I am so dearly sorry this final chapter took me nearly a year to publish. It's been an interesting one, to say the least.

I lost my way with writing, sadly. I'm slowly getting it back. Anyway, I felt so inspired by MARRIAGE EQUALITY!

So here it is, the final chapter. Thank you all for sticking with me through this whole ordeal. I started writing the prequel on the day I graduated high school, and now I'm a college graduate. I think because of what I have done on this site I have met many people, and my life has been influenced in many ways, not all good, but not all bad either. This experience, in ways, has shaped who I am today. I still believe in this wholeheartedly, though: Sometimes in life we make mistakes. It's up to you to decide if they're for better or worse.

Best of luck to all of you.

Mitchie stared at herself in the full-length mirror. Her hair was done up in a bun, pulled back away from her face. Her makeup today leaned toward a more natural look, and her summer dress was a nice, off-white color. It fell just above her knees; matching ballet flats were on her feet. She was currently standing in her bedroom of her parents' apartment, where she had lived with Sam up until they moved in with Alex at the beginning of the summer. She and Sam had stayed over the night previously so that she and Alex wouldn't see each other at all before their wedding.

Their wedding. Mitchie smiled as excited butterflies took flight in her stomach. The day had finally come, and though they didn't wait long after the proposal to actually get married, Mitchie realized she had been waiting for this for a long while anyway. It was her wedding day, after all, what many little girls dream of their entire lives.

Most girls dreamed of the big wedding in the church, a prince charming at the altar, and riding away into the sunset on the back of a horse or something. That wasn't ever what Mitchie imagined. She had always wanted a small wedding, just her friends and family, and the love of her life of course. Today she was getting that.

There was a knock on the door, and Mitchie tore her gaze away from herself.

"Come in," Mitchie called, smoothing down her dress.

Connie opened the door, stepping into the room.

"I miss seeing you in this room," Connie commented. She took in her daughter fully, emotions welling in her chest. "Sweetheart, you look so beautiful."

"Thanks, Mom," Mitchie said.

Theresa walked over and took Mitchie's hands in her own.

"I've dreamed of this day so many times. I didn't think I'd ever be ready for it," she admitted. "But it feels like you've been married to Alex since you were sixteen anyway."

"I pretty much have been," Mitchie laughed. "Today we're just making it official."

Sam walked into the room dressed in baby dress pants, a dress shirt, and a clip on tie. His feet were bare, and he looked right at his mother and yanked off his tie.

"No tie," he told her seriously.

Steve entered the room, Sam's dress shoes in his hands.

"I can't get him to cooperate," Steve announced. "They say you have to watch out for the terrible twos, but he's starting early. You're gonna have your hands full with this one, Mitchie."

"I'll have help," she said with a smile, leaning down and picking up Sam. "Sam, can you please put your tie back on for Mommy?"

He shook his head. "No."

"What about at least your shoes?" she tried.


Mitchie laughed. "Whatever. He can go naked for all I care."

"Well, before we start stripping him down to his diaper, let's get going." Theresa started to leave the room. "We want to beat traffic. I don't know how you and Alex show up everywhere on time, Mitchie. You always leave so late!"

"We know a few short cuts," Mitchie said with a smile, walking out of the room after her mother.

"Zap!" Sam said.

Mitchie put her finger to her lips and shushed Sam. He picked up on Wizard words more and more lately, and it was becoming a problem. Therefore it was decided that after Mitchie and Alex came back from their honeymoon the Russos would finally have their family wizarding competition, and Alex would give up her powers for good. It was bittersweet, but it was time.

"What is with these words, buddy?" Steve asked, looking at Sam curiously. "Zap, flash, pop?"

"Alex has been reading superhero comic books to him at bedtime recently," Mitchie said quickly. "He's been saying that all week."

"People, move it!" Connie said, standing by the door and holding her purse. "We have a wedding to get to."

"I think Mom's more excited than I am," Mitchie said with a laugh, but even as she said it, she felt a twinge of butterflies erupt in her stomach. She'd probably die when she saw Alex in the flesh.

Alex ran her fingers along the spine of an old spell book, dust clinging to her fingertips. She brushed it off, straightening up when she heard the door to the lair open.

She'd been so certain no one was aware she was down here, who could that possibly be?

Alex turned to see Justin emerging from the doorway.

"How did I know I'd find you in here?" Justin said with a smile. He put his hands in his dress pant pockets. He wore a dark jacket, a tie, and his hair was gelled down.

"I was just saying goodbye," Alex said softly, eyes roaming the lair.

"Any second thoughts?" Justin searched her face.

Alex snorted. "Are you kidding me? No way in hell."

"Great." He nodded. "Because Mitchie's car just pulled up around back. It's time."

"Holy shit!" Alex exclaimed, eyes wide. "How do I look?"

Alex pulled on her white suit jacket nervously, and then tried to smooth down her hair, which she had curled overnight. Her legs were shaking in her black skinny jeans, and she could feel her feet sweating in her Converse. Alex had won the battle, compromising that she could wear Chucks, as long as they were brand-spanking-new. She hadn't even taken them out of the box until that morning.

"You look great," Justin said with a reassuring smile. "Now zap back up to your room so you can come down the stairs and greet your guests like a normal person."

"Thanks, Justin," Alex said with a smile. She took out her wand and prepared to depart.

"Alex?" Justin stalled her.


"I'm proud of you," he said softly.

Alex's face went soft briefly before her face turned red and she scoffed. "As if I care." She smiled and winked before zapping herself out of the lair.

"Same old Alex," Justin said with a smile.

His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out, brows drawing together in confusion when he saw he had a text from Alex. Curiously, he opened it.


Justin emerged from the freezer, surprised to see Caitlyn standing in front of the door with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Caitlyn!" Justin said, gulping.

"What ya doing in there?" Caitlyn asked with a knowing smile.

"Oh, ya know, just rehearsing my lines for the toast."

"Uh huh," Caitlyn said. It slightly tickled her that she knew his secret, that he'd been doing something wizard-related. But she would never tell him she knew. "Well, Mitchie's about to come in through the back door, so clear out. Only the Maid of Honor can see the bride before the ceremony."

"I'm not sure that's a thing, Cait," Justin said, laughing a little.

"Well, I'm making it one," she said, grabbing Justin's hand and pulling him towards the door. "Now get."

"Okay, I'm going." Justin surrendered, going out the swinging doors.

Almost as soon as he was out of them, Gabe rushed in. He wore a white shirt with a dark blue tie, one Caitlyn had bought him because she liked the way it matched his eyes. He immediately scooped her up in a hug.

"Babe," Caitlyn said happily and breathlessly as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck.

"I hate you so much right now," Gabe said, even though he didn't want to let go of her at all.

"What did I do?" Caitlyn laughed slightly as he set her down.

"You take the last available flight back from camp, and then I don't get to see you til your best friend's wedding?" Gabe pouted. "I missed you, Caity. I gotta go sit in a crowd of people while you're up there at the altar, and I won't be able to touch you. At all. Do you know how hard that's gonna be?"

"Just as hard as it will be for me," she said, straightening his tie. "But after the reception I'm all yours, okay?" She smiled slyly. "You won't be allowed to stop touching me."

Gabe's legs nearly turned to jelly.

"Go find your seat, baby." Caitlyn grabbed Gabe by the shoulders, forced him to turn around, and gave him a push towards the door. She spanked him on the ass for good measure, and he nearly lost his footing, stumbling through the door. "Hey, Mitchie," he said weakly, passing her in the doorway.

"Hey, Gabe," she said, looking him up and down. She looked to Caitlyn, who smiled with fake innocence. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Caitlyn said.

Connie and Steve came into the room, Steve carrying Sam.

"Nanny!" Sam said happily.

"Hey, big guy!" Caitlyn said enthusiastically to him. "I gotta get out there," Caitlyn said, turning to Mitchie. "See you at the alter!"

"I'll be the one marrying the love of my life," Mitchie said, eyes shining.

Alex paced her room, nervously pulling at her tie. Her nerves, though, were those from excitement, not fear. Alex had no fear whatsoever about spending the rest of her life with Mitchie. She knew that was the right decision, felt it in her bones. She just couldn't wait to say "I do."


Alex looked up to see her father standing in her doorway, dressed up all nice and proper. He smiled at her.

"Ready to go?" Jerry asked, extending his hand.

Alex smiled in return and took his hand. He pulled her to him and hugged her, kissing her atop the head.

"I always knew you'd be the first one I'd marry off," Jerry admitted.

Alex laughed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Well, I suppose this is the time where I give you a big, long speech about how proud I am of you, and how you'll always be my little girl—"

"Can it wait til the reception, Dad?" Alex started pulling him out the room. "I have to go get married, like, right now or I think I may explode."

Jerry laughed as Alex dragged him down the hall.

The sub shop was unrecognizable. White streamers hung from the ceiling and white chairs all pointed towards the back of the restaurant. They had decided against a courthouse wedding, Theresa insisting they host it at the sub shop so that she could at least plan some part of her daughter's wedding. Connie agreed, and the two had worked diligently around the clock to make the place look gorgeous. Jerry grumbled about having to close the shop down for a couple of days, but when he found out how much money he could save by catering the event himself he shut up.

Guests filled the chairs, including members of both the Russo and Torres clan. Shane and Nate sat at the back of the crowd, both dressed in expensive suits. Shane had his arms crossed and wore a pout.

"I can't believe Jason gets to walk my son down the aisle of my baby mama's wedding. How weird is that?" Shane grumbled.

"About as weird as the fact that your baby mama is a lesbian," Nate said in a joking manner. "If you've learned anything, isn't it that our idea of what was once normal is stupid? And plus, Sam is the ring bearer, and Jason is the flower man. Do you really wanna be the flower man?"

"True." Shane said with a laugh, remembering how excited Jason had been when Mitchie asked him.

Alex came barging down the stairs then, dragging Jerry behind her. Everyone turns to see what the commotion was, laughing when they saw Alex taking the stairs two at a time and Jerry struggling to keep up. Theresa shook her head, slightly amused.

"Everyone, we're ready to start," a justice of the peace stood at a makeshift altar at the end of the chairs announced. He wore little, round glasses and had tufts of white hair.

The crowd fell silent. Soft music started playing. First Jerry, out of breath, walked Theresa down the aisle and they took a seat at the front on Alex's side. Then Steve walked Connie, sitting on Mitchie's side. They had decided to break the tradition of the fathers giving the brides away because there were two brides, so obviously tradition wasn't their thing.

Justin walked Caitlyn next, and after that Max walked Harper. Caitlyn was wearing a modest, lavender gown with no sleeves, and by some miracle Alex had convinced Harper to get the same thing, but of course it had a few tweaks. Harper had made herself a flower necklace, headband, and bracelet out of the same kind of flowers chosen for the wedding. It was Alex's favorite creation of Harper's yet.

Next Jason made his way down with Sam. Sam held a little pillow with the rings attached, and Jason followed behind, wearing a matching adult suit just like Sam's and scattering flower petals as he went.

Finally it was the time everyone was waiting for. Alex stood by the back doors to the kitchen, waiting in anticipation. The doors pushed open, and Mitchie stood there with a big smile on her face and flowers in her hands. Alex took one look at her and couldn't help it… she had to kiss her.

Alex put her hand on the back of Mitchie's neck and firmly placed her own lips against the other young woman's. Mitchie smiled into the kissed, and her hands went to Alex's waist. The crowd could only laugh in response. A few people applauded.

Caitlyn and Harper shared an amused look. At the same time they each cleared their throats. This did nothing to get the attention of either bride-to-be.

Finally, someone spoke up.

"Get a room," Shane called form the back row.

Alex simply stuck him her middle finger and went on kissing Mitchie.

"Alex," Theresa chastised from her seat.

"Do you two want to get married or not?" Justin called from where he was waiting.

This snapped them out of it. Both broke the kiss, joined hands, and practically jogged down the aisle.

The justice of the peace laughed and smiled at them. "Are we ready to begin, ladies?"

"Yes," Alex and Mitchie said together. Alex gave Mitchie's hand a squeeze.

"Let's get right to it, then, shall we?" He cleared his throat. "I would tell you to join hands, but I see you already have."

The audience shared a laugh with that.

"Alex and Mitchie have their own vows. Alex, would you like to start?"

"Actually, hold on a second," Alex said. "Come see, Sammy," she told the toddler, who was still holding onto his Uncle Jason. Alex scooped up Sam in one arm, keeping hold of Mitchie's hand with the other. She nodded to the justice.

"Whenever you're ready," he prompted.

Alex nodded, took a deep breath, and looked into Mitchie's eyes.

"Mitchie," Alex began, "I stayed up all night saying this in front of the mirror, so I hope I get this right." She smiled shyly. "I remember the first time I ever saw you I felt that the breath had been knocked out of me because I was shocked by how beautiful you are. I hated myself for having feelings for you because I thought there was no way I could ever have someone as amazing as you. But here we are. You and Sam are more important to me than I ever could have imagined." Alex noticed tears forming in Mitchie's eyes, and she had to bite her lip to fight back her own. "I was a mess when we met, but you made me better. I promise you, for the rest of my life, I will never stop trying to be good enough for you."

Mitchie wiped the corners of her eyes as the crowd hung on Alex's every word.

"That was beautiful, Alex," the justice said. "Mitchie?"

Mitchie cleared her throat. "I doubt I can top that, but…" She smiled widely. "Alex, I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for me and for Sam. People, including yourself, like to point out your flaws from your past, but you and everyone else sell yourself short." She gave Alex's hand a hard squeeze. "You have always been amazing. From the moment we met you constantly proved you were so much more than everyone thought you were. I, too often, get credit for changing you, making you 'better.' But you are the one who has made me better. You saved me, picked me up when I was at my lowest. You've stuck by my side through thick and thin, and you have made me fall more and more in love with you every step of the way. Our lives haven't always been easy, but loving you always has. It's the easiest thing I've ever done, like I was born just to love you, and I will spend every day of the rest of my life proving to you how amazing you truly are."

"Repeat after me, Alex," the justice began. "I, Alex, take thee, take thee, Mitchie, as my wedded wife…"

"I, Alex, take thee, Mitchie, as my wedded wife," Alex said with a huge smile.

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse…"

"To have and to hold from this day forward," Alex said. "For better or worse."

"For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," he finished.

"For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," Alex said quickly.

"And now you, Mitchie," the justice began.

"I do," Mitchie said quickly.

The audience chuckled, and Alex beamed.

The justice adjusted his glasses. "Mitchie, it's not time for—"

"Please just make me Alex's wife already," Mitchie said. "I can't wait anymore."

"Alright." The justice had to smile. He had never seen a bride more excited to get married in his over fifty years of wedding officiating. "Do you?"

Mitchie squeaked out an excited, "Yes," then she put her free hand on the back of Alex's neck and kissed her wife firmly on the lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, for the first time, Mrs. Alex and Mitchie Torres-Russo," the justice said loudly, gesturing to the kissing newlyweds.

The crowd stood and cheered. Theresa and Connie were both crying, and Steve and Jerry were holding back tears. Justin whistled through his teeth. Sam hollered happy sounds to join in the excitement. He slid down from Alex's arms and danced around them, clapping his little hands happily.

But Alex and Mitchie didn't hear any of it. They were still kissing, hearing nothing but the sounds of their heartbeats hammering in their ears. Their pulses elevated from the excitement. Everything else melted away. Alex held Mitchie to her, and their bodies reflexively molded together.

Alex reached a level of happiness she previously didn't know existed, and Mitchie felt as if she were floating. It was the moment they waited their whole lives for, and neither had expected to feel as much as they did. They felt they could do anything, conquer, overcome, and survive anything together. And they could. As a family.

Alex, Mitchie, and Sam Torres-Russo.

The End.

I'm not crying. You're crying.

And there you have it, folks. It's been a pleasure writing for you. Your wonderful reviews kept me going, and helped me to believe in myself as a writer. I'm hoping their next time we meet it is with my very first published novel.

Here's hoping, eh?

Until next time...