Title: Fox's Red Dawn

Category: Naruto

Rated: M

Genre: Action/Adventure/Humor

Warnings: Language(Hidan Mainly), Blood

Summary: The Akatsuki is on the move now with… Naruto on their side? What's going on? The inevitable; this is what you get Konoha. SasuNaru

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters affiliated with the aforementioned series. This goes for all chapters because I am lazy and forgetful.


Sakura blew air angrily out her nose as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. "Where is he?" she finally snapped. Kakashi looked up from his book briefly before going back to reading.

"Maa Sakura-chan, he'll be here soon." the Jonin said although on the inside, he was worried as well. By this time, the blond would be up and ready to try to woo his pink haired student, despite his slightly odd attitude since his third student fled the village. The young boy didn't seem as optimistic lately, often slipping up and saying something to put the ex-Anbu at unease. He would mutter things like 'death to them all' or even smile sadistically when they beat the targets of their missions. His eyes were more narrowed, always shinning with dark mischief, his nails were sharper, his already abnormal fangs were longer and sharper, and the whisker markings on his cheeks were slightly darker. Small changes but Kakashi noticed them all. With all the odd things happening with the Jinchuuriki, Kakashi was afraid to leave the boy by himself.

And being two hours late was really not helping.

"K-Kakashi-sensei?" eventually came the somewhat timid and worried tone of his only present Genin.

"Yes Sakura?"

"Came we go look for Naruto now?"

"Hai. I'll check his house, you go check Ichiraku." Without a word, the young girl was off, taking to the roof tops to get to the ramen stand quicker. Kakashi closed his book with a snap and disappeared with a poof. 'I have a bad feeling about this.'


When the gray haired ninja arrived at Naruto's apartment complex, things were quiet. Too quiet. He climbed the stairs only to find bloody footprints leading to the blond's door. His heart started to pound. 'Calm down Kakashi. You know that boy is too proud to die. He still has to bring Sasuke back.' It was a pathetic line of thought to cling to but it helped anyway. He put his gloved hand out to open the door but the door creaked opened without him having to turn the handle. He stepped in and followed the bloody foot prints that stopped right in the middle of the hallway to the blond's room. The bathroom door was open, the medicine cabinet cracked open just a little. He continued his way down to the boy's bedroom to see the open first aid kit along with more blood that dripped onto the floor. In the center of the bed was a note written in red ink. As he got closer his eye widened. 'That's not ink. That's Naruto's blood!' He carefully grabbed the note and scanned it quickly.

To whoever finds this,

We have taken Naru-chan away. He doesn't belong there in the God forsaken village. Did you know that he almost got raped yesterday? Tobi took care of the bad guys though so you don't have to worry. He's delicate! You can't just treat him any kind of way! Hopefully, Naru-chan will never have to see you guys again!

There at the bottom corner of the paper was a little red cloud.


Tsunade shifted uncomfortably in her chair for umpteenth time; something just didn't feel right today. As if on cue, Kakashi burst through the door, panting and looking overall worried and horrified. Without any warning, he shoved a piece of paper under her nose. "The Akatsuki have taken Naruto!"

It all came crashing down on her like a ton of bricks. She read the note over and over, trying to see if there was a mistake but the words never changed. "Shizune! Assemble a tracking team immediately!"

"Yes Milady!"

"Kakashi, you're going to as team leader. You leave as soon as everyone is ready. Dismissed."


"You know Naru-chan," Tobi chirped happily, "you look very pretty when you're asleep." The blond said nothing, given his state of unconscious. The masked man looked up at the huge boulder and fazed himself in with the blond. "Tobi's back! And he brought Naru-chan with him!" The missing ninja were already gathered in the center of the room, standing in a circle. "So what does Pein-sama what Tobi to do with Naru-chan?"

"Set him down Tobi." the orange haired man ordered. The orange clad blond was placed carefully on the ground in the middle of the circle as ordered and the masked man took his place in the empty spot. The sole woman of the group sunk to her knees and ran her green glowing hands up and down his still figure. A soft groan was admitted from the boy as blue eyes flickered open and he sat up slowly.

"Where…? Where am I?" He blinked a couple times and looked around before gasping and backing away from the Akatsuki leader. "What…! Why am I here?" He looked around some more, gathering that he was in the middle of a circle. "Why am I not Konoha?"

"Because you're staying here, little one." He recognized the voice as Itachi's and growled.

"Restrain him." Before he knew it, blue hands grabbed his arms and kept them behind his back. The blond tried to struggle but the blue skinned Akatsuki member kept him where he was. "Now, drop the act. We have a proposition for you, Naruto."


I snorted mentally; proposition my ass. They're probably just going to say if I don't struggle and they'll make it as pain(ful)less as possible. Sadistic assholes. I look up and guess what; all of them are watching me. Damn. "Okay, you caught me." My voice is a couple octaves higher and I have like a… proper accent. Where I got it, don't ask. My parents are six feet under. "What kind of proposition do you have for blond little me that doesn't include dying?"

"Join us, Naruto. We've seen how you're treated in Konoha and it's not the type of treatment for someone with your kind of power and potential. Especially after what almost happened last not; it was surprising though. That didn't seem like you at all." Oi! Where the hell does he get off judging me when I barely even know him? The one with the white hair snickered at me.

"Dumbass mortal."

"Oi, shut your mouth you stupid dunce! You sound like those pathetic wannabe mafia bosses!" I smirked when he started turning red.

"I am nothing like those heathens, you cunt!"

"You sure don't act like it!"

"Well you sound like one of those prissy proper people!"

"At least I have class unlike someone."


"That's enough, both of you." Man I hated this guy's purple eyes; they were so fucking creepy! "Especially you Hidan; he's a child and you're a grown man." Damnit, he's looking at me again. "Now, what is your answer?" Hm, good question. I'm guessing if I say no, they'll chain me up somewhere until they get the other Jinchuuriki. If I say yes, I'll just be stuck with these guys until I die which isn't anytime soon according to Kyuubi. So either way I'm fucked. Great. I sighed. Oh well, either was better than Konoha.

"Well sitting in a cage, waiting until you guys stop pussyfooting around and capture the other eight Jinchuuriki doesn't sound like any fun. Also you people are so dull and emotionless, it's creepy so I officially accept the mission of making this organization somewhat bearable." I declared. There was silence for a while but I didn't care. When I first met Sasuke, talking to a brick wall was more entertaining and fruitful than talking to him. A chuckle sounded from behind me and I looked back to see Kisame laughing. "May I please be informed of what's so funny?" He grinned at me.

"I find it hilarious that a kid like you would want us, a criminal organization, to be happy."

"Well, it's just boring around here. Adults are just so serious all the time so I feel you need the change."I stated matter of factly. "Now could you please let me go? My arms are starting to numb, Kisame." The leader guy nodded and I sighed in relief as the pressure left my limbs.


"Hidan, take Naruto to his room. We'll hold a meeting for introductions later." Pein ordered as the blond nodded and went to follow the Jashin follower. He yelped when he was hefted over said man's should. "What the hell? Put me down!"

"We can't have you running loose." the Jashinist replied.

"I'm serious! Put me down!" There was a moment of silence before a gasp and another shout. "I know what this is, you rapist!" A dramatic yell. "Help! Somebody help me! He's going to rape me! My innocence! He's going to deflower me! OH, THE HORROR!" There was another yelp and thud before more shouting.

"A rapist! Me? I'm not a rapist, fuckface! Even if I were one, I would be raping your fugly ass!"

"Fugly! Have you taking a look in the mirror lately! Or you just don't since you know it will break because you're SO! DAMN! UGLY!"

Pein groaned as they started a new round of yelling. "I'm starting to think that this was not a good idea." Konan stood next to him.

"We'll everyone seems entertained." she said. It was true Kisame and Deidara were leaning over each other laughing, Sasori and Itachi bore small smirks, and Kakuzu and Zetsu were chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, I guess so."