"So its not a girl thing," Kaze asked.

"Not necessarily," I muttered.

"I think what Ruka means is that it is a girl thing, but she would prefer that you hear," Sherry said. Kaze sat there for a few seconds, as if debating on if he wanted to risk staying here and hearing some 'private girl matters' or leave and pretend this never happened.

"Its probably not as bad as you think," I said, causing Kaze to sigh with relief before sitting down on the couch, preparing himself for what he probably figured would be a talk about makeup or something of the like.

"Not to be intruding, but this wouldn't have to be about what's been going on for the past few weeks, would it," Sherry asked. I sheepishly nodded. If Sherry joined in on explaining things to Kaze, maybe this wouldn't be such a random jab to him... I can't imagine what would go through a boy's head when he finds out that two girls like him... This way, it'll probably make more understandable, since Sherry can fill in the blanks. So I took a deep breath, which is when I realized I had no idea how to started this conversation.

"Um... You see, Kaze," I trailed off.

"To save Ruka the trouble, she wants to tell you that she likes you," Sherry said, causing me to blush.

"S-Sherry," I shouted.

"But don't we all like each other here," Kaze asked, being the oblivious boy he was.

"Like... Like as in what I was saying in the Spirit World," I said. Kaze went silent, struggling to recall the event from a month or two ago.

"I get it," Kaze said, startling both Sherry and I.

"Y-you do," I asked. That was a whole lot quicker than I thought...

"Of course. You two are trying to pull my leg again, right," Kaze asked.

"We really aren't," Sherry muttered.

"Then you mean you two actually," Kaze trailed off, slowly taking in the new information. Once he finally understood, his face turned pink. "You guys," Kaze started once more, but couldn't bring himself to say the words.

"Love you," Sherry asked. As you can probably see, this is what I meant by I'm glad Sherry was joining in on the conversation. I would have choked up a long time ago if she wasn't, technically, on my side. Kaze took a gulp before nodding, still probably having trouble with the fact or embarrassment that he didn't recognize our feelings until now.

"So... Do you know what I meant by who do you like more a while ago," I asked, in which Kaze nodded again. The three of us went silent, and I nervously twiddled my fingers, occasionally glancing a Sherry, to get her to say something, or Kaze, to get him to say something, although it didn't work.

"I think we'd be asking a little too much of you to chose now, correct," Sherry asked. Kaze didn't even have to think about his answer and nearly instantly nodded. "Well, its not like we didn't expect it," Sherry sighed, in which I nodded in agreement. Sherry was about to say something else when her phone rang. Just as Sherry was about to answer the call, or hit the silence button depending on her mood, Kaze's phone started ringing too, causing her to pause. "At the same time," Sherry asked softly before flipping her phone open, Kaze following in suit. I sat there in silence as the two listened to what their caller had to say, which was apparently a lot. That apparently long one sided conversation seemed to make both Kaze and Sherry upset, as Sherry suddenly slammed her phone shut before turning towards the door, preparing to make a bolt for it of Kaze hadn't grabbed her wrist, causing me to slightly twitch at the scene. "Let me go! I need to go destroy them...! Yliaster," Sherry shouted.

"Yliaster," I asked. Weren't they ended once defeated Zone...? I thought that he and 'The Three Emperors of Yliaster' were all there was. That and I thought that Sherry had given up on her obsession with Yliaster...

"There's a life beyond revenge, Sherry! You can't rush into this! It may be a trap," Kaze said, still holding onto Sherry's wrist tightly. Sherry instantly stopped her struggling at that, but didn't make any attempt to step away from the door, making Kaze keep his grip so she wouldn't run.

"What was that call even about," I asked.

"Some person from Yliaster is basically calling both of us out to this island," Kaze muttered. My hands subconsciously clenched. Another calling out...? With Yliaster to top it off...?

"We have to stop them, trap or not," Sherry said.

"But if its a trap, your lives may be in danger all over again... We should leave it to Sector Security," I said. Sherry scoffed slightly at that, but Kaze kept his poker face, not letting me know what he was really thinking.

"Let me remind you of what they were doing while the Arc Cradle was coming down. They were evacuating citizens to safety, leaving the main threat at large. Its our job to finish them off for Sector Security," Sherry said.

"Look, just go get our D-wheels... I'll handle this," Kaze muttered.

"K-kaze-," I started, but Sherry had already left, causing me to go quiet.

"You know that we have to do this. If Yliaster is targeting us directly, we have to keep others out of danger," Kaze said.

"But you're putting yourself in danger...! If I lost you, I don't know what I'd do," I said with a blush.

"I proved to you that I can keep my promises, haven't I...? I promise nothing will go wrong! I have Sherry with me after all," Kaze smiled, not helping my mood. Another 'Sherry and Kaze only' time...

"I just don't see why you have to keep putting your life on the line... At least let Yusei and the rest of us come with you! That was things won't be as dangerous," I insisted.

"You guys are my irreplaceable friends. I couldn't bare it if you guys got hurt because of some careless mistake I might make. If Sherry and I go alone, we should be able to get around quicker as well," Kaze muttered.

"Still...! Don't you realize how dangerous this is? This is Yliaster we're talking about... Not everyone will want a duel, Kaze... They might take a more violent approach, and if one of you guys are alone, then-," I started, but Kaze caused me to stop by placing his hand on my head.

"We're never gonna be alone, Ruka. Not only will we have you guys supporting us, our duel spirits will always be with us, right," Kaze smiled and pulled out his deck with his free hand, letting me slowly take in the voices of his duel spirits. To save you from about twenty different phrases, they all pretty much said the same thing. That they would help keep Kaze safe. The only part that confused me was that they actually said 'again'.

"What do they mean by again," I asked, forgetting that Kaze couldn't openly see duel spirits, or even hear them. It was either only by a rare chance or if the spirits directly called for him, as Regulus has done in the past. "I mean, about keeping you safe," I added.

"I actually didn't get here on my own. The spirits helped me," Kaze said, causing my eyes to drift back to the duel spirits. Actually, one in particular. Brionac, one of the few monsters that probably could have helped deal with cold. To confirm my believes, Brionac even admitted about the whole thing, which took me a few second to take in due to it's rather fast talking. To summarize it quickly, Brionac materialized and used it's powers to focus the cold away from both Kaze and I, so we could travel safely without the risk of Kaze fainting as well. "Then... Take care of him," I muttered, smiling slightly when the spirits eagerly nodded before Kaze returned his deck to his holder.

"Now promise me that you won't go and think I'm dead like last time, all right," Kaze asked, in which I slowly nodded. A D-wheel engine revved, causing the two of us to look up, even though we wouldn't be able to see the white D-wheel outside that belonged to Sherry. "Looks like its time to go," Kaze muttered.

"Can... can I give you a good-bye gift," I asked softly as I twiddled my fingers, a blush creeping to my face. I guess here goes nothing... If I don't get my 'mark' in... A whole week with Sherry alone, at least, while knowing she loves him...? That would turn out bad for me... So when Kaze bent down to see what I had in mind, I gave him a quick kiss... on the cheek. Don't tell me you thought I was that bold! If I did that and Sherry found out... Things wouldn't be pretty, I bet. Kaze's face turned pink as he trailed his fingers to his cheek, words apparently not forming in his mouth. Sherry revved her D-wheel once more as a 'Hurry it up' sign. "Good luck, Kaze," I smiled. Kaze sat there blinking for a few seconds before slightly nodding and running off to meet Sherry. I walked over to the window and placed my arms on the windowsill so I could rest my head on it while I watched Kaze clumsily running out of the lodge and making his way to his D-wheel, getting a few scolding from Sherry before the two drove off. What was it that Kaze said to Sherry...? A life beyond revenge, right...? I wonder if there's something like that for me. But a life beyond jealousy...


Seiei: As I mentioned, or think I mentioned, the duel did come out kind of short, but I liked it that way. I'm glad that others felt that way about it as well


- Sorry for basically toying with you on this... You won't believe how many times that I've actually rewritten this chapter because I haven't been able to get anything where they're either in character or is realistic, so I figured that I'd go with this one.

- I was thinking about Yliaster at school one day, because I'm cool like that, and I remembered that during the dark signer arc, there was a member of Yliaster who confronted Roman (Unless I'm entirely off) So that's where I got the idea that Yliaster could still very well be alive and going, as he didn't look anything like the three emperors.

- This is the last chapter of Jealousy, as I think that the story has gotten pretty long, so since there will be one final plot, I've decided to make a new story. I'm not as uncreative as to name it 'Jealousy 2' or something... It'll probably be something like 'Lives beyond revenge and jealousy'... Unless that doesn't fit. Then I may just name it Jealousy 2... I'm no good with titles. Since I'm working out some plot things, as well as working with school now, and it may result in the next part taking a while, I've written up a preview. Its nothing like the first paragraph of the chapter or anything, but a few things to give you a brief overview and hopefully catch/keep your interest.

Preview of the next story:

I weakly looked up towards the brown haired teen sitting beside me, probably calling out my name, but the words just weren't hitting my ears. None of my senses were working right, to be quiet honest. My vision was hardly even working as it was. For all I knew, this brown haired teen might not even be my crush at all. He may be the enemy. My crush may as well be sharing the same fate as me, senses failing, and conscious drifting. I don't know what actually pushed me to do what I did next... It was foolish and idiotic of me, I'll admit that. Before my conscious slipped away entirely, I actually managed to say one name. Although it was one name I thought I'd never say in such a situation, as she wasn't anywhere near my age, and she was my sworn enemy, as we both shared the same crush. So as I said, it was stupid of me to say her name, or rather whisper. To top off any other reason, we were thousands of miles away from said person. So why did I waste my breath, when there was no supernatural force that would carry over my plead for help to the fourteen, or was she now fifteen, year old girl across the seas. I still put my entire faith in her, praying my words would reach her, letting her know all that was happening here and letting her get help from someone, anyone...
