Another Summer Drama

After what happened Sasuke went back to the cafeteria to talk to Sakura. Just then, his phone rang. It was his dad. They talked and his dad told him that he will pay for his college. Sasuke was happy when he said that. They hanged up and he went to the cafeteria. No one was there except for Sakura.

"Sakura?" He went up to her. "How could you?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"Don't play stupid, you know what I'm talking about. I heard you and Ino talking in the lake. You lied, why would you do that?" Sakura smiled.

"Because, Sasuke! I love you. I want you to love me back. My plan was to get rid of Ino. It worked! She got so jealous and mad so she left. Now you'll never see Ino because she's going to Sound University."

"I can't believe you! You ruined me and Ino's summer. Damn it!" Sakura tried to hug him, but he pushed her away.

"Sasuke, I don't get it. What do you see in her!"

"Every thing." Sakura was surprise.

"I'm going to tell everyone what your plan is." Sakura laughed.

"Like, they're going to believe you."

"Why wouldn't they believe me?"

"Because they're mad at you. There's nothing you can do." She walked out leaving Sasuke speechless.

"Ugh. What do I do?" Sasuke said to himself.

"I'll tell you what not to do. You're not going to just ignore it." Naruto said while walking up to him.

"I mess up really bad."

"No, you didn't. Sakura did. And were going to fix it."


"I got a plan." Naruto told him the plan and Sasuke smiled. They ran to tell the gang their plan and they nod as in yes.

(It was morning).

"Sasuke, are you ready?" Naruto asked.


"Ok let's do this." They walked away. Naruto went to his cabin and Sasuke went to look for Sakura. Naruto grabbed his phone and dial Ino's number.

Ino: "Hello?"

"Oi, Ino you forgot you pay check."

Ino: "I did? Oh yeah I forgot. I'm on my way." She hanged up. Naruto smiled and called Sasuke. He told her that she was on her way. Sasuke smiled and went to Sakura's cabin.

"Hey Sakura."

"Hi Sasuke."

"You want to have lunch in the forest?" Sasuke said. Sakura was happy when he said that.

"Sure! I'll meet you there in an hour." Sasuke walked out.

'Perfect.' Sasuke thought.

'Eeekkk, lunch with Sasuke!' Sakura thought.

Sakura got ready for her date. She bring a blanket and she changed her clothes. When she was done she went outside. She saw Shikamaru and Neji. She walked up to them.

"Hey guys! Are you guys still hurt about what Sasuke told you?" Sakura asked. They rolled their eyes.

"Were really hurt. We never want to talk to him again." Sakura smiled and she went to the forest. Shikamaru and Neji went to the parking lot. They saw Ino and they walked up to her.

"Hey Ino." They said. They both hugged her.

"Hey guys? I'm just stopping by to get my pay check."

"We know. Naruto told us. Naruto also told us that he wants to tell you something really important." Neji said.

"Really? Where is he?" Ino asked.

"He's in the forest." Shikamaru said while pointing at the forest.

"Oh." Ino hugged them both and she walked away. Ino got to the forest. She was really scared. She didn't know where she was going. She heard owls and bats flying everywhere. She didn't know where she was going until she fell and she was about to fell in a cliff but luckily she grabbed a stick that was hanging on a cliff. She was about to fall! She looked down and there was a river.

"Help? Naruto, anyone help me please!" She screamed, but know heard her. The branch was about to break. "Help?" The stick broke and she was about to fall, but someone grabbed her hand. It was Sasuke. He helped her up.


"Are you alright?"

"I was so scared. I thought I was going to die." She hugged him. They both got up.

"I need to tell you something. Sakura lied about everything. Me and her didn't go on a picnic in the lawn, or I didn't tell her that I like watching the stars with her. She lied. And when I was about to go meet you in my cabin, Sakura was in the way and told me that I have to wait in the office because Mr. Haruno wanted to see me, but he never came. I'm so sorry." Sasuke said. Ino laughed.

"Damn Sasuke. You really want me do you?" She laughed again. "I forgive you." She kissed him in the lips passionately. They pulled away and Sasuke put her necklace on her neck. While they were doing that the gang and Sakura were all watching them the whole time.

"Sakura, don't ever mess with Ino and Sasuke's relationship." TenTen said.

"I'm really shocked what you did, Sakura." Temari said. Ino and Sasuke went up to them. Ino looked at Sakura.

"You did all of this just to have Sasuke?" Ino asked.

"I'm so sorry. Now, I realize that I am a selfish bitch. I'm really sorry. I swear I will never do that again. Don't worry Sasuke I will still pay for the college."

"Too late, my dad already payed for it." Sasuke said. Sakura was about to cry. Ino walked up to her.

"I forgive you. You're my best friend and it's all over." They both hugged each other.

"Are you sure?" Sakura said.

"Yes." They smiled. Everyone started forgiving her even Sasuke.

"I swear I would never do that ever again." Sakura said. "Since you guys forgive me let's have a party in the lake. There will be food, music, floaties, and water balloons." Everyone went to the lake. They all jumped in. They were all having fun. Neji and Shikamaru threw water balloons at everyone. The song was playing 'Party Rock,' and everyone had fun. Time passed by and everyone went to their cabin to get some sleep. Ino went back to her job and work as a lifeguard.

(I'm going to skip the morning so it's lunch.)

"Hey, Ino I think it's time. Maybe Sasuke is already there." Naruto smiled.

"Shit, your right. Bye Naruto." She walked away. Naruto smiled.

"Hey Naruto! Can I be a lifeguard till' Ino's gone?" Sakura asked. Naruto still smiling said,

"Sure Sakura!" Sakura sat in Ino's chair.

"Did Ino go on her date with Sasuke." Sakura asked.


Back with Sasuke&Ino:

Ino went to lawn and saw Sasuke already sitting there and waiting for Ino. She smiled and went up to him.

"Hey beautiful." Sasuke said. Ino kissed his cheeks. She sat next to him.

"So what's for lunch?" They ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They drink an orange soda. They talked, and laughed and they both had fun together. They were done eating.

"Thanks Sasuke."

"It's no big deal." Ino smiled.

"I decided to go to Konoha University with you and the gang." Sasuke smiled.

"That's great, now we could hang out more."

"Yeah, and thanks for keeping the promise. This is the best summer I ever have." Sasuke smiled and kissed her.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Yup this is the last chapter! Please review. I wonder what's going to happen in college with the gang, more drama?;D