Yeah, I haven't uploaded in a long while, I know. Uni is killing me but now it's summer holidays bitches! I have more free time! Enjoy the latest update guys!

Same Day

"You know, those tomatoes were meant for me…" Antonio began, watching the Italian shove fruit after fruit down his throat.

"Shut up, bastard. You owe me after ruining my best suit!"


Antonio looked at the Italian's "suit". Sure, it was elegant and looked expensive but that was if it were new. The suit looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks and was old, faded and out-dated. "Probably a few years younger that myself," He thought. It seemed that this Italian was trying to look like an aristocrat and was failing miserably. His hair was a rat's nest with one large curl sticking out. And to top off the look, the collar and a bit of the front was stained red with tomato juice, and it kind of looked horribly like -

"Oi, stop staring at me, you pervert!"

The Italian himself was the exact opposite of his suit; Young and energetic. At least, that was the way the boy was inhaling tomato after tomato. He was also rude beyond imagination. His choice of words made Antonio want to wash out the boy's mouth with a large bar of soap. But there was something about the Italian that was… endearing.

"You know, I have a name, chico. And I expect you to know it since that is my dinner you're finishing." Antonio said from his position above the boy. He was leaning against the alley wall while the other was seated on a wooden box. They were still in the narrow alley where Antonio had supposedly thrown his half-eaten tomato at the Italian. "Or, you could tell me yours."

Antonio wasn't mad, he didn't have an appetite anyway, but the boy could be a little more polite or show some form of gratitude. At least he was cute. He saw the Italian stopped momentarily, as if to consider this, but just shot the vampire an angry glare and went back to eating. The boy had resisted Antonio's direct question. The older man was intrigued! Only few had that kind of willpower.

When the boy didn't reply further, he bent down and started poking the boy's cheek. That did it for the Italian.

"Fuck! Would you stop that! It's Lovino, okay, and I don't care who you are! Can I eat in peace now!"

"And I'm Antonio. Hola!" The man had his usual goofy grin on, he was just glad to see the boy openup. Even if he did clam up immediately after. "You're cute with your cheeks bunched up like that." He continued, avoiding the question and still poking. He noticed the boy had a habit of chewing with only one side of his mouth. That combined with the blush on Lovino's face from his outburst made Antonio want to squeeze the life out of the boy. Figuratively, of course.

He had to make do with just picturing it which, unfortunately, made him look glazed. This wasn't missed by the Italian.



"Would you quit staring if I share the last piece with you?"

"Si." Antonio said cheerfully, this small man was as interesting as his British gentleman.

Lovino took a dagger out of his coat pocket. In a flash, he had cut the tomato into half expertly, wiped the juice off with his already stained coat and replaced the dagger in his pocket. All in just a few seconds. He then tossed the tomato half to shocked Antonio.

"Here bastard, though you don't deserve it!"

The older man caught it, amazed by the skill and strength of the throw. This Italian was just full of surprises wasn't looked at the tomato half mere millimetres from his face, his appetite still hasn't return and he didn't feel like giving it back to Lovino who it seemed had intended it to make contact with his face. He decided on the best course of action. He straightened up….

And threw the tomato at Lovino's unsuspecting face. Again.

Lovino's reaction was instantaneous.


~ Elsewhere~

2 blocks away, Arthur was leaning against a wall. He took off his police helmet and ran a hand through his hair, he hoped that Antonio didn't suspect anything. You see, the police chief was hiding something. He remembered everything. The laughs. The supposed insults. The fact that Antonio had carried him home. The kiss...

Especially the kiss.

He groaned. "Stiff upper lip*, chap," He muttered to himself. He had managed to hide his blush previously when he saw Antonio. It had worked, Antonio didn't know how flustered Arthur really was. But now, he felt his barriers collapsing. Barriers he didn't know existed.

He suddenly felt cramped, unable to breath and proceeded to unbutton the top his police coat and shirt, exposing his neck to the cool British air. If any of his subordinates or, God forbid, the Jacks* saw him like this, it would soil his respectable image that he had worked so hard to get.

But at this moment, he didn't care. He needed to clear his head, to think rationally about these… these feelings. Arthur had always known that he wasn't like other men, though he did find many a women attractive, he was never attracted to them physically or emotionally. He had reasoned to himself that he may only be attracted to the right kind of girl, whoever she may be. Still, he had never been attracted to a man before. His heart fluttered just thinking about it. Antonio's olive skin, his mesmerizing green eyes, his brown locks pulled back in a ponytail, his smile. This was a man any girl would want. But did he?

"Bullocks," he thought," This is not a normal feeling!"

He cast his eyes to the night sky, hoping to find answers or at least some way make the situation less complicated. Neither came. Waning gibbous stared back at him, her soft light seemed to comfort him and at the same time telling him to get off his ass and admit that he liked Antonio.


Above all this, a man stood watching. Standing on the high balcony of one of the nearby buildings, where the light of brightly lit street below couldn't reach, he saw everything. His emerald eyes surveyed the police chief as he walked away. He put a cigarette between his lips, even from up here he could see that the chief was having an internal conflict.

"Oh Arthur, what have you gotten yourself into."

He blew the smoke from his lungs and watched it slowly curl and disappear in the wind. A smirk played on his lips as he shook his red hair from his eyes. Arthur's eyes.

"This should be interesting."

The man threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his heel. Hard.

*19th century British slang:*
Stiff upper lip – To remain resolute and unemotional in the face of adversity, or even tragedy
Jacks – Policemen but usually referring to detectives

Chico - Kid

Che Palle - What balls! (Used in anger or embarrassment) If you're a Hetalia fan you would already know this
Tu Figlio di Putana - You son of a bitch!

Waning Gibbous (Waning Moon) - This is a time that represents completion. The culmination of all that has come before. Wrapping things up, finalizing details and finishing projects. The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

Alternate title for this chapter: Lovino and the Endless Bag of Tomatoes :P

Even when writing this I was wondering how many tomatoes were in the bag and how heavy it must've been... And who is this mysterious new person? Hmm. Stay tuned for the next chapter of... DEAR BOSS! /shot'd

Fun fact: In some parts of England in 2002, there was a proposed change in the headgear of the police force in order to 'modernize' them. The change: baseball caps. They were obviously unsuccessful.