A/N Dave Days is the best thing in my life right now. If you've never heard of him, look him up on YouTube! . . . Right after you read this.

So I basically just did every character that came to mind and gave them a sentence or two.

Current Character Count: 54

And a little heads up: Look out for my Father's day One-Shot to be published sometime tomorrow.


Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon
The title he has means nothing without memories to go with it.

Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena
She was hiding under more than just the hat.

Grover Underwood, Satyr
How did he get to find the four most powerful Half-Bloods?

Juniper, Wood Nymph
Grover is sweet and innocent and naive. That worries her.

Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus
The Hunters were her escape, but not from the Prophecy.

Luke Castellan, Son of Hermes
In Elysium, he thinks about all of his 'What Ifs.'

Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades
He. Is. Not. Alone.

Bianca di Angelo, Hunter of Artemis
She just didn't want to be remembered as the older sister.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Oracle of Delphi
Just because Percy was her gateway to this world doesn't mean she didn't like him.

Clarisse la Rue, Daughter of Ares
She saved him . . . But just because she happened to be there.

Chris Rodriguez, Son of Hermes
He didn't realize what - who - he was leaving behind.

Tyson the Cyclops, Son of Poseidon
Eating peanut butter makes him feel almost normal.

Lee Fletcher, Son of Apollo
He will not be forgotten.

Connor Stoll, Son of Hermes
Why does everyone like Travis better?

Travis Stoll, Son of Hermes
The chocolate bunnies were his idea . . . Shh.

Michael Yew, Son of Apollo
If he could, he would strike a truce with Clarisse.

Katie Gardner, Daughter of Demeter
She actually thought the bunnies were cute . . . 'Til they melted.

Charles Beckendorf, Son of Hephaestus
He knew full well what he was getting into and the danger it held.

Silena Beauregard, Daughter of Aphrodite
She died a hero. End of story.

Will Solace, Son of Apollo
He has gigantic shoes to fill.

Ethan Nakamura, Son of Nemesis
He likes to think he made a difference.

Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter
He always knew he didn't fit in.

Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite
She wants to make real memories.

Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus
His powers will build, not destroy.

Festus the Dragon, Automaton
He loves Leo, really, but he'll never be Beckendorf.

Gleeson Hedge, Satyr
He was born to protect, and so he shall. At all costs.

Drew, Daughter of Aphrodite
She wasn't always this mean.

Butch, Son of Iris
Rainbows and Ponies. He isn't gonna lie, it ain't easy.

Jake Mason, Son of Hephaestus
How do you replace the guy who blew up the boat?

Zoë Nightshade, Lt. of Artemis
The stars were always her favorite things.

Calypso, Daughter of Atlas
She just wants one to consider staying behind.

Chiron, Centaur
It's hard having to sit and watch, never act.

Sally Blofis, Mortal
It's a gift and a curse, the damn Sight.

Paul Blofis, Mortal
He's just glad to know Percy isn't a demonic psycho.

Zeus, Lord of the Sky
Being King is a stressful job.

Poseidon, Lord of the Sea
His family is more important than his palace.

Hades, Lord of the Dead
He felt alone, but maybe things are changing.

Hera, Goddess of Marriage
Everything will never be perfect.

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
She tries not to blow the Sea Spawn to smithereens . . . It's quite difficult.

Ares, God of War
He doesn't need war, it's just the only thing he knows.

Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture
She's tried, but she can never really forgive Hades.

Hermes, God of Travelers
He hopes that by traveling, he can escape his problems.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Ironic that what she stands for, she cannot find.

Hephaestus, God of the Forge
He stopped trusting people when Mom threw him off the mountain.

Dionysus, God of Wine
He knows all of their names. He always has.

Apollo, God of Music
Because "Stay away from my big sister!" just doesn't sound the same.

Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Eternal virginity is harder than you think.

Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth
She doesn't need to be famous.

Persephone, Goddess of Spring
Hades isn't that bad after all.

Kronos, Titan of Time
You never forget being chopped into pieces by your own son.

Prometheus, Titan of Forethought
How did he pick the losing side?

Atlas, Titan of Endurance
The pain of the sky is nothing compared to a family betrayal.

Hyperion, Titan of Light
He knows now how the Daughter of Zeus felt.

Gaia, Mother Earth
She is tired of sleeping.


A/N Yupp. I'm pretty happy with this. Hey, if I forgot anyone important, please tell me. I might add them.

Peace, Love, and Pokemon-