The keys are smooth beneath his nimble fingers, moving fluidly across ivory and ebony like water flowing across a steady stream. A beautiful Melody filled the air, one that used to bring forth such warmth within his heart, peace to his soul; but now… now it sounded hollow, void of the emotions it once had, of the life it once brought. Yet still the melody continued, pouring through his fingertips as if desperately trying to grasp what once was right there, only inches from his reach… and yet, as he strains to embrace it once more, it would fade; vanish into a flash of luminous gold that no one else but he could see.

With each key, he creates a sound so warm, so beautiful… but each note left a deep, scathing wound within his hollow heart.

"Hey Elliot, are you done with that piece you told me about? The one you compose every year for your mother?"

"Yeah, I'm done with that one. I'm working on a new piece right now"

"Hmm… Such a nice Melody… Have you already thought of a title?"


That which never changes

He scoffs.

Never Changing? What a joke!

Hasn't everything changed already? In just one night he saw the entirety of his world crash to the ground, drenched in a puddle of dark red blood, the suffocating scent of iron filling his lungs. He felt his very being tear apart in anguish and agony, tears overflowing from his wretched eyes, yielding himself into the darkness in hopes that everything that happened was just a long and dreadful dream; that once he wakes up everything will be the same, as it used to be.

But he knew just how childish a thought that was, and he berated himself for even considering it.

Because when his eyes opened, it was to a world completely and utterly different.

He was taken into custody, coaxed and probed for something he didn't completely understand, something he didn't want to believe real. He was likened to a madman; this he could and would not deny. He was given an identity completely apart from himself; a vessel for a malevolent soul that was supposed to have been sealed away one hundred years ago, waiting patiently for the moment it can devour his life and overtake his useless being for its own benefit. He had gained a duty to grant a wish he was not sure he was capable of… yet he had accepted a servant just for the sake of ridding that pain… that feeling of absolute solitude that grew within his chest…

That's right…

Because he woke up to a world without him.

'And it was all my fault…'

Leo resurfaced from his dark musings at the realization that his fingers were trembling, preventing him from continuing the rest of the painful melody. With a sigh, he pulled away from the ancient piano, inspecting his quivering hands and noticing the teardrops trailing slowly down his cheeks. "I'm pathetic" he mumbled, wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve.

'Sorry… Leo'

"It doesn't matter anymore…" he whispered to himself as he stood up, slowly walking away from the peace and privacy of the room. "He's dead. Nothing can change that"

"Are you heading out Master Leo?"

He paused, hand hovering inches from the doorknob leading to the outside world. He did not turn to meet his companion; he merely waited for whatever it was the blond man wanted to say, all the while apathetic to the mismatched gaze inspecting him. He would not be stopped, and the blond knew this as well.

A smile graced Vincent Nightray's lips at his Master's habits. It had been only a couple of months since the blond had 'kidnapped' -or, in his own words, 'saved'- the dark haired boy from Pandora Headquarters, and they have been in hiding ever since. This particular dwelling was the fifth they had occupied since they vacated the old Nightray manor; Pandora's intelligence was not something to be underestimated after all.

However, this fact did not seem to prevent his new Master from wandering off of his own accord at questionable periods.

"I suppose you would not let me accompany you this time as well?" the blond inquired. Knowing full well what reply he was to receive, yet still asking, just for the sake of it.

After the first few temporary escapades, Vincent had already given up trying to stop or accompany the boy unless it is of utmost importance; he supposes that it was not likely any of Pandora would be able to recognize his Master anyway, considering the boy's current appearance; and himself being by his charge's side would probably cause more harm than good. He was the main target of Pandora as of current after all.

Receiving the subtle nod from the noirette, Vincent only turned halfway round as he called out "Take care", watching the boy ignore his existence and disappear with a gentle click.

As his master departs, the blond stared at the lone doorway, contemplating his decisions. "Maybe I should have warned him…" he mumbled to himself, a smirk gracing his features. "Well, I suppose he could handle this by himself"

"Master Vincent" a petite voice called from behind. And the smirk on his face grew to an amused smile as he thought over. He supposes it would be wise... Yes. Just in case.

"Echo, be a dear and watch over our Master for me today?" he ordered the snow haired girl casually. "Make sure you don't get caught alright?"

Silence followed, but he knew she understood his orders. After a few silent moments, a shuffle of fabric was heard. "Yes Master Vincent" and she was gone.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_oOo. Ivory and Ebony .oOo_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~

Xerxes Break fiddled with the piece of hard candy in his hands, ignoring the clatter of paperwork currently loaded on his desk. Well, it wasn't as if he could have done anything with it considering his current state of health. Anyways, it seems that ever since Mister Liam found out that he was legally blind, the man almost automatically does them all without complaint (… well, maybe not exactly, as the man is still quite talkative).

This little tidbit, however, was a little worrying; what, with everything that had occurred not too long ago (in which the brunette and himself, including a handful of others as well, had been faced with the closest near death experiences one could think of… and that was indeed saying something), he did not wish for Liam to overwork himself…

Popping the little round treat in his awaiting mouth, he averted his attention towards the sound of the gentle 'click' of the door, a signal that his guests have arrived. "Hello everyone, how are you all doing? It's such nice weather we have out isn't it?" he greeted in a conversational tone as the trio – Master Oz, Gilbert and Alice- entered his candy-strewn office.

It was quite surprising how the three had been able to cope with all of these occurrences; they had been the closest to most of the casualties, and it was no secret that Break had expected at least a few tantrums here and there... Although he knew full well that they were indeed grieving within their hearts and minds, he was still quite surprised that none had shed a single tear, even more so because Gilbert was among them.

Ahh Mister Gilbert, he still remembers, acting all cool and heroic… -how dare the male make him feel so inferior when he was at least twice as experienced-... but he was indeed very thankful though, the young man had saved his life after all.

"What is it Break?" asked the aforementioned noirette, standing casually before him. He could hear the scuffling of the other two from behind.

A smile graced the albino's lips at the inquisitive tone. "Well, first and foremost, I'm afraid we haven't received any helpful information regarding Sir Leo and Master Vincent as of yet" he began, gagging at having to say the most hated sewer rat's name, but he was satisfied enough to be able to say it with as much malice as he wants without holding back. "That aside, the main reason I called you here is because you three have been assigned a mission"

He didn't need his sight to tell that the trio had tensed. It had been quite a while since their last assignment; it would be bad if they were to suffer from lack of exercise, he mused.

At the sound of shuffling papers and a new set of approaching footsteps, Break turned to flash a smile Liam's general direction.

"We have gathered numerous reports of people suddenly disappearing all over the capital, with it came quite a number of severely mutilated bodies found only days afterwards. We believe that there is an Illegal Contract behind it" Mister Liam explained, and Break's smile only grew at the man's overly serious tone. So diligent Mister Liam, he should really take a break sometime.

"So, long story short, we would like you three to go and investigate! And, if possible, capture or put-an-end to our dear contractor" the albino finished in a chipper tone, taking pleasure in the groans he received in reply.

"These are the files you might need in the assignment; it has all of the scarce details we were able to acquire. I'm afraid that there hasn't been a single living soul who had actually seen the chain, nor do we have an actual clue as to the contractor, so it could be dangerous. I deeply suggest for you all to be careful" Liam stated, handing over the compilation in his hands.

"Hn. After all this time being kept out of the limelight and you only get us chain hunting? That's discrimination! This pipsqueak isn't even worth B-Rabbit's time!" Alice announced haughtily, smiling smugly at her two unnaturally silent companions. "But, I suppose since you begged we'll take it. It's getting pretty boring being stuck around here anyways"

An amused smile grew on Break's face then, one that mimicked Oz's own. The blond couldn't help but smile at his chain's enthusiasm, although it is now known fact that he can't use B-Rabbit's abilities as he used to due to circumstances, neither Alice's personality nor her way of talking have changed, and she always was so good at cheering people up… in her own unique way.

Gilbert merely glowered at the chain as he took the files from Liam's hands.

"Well, there you have it. You can leave it to us!" Oz announced with a bright grin. Grabbing Alice and Gilbert's arms, he began to pull away with the two, ignoring all protest. He was pretty excited at being able to get out after so long, they needed some exercise after all. (And on a different note, something to take their minds off things)

With a half-hearted sigh, Gilbert only let the blond drag him out, a smile on his lips. "Well then Break, Liam, we'll be taking our leave now. Might be back in a couple of days with whatever it is we can find" he called out before they completely disappeared from sight.


"Do you think they would be alright?" Liam asked quietly, worry lacing his low voice.

"Those three are strong, they can handle it" Break replied, popping another piece of candy in his mouth. "And we'll be right behind them if need be"

_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_oOo. Ivory and Ebony .oOo_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_

A smile etched itself across the old man's face as he examined the multiple music scores in his hands, arranging them neatly upon the worn but tidy cabinet one by one. Roland Sparks had been quite the musician in his youth, but because of a certain accident once upon a time, he had lost his ability to play. However, this did nothing to deter his love for music; now he is merely the keeper of a near ancient music shop in one of the less crowded parts of the capital, but he is very well content.

Hearing the ring of a bell signaling the use of the entrance doorway, he turned around to welcome a supposed customer. Instead he was met by the sight of a young lad, no older than 18, standing quite rigidly before the door.

"Hello boy! Why are you just standing there? Come in, come in. How was work?" he greeted, setting down his scores and moving towards the small side table on the left corner of the room where some treats were placed.

"G-Good evening Grandfather, w-work was…. well… uhm….." the lad trailed off, staring quite intently at the wooden floorboards, hands stiffly placed along his sides.

Seeing the obvious discomfort upon the boy's form, and not to mention the ragged state of his once freshly washed clothes, Roland had an idea of what might have happened; it was not something uncommon, nor was it really unexpected now. He chuckled, hiding it in the form a sigh. "I see. So you got into a fight agai—"

"It wasn't my fault! That bas—"

"Ah ah ah; language boy, language" he cut off, taking in the fuming lad's weary expression. "Now calm down, have a seat, and tell me exactly what happened" he spoke steadily, gesturing towards the empty burgundy couch in front of the table.

The boy kept his eyes downcast. "I-I'm sorry Grandfather" he spoke solemnly as he sat down.

"It's alright boy, I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose. Although I do have to say you have quite the temper" Roland chuckled, earning a defiant twitch of a brow from his young companion. After a few more moments of silence, the boy began to speak.

"M-My so called boss… h-he said something he really shouldn't have" the boy started, trying his best to control his temper.

"You got into a fight because of an insult?" the old man quirked an eyebrow.

"You don't know what he said! It was greater than any insult, I swear! He deserved what he got!" the boy complained, but was seized when Roland raised a hand up to him.

"Calm down boy, calm down. You are not a child, remember that. What exactly did this person say?" the old man asked calmly. He could see the silent anger that was building behind the those semi-concealed eyes.

"He…" the boy began, taking a deep breath. "He said that this shop is rundown… that nobody ever comes in here anyways and that it should be demolished because it's useless" he continued, his fists clenched so tightly, the veins were evident on the skin. "A-And that when that happens, he'd be using this place for his own company…"

Pain flashed through Roland's aged black orbs at the words. 'Oh, so that's why he was so angry' he thought silently.

It was true, those words. This shop was not anything new or extravagant, and very few people ever visits, if at all. He has no words of denial for this claim. However the fact that the lad whom he had taken in not too long ago was actually angered by such words had caused his own heart to swell in his chest. To think that the boy cared so much…

"I truly am sorry Grandfather. I lost a job… again"

He smiled at the boy, reaching out to pat his dishelved hair. "It's alright. You'll be able to find another one soon, I'm sure. So there's no need to sulk" the old man began, but quieted when he noticed the boy's gaze now directed elsewhere. He didn't need to look to know what was running through that mind. Everything is always forgotten once his attention is caught. "It's in the exact same state you left it. Go on boy"

At his words, the lad immediately brightened and all but dashed towards the grand –albeit aged- piano at the center of the room. Roland could not keep his amusement from showing at the childish expression the boy had when his hands hit the keys.

It had been only little over a year ago when he first saw the boy, broken and blood stained at the edge of the Northern forest. He nearly had a heart attack at the sight of a sixteen year old lad lying in the middle of the road, almost got run over by his carriage.

Roland decided to help the poor lad as he was still breathing and brought him home, his first thought was a hospital, but that was on the other side of town and it would take much too long. With all the blood on the boy's clothes, he was worried it could be a fatal injury, but he was shocked as when he took off the blood soaked clothes -quite extravagant clothes as well it seems- in order to deduce whatever the damage, he had found no wound; only a gruesome, fresh-looking scar over the boy's heart.

At first he had thought, 'has he been out so long that his wound had closed up and healed on it's own?' but it was quickly discarded as that was not something humanely possible. His second thought was that maybe the blood did not belong to the boy and that he brought back with him a murderer, but there was no time to worry about such things as the lad grabbed at his heart -hand above the scar- crying in pure agony as if the wound was fresh and open.

It took quite a while to calm him down. And once he woke, the old man found that the boy had no memories. Feeling pity, Roland decided to take him in, and now he berated himself for ever thinking badly of the poor soul.

Albeit with his incredibly short fuse and bad mouth, the boy had such a pure soul and a heart of gold to go with it; he was noble in any way and form. And apart from that, what had caught Roland's attention the most was the boy's talent and passion for music; the piano to be exact.

Deep within the old man's heart, he knows that anyone who can play such beautiful music can never be a truly sinful person.

_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_oOo. Ivory and Ebony .oOo_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_

Wandering around the crowded streets of the capital Lebleux, without any at all destination in mind, the light brought forth by sunset and the overall clarity of the world seemed much too bright for Leo's exposed eyes.

Cutting his bangs must have been the greatest mistake he had made yet, he smirked grimly. 'Ah, but wait' he mused; cutting his hair was certainly nothing compared to leading the only person he had probably ever admired into the depths of hell or the abyss. He would have laughed, had the thought been nothing but a mere joke.

But it was no hoax and his words held truth, he could hardly see through the luminous flecks of gold and the tendrils of darkness that encased his vision. It was hypothetical of course, as he could still walk a straight line, see and recognize people's faces, and be able to read any sign or book casing he encounters; but it was as if there was a screen in front of his eyes, blocking his view and comprehension, blinding him more than when he still had his unruly bangs in the way. It was as if he was looking at the world with another's eyes, and he could feel himself slowly become that person. The thought itself scared him, but at the same time, it held no meaning to him.

Because now that that person is gone, what meaning left is there?

He sighed. All traces of a smile disappearing from his porcelain pale face.

It was one of those times again.The times when the feeling of solitude became too much for him to handle, the times when staying indoors became so suffocating that he just had to get away… 'It was you who killed him. Do not ever forget that' the voice of his supposed predecessor rang in his ears, and his expression only darkened.

He knows; he doesn't need to be reminded. He knew it was his entire fault. He knew he was the cause of all his Master's… his best friend's suffering. He knew from the start that he had sealed his master's fate the moment he made him drink Humpty Dumpty's blood and say its name. But even though he tried his best to pretend that everything was alright, that it was all just a dream, that he was the only one slowly losing sanity… he knew that things would end up this way, possibly even much worse.

And yet he had ignored everything, all the warnings that surrounded him, the pain it caused his most precious person, even the pain it brought the people around him… all for the sake of his own selfishness…

"Sorry Leo"

And through all that his Master still had the heart to apologize, his very last words only making the guilt inside of him more unbearable… "It doesn't matter anymore" he whispered… convincing, pleading to himself as he held back the hot tears that were accumulating.

He was angry at his master. For befriending him, for choosing him to be his servant, for being so noble that he would put his own life on the line for the sake of protecting others -and he used to keep on and on how much he hates Edgar and all the character's suicidal ways-… but most of all, he hates Elliot for simply being Elliot. For being so unlike himself that he couldn't help but grow attached...

Too attached.

And Elliot just had to apologize for his own death hadn't he?

Those were the words that he was supposed to say to his Master. Not the other way around! Elliot didn't need to apologize, he never did… Elliot hadn't done anything wrong. Everything was no one's fault but Leo's own, and his alone.

He was the one who should apologize…

"Stupid Rabbit, didn't you just eat when we left the Headquarters?"

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm hungry and I want my Meat!"

"Well you can't have it, so stay put until dinner! It's not too long now anyway!"

"Whaat? Are you planning to starve me Seaweed head?"

"You could use it! Stupid Rabbit!"

Leo resurfaced from his thoughts, he recognized those bickering voices.

"Haha, come on you two, we do have a mission here"

'What could those three be doing here?' he wondered.

"Hey, where are you going Stupid Rabbit?"

Leo started at the call, realizing that Miss Alice was staring at him, headed his way; their eyes met for only a moment. "You… smell familiar…" she stated thoughtfully, nearing him.

"Alice what are you doing?" this time, Master Oz approached with Master Gilbert right behind him. "I'm so sorry for the disturbance sir" the blond apologized, Leo only nodded in reply. He didn't want to be found by Pandora at this point, he didn't want to go back there anymore. So he kept his mouth shut tight and remained apathetic.

Master Oz was staring at him doubtfully, perhaps recognizing him, or looking for something that would give away his identity. But that was to no avail; ever since Leo had his bangs cut, he had grown accustomed to tying his hair back when he goes out. Now had not been an exception. And even he himself admits that he could hardly recognize his own reflection.

However, one thing he had learned about the young Vessalius heir was that he was perceptive. And he just knew that the boy recognized him somehow. He only gave a soft smile at the three, silently excusing himself. Now was not the time to act rashly.

"Who was that Oz?" he heard Master Gilbert's query as he slowly walked away. And he smiled when he heard Oz's words of similar confusion.

Leo had just then decided that he wanted to head for the nearest library. Books were his haven, his comfort; it had been then, so long ago, and it always would be. At least that was one thing that he knew would not change.

It was getting dark now, only the moon and few candles within stores and houses lighting the road. And as he continued on dazedly forward, having made it some distance away, something had caught his attention, causing him to cease in his tracks.

A melody resounded through the air, freezing his movements and chilling his bones. A melody that had been etched deep into his very soul, a tune he would never forget...

'It… can't… be…"

_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_oOo. Ivory and Ebony .oOo_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_

It was such a beautiful melody. So calm, so peaceful… and yet, he could hear the sadness within its tune. He loved this melody, he knew he did. It was very important to him, although he wasn't entirely sure why as he had only just remembered its existence.

"That melody…" rang his Grandfather's inquisitive tone. "Are you the one who composed it?"

His music did not cease. It was a pointless to ask one who had lost his memories. But he could somehow feel nostalgia within that particular question, and he couldn't let it go unanswered. So before he knew it, he began to reply...

"No" his tone was filled with such certainty, and even he was surprised as he continued. "It was a gift"

It felt as if he was in a trance, brought about by the beautiful melody. He did not know where the words are coming from, he only knew they were true. "But there was a time when I selfishly claimed it as my own…"

He could always feel like he can remember something when he plays the piano. It had been like that since he could remember –which he had to admit wasn't that long ago- but even if he could feel it, he couldn't seem to comprehend it, which in itself was quite frustrating.

It was as if a haze had claimed his mind, all awareness focused only on the keys beneath his fingers, the music that he was creating. He could almost feel the fragments of memories swirl around him, nostalgia flooding his senses. It seemed that even if the boy's eyes were open, they would be hazed over by a mist that could be his lost memories...

"Oh? Do you know its name?"

...and suddenly it was broken.

The question was one of pure curiosity. Out of the old man's mouth before he could think better of it. Before Roland could even realize his mistake, the damage had already been done.

A deathly silence engulfed the air around them, making the shadows cast by candle light seem much more ominous…

The music had ceased; pale fingers frozen over ivory and ebony, as if the one whom they belonged to had forgotten of their existence. "I… don't know" the boy spoke, the crack of his voice resounding through the silence.

And Roland knew he had made a terrible, terrible mistake.

"I… I can't… I can't remember…" the boy could feel his whole body tremble; eyes wide open, undoubtedly displaying the panic and pure, dreadful horror that he was feeling.

"I was very thankful…"

"I don't know… I don't know..." He felt Roland by his side, trying to calm him down with soothing words; yet he couldn't hear him. He couldn't hear… he couldn't see… he couldn't feel. "I... I don't..."

"…de this in exchange for…"

"Why…" he started off in a low gasp, now acquiring a fetal position. A noise in his ears growing louder and louder as the minutes pass by... "why can't I remember…? Why can't I... AAAGH!" his hands clutched at the sides of his head, trying his best to suppress the now blooming, excruciating pain within his skull. Images he couldn't understand … images he didn't want to understand flooding his mind, flashing before his eyes. 'No…'









"HeyWhy are you here?—"


"—But where's your chain?"


"Hehee. Why don't you have a body?"


"AHAHAH! Isn't that great? You get to get out of here! ALIVE!—"

"But there has to be a price"


"AAAAAAAAAAARGH!" he couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't stay here. He had to get out, had to get out; he could almost feel the walls closing in on him, suffocating him, draining him; he could almost hear the sinister cackling of manic dolls, he could almost see the wicked smile on her snow white face...

Losing all sense of control, he dashed towards the exit, not at all hearing Roland's panicked calls, nor the sound of the door slamming shut behind him.

And as crisp night air greeted him, a new feeling enveloped his body, overflowing his senses and clouding his mind.

A melody hung in the air, something he knew quite well.

"This song just came to me like a burst of inspiration"

"I hope you like it"

"The title is…"


'Calling... for me…' and he was gone.

_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_oOo. Ivory and Ebony .oOo_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_


There was no mistake.

'But… that's impossible…!'

Thoughts of disbelief and denial swirled around his fearful mind as the phantom melody reached his ears. It was a beautiful tune, filled with nostalgia and the ever present sorrow hidden behind graceful notes. It was pure undeniable horror to his ears.

He wanted to run, he wanted to get away from haunting melody, from the pain the memories brought him, from the hallucination that he was sure was behind it; instead he found himself approaching it, seeking it.

And he followed. He followed the sound as though under a spell, trailing the ghostly melody that he knew would only lead to his demise. Hope bubbles up in his chest that it might just lead to that person he so wants to see, to hear, to feel… but he quickly crushes that hope, there was no way that it could be real, only the product of his own broken mind; driving him to the point of insanity with beautiful notes and dreams… yet still he moved on.

He continued, the melody growing louder and louder and louder, and as he grew ever closer, he could feel the ominous air that surrounded it. He hadn't noticed before, but the nearer he got to the source of this music, he found the whole area completely deserted, void of light and of life; and he was completely alone.

Leo felt a shiver trail down his spine, encasing his lungs, making it harder to breathe. He knew this oppressive feeling; it was fear. And as he continued, it only grew stronger. But he couldn't turn around, no matter how much he tries, no matter how much he pleaded in his mind, he couldn't run away; his body refused to listen. 'No…'

The melody resounded loudly though the air around him, drowning out all sense and thought. He couldn't stop. Just couldn't.

And as he turned the corner, into the darkness, he knew that he was staring death in the face.

Blood red eyes glowing maliciously from the shadows, filled with hunger and glee, fangs dripping with fresh red blood, bared in a manic grin.

Leo's voice died in his throat, and his body turned to lead.

Not even the most agonizing screams could be heard in the thickness of the night.