So glad so many of you are enjoying this. Really glad. Thanks to all my reviewers for your comments. Means a lot guys.

Ok, so here's chapter 4. Enjoy!

, , , , , , , , , change in time

. . . . . . . . . change in place


The days had passed by relatively trouble free, especially if one compared them to previous happenings. Over the past few days since the last surprise attack, courtesy of a certain arachnoid, Jim had found himself evermore under the watchful eye of John Silver; in fact, the only time he was ever left alone was when the cyborg took care of his own duties in the galley. Such as at the moment. Jim had expected a job from the older man 'to keep him out of trouble' while he wasn't watching him, becoming rather surprised, to say the least, when he was told to get some rest. He hadn't argued the point, of course, accepting the seemingly rare downtime he had been given. It just came as a shock to him. The teenager placed a foot on the deck, gently rocking his hammock, staring at the slip of cloth above him. He was alone in the crew's quarters, the other sailors making merry in the mess hall no doubt. Silver was probably telling one of his stories right now, entertaining the crew with tales of adventure or legend from across the galaxy before he started his shift on watch. Jim smiled to himself a little. Who knew how much the old cyborg had seen in his life. He didn't even know how old the Ursid was. Over the past month, Jim had noticed that he was warming up to the cyborg, and vice versa (thought Silver wouldn't admit it). He'd learned knew skills through the older man, and rekindled some of the older ones. Briefly, thoughts of what it would be like back home after this adventure flashed through his mind. What could he do with the skills he'd picked up? Become a sailor, like his father? No. No, he promised himself that he wouldn't follow in that man's footsteps. He couldn't leave his mother the way his father had left them. Sighing, the teenager closed his eyes, batting away the thoughts and allowing himself to relax into the thin, strong cloth holding him off the deck, allowing himself to drift into sleep.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

No more than half an hour had passed by before the teen was woken by something. Eyes cracking open, he stared at the far wall, vaguely aware of the barrels and crates that lined it. Dim starlight shone through the hatchway, illuminating the area and drawing out the shadows. Sighing, he turned onto his back, wiping a hand down his face. Why had he woken up in the first place? His eyes snapped open when he received his answer in the form of a very recognisable hiss. No, not him. Anyone but him. He would even prefer fighting that four armed behemoth who had shoved him out of the way on his first day than him. Just lay still, Jim. Maybe he hasn't even seen you. Maybe he wants nothing more than sleep. Maybe... All train of thought left him as the familiar skittering sound of the arachnoid's legs seemed to slow, and get closer. Jim gulped, willing himself to sink into the fabric of the hammock. Pass by, please pass by... Luck seemed to have left him alone at that moment in time, as he found himself staring up into glowing yellow eyes. Oh no...

"Cabin boy." That was all the warning he was going to receive as the arachnoid suddenly pounced, wrapping a claw around the teenager's throat and hoisting him out of the hammock faster than the boy could blink. Before Jim knew what was happening, he found himself pinned against the wall, struggling against the vicelike grip of Scroop's crab like claw. He tried shouting for help, only for the arachnoid to clamp his other claw over his mouth, stifling the sound before it could be heard. Jim kicked out at him, trying to pry the claws away with his bare hands, much to Scroop's amusement.

"Keep ssstrugglin', boy. It'll only make it more fun for me..." The leer on his mandibles had returned with a vengeance, the yellow orbs that were his eyes seeming to grow darker. He pressed in against the struggling form of the teenager, ignoring the kicks to his abdomen and the muffled yells. Very soon, he had Jim's legs pinned against the wall, with only his arms free. He chuckled darkly, loving the fear that filled the boy's eyes as his struggles became more desperate. Leaving go of the boy's throat, he dragged his claw down his chest suggestively, shushing him in mock comfort as he pulled his shirt up. Jim felt tears of fear prick his eyes as he struggled against the monster. There was no doubt in his mind what the arachnoid wanted now, and there was no one around to help him. He found his mind calling for Silver, pleading with some deity that the cyborg would appear and rescue him. He felt a tear roll down his cheek as the arachnoid continued to toy with him, that smirk plastered on his face the whole time. Fear was replaced by desperation as the claw slipped lower towards his belt. No! He wouldn't win! He dropped one hand from its place on the red arm that gagged him at the moment, curling it into a fist. He could feel Scroop pressing himself into him. Desperation and fear gave him a renewed strength and vigour, slamming his fist into Scroop's face with as much force as he could muster in the close proximity. The arachnoid cried out in shock, loosening his grip in his surprise. Jim took his chance, twisting his head to release his mouth, biting down on the claw... hard. Scroop yelled in pain, throwing the teenager to the deck and nursing his injured extremity. He glared at the teenager, a growled hiss escaping his mouth.

"Why you little...You'll pay for that!" Jim didn't waste any time, scrambling to his feet before the arachnoid could pin him again, grabbing the first thing he could, in this case a lantern, bringing it down on the spider as he pounced once more. The lantern smashed against his shoulder, the glass biting into the hard exoskeleton ever so slightly, the impact catching the spider off guard. He crumpled to the floor, claw grasping the injured shoulder as he glared at the already retreating teen. Now, this meant war.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jim ran for all he was worth across the top deck, wiping angrily at tears that dared to stray from his eyes. He couldn't believe it! That creep! He had tried didn't bear thinking about. He all but leapt down the hatchway and into the safety of the galley, glad to find it was empty. He couldn't bear seeing anyone at the moment. He was so ashamed of himself, for reasons unknown. It wasn't his fault that spider psycho was more whacked out than he first thought. He ducked down between barrels of purps, hugging his knees to his chest, trying to fathom what had just happened. He felt the tears slip unabashed down his cheeks. Why him? Why had that psycho chosen him? For the first time since his father left, he felt helpless and lost. What was he going to do? They still had...heaven knows how long until they reached their destination. Was this what it was going to be like for the remainder of the journey? Jim found himself trembling, burying his face into his knees and allowing the tears to flow. He should tell someone about this. But how? And who? What would they think of him? What would Silver think of him? He sobbed into his knees at that thought, all pride seeming to shrivel away to the smallest speck. It had been his pride that had stopped him from telling anyone about Scroop before this, stupidly thinking he could handle it himself. But tonight? That had been far too much for the teenager to take. What would Silver think of him if he saw him like this? He had come to see the cyborg as the father-figure his life presently lacked. Would he turn him away? He stared out through the latticed window at the star speckled Etherium, losing himself to his thoughts, the tears still falling from his eyes. Very soon, however, exhaustion caught up with the teenager, pushing aside the sudden fears and pulling at his mind. He found he was simply too tired to move from this new hiding spot, deciding instead to curl up in what little space he had allowed himself, drifting into a none too peaceful slumber.

(Cue dramatic music)

Hope you all enjoyed that! Constructive criticism is always welcome.