Disclaimer: While the events possibly happened, this is my own interpretation of this scene and I am just borrowing the characters.

Blaze of Glory

Oh no, no, no, this can't be happening. Maybe it's some twisted nightmare or some joke. Some sick joke that somehow Kolya got involved, and the wraith coming in is Ronon in a wraith suit.

Oh who am I kidding, Ronon would never dress up in a wraith suit and Elizabeth, Rodney, Moore and Teyla would rather have drinks with Kavanaugh than team up with Kolya to off pull such an elaborate stunt.

Alright I'm a soldier, I can make it through this. I've almost turned into a fucking bug. All I have to do is not look at the thing but at the camera ahead. Besides this is what Kolya wants. He wants me to be weak, he wants me to cry and beg for mercy. I won't give him that satisfaction.

Maybe I should take one quick peek at the thing see what I am up against…shit, that thing looks hungry. Crap, did I wince? Well maybe Kolya and my team didn't hear, after all he did put this damn gag on me for a reason. At least it could block out my involuntary winces and besides….it could be worse it could be shoved in my mouth where I have to taste it.

They are bringing the thing closer. Moore and Rodney are shouting. Moore is shouting his religious mumble jumble telling him he didn't have a soul and god was going to send him to the fiery depths of hell. Rodney is reminding Kolya that I could have killed him. Wow he's staying on point, good job McKay. If I wasn't gagged I would tell you that I am proud.

They are unshackling the wraith. They are definitely not playing games they mean business. Breathe, just breathe. It's going to be okay just let's hope this thing is quick and I don't have to suffer.

Don't do it!

No, please don't be distressed Elizabeth. You are breaking my heart. We both know it is inevitable. Just talk to me, just say something even if it is lie like it's going to be alright I promise, because not even Moore's religious pep talk is helping.

The hand is coming. Don't look at it look at the camera. I know there is no way out, I know it's gonna hurt like hell. But I am not going to go down a coward I am going to go down in a blaze of glory.