Disclaimer: I only own Anthea.

Info- this is a filler. CherryBerry58 really liked Le Mime's character so I'm moving episode 2 to right after the party.

I collapsed onto my mat after I had bathed and changed, tired from the party and concerned. Though not too much, I can take care of myself. I've always been able to. I fell asleep, the next morning we trained despite our soreness from all the dancing.

We all watched as Omi ran through one of our many training courses. I was at a higher status than them so I had no need to run through the course. Omi finished eight seconds quicker than Rai and was complimented greatly. Yet Omi still criticized himself, as always.

"All right, Clay, you're the last one up." Kimi said, preparing the stop-watch

"So all I got to do is be the fastest to get to that doggy?" he asked, pointing to the puppy on the pedestal, past the ring of 'fire'. It was simply a plastic ring of false fire.

"Correct." Omi confirmed.

"All right." Clay took a deep breath and stretch while preparing his elemant.

"Your record's safe. Clay's element is earth. Speed of a rock." Rai whispered to Omi. I scowled and hit him over the head.

"Hush! It's not the speed that matters." I scolded him.

"Ready, set, go!" Kimi shouted. Clay simply stood from his position, and instead of starting the course he simply turned around and picked up the puppy from where it was.

"Here you go. I think I shaved a few seconds off yer record, Omi." Clay joked, handing the stuffed animal to Omi's hands.

I chuckled as they laughed.

"But- But you are supposed to go run and jump and kick!" Omi exclaimed doing the said actions after throwing the dog back to Clay.

"Well, I didn't much see the point of all that hoopin' and hollerin', so long as I got the dog." Clay retorted holding up the 'rescued' item.

"Or you knew you couldn't beat us with your old-man kung fu." Rai insulted making Omi laugh but Kimi and I scowled.

"Raimundo mocks Clay's tai chi by calling it "old-man kung fu!" he laughs some more. "He implies Clay is like an old man doing kung fu!" Omi finished before falling over laughing again, Master Fung arriving at the scene.

"Omi. Ix-nay on the easing-tay." Kimi warned.

"Is there something funny about old men and their kung fu, young monk?" Master Fung challenged, an eyebrow raised, looking down at Omi. Omi stopped, looking as if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Omi gasped.

"You do recall, Omi, that the oldest oak in the grove is by far the strongest, yes?" Master Fung said, bringing up an old lesson of ours.

"Yes, master. Um…Clay cheated!" Omi bowed his apology before taking the attention off of him, pointing to Clay.

"Oh? There is more to being a Xiaolin Dragon than running and jumping, young monk." Master Fung stated. I smirked softly.

"Oh yes, master. There is kicking too." Omi said, doing a round-house kick in the air.

"True. But being a Xiaolin Dragon also means seeing the world in a different way. For example, finding simple solutions to complicated problems. Well done, Clay, You know Anthea did just the same when she first ran this course." he complimented patting Clay's shoulder.

"Really? Thank you, sir." Clay asked before accepting the compliment, tipping his hat.

"Look alive, people. We've got a hot Shen Gong Wu." Dojo exclaimed, slithering to us and opening the scroll, revealing to us the Shen Gong Wu we must find, the fist of tebigong.

"The Fist of Tebigong, a most powerful Shen Gong Wu indeed." Master Fung said as the scroll showed a man wielding the fist and punching down an object.

"Ooh, it packs a punch. Literally." Rai said surprised. I nodded. We all then went to the vault to get our shen gong wu in case we encountered battle.

"Quickly, young ones. Choose your own Shen Gong Wu for battle." He commanded softly as we went down the steps of the vault.

"Dibs on the Eye of Dashi." Rai cried out pulling the stone drawer out and grabbing it smirking down at Omi as he replied.

"No! You cannot have it. You don't know what it will do."

"Sure I do. It's supposed to shoot lightning or something. Besides, I called it." he retorted as Omi jumped up attempting to snatch the Eye of Dashi.

"But I won it in the showdown. I should be the first to use it." Omi countered.

"Fighting over a Shen Gong Wu? Are you two trying to start a Xiaolin Showdown?" I scolded aloud snatching the eye of Dashi from Rai then returning to Master Fung.

"Master Fung, please decide which of us should take the Eye of Dashi." Omi said calmly.

"Hm. It should go to the winner of the obstacle-course challenge."Master Fung said

"Yes! In your head, Raimundo." Omi pointed.

"In your face." Rai corrected, his hands on his hips.

"Talk to my fingers." Omi tried again holding his hand up to Rai. Rai simply sighed, putting a palm to his face.

"I didn't mean you, Omi. Clay was the fastest today." Master Fung corrected. I smirked and tossed the item to him, he caught it smirking.

"What?! But he–"

"Use it well." Master Fung interrupted Omi's complaints.

"Much obliged, Master Fung, sir." Clay thanked, tipping his hat.

"The Mantis Flip Coin and the Two-Ton Tunic." master Fung said, handing the coin to Rai then the tunic to Kimi. She smiled her thanks while Rai looked away disappointed.

"Yeah, yeah, all right." he sighed out.

"Thank you, Master Fung." Kimi said gratefully, for a rich girl she didn't act spoiled.

"I get no Shen Gong Wu?" Omi asked with puppy eyes.

"We have but three, Omi. If you want one, I suggest you retrieve the Fist of Tebigong." Master Fung answered.

"Who needs them anyway, we've fought without them before, besides we have our dragon abilities." I kneeled down to Omi smiling, attempting to cheer him up. He simply looked away continuing to pout.

"You heard the man. Come on, shake your tails. We got a Shen Gong Wu to find." Dojo ushered us outside, he transformed and we began our quest to find the Shen gong Wu item.

We landed in a open area with scattered trees, mountains in the distance, and began to look.

"That Fist of Tebigong must be close, 'cause I'm getting' a wicked case of Shen Gong Wu rash." Dojo said while itching himself and shrinking to his smaller size.

"Could you be more specific?" I asked looking to him.

"Yeah, it kinda itches here, but it's more burny down there. And behind my tail, I've got this unsightly cracking. I mean it. It's oof!" he described his discomfort while grasping the areas.

" She meant with the location of the Shen Gong Wu. Can you tell us exactly where it is?" Kimiko asked, her hands on her hips while we began in different directions to look.

"Yeah, instead of making us look behind every–" I was looking behind a bush but when I pushed leaves aside, Jack's smirking face was inches from mine. I gasped in surprise. Jack and his bots rose from where they were hiding.

"Jack Spicer!" Rai exclaimed in shock, all running over to battle positions.

"Surprise, surprise. Robo-minions!" he called his usual bots to attack. Omi used his element to aid his attacks and dodging.

"Hey, robot? Forget something?" Rai teased, kicking up one of their heads as if it were a soccer ball.

Kimi defended her own as I tossed the bots her way to be destroyed by her fiery kicks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, watch out." Dojo said dodging falling parts while Clay stood beside him. I couldn't here what was said due to my fight with multiple bots. I heard yelling and saw Clay and Dojo had gotten pushed to the side off the nearby cliff. Kimi attended to them.

"Mantis Flip Coin. Woo-hoo! Bet you wish you had this Shen Gong Wu." Rai wielded the coin before teasing Omi.

"Yes. But you need it more than me." Omi countered after ridding of another robot. Tossing a leftover disc to Jack, who hid behind his last bot. Defeated.

"The battle is over, Jack. You've lost!" I exclaimed, all of us back to where we began the fight.

"Whatever shall we do?" he sarcastically said, putting his hands to his face before smirking. Wuya flew up beside him.

"Perhaps they should meet our new friend, Le Mime." she introduced, they moved to the side and a mime stepped into the picture. The gang giggled. He was adorable!

"You brought a mime?" Kimi scoffed.

"What are you going to do? Annoy us to death?" Rai teased, I chuckled behind my hand. Le Mime held up a finger to my lips to quiet my chuckled before he began to 'trap' us in a box.

"Look at him. He's pretending to put us inside a box. So lame. Oh, no! We are trapped. We cannot get out." Kimi laughed.

"Very silly. I- Ugh! Hey." I laughed walking forward to stop his actions but I ran into an invisible wall. I rubbed my cheek and furrowed my brows. I put my hand on the said wall.

"Look! There is a wall here." Rai stated touching a wall behind me.

"Thanks Rai, I didn't notice." I stated sarcastically.

"Uh, guys? We really are trapped." Kimi worriedly said going to another wall. Le Mime stopped in front of my and waggled his eyebrows flortasiously. My eyes widened. He tried to wolf whistle but all that came out was silent. His eyes trailed my figure.

"You kids have fun. We're off to get the Fist of Tebigong." Jack muffled voice said beginning to walk off, not noticing Le Mime's actions. He was stopped by Wuya.

"Jack we're forgetting something. He turned confused and noticed me behind a now angry Rai. I could hear his yells but it appeared they couldn't.

"Don't even think about it you Mime freak!" he shouted. Le Mime stuck his tongue out at Rai. Jack called for Le Mime. He blew on last raspberry before winking at me and walking away.

"Why is it always me?" I asked sitting cross-legged on the ground. We all soon sat back to back. Moments later Clay and Dojo finished climbing up the cliff. We stood happy he was here. We couldn't hear a word he said and he couldn't hear us so we began making gestures hoping he would understand, but no matter what he couldn't. Rai jumped up and down angrily. He accidently hit me, due to the tight space we were in.

"Sorry, Thea." he apologized immediately rubbing my arm.

"It's alright, come on we have to keep trying." I said.

"He cannot hear us?" Omi asked confused.

"He thinks we're playing charades." Kimi said in fear. I pulled her close. Rai growled.

"Fine. I got a charade for him." he then proceeded to act out the words, 'I'm gonna kick your butt.' This irritated Clay and he attempted to walk forward only to hit the wall. Rai smirked while we smiled, finally getting Clay to understand.

"It's some sort of…in-vis-i-ble box. Took him long enough." Rai imitated Clay's voice giving it a dumb feature though as he leaned against a wall.

"Move." Kimi said pushing away from me and pushing Rai to the side, typing on her device before showing it to Clay.

"Trapped by mime magic. Stop Jack. Get Shen Gong Wu." Clay read with a hand on the wall and another on his chin. He then walked off in a hurry to do as he was told.

"Our fates rest in Clay's hands." I said.

"So, what you're saying is we're doomed." Kimi said. I scowled at her as she walked away frowning. Rai sighed sadly and leaned back against the wall. Sliding to sit.

"Been nice knowing you guys." He said.

"Come on, we must have faith in Clay. He may not be agile but he's smart and tough, if he can't get the Wu he can still save us, besides there are plenty of other Wu remember? I'm sure Jack wouldn't leave us there. He may be bad but he's not evil." I finished. Sitting down to meditate.

The others sighed and did the same. It was so quiet in the box it was unnerving. No birds, no wind, just the sound of our breathing. A thought then came to my head and I gasped. I decided to keep it to myself, panic is not necessary. But how much oxygen do we have?

Eventually Rai couldn't just sit still so he continued to attempt to get out. I opened one eye and glanced at him before closing it and continued to get lost in my thoughts. That Mime simply uses his imagination and some magic and whatever he wants happens, just invisible. What if we countered it with out own imagination?

"I got it!" I shouted out opening my eyes. I noticed a dizzy kimi and Rai with Omi panting in the center.

"What happened to you? Never mind. I think I know how to get out of here." I said standing from my sitting position.

"Really how?" Rai asked, shaking his head of the dizziness.

"Watch." I simply said. I walked to one of the walls then imagined a doorknob, I grabbed it. I gasped.

"I was right!" I exclaimed. I turned the knob and opened a door. I stepped out of the box and bowed while holding the door open.

"After you." I said holding an arm out. They shook the surprise from their faces and walked out.

"How did you do that?" Rai asked.

"Imagination. A mime's greatest weapon." I replied, winking at him. He blushed.

"Alright, alright, come on. We gotta go help Clay." Kimi said. We all began running in the same direction he headed. Passing a passed out Le Mime with a black eye.

We arrived just in time. Clay and Jack were holding the fist of Tebigong, about to begin a showdown.

"Clay, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown." Jack said.

"Name your game, Jack." Clay accepted. Chirping caught Jack's attention, a Robin flew into a tree.

"That robin. First one to catch it wins." Jack said smirking, thinking Clay wouldn't be able to do it.

"Ooh, catch a robin?" Omi groaned. He was doubting Clay.

"Okay, Jack. I accept your challenge." Clay said, ignoring Omi after throwing a look. Rai, Kimi, and Omi groaned.

"You can do this Clay, I know you can." I said my support.

"Sucker." Jack chuckled evilly.

"Let's go, Xiaolin Showdown!" they shouted. The scene changed. The wind almost blowing Dojo away. Walls rose around us preventing the Robin from escaping the scene. Kimi held her stomach.

"Still not used to that." she commented. I smiled before watching the scene.

"Ready, cowboy?!" Jack shouted.

"Ready as I'll ever be." he replied.

"Gong yi tan pai!" they said before they went for the bird. Clay stood still while Jack started his Heli-pack and went after the bird, using the Third Arm Sash to try to get it.

"Ugh. Jack's on fire!" Kimi complained while we watched him fly around.

"Yes, but Clay has yet to become inflamed." Omi stated lookng down to where Clay still stood. I smirked seeing his strategy. He was breathing calmly, keeping still.

"Well, he's breathing. I'm guessing he's alive." Rai stated sarcastically getting on his knees to look with Omi.

"Does he not know the Showdown has started?" Omi asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little heads. My man, Clay, is…still doin'nothin'. Hey! Get your butt in there! Move!" Dojo attempted to calm the environment but then he revealed his anger.

"Look out!" Omi cried. Jack flew over our heads cackling and we ducked to avoid being kicked.

"Sorry Anthea." he cried out before continuing his chase. Everyone raise an eyebrow before focusing back on the challenge.

"Seize the bird, Clay."

"Do something."

"At least shoot some lightning. I just want to see it once." Everyone continued to urge as Clay looked at the flowers around him. I frowned and tilted my head. Okay so he wasn't going to stand and let the bird land on him after all. Wait, he was picking seeds from the sunflowers.

"What's he doing?" Kimi asked.

"If I had to guess, flower arrangement." Rai put in.

"This does not inspire confidence." Omi added.

"Just tell me when it's over." Dojo stated and covered his eyes in shame. Jack came so close to getting the bird but didn't see the tree...but he felt it as he crashed into it. The bird flew right to Clay's hand as he held out his hat full of seeds. I smirked.

"Well done!" I shouted as he spoke softly to the bird.

"He did it!" Kimi cheered.

"Excelente." Rai complimented.

"Oh, thanks, y'all." Clay accepted the praise, putting his hat back on after our surroundings went back to normal, the bird flew away, and he had the Wu.

"Clay has me tripping on very cold stones!" Omi attempted at slang.

"No, no, no. Clay's got you "stone-cold trip-". Ah, forget it." Rai tried to correct him. Jack groaned painfully after he slid down the tree.

"Pathetic boy." Wuya insulted him angrily.

"Can I get a rematch? Or a do-over? Something's clearly wrong here." Jack pleaded pouting, disappointed at his loss. I chuckled and went over to him while the others continued their praise, ignoring Jack.

I bent, putting a hand to my knee the other offered to help Jack stand.

"You were a worthy opponent, Clay just found a better way to win." I complimented. Jack scowled but took my hand none the less.

"Yeah but I still lost." he complained. I smiled.

"You wouldn't of if you were on our side~" I said in a sing song voice. I kissed his cheek.

"That's for trying. You're always welcome to join us Jack." I said waving goodbye to a blushing Jack, ignoring the seething Wuya. I climbed onto Dojo's back with the others and we left, heading back to the temple.

"Aw, look at Clay, beaming like the big hero." she elbowed him softly.

"Oh, now, you're gonna make me blush." He said tipping his hat to hide his face.

"So, Clay, can I give the Eye of Dashi a try?" Rai asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

"Sure thing, Rai." Clay said, handing it over.

"What? Why? I should try it before you! I found it!" Omi complained. Attempting to get it.

"You snooze, you lose." Rai stated, holding the Wu out of Omi's grasp.

"Then perhaps I'll try out the Fist of Tebigong on your head." He said, snatching the fist from Clay.

"Guys, knock it off, or I'll Third Arm Sash your mouths shut!" Kimiko threatened while snapping the sash like a belt.

"Besides, fellas, I'd like to think we all learned a little somethin' today." Clay changed the subject.

"Never lose faith in a friend?" I suggested.

"The value of simple solutions?" Omi guessed.

"Omi can't use slang?" Rai joked. I smirked

"No. We learned everybody hates a mime." Clay answered. We all laughed.

"Aw come on he was adorable." I said in between my laughs.

"If you count, trapping us in an invisible box as adorable, then there's something odd about you." Rai said while pointing at me. I frowned and crossed my arms. The gang still laughed.