"It means 'St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near the rapid whirlpool and the church of St Tysilio with a red cave'."

Suddenly Arthur's phone buzzed, and he discreetly checked it.

To: Arthur
From: Francis~ ;)
Why do you always leave me alooooooone, Angleterre?

To: Francis~ ;)
From: Arthur
Stop being such a drama queen. When's your flight back to Frogland?

To: Arthur
From: Francis~ ;)
Eleven p.m. But I don't really want to go~

Arthur reddened slightly, and shook his head as he typed: do you want to stay at my house?

To: Arthur
From: Francis~ ;)
Ooh, yes please~! Merci mon cher xxxx

By the time the coach had reached the motorway, a number of interesting things had happened: Finland had shouted "WHERE ARE MY GLOVES?" in his sleep so loudly that Norway in front of him, also asleep, had punched Denmark beside him in the face. India had asked Hungary for the umpteenth time to tell the whole story of her and Austria's wedding back in 1867, grinning like a child at storytime even though it was technically a political arrangement - she still couldn't get over the fact that Austria had given a toast to Hungary from her shoe. Romano, armed with tomatoes, had lobbed one of the red missiles at Germany, but it had hit Netherlands instead, and the taller boy thought it was Spain that had thrown it, resulting in a throwing battle that included a packet of Polo mints, a plastic box of churros and Netherlands' pipe. Latvia was so engrossed in his latest romance novel that he didn't notice Poland painting the nails of his left hand and Estonia recording it on his phone. It would be an... energetic journey, but hadn't the last seven days been exactly that?

Heracles was already asleep, Kiku noticed with a smile. Feeling around in his rucksack for his mobile phone, he pulled out a notebook and remembered that he had planned to keep a diary of the trip but had forgotten. Well, what better time to write it than now? It was seven hours back to London Heathrow.

Dear Diary,

This is Honda Kiku. I am on a coach, just like in my previous entry, but it is not the same journey. In fact, it has been one week and half an hour in a hostel with 35 other nations since my previous entry, and so many things have happened. I have made many new discoveries about my fellow nations, especially the ones i had not met before. Elizabeta-kun was right when she said that trips like these were "breeding grounds" for relationships - five relationships were started between last week and now! Including... Heracles and I... I have much to write.

But first...

Kiku shut the notebook and took out his phone. He logged into Facebook, just as he had a week before, and made one small change to his profile. Then he pocketed his phone with a smile.

Kiku Honda is in a relationship with Heracles Karpusi
35 people like this

Cheesy ending is cheesy DX

That's it for Waiting and Updating, folks! But I can't end without saying a huge thank you to lots of people: Beloved of Eirean, who sent that PM I needed to get writing again after Chapter 12! Also, to ma cherie Nutty Nerd, who patiently helped me when I had writers block too many times to mention :3

And of course, anyone who reviewed, favourited, added this story to their Story Alerts, hell, even READ this, you all have my most sincere thanks! I could never have written fourteen chapters without your support. Do congratulate yourselves :D

LiechLiet will be back, hopefully with another multi-chapter fic soon ;D