I watched her ran away again, or at least heard her leave from my position on the ground. It didn't take a genius to know where she was going, and even without my advanced sense of smell I knew she was crying, if the sounds of broken sobs were any clue. Once again, she left to her own time. Once again, it was because of me. Once again she left us crying out her heart. Once again, that was because of me too. And once again I felt my heart break because of it all.

I didn't mean to make her cry and all, just my big mouth had other ideas and opened before I could stop it. I really got to start thinking before I speak. Or just not open my big mouth at all. Think that last one might be easier.

I stood up and avoided the glares I know would be directed towards me, opting instead to jump into the nearest tree. I didn't feel like hearing it right now. I'd let them chew my ear off later.

The breeze was inviting and soothing, the only thing tonight that seemed welcoming on this godforsaken day. Now that Kagome was gone, it was the only thing that seemed to accept me, just as it always did. I tried to relax, think clearly, do something other than whimper like some little pup now that Kagome was gone, but nothing succeeded, and once more I was thinking about her, trying desperately to think up a way to get her back and next to me, where she belonged. The whimper escaped before I could stop it.

God, Kagome, the girl who came from somewhere that I could never fathom to understand and saved me in ways she would never know. Saved me from the hatred of others, the prejudice they held towards a monster like me. Saved me from not seeing the kindness in others, the beauty in life, the beauty in friendship and other crap like that. Saved me from not knowing what love is, what it feels like to feel loved, what it feels like to love. Saved me from myself. She doesn't know that she does all that for me.

She doesn't know that she saved me. Doesn't know that I find myself smiling for no apparent reason just because she's nearby. Doesn't know that I'm content on being a hanyou just because she's happy with who I am. Doesn't know I'd not only give my life for hers in a heartbeat, but I'd stop breathing if she told me to, give up ramen without a second thought, even- I cringed- give Sesshomaru a hug if it'd make her happy.

God I've become soft. She did that to me too, the sneaky wench. I'm more whipped than Jaken, and that my friends, is saying something.

Worse thing is though, she doesn't know any of this. Maybe I should tell her?

Nah. Gotta save some of my male pride before I end up a wuss like Miroku, or worse, become like Hobo. Cringed at that one too.

But she should know. She deserves that and so much more.

She doesn't know any of this. She doesn't even know that I love her. She's so stupid sometimes.