The quick click clack of keys being pressed resounded quietly in my dark room as I continued my intense stare at the computer's fluorescent screen. The heady smell of smoked cigarettes also swirled in the air as I continued my work, oblivious to the muted television off to the side repeating another rerun of trashy reality shows. My focus was completely on finishing up my latest novel with the additional help supplied by the white noise coming from the electronics and the familiar scent of menthol cigarettes. I only smoked cigars when I complete and finish a book.

My manager and best friend Quinn constantly complained of the smoky smell of my modest apartment but she shouldn't complain when the final result is a bestselling novel along with a very fat paycheck. I was at least consistent with my methods and always followed through with the best results. As long as they leave Santana the writer alone and to her own devices, there would always be great books coming out.

I was currently on a roll, finishing up on a short novel about accidental lovers and the failings of fate in their lives. Angsty love with unresolved endings always brings in the big bucks, plus it gave me an open invitation to write more sequels. My publishing company loved me for that alone and saw to it that I got whatever I wanted, if not they could always face Quinn. The wrath of the blond in a power suit still sent the corporate employees into hiding.

I flipped open my cigarette box with one hand and scrounged around for a stogie as my left hand continued its dance across the various letters with my eyes following the lines on the screen. I scrunched my face at the lack of material in my right hand as something seemed to be missing. I glanced down and frowned as the then full pack of cigs had suddenly morphed to hold only one. What the hell, when did I smoke them all? I peered at my ashtray and snorted at the many dead butts lying in disarray and shook my head slightly as I popped the last cigarette into my mouth and lit up. Taking a long drag, I shook my head silently and promised to buy more later on after I finished up the plot.

The story demanded my full attention and god forbid if I lost track now when I was on a roll. The protagonist had just fallen into a coma and had tragically missed the appointed meeting place of his lover. Tough shit but great stuff for my readers. I took another quick drag and continued on with the story, completely immersed and unaware of the happenings around me. I seemed to always get like this when a story grabbed my brain with its claws, no matter the time of day or hour I would drop whatever I was doing to go home, turn on the T.V., mute it, smoke a few pack of cigs and get settled in my work chair. My current state was a testament to this method as my disheveled hair was poofed every which way and my bloodshot eyes looked on through my black thick rimmed glasses. A ratty t-shirt and old sweats hung off me like rags as I continued to tap away, flicking my last cigarette once in a while into the ashtray.

Nearing the end of the chapter and with my cigarette pretty much done, I squished the burning embers as I punched in the last period to my sentence. I heaved a sigh of relief and reread the last passage as I began to loudly crack the kinks out of my sore limbs. My chair may be comfortable but sitting in it for god knows how long could really kill a girl's back. Stretching and looking at the time, I was shocked to find that it was only barely ten at night. Granted I probably only slept about ten hours in three days, I was still surprised to have finished the part so early in the evening. My loud stomach made itself known then as it grumbled loudly and I patted it lightly, trying to appease the monster for now until I could feed it later.

I stood up and heard the clicks in my body as I stretched up and decided that now would be a good time to take a break to hit the local supermarket for some goodies. Like a new pack of cigs would be good, and maybe some cup noodles. It wasn't that I couldn't cook; I just had no time to prepare food when an idea would grab me out of nowhere. Cup noodles were easily made and I could eat it with one hand and type with the other. My self-taught ambidexterism got work done twice as fast without forfeiting the time to do other things. Figuring that a run to the store a couple of blocks away wasn't worth changing for, I threw on a hoodie and pulled on some socks before grabbing my keys and jacket and heading out. The bitter wind of winter cut into my cheeks as I walked briskly through the streets with my hands stuffed in my pocket and face hidden under a mess of hair covered by a hood.

Who would've thought that the seemingly small and innocuous Latina walking through the streets at night was none other than bestselling novelist of the Songbird series? The fact that the normally reclusive author only showed up to special events and was rarely seen amongst the writing elite and their parties obviously didn't help put her face in the limelight.

Regardless of that, it wasn't like I didn't go out; it was more like I hated my peers, the other pretentious writers who thought so highly of themselves. I went out, sometimes; okay rarely. But at least I tried when Quinn bothered me enough to go out. Just because I hadn't dated in a while didn't mean I wasn't up for a little night on the town, besides I hooked up whenever I wanted. I just wasn't into the long term. I mean I had to be a realist. Okay maybe that was my excuse for being jaded, but what woman would want me anyway? Besides the girl very well could be a backstabbing, money stealing skank, just like my ex-girlfriends upon learning they were dating the super-rich 'Sonata Alpzen'. I wanted to go with the Satan Zaplone as my pseudonym but Quinn thought it wouldn't go well with my Christian readers, suffice to say I didn't stamp Lesbian under the title either for the same reason. I thought back on the previous conversation with my close friend and smirked.

"You know you really should go out more…? You know have a little fun, get some fresh air, your room stinks like something died by the way."

"Oh thanks Q, I love you too, what are you doing here again?"

"Just dropping by to see my favorite client, why can't I see my friend?"

"Look I told you Quinn, I'm working on it okay? Why do you think I've been cooped up here for this long? Plus the deadline isn't until way later, even if I was late, you could always just scare the poor bastards at the company into giving me a little more time. What's the big deal?"

"True true…just, I worry sometimes you know. It's been awhile San; maybe it's time for you to get out more, meet some new people. I am getting married in a month and I don't want your lame drunk ass crying about not having a date. You Are still coming aren't you?"

"Yes yes, I'm going to your wedding. I still stand by what I said before, I don't know what drug she put in your food to get you to propose, but as long as you keep the midget away from me, we're going to be just peachy."

"Santana, her name is Rachel, soon to be my wife, can you please at least be civil with her?"

"I am civil; she's the one starting with me, not my fault you can't keep your dog on a leash."

"Santana Lopez!"

"Alright, I'm sorry, old habits die hard. Look I am happy for you, and you seem genuinely not forced into this marriage, so yes I will behave. As for the date…well maybe it won't be so bad to go stag right?"

"San…you can't hide behind Sonata Alpzen forever, maybe it's time to just be Santana Lopez for a bit. Just promise me you'll at least Try to find someone okay?"

"Are you offering? Cause you know I love you and all Q but I don't think I'm crazy enough to have the same taste as your fiancé."

"Oh screw you Lopez, just get your shit together, and for god's sake, air your room out, it smells like an opium den!"

I mused silently at our love/hate relationship and smiled knowing Quinn could finally settle down and be happy. I reached the doors to the market and inwardly thanked god for the heaters being on full blast indoors as I stomped in and shivered at the change in temperature. I quickly grabbed a cart and rolled off down the aisles looking first for necessities. Sliding off my jacket and placing it in the cart, I started looking for a few toiletries also. I grabbed some juice on the way and moved onto my favorite dried food section. I was about to turn the corner and shove two dozen cup noodles into my cart when the force of another shopping cart ramming into mines sent me sprawling on my ass.

"Shit, what the hell? Dammit!"

"Oh my god I am so sorry, are you hurt, I'm sorry, I thought no one came down this aisle and I just wanted to ride my cart down here…are you alright?"

"Does it look like I'm alright? God, who rides carts in supermarkets anymore? What are you five?"

I rubbed my sore behind and grumbled about the randomness of people late at night. Who does this lady think she is? Fully about to continue my rant at the woman who rammed into me, I glared up to find watery blue eyes and the nervous posture of a scolded child trapped in a young woman's body. I immediately looked her over, starting from the fuzzy bear hat atop long curling blonde hair surrounding a saddened cute face. A thin white sweater with an imprint of a duck on the bottom fitted across her body complimenting a slim figure and black tights stuffed into boots. This woman was insanely beautiful and the acidic words about to leave my mouth immediately died upon on my tongue.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't see you, are you okay?"


Good job Lopez, write long amazing novels for a living, to then seeing a pretty girl and throwing out your entire mental dictionary and producing only one word. I watched as the saddened face above me loosened into a small smile that continued into a delightful giggle.

"I asked if you're alright, I mean I know I hit you pretty hard but you're still on the floor and looking at me weird, do you need some help?"

"No! I mean, naw, I'm good thanks, just…I'm fine, yeah, just watch we're you're going next time alright?"

I quickly lifted myself off the ground and dusted my pants while averting my face away. People of my complexion normally don't blush but for some reason I felt immensely warmer than I should at being caught staring. When did I become such a pervert?

"I'm Brittany by the way, what's your name?"


Again, Lopez, you're a real connoisseur of the English language aren't you? Good job. Hurry up and answer so you can leave before you embarrass yourself further dumbass.

"Ahem, I mean, why do you need to know my name?"

"Well they say you have to introduce yourself first before you can become friends right?"

"Huh, friends? What? Look miss I think you have the wrong-"

"Brittany, my name is Brittany."

"Right, Brittany. Look I appreciate it, but I'm good. As much as you seem to think this is going to become some sort of comedic sitcom where an accident equals friendship, I'm going to have to stop you right there. I'm going to go my way and you're going to go yours, just be careful next time. Bye."

I swiftly swung my cart around Brittany's and moved on towards another aisle, intent on grabbing my dinner and leaving. No need to embarrass myself any more than necessary, plus it really didn't say much about me if I knowingly leered at local supermarket patrons. Albeit a super cute one like Brittany could be an exception since she was really hard not to notice, but I digress. So in true Santana fashion, I sped away before anything else could happen. I finally stopped by the various different flavors of packaged noodles and began to grab two of each to throw into my cart when a soft voice spoke up behind me.

"You know they say that stuff is really bad for you…"

"What? Oh my god, you again, what are you following me or something?"

"I told you, my name is Brittany, and you really shouldn't eat that stuff, my cat loves it too but I keep telling him it makes him fat. He kinda reminds me of you actually."

"I remind you of your cat? Never mind, I can eat whatever I want okay, its none of your business anyway."

I tried really hard to ignore the cute pout directed at me but sighed despondently as my hand reached back into my cart and replaced a couple of the flavors back onto the shelf. The slow smile beaming back at me made it almost bearable to release my usual dinnertime habits. God damn this woman and her seemingly innocent persuasive methods.

"Happy now? I need to eat some time so I can't put them all back."

"Yup, but I mean I can cook for you if you don't know how. By the way, you never told me your name."

"I can cook, I just don't have the time, and I never offered to tell you my name."

"Don't you want to be my friend…?"

Resist temptation Lopez; don't fall for her perfectly cute charms! You don't need to be friendly with some chick that basically played bumper cars with your ass. Besides, who's to say she wasn't one of those crazy stalkers that like to send you their undying confessions of love? I mean she doesn't seem like the type who reads my books…maybe she's harmless, oh well, what could it hurt?

"Santana, my name is Santana, happy now?"

You're really are such a weak bastard Lopez.

"Mmhm! Santana, that's a really pretty name, it matches you."

"I uhh, thanks…so what now? Are you going to follow me until check out or something?"

"Well maybe…but we could finish shopping together first! That way we can both get to know each other better!"

"Alright then what do you want to know?"

"Well how old are you, where are you from, any siblings, what do you do, what you like to eat and drink, what kind of music you listen to, favorite shows and how come you're not fat from all those cup noodles?"

I laughed at her mini rant and couldn't believe there was actually another person on par with Berry who could speak so quickly without seeming to breathe. Amazing and scary at the same time of course.

"Twenty seven, New York City born and raised, only child, eat whatever, drink whatever, listening to anything that's good, not much of a T.V. person and I work out whenever I have time on my hands."

"Wow…I can tell, you totally have a really cute butt Santana."

"Thanks, I mean wait what?"

"So you never told me what you do for a living, wait let me guess, you're a starving artist who only just gets by on cup noodles and dead end jobs waiting for your next break right?"

I chuckled at her imagination and couldn't help but imagine myself in that situation. Of course I could see where she was getting it all from. It wasn't like I was decked out in anything fancy walking around a local supermarket with a New York Times bestseller sticker on my forehead.

"Yeah, something like that I guess. So tell me about you then Brittany."

We continued our conversation while perusing the local goods at the same time. I learned that the cute blonde was an accomplished dance instructor whose studio was not too far from here and taught students late into the night so her only time to shop was now. She lived in another borough but frequented the neighborhood enough to know the few landmarks that I mentioned. We turned out to be the same age and surprisingly also had a few things in common. I figured our time of casual conversation was ending as we rolled down the last aisle and towards checkout. I smiled at her as I walked into a lane and began pulling my items out to be beeped by the pimpled face cashier.

Brittany waited patiently behind me as she looked at the various magazine and book covers on the stands next to us. I glared at the teenager in front of me who seemed to be taking his sweet ass time with my items while discreetly checking out Brittany behind me; the damned horny bastard! I swivel my head around to look at Brittany to complain when I saw her reaching towards a familiar cover.

Oh shit! What was my novel doing in this small market anyway? On a side note Quinn must be doing a great job in marketing. I immediately snatched the book from Brittany's fingers and threw it in with the rest of my stuff and gave a sharp glance at the cashier to hurry it along.

"Hey I was going to look at that!"

"Uhh yeah, sorry I totally forgot I didn't have that book yet and I really wanted to read it..."

"Well you could've at least asked to see it first, no need to steal."

Brittany probably thought she was sending me an appropriate scolding look, but it only looked cute on her face and endeared me to her further. I quietly laughed at the irony of me stealing my own book from her hands in a market when I had the original copy in my computer.

"I'm sorry Brittany, how about I'll lend it to you later and you can return it to me afterwards?"

"Okay…as long as you promise to let me borrow. Ya know I keep hearing about Sonata because my friends all love her stuff but I've never read it before so I thought it might be interesting to look at. You must really be her fan if you wanted that book so bad right?"

"Umm yeah, I love Sonata's books, they're really…good, yup that's exactly why."

I fidgeted a little as her bright cerulean eyes bored into mine. Did she know it was me? What kind of answer was that Lopez? Wait how do you even describe yourself as a fan when you're the actual author? This must be some kind of karmic hell coming back to bite me in the ass, I swear. I quickly pulled out a few bills and shoved them in the teenager's face before shoving my items in the grocery bags.

"Well it was nice talking to you Brittany, I hope next time we meet it'll be in a less hazardous way, bye now!"

I was hoping to get out of there before Brittany had the chance to ask me any other questions, but of course the world was against me as she called my name the moment I reached the exit doors.

"Santana wait! Wait you forgot something! Here, you left your book behind. I know you would've been really sad to leave it behind and I didn't want you to be sad."

"Yeah thanks, I can't believe I almost left it behind..."

I sighed then laughed awkwardly at my predicament and went to grab the book from Brittany's hand when her own shot out to grab my wrist.

"Hey Santana, promise to lend me the book soon?"

I looked up at her earnest face and felt the soft but warm way her hand wrapped around my wrist. How could I even begin to deny this beautiful woman of anything? I smiled back as serenely as possible and laid my own palm atop hers and mustered the courage to answer back.

"I promise Brittany, I read quickly so don't worry."

My smile widened in response to her delighted giggle and I gave myself a mental pat on the back in accomplishing the amazing feat of making this stunning woman laugh. Before I could think of anything else to respond with, her soft hand left my wrist and gently tapped my cheek towards the side, I then felt the most wonderful feeling. Brittany's lips brushed across my cheek as the scent of light rain and roses alerted my senses to her close proximity. A breathy whisper into my ear almost put me in a catatonic state as the words 'Remember, you promised San' followed by a giggle left before I could respond back.

A few seconds passed by before I mumbled a quiet 'Kay, Bye…' into the air only to realize that the gorgeous blonde was long gone. Stupid stupid Lopez! I glance around to make sure Brittany really left when I chanced on the stupid cashier with his jaw unhinged and gawking at me. I scowl and threw up my middle finger in his direction before storming back out into the cold. By the time I was halfway back home, I realized the sheer absurdity of my actions, or in this case lack thereof. Did Santana Lopez have Any game at all?

I continued my brisk walk back trying to narrowly avoid the ice on the floor and kicking any leftover snow in frustration. I mean I didn't even get her number! Of course I could always Google her or just look up the local dance studio but it seemed a bit stalker-ish and I've had enough of those in my lifetime. I mean I could just frequent the market more often but the chances of seeing her again were kind of small and bumping into the horny teenager again was more likely. I even forgot to buy a pack of cigs from the market, fully stunned and derailed by the lovely blonde's actions. I popped into a store and picked up my vice including a few beers so that there was something to ease the embarrassment and stupidity out of my system.

Jamming my keys into the lock and opening my door, I grumbled some more at the unfair events surrounding my life. Finally a woman so picturesque I could hardly describe in words flirted with me and all I could do was stand there and do nothing. I angrily put away my groceries and stared down at my own book in annoyance. Sure the thing brought me loads of money but right now it was the bane of my existence. Why did it have to be one of mine that Brittany picked up anyway?

I threw the paperback onto my couch in frustration and ran my hands through my messy hair. Not only did I not get her number, I looked like shit and was lying on my ass when we met. What a super great night this has been. I popped open one of the beer bottles and grabbed my cigarettes and plopped down on the sofa to see what was on the T.V. My work was done for the week and my downtime included randomly switching channels until I landed on something interesting. While I lit up a cigarette and took a sip of my beer, I looked down at my book and scoffed at my own foolishness. Did I just end up buying my own goddamn book because I was too afraid Brittany might read it?

I reached out to touch the cover and traced the letters across the page. I remember having a hard time writing this one, being that I had just got out of a difficult relationship. I traced the title, 'Stuck in a Hourglass,' and reminisced about the long hours I spent crying, yelling and drinking away the problems life seemed to enjoy throwing at me. The book became one of my own personal best sellers; my readers really do love the angst, or at least in this case, my pain. Well Sonata Alpzen's pain at least.

Sipping on the bitter beer, I flipped through the pages of my past work and remembered the hardships leading to the product. On my casual perusal I glanced something that seemed out of ordinary on the back of the first page. What was that? My eyes widened and I hurriedly placed my beer on the coffee table in case I spilled it in my surprise. There right under my pseudonym printed in bold black ink was a little note.

'Hi Santana, did I spell it right? Sorry for writing here but I figured you wouldn't mind. Seeing as you forgot two things, I thought I might have to remind you instead.
#1 You left your book at the counter silly!
#2 And you totally forgot to ask for my number.
So here: 718-852-3115, try not to forget this time San.
xoxo Brittany P.
P.S. Made you promise to see me anyway didn't I? ;)

I gawked at the note right under my name and wondered how this was possible. Was I just duped by a pair of bright blue eyes and a sweet smile? Oh epic FAIL indeed Lopez. I didn't know whether to be angry at being so easily manipulated or glad that I actually had her number. I ran my fingers a few times over her note and laughed at the realization that this was the first time anyone has ever autographed one of my books besides me, and then returned it. This really was some crazy coincidence. Figuring that now wouldn't be a good time to contact the blonde; I finished my beer and cigarette and proceeded to crash on the couch. Well Brittany P., the game is pretty much set, but the match has just begun.

The next day probably started the same, if not for the growing anxiety at the bottom of my stomach. Or was it because I haven't eaten yet? Who knows? I cracked my already stiff neck from sleeping on the couch again and walked over to the kitchen to feed the belly monster. I checked my phone to figure out the time and wasn't surprised to find Quinn's number flashing back at me, that and the numerous missed calls from her in the early morning. Didn't that woman know by now that I only wake up after lunchtime?

I grabbed one of the noodles I bought last night and poured hot water into it, sealing it off in the end with a fork and began my 3 minute wait. I figured I should call Quinn back to see what's up, at least to let her know I was still breathing. Plus the last time I ignored her, she threatened to send treasure trail over to sing at the top of her lungs outside my apartment until I came out. Needless to say, that was not a good day.

"Santana, why didn't you call me sooner?"

"Hey Quinn, I'm not dead yet, thanks for asking."

"Bitch, I already figured that out, that's not why I'm calling."

"Okay…what do you want Q? This better not be some kind of lame attempt to make me write your vows or anything because there is no way I'm writing anything with the midget in mind. There is not enough money in the world you could pay me to write them."

"No, that's definitely not it, but I don't know why you're complaining, last I checked you weren't drowning in poverty, would it do you any harm to at least write something besides your books?"

"Yes Quinn, yes it would, it would hurt me a lot."

"Heartless bitch, anyway, I really need a favor, one of my bridesmaids can't make it to the wedding because her stupid baby is deciding to pop on that weekend so I need-"


"I'm not even finished asking, I just need you to-"

"NO. Whatever it is NO!"

"Look S, you know I don't ask you for a lot of things, I just need you to do a few things as a bridesmaid, nothing too drastic, it's not like you're the maid of honor. Just Please, I really need this to be perfect, it's my wedding Santana. I promise I won't ask you for anything else. Come on, when have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Goddamn you Q… I swear my next book better be translated into 20 languages and made into movie sequels!"

"I promise, it'll be like Harry Potter and Twilight never existed."

"Pff I wish. You owe me big time Fabray for this. Oh hey, been meaning to ask, when did you get my books into the local stores? I just saw a copy yesterday and I don't remember you saying it was being distributed to them."

"Oh yeah, I thought it would be good publicity to spread it around the locals, get more feedback, that kind of thing. Why? Was it placed next to the soap detergents or something? I mean I told them to put it out front, catches the eye more ya know?"

"Yeah, no I found it up by the cashier, don't worry about it."

"Why pray tell do you ask Ms. Alpzen?"

"Uhh…no reason, just curious is all, good work by the way, someone totally bought it."

"Yes I knew it! Suckers are born every minute! They always like to buy things off the shelf in the front!"

"Yeah…suckers. Anyway, if there's nothing else, I'm going back to my noodles, I'm hungry."

"You're lucky you work out as much as you do, or you could kiss that body of yours goodbye. But yeah, that's all for now, I'll let you know the details as things come up. Oh before I forget, as my bridesmaid you can't go stag, so bring a date. Bye now!"

She hung up before I could even get a word in. Godammit Quinn! I can't believe she roped me into her wedding even more. I love Quinn like a sister but actually participating is going to make me do three things. Go crazy, sleep less than I already do, and throttle the shit out of Rachel Berry. Considering they need the bride alive that day, option three was out of the question. I walked back to my desk and began to angrily devour my curry flavored noodles, awesome; they never usually have this flavor. I slurped loudly as I did my usual internet surfing, catching up on emails and the like. Sometimes I checked on my fan sites, but rarely and only to see what my readers thought of my new book. Totally not stalling from dialing a certain blonde.

Calling Brittany now seemed a bit weird, I mean the girl probably is teaching a class or something, no need to bother her; I'll just call her later. Or text, yeah definitely texting would be better. Ugh what am I saying, I'm such a pansy sometimes I swear, plus this could be my chance, I need a date for Quinn's wedding in a month and god help me if I can't even ask a girl out on a date. Toughen up Lopez and call her already!

I quickly tapped in Brittany's number on my phone and hit call before I felt the nerves slam into me full force as I listened to the ringing. I let out a sigh of relief when someone picked up and heard faint laughter and music in the background.


"Oh hey, um this is uhh, Santana yeah, I don't know if you remember me but-"

"Of course I remember you silly! We totally met yesterday, I'm glad you got my message by the way."

"That was pretty sneaky of you Brittany, writing in my new book and all, what if I didn't like it hm?"

"Well I figured you wouldn't mind so much seeing as you called me, but if you want I can always buy you another one. Did you want another one of Sonata's books or the same one?"

"NO! I mean, no, I'm okay, I think I've got all of them now, but thanks anyway and no need to buy me anything, you're fine."

"Well thank you, you're not so bad yourself."

"Oh no that's not what I meant, I mean book wise."

"So I'm not fine?"

"No that's not what I meant either! I just…can we start over please?"

I groaned at my lack of wit and smacked myself in the head for coming off as a total ass. Brittany's laughter wasn't helping either as her voice filtered back to me in affirmative.

"So did I call at a bad time, are you teaching a class now?"

"Nope, I'm on my break so you're fine. We can both be fine now!"

"Ugh you are so not funny …"

"Aww don't be mad, I'm just teasing you."

"Anyway, I was wondering if you're busy later, I can lend you the book then."

"Wow, you already finished reading it in one night? You really weren't kidding when you said you're a quick reader."

"Oh yeah! Sure, definitely, quick reader, that's me alright…so later tonight?"

"Well I don't get off until around eight, but I'm absolutely free after that. Want to meet at the market place again?"

"Yeah sure, I'll bring the book then."

"Oh don't forget to bring your fine self too Santana!"

"So not funny…I'll see you later."

I closed the phone and grinned into the air, now all I had to do was get ready and make sure not to make a fool out of myself. I slid a cigarette out of the box and smiled at my sudden bout of good fortune, Santana Lopez got herself a date, an absolutely hot one at that.

Hello readers! So its been a while since I've posted any new stories and I do apologize for that. New readers, welcome to my weird world, enjoy your stay lol!My now completely dead computer decided to crap out on me and erase all stories I had written beforehand. Thus a basic summation and reason for why there is a new and quirky story. Its not meant to be long considering I do actually have something else planned in mind so I hope you enjoy it for what it is. Read lightly and enjoy to your heart's content :). Oh and if you have any suggestions or just feel like yelling at me for my tardiness in updating, you can post comments/review here or visit me at 'whatistheretoponderabout' on tumblr. There is where you'll find my ramblings and reasonings. Be sure to tell me what you think and I hope you stick with me through it all.