FE Frog: So here it is, what you've ALL been waiting for!

The sequel to JSTG... (The first one is HERE: fanfiction .net/s/4787961/1/Just_a_small_town_girl Just take out the space between fanfiction and .net)

I seem to be writing more than usual, but who knows if it will last? I am working on the second chapter, but I don't really want to post it until I finish the 3rd as well (It seems like a good idea to me...)

Now I will make a compilation of all the people who took their time to review... Because I can...

Fe Frog Fan
(I love you too grandma... 3)
Trueblade Hinata
(Where oh where did you go, Megsy? I haven't talked to you in FOREVER!)
dark armadillo
Percussion Obsessed
Rini Tsukino
Blue Orbi Angel

Phew! That's done. Now I don't have to go through all those reviews anymore! But it's all thanks to you guys that I was able to finish JSTG 1 and now JSTG 2! SO THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! And hopefully you can review and inspire me to write faster (Is that TOO much to ask for?)

And if I get any new readers (which I'm hoping for, because there's plenty of new people to the fandom) I ask you to PLEASE review. No, not jsut because I like feeling loved... Okay, maybe I do like feeling loved, but I get enough views and whatnot. What confuses me most is you people who go as far as FAVOURITING my story (I feel so special!) but don't even review... It makes me sad :(

ANYWAYS, onto the story! Enjoy!

"No, no... They're there..." Nephenee gasped, yanking Geoffrey back and holding onto his arm. They stood in the middle of the crowd of people who had also just gotten off the 747 from Sienne. They either glared at the two in the way, or simply passed without looking back.

Geoffrey pulled his arm away and looked at her, putting a hand on either of her cheeks. "Re-lax." He grinned, as if amused by it all. Nephenee wasn't. She was horrified. "We already went through this the Goddess knows how many times! I would never judge you because of them. If you think that, you're an idiot."

"I'm an idiot." Nephenee said with a slight pout. "I always have been."

Geoffrey closed his eyes, "Nephenee... From what you've told me, your parents won't eat me alive. I'll still like you no matter what they say or do." He smiled, "And if you want me to make it up to you, I'll bring you to the palace for New Year's or something. Now meeting my dad will scare you... A lot."

Nephenee nodded, "O-Okay..."

Geoffrey leaned down and kissed her gently, pulling away after a moment and smiling, "Let's go."

The farm girl couldn't help but smile. She always did when he kissed her. It didn't happen often enough... Only two other times so far, once in the snow, and the other to calm her nerves when they boarded the plane. It was mostly because she got all nervous and red-faced when he tried. With an extra boost of confidence as he squeezed her hand, they went.

Nephenee's eyes lit up as her family came into view. She let go of Geoffrey's hand to run for her parents and little sister.

"Nephi!" Callia screeched as her big sister picked her up.

Geoffrey slowly and awkwardly approached. They weren't quite what he had expected... Maybe because all of the people he knew had a twig for a mother and an aristocrat or general for a father. Both were often hardened and strict. But the O'Malleys... They were so cheerful! And their plumpness really only showed how well they lived. Not to mention, most of it was just muscle in disguise.

Nephenee turned to him, the little one in her arms, "Everyone... This 'ere is Geoffrey Delbray."

Geoffrey bowed at the waist. A perfect 90 degree bow, not too long and not too short. These were people to respect, regardless of class. He straightened back up, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley."

They all gawked. Mr. O'Malley nudged his older daughter's arm, "Is his head on right?"

Geoffrey was speechless. He had been raised to be respectful to elders! He would have been punished for even a slightly miscalculated bow!

Mr. O'Malley switched to a grin and put out a hand, "I'm joking with ya. You nobles are so serious all the time. You need to loosen up a bit." He waited for Geoffrey to shake his hand to continue, "Call me Yorick."

Geoffrey let out a sigh of relief as he shook Yorick's hand. The man's grip surprised him. Years at the palace and even his little bit of military training had taught him to decipher a person through a mere handshake, and Yorick was no different. Geoffrey could tell he worked hard... His hands were rough and calloused. But they were gentle never the less, meaning he was an amazing father to all his children and never raised a hand to them. He was a good man. After that, he moved onto Saerah-as she told him to call her- who was the same, although her hands were slightly softer and nurturing. They were definitely both great people and caring parents who were loved by many, related or not.

The little girl with long, auburn hair prodded Geoffrey's side, taking his attention. "I'm Callia! I defend the family!"

Geoffrey held back a laugh as he crouched down in front of her, "You must be awfully strong, then."

Callia grinned, "Oh yes. I'm so strong I could take you on any day, so don't get any ideas!"

"Callia!" Nephenee snapped, "That's not very nice."

But she was ignored as Callia narrowed her eyes, "Don't try anything funny with Nephi. Or else..." She leaned in and whispered, "I'll send my fire-eating dragon Rajaion after you!"

"Don't you mean fire-breathing?" Geoffrey asked.

Callia shook her head defiantly, "Nope! Rajaion eats fire. He breaths it when he spits it back out. He's a very special dragon."

Geoffrey nodded, "I see." He smiled, "I promise I won't do anything. Rajaion sounds scary." He stood back up and looked to his girlfriend, "Shall we get our bags, then?"

Nephenee nodded excitedly. She probably couldn't wait to get home. "Sounds good!"

The group headed to the car after picking up luggage. Yorick took the wheel, Saerah in the seat beside him. Callia climbed in and buckled her seat belt over herself, then relaxed into her booster seat. Nephenee motioned inside to the noble man at her arm, "You can sit with Callia, if you want. No doubt my parents will want to ask you tons of questions."

Geoffrey was hesitant to climb in after the little one, buckling the seat belt as Nephenee sat behind him and closed the door.

"All aboard!" Yorick asked rather loudly, sticking his arm out the window as if to pull a train whistle, Saerah mimicking the sound and making Callia giggle.

"We're all ready to go, Operator!" Callia shouted in response.

Geoffrey looked back at a red-faced Nephenee who slouched in her seat and covered her face. Geoffrey simply grinned, before turning back toward the front where Yorick was making chuga-chuga-choo-choo sounds as the car pulled out of it's parking spot. The car made it's way out of the airport parking (traffic was bad because of Christmas coming up in a little over a week, and all the students were coming home from all over Tellius for break) and pulled onto the road, where there was still a giant line-up of cars.

Yorick looked back, "So, Geoffrey, your father is the duke of...?"

"Count, actually. He's the Count of Fayre. It's the same thing, really."

"Ah yes..." Yorick nodded, "The blonde haired one who talks funny."

Geoffrey couldn't help but smile, "Yes, him. He also holds power over Delbray, but I'll inherit the territory when I marry. Mine and Lucia's surnames are also Delbray because of it."

Yorick was impressed, to say the least, "Inherit the territory? You'll be duke?"

"Something like that."

Saerah looked back and winked at her daughter, who sank into her seat even more, even pulling her hat back on for comfort.

Callia's eyes were big and bright, "Does that mean Nephi will be a Princess if she marries you?"

"Callia!" Nephenee shouted suddenly, gaining everyone's attention. She bit her lip, "I mean, we might not get married..."

Geoffrey was smiling, obviously amused at this turn of events, "You never know, Neph. It's soon to tell, yes, but what if we do?" He turned to Callia, "Unfortunately, she won't be a Princess. I'm not a royal, only a noble. But she will be a Duchess."

"Geoffrey..." Nephenee whined, but it fell on deaf ears.

Callia gasped, "Really? Can she still wear a tiara, though?"

"Of course." The blue haired noble looked back at Nephenee, "And she'll wear pretty dresses every day and have her hair done professionally, eat gourmet food and live in a castle."

The little girl beside him oohed and aahed at every mention, "Really?" She looked back at her sister, "Nephi! You might not get to be a Princess, but you'll live like one!"

Nephenee tugged the lip of her hat down even more, covering her nose along with her eyes. "Thanks, Callia, but it might not even happen." She muttered.

Geoffrey's smile was wilting. Did she not want it to happen? The last thing he wanted was to be going to all this trouble for someone who wasn't as interested in him as he thought. He could see them getting married one day, and she would look drop-dead gorgeous in the dresses and jewelery that came with the title 'Duchess of Delbray'. She already had the beautiful face and amazing complexion. The stylists would love her too. He looked back to Callia, "Don't listen to her. When she's a Duchess, we'll treat you like a Princess. You can even live in the castle with us!"

"Really?" She turned to her mother, "Mama! Can I live in the castle with Geoffrey and Nephi when they get married?"

Saerah laughed, "Of course, dear..."

An easy promise, Nephenee thought, As much as I'd hate to admit it, Geoffrey will probably get bored with me eventually. I can't see myself marrying a noble, anyways... Or wearing pretty dresses and having multiple people touch my hair at the same time.

The rest of the ride was just talking, laughing, and Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley embarrassing Nephenee to no end. She was glad that at least Geoffrey pretended to be interested in her parents' ramblings. Callia was giggling the entire time and exclaiming how she couldn't wait to be a Princess. Nephenee had never seen her sister like this because usually Callia would be talking to Rajaion on planning battles against the mean boy at school. Ones that Saerah prayed would never come about, and thankfully they didn't.

"Here we are!" Yorik pulled into the parking lot... of a car rental place?

The car stopped, and Nephenee woke up, "Are we home?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. The drive from Melior was so long, and the talking wore her out. They were actually at a car rental place, the closest to Ohma. Yorik figured that it would be best if Nephenee and Geoffrey had their own car in case they wanted to go somewhere on their own. Geoffrey had his own car at home, of course, but he hadn't thought to pick it up in the capital.

"Nope!" Yorik pulled the keys from the ignition and opened the door, "Geoff, why don't you come with me? Saerah can take over command in here."

"Oh, alright." Geoffrey unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door. Before getting up, he kissed Nephenee's forehead, "See you when we get there!"

Callia was giggling again. She had never seen someone other than family kiss Nephenee anywhere. "Kiss her again!"

Nephenee's eyes widened, suddenly fully awake, "What?"

Geoffrey merely chuckled, then went over to Callia and kissed her forehead as well, "Not now, okay?" And then he whispered something in her ear that Nephenee couldn't hear. That bothered the turquoise haired farm girl.

"What'd he say?" Neph demanded as soon as Geoffrey closed the van's door. She slid into his seat beside her sister.

Callia grinned a little too widely, "Nooooothin'! He told me it was a secret!"

Nephenee crossed her arms and glared at her sister, "Callia..."

Saerah turned to look back at her older daughter, "Neph, why don't you let them have their little game? I'm sure you'll find out some time." She moved to the driver's seat and turned the key in the ignition, "He's awful nice, you know. Even for a noble."

Nephenee raised an eyebrow, "What do ya mean 'for a noble'?"

"Well, dear. Most nobles are born and raised to be polite."

The farm girl couldn't help but scoff. Her mother had never been around any other noble, where as Nephenee had. They were far from polite. There was Elincia, who wasn't all that nice. There was also that Naesala guy who always interrupted her wherever she went for some reason. Yet she didn't even know what he looked like...

"It doesn't surprise me that you would get the best of them all." Saerah laughed.

Callia laughed along, "Nephi would only ever get the best of the best!"

"And the most handsome too."

Nephenee rolled her eyes, "You guys are unbelievable."

Saerah grinned at her daughter through the rear view mirror, "Nephenee, you can't deny it. Your boyfriend is gorgeous."

"Yes, I know. I noticed when he first sat beside me on the plane to Sienne." She grumbled. She wasn't the same around her family. They brought out the best in her... and also the worst. This was about as bad as it usually got. "As soon as I get a boyfriend, that's all you talk about! What about me?"

Callia leaned her head against her sister's arm, "How was schoooooool?" She asked, looking up with big, round, green eyes.

Nephenee couldn't help the smile stretching across her lips, "Good. It's busy in Sienne."

Saerah chuckled, "What did you expect, sweetie? It's the biggest city in all of Tellius! How were your roommates? You told us about them, but never went into any detail, hun."

Nephenee laughed simply at the thought of Calill and Marcia, "Well... They're interesting. Calill loves shopping and herself. Marcia's a little more down to earth, you know? She has a crazy brother, though. She doesn't act like it, but you can tell she loves him more than anything." No, she doesn't act like it at all. Nephenee thought, looking down with a smile. "They've been friends for a long time, but I feel like I've been with them for a long time too, now. They helped me be more confident."

Saerah looked like she had tears in her eyes, "That's so sweet, hun. I wish we could meet them. They sound like great people."

"They are."

"And how have you been doing in school? Good Professors?"

Nephenee nodded, "Plenty. They're all extremely smart." Not like they wouldn't be. They get paid exuberantly to teach at the finest university in Tellius. "I'm doing well, too. I averaged at about 78% during mid-terms."

Saerah sighed, "Such a smart daughter I have. Daughters, I mean, Adrianna is doing well in Daein last I I heard." She smiled to herself, "A smart son, too. Aarron's one of the top students in his class in Gallia."

Callia lifted her hand, "What about me, mama?"

"And Callia, of course! Second smartest in her class!"

Nephenee looked down and smiled, "Second, Callia?"

Callia stuck her lip out, "Henry's first. Daddy says he's too smart for his own good."

"Callia! No need to say stuff like that!" Saerah snapped, making Nephenee laugh. She shook her head, "He's a smart child. You should respect him for it."

Callia wrinkled her nose, "Not when he shoves it in everyone's faces!"

Saerah huffed, "Let's stop with this, then."

"Okay..." Nephenee ruffled her sister's hair, "So how have you guys been without me?"

Callia leaned against her sister and pouted, "Nephi, it's soooooooooooooo boring! All of you guys are leaving and I'm all alone! I have no one to play with! And I have to collect the chicken eggs by myself! Do you have any idea what it's like to collect eggs by yourself?"

No, she didn't, actually. Unless you wanted to count in the grocery store. Then again, Geoffrey was there and even returned the eggs she had forgotten. Thinking about it made Nephenee sigh and wonder what Geoffrey and her dad were talking about. Were they even talking? Was Yorick talking non-stop and not letting Geoffrey say a word? He was like that when Adrianna first had a boyfriend...

"What's it like at the palace, Geoff?" Yorick asked after the Goddess knows how long.

"Uh... Well, it's big." Geoffrey ran a hand through his hair nervously. He had never experienced this kind of thing before. Sure, he had met King Ramon, but the King was far too busy to be bothered by his daughter's most recent boyfriend. By the time Elincia and him had gotten serious, his majesty was too sick to be bothered by anyone. Renning was the closest he had come to having one of the 'If you're going to date my daughter...' talks. And yet he had known Renning since he was a child, and the Prince was like a father to him.

"Must be pretty fancy, 'specially this time'o'year." Yorik chuckled. He followed closely behind the van where the girls seemed to be enjoying themselves. Much less awkward there.

"Yes, it is. They have designers come in and decorate the palace for the Holidays." Geoffrey said, trying his best to look at the man beside him. He was taught it was impolite not to look at the person you're speaking with.

Yorik looked over briefly, "Have you at all considered her hand?"

The question caught him completely off guard. From talk of the palace to this? Sure, they were joking about it in the car, but he wasn't actually going to ask anytime soon. They only met several months ago! They only started 'dating' less than a month before. Either Yorik was incredibly concerned for his daughter, or he was just incredibly old-fashioned. "I... We're taking it slow." He smiled sheepishly, "We don't even really kiss and haven't gotten past that stage."

Yorik nodded, "Good. You're both so young and have plenty of time." He looked over once more, "It takes a good, honourable man to treat a woman like you do."

If only you knew... Geoffrey thought. He didn't treat Elincia quite the same way, mainly because he had nothing to lose. Elincia preferred taking things fast, making sure the rest of Tellius knew who he belonged to. He had no objections as a teenager with hormones running rampant, but now a man, he knew better. Not to mention, he had so much more he could lose, Nephenee at the top of the list. At least the O'Malley's didn't seem to be the kind of people who looked into what was happening with their royals. "We do have lots of time." He finally agreed, "I just... I don't want to force her into my world. When I get married, my father is passing Delbray onto me, and possibly even Fayre when he gets too old."

Yorik laughed, "Count Bastian will never be too old! I've seen the man in action. He is a respectable diplomat, and very dedicated."

"Yes, very." Too dedicated. So dedicated he has no time for his children. "But I still have schooling to do before then, and a life to attend to..."

"You're not much fond of the idea, are you?" Yorik finished.

Geoffrey sighed and nodded, "Yes... But my older sister isn't allowed to take over, even though she would love to."

"Tell me if I'm wrong, because I don't know squat about royal stuff, but that's a pointless rule. If she wants to take over, she should."

"Nobles are too stuffy and stuck on tradition. They don't realize this is the future and they needn't be so old-fashioned."

Yorik looked over one last time and smiled, pleased, "You know, you got your head on right after all. I like that."

Nephenee brought her suitcase up the steps to the front door, taking a deep breath at the top. The fresh, country air filled her nostrils, then her body and mind. It had been so long since she had last been in the clean air, instead of the polluted Sienne air. Sure, Sienne was full of old buildings that were gorgeous to look at, but the modern buildings towered over everything except the Tower of Guidance, the only ancient monstrosity to penetrate the skyline. The rest were flashy, glassy buildings built just because they could be.

But here... Here in Ohma, where the tallest things were the ancient trees that have stood far longer than the town itself, where the fields stretched out across the countryside, creating a patch-work of fields rimmed with lines of ancient trees, was the complete opposite of Sienne. The town itself was still surrounded by the 3 foot, old brick walls that had been built over 500 years prior. This was beauty. Feeling the wind in your hair as you ride down the dirt roads, whether on bike or horse, the sun kissing you with it's soft rays. Or even walking into town with the sparkling snow all around you, untouched and uncontaminated by noxious gases released from factories and cars.

It wasn't superficial here, and neither were the people. Nephenee couldn't imagine living away from here for much longer, certainly not for the rest of her life.

"Nephi! This is too heavy!" Callia called, trying to drag Geoffrey's suitcase, covered in silver leather and royal blue velvet, through the snow to the steps.

Nephenee walked down and took the handle from her sister, "I've got it, don't worry. Could you bring mine inside instead?"

"Okay!" Callia bounded up the steps, tugging Nephenee's simple suitcase into the house with ease.

Nephenee sihed and started pulling the expensive suitcase along. It was a lot heavier than she expected. What did Geoffrey put in there? She somehow managed to pull it up the first four steps before her foot caught under the fifth and she tried to pull it out, slipping on the ice buried under the snow. She yelped, letting go of the handle as she fell back. Nephenee expected to fall into the compacted snow below, but instead it was warm arms she fell into.

"Careful, there." Geoffrey grinned.

Nephenee touched her chest, "Thank you! When did you get here?"

"While you were staring off into space, sweetheart." Yorik said, picking up the dropped suitcase and dusting the snow off the velvet, "Miss your home?"

"Very much," Nephenee giggled, her arms around Geoffrey's neck as he held her.

Geoffrey put the farm girl gently back down on the ground, "I can't blame you. It's gorgeous here."

Nephenee beamed back at him, eyes sparkling, "You think so?"

The noble smiled back. It was nothing like what he had ever seen. The capital could never compare to the natural beauty of Ohma. Just as not a single girl in that city could compare to the one in front of him. Not in a million years.

FE Frog: So... Was it worth the wait? The next chappie is coming soon. I'll admit that the beginning is kind of slow and whatnot, but... I dunno. I thought it was important.

Now I have to study...


I hate exams...

Especially when I have 4...


BYES! And please review? *Puppy eyes* I love constructive criticism as well!