Disclaimer: I still don't own Black Lagoon or any of its characters… *cries*

For the best review-ees: Stardiouses, ImperialGuard202, esmeralda kitty cat, pretzelboy, Darth Nylson544, D-rae, Rocketfist and ChronoMitsurugi! *hugs*

I got inspired by my last review from Stardiouses to continue! Much love, thanks!

SO, let's get a glimpse on how the rest of Roanapur will react to this little boy!






They drive down the main road, not really minding the speed as they cruise through the streets -police hardly bites down on speeding here. The wind felt great through Revy's open window and the rest of the car got blasted with a continuous flurry of humid but cool wind.

At certain parts of the city, especially near Sawyer-The-Cleaner's workshop, Rock would say, "Okay, Andie, close your eyes and count to ten!" if only to spear the boy mental-trauma for another day.

At the last turn-off before taking the road up to the Rip-off Church, Revy slows the car when she hears the clatter of gun-fire in an alley up ahead. She doesn't want to take another route if she can help it, since the other route takes them into a half-hour drive through the mountains, so she lets the car drive on at a more sensible speed –just in case they need a quick U-turn.

A bullet suddenly flies through the front shield at hits the window right next to Rock's head, bursting it into pieces.

Revy slams on the breaks, her face suddenly livid. She snaps around and gives Andrix a quick once-over. Other than covered in glass, he seemed okay. "Are you alright?"

He seemed to be preoccupied by brushing the broken glass off his Snake Eyes GI-Joe figurine. But Revy doesn't wait for an answer though, she's out the car.

Apparently all the thoughts of making a U-turn and hightailing it through the mountains flew out of the car along with the bullet that ripped through the windows.

"Wait- Revy!" Rock wants to say 'Hey, it's Roanapur. This is part of the community's attractions…' but he knows, it won't work.

Revy might not have maternal instincts… but she does have a killer's instinct.

"Who the fuck did that?!" she yells, causing everyone in the street to suddenly start disappearing into shops and off the street. Her first Cutlass already drawn, she fires two warning shots into the air.

"Oh, sorry," it's Mr. Chang, he steps out of the alley with a semi-sheepish look on his face, "I was -"

By now, all of Chang's Tri-Ad posse had also emerged from the alley and now had their guns trained on both Revy and the shot-up car… but Chang waves them off, knowing this whole situation would blow over in a minute – if Revy didn't decide to take some more drastic action, that is.

"My son is in the fucking car, sir moron!" she doesn't let up, drawing her cutlass and aiming them squarely at her mentor.

"Andrix?" Mr. Chang repeats and looks over her shoulder. It was unusual to see Revy's boy in Roanapur... she usually keeps him at home, at the docks or at the Rip-off church... she's been strangely protective of this new edition of her life, so most of the city wasn't even aware of this new development...

The young boy waves happily back, his face smushed by shoving it between the car door and driver's seat headrest, "Hi, uncle Chang!"

"You're talking to me, asshole!" she fires off a round just as an attention-getter.

"I was just finishing up Bulgarian territory-crises," Chang says with a nonchalant wave of the hand and shrugs, "Just a little game of cat and mouse…"

"Is uncle Chang going to come with us?" Andrix calls through the open driver's window, bouncing up and down. THAT's what you get for letting the kid drink four glasses of grape juice.

"Uncle Chang would be lucky if I don't show him what colour his brain is!" Revy growls, her one eye twitching.

"Aww, Revy's got some motherly-instincts!" Chang laughs and holsters his Beretta's.

Andrix opens his door and runs clear across the road, almost every Roanapur-ian scattering on site. Ever since Revy became a mommy, nobody was sure how it was possible, but MOMMY Revy got even MORE gun-crazy. So, in interest of not becoming holey, not being in the line of sight would be the best remedy.

"Hey, how're you, Andrix?" Chang says cheerily, extending his hand and shaking the enthusiastic boy's hand. He was actually kind of fond of the little tyke, he was like a small puppy… with a Beretta 92FS-toting loony for a personal bodyguard and Mom.

"Okay!" Andrix answers and starts tugging at Chang's hand, "Guess what I did!". Big brown eyes, like his mom. Soft hearted, like his dad.

Chang looks up, just enough to see the slightly softened look on Revy's face. He plays it safe and plays along, "You dug a hole all the way to China!"

And of course, the answer was 'NO', but that little sentence did seem to give Andrix the idea to try it out later. "No-no! I hit the board!" Andrix says and points to Revy's Cutlass, "I used mommy's gun too!"

"You let him touch your Cutlass?" Chang smiles cheekily and lifts an eyebrow, "The same Cutlass that NO-ONE may ever touch, lest they be castrated upon discovery?"

"Uncle Benny says that dad can touch-" the young boy starts to say, but is quickly silenced by a bloodcurdling screech from his father.

"ANDRIX!" Rock abruptly yells, his body stuck halfway out of his car door, his face scarlet-red from embarrassment, "G-get back in the car!"

"Kay!" and with that, Andrix skips off, all a package of innocence and jumps back into the car seat.

"Revvvyyy~" Chang coos and laughs, "You let daddy~"

"Shut up!" Revy yells back absently, holsters her Cutlass with a roll of the eyes. She gives a half-hearted wave as she walks back to the car, "See you later, boss man."

When they drive off, it's starting to warm up in Roanapur, the humidity becoming tangible. But it was cloudy and they were rewarded on-and-off with a short spur of darkness and coolness. And then it switched right back to the hot-and-humid climate you get in the sub-tropics. Wonderful.

The rip-off church was no exception either. It was situated in a slightly higher altitude than the rest of the chaotic city, but there was no difference in the stifling heat there.

Revy pulled the Chevy around to the front of the chapel, getting Rock to unload all the gear and finally lugging all the shit all the way to the front door.

Rock finally sighs and knocks softly of the door, "Sister Yolanda?"

"Hey, open the door, Sister!" Revy yells, banging on the door.

It doesn't take as long as it usually does for the doors to open. They must be having a slow day.

"Do you always need to make such a fuss?" Yolanda asks opening the doors further to let Rock pass.

"And why are you here?" she says and stares at the bags, "Another babysitting job? You should start paying me for Eda's services, Rock."

"Sorry, it'll only be for a few hours… but you know how things can go…" Rock says apologetically and drags the bags in, one by one.

Andrix was the only one not at ease around the Sister. In fact, no one else in Roanapur had the effect on Andrix that Sister Yolanda had. She was the only one that could make him cower behind his mom's leg. No-one knows why.

"What did you do to my kid to get him so scared?" Revy says, curiously looking at the young boy.

"I don't know," Yolanda answers and looks to the heavens for a moment before answering, "From the first time he got here… did you say something about me to the boy?"

Rock looks affronted when Yolanda posed the question to him, as if he was the culprit. "What? Why is it always me?" he feels a bit insulted, but not enough to take on the crazy old bat, "I didn't say anything!"

"Are they here-" Sister Eda calls from the hall, coming into view a second later, "Oh… already here. The joy."

"Sister Eda!" Andrix yells and makes a bee-line…. Alright, he decides that diving under the parish and crawling in a wide-berth around Yolanda would be better. And finally , at a safe distance, jumps up and runs the rest of the way.

"You're leaving your brat with me, again?" Sister Eda says and looks down with a frown at the adolescent that's practically hanging on her dress. She tries to hide her smile when he acts up a storm – pulling his face into a pre-cry expression – to get her to pick him up.

Fact is, Eda knows it's acting. He probably got it from his dad. He'd cry, smile, lie, guilt-trip, compliment or even fart to get someone to give him something he wants. Ingenious little shit. So, she picks him up before his mommy goes ape-shit on her for making her little boy cry.

And, of course, first thing that goes is the sunglasses. Andrix perches the tinted-shades on his face and grins.

"We bought everything you might need… books, snacks, clothes… " Rock says and pats the backpack on the floor with his foot, "Don't let him get into anymore grape juice… he'll get even more …"

"AHDD?" Eda growls and jumps to get the boy to sit still on her arm.

The sudden flying only cause the boy to be even MORE excited, 'cause, hey! Free plane ride! "AGAIN!"

"We should be back by eleven… but please try to get him to sleep before seven-thirty…" Rock says and waves, "Bye, Andie!"

"Beeeyyyeeee, ddadddd!" Andrix cheers and suddenly looks like he's about to turn on the water-works again.

Rock gives him a lopsided-smile and walks over to give him a hug. Only, now Andrix's attention is diverted to –


"UGH! FINE!" Revy stomps over and drags Rock closer.

Revy, Rock and a very reluctant Sister Eda are all engulfed by a super-special-bear-hug by the youngest member of the Lagoon Company. He's all smiles when they then say their goodbyes and head out

"Hey, Rock… " Revy calls, softly smiling once they're back alone in the chevy.

Rock can see it coming. He's been expecting the softer-side of Revy to finally bubble to the surface for a couple of days now. The side that loves him… loves their son… is so protective and vulnerable at the same time.

"It might've been me…" Rev y says, the tiniest evil glint in her eye coming into view, "I might've told Andrix that Sister Yolanda boils live human organs in the basement of the Church, that she's using it to concoct her own army of the undead…"


"What? Could be true."


Could be! Thanks for reading! Please drop me a pm or review if you likey!