A/N: CDE is finally over, thank god. I had a dream about this a while ago, and the idea just wouldn't leave me a lone, so I decided to write it down and make it into a fanfiction. Whoo, another project that will take a year to complete.

I've never even thought of Scooby-Doo in this way before, let alone thought about writing a story for this fandom. I just need to write this though; it's so beautiful in my head.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and there will be a second part to this, so don't think I ended this story with a cliffhanger D:

Disclaimer: I do not own Scooby-Doo or any trademarked thing mentioned. I just do this for shits and giggles.

Summary: In Which getting high is our new favourite passtime.

~Everything you say is a sweet, perfect lie~


I lifted myself into his window with such perfect ease it was almost funny. It's strange that I would even do something like this in the first place, but I guess that really shows how much of an impact he's had on me; on us all.

He was still asleep, which really wasn't a surprise. He's always asleep when I get here, no matter how long I wait. I lay down next to him, facing him, like I always did.

"Shaggy," I whispered softly. He snorted, twitching his nose. I stifled my laugh, even though this daily thing shouldn't be so funny anymore. I reached up and shook his shoulder lightly, whispering his name again.

"Shaggy, wake up."

He snorted again, rolling over and stretching out those long arms of his. Shaggy let out a long breath of air and turned his head lazily to me.

"Hey Fred, wha's'up?"

I rolled my eyes, trying to hold back a smile. I pushed myself off of his bed, pulling Shaggy up with me. "C'mon, it's nice outside. Let's find a good place."

Those brown eyes brightened immediately, and Shaggy pretty much bounced out of his bed and quickly put on some pants. I tried not to watch, but it's hard when your best friend sleeps naked all the time and doesn't care who sees. He messily put on a green tank top and shoved his feet into some worn-out sandals. To others, he would look like a hobo. To me, he looked perfect.

There was a sudden, loud bang from across the house and Shaggy froze. "Shit," he whispered, grabbing a small bag out of his dresser drawer and practically shoving it into my front pants pocket and pushing me into his messy closet.

"Dude, what the hell?" I said in an angry whisper as Shaggy started to close the closet door.

"I, like, forgot my mom was home dude. Just hide here for a minute, 'kay?"

"Dammit Shaggy," I said under my breath as he shut the door. A minute later, Shaggy's mom burst through his bedroom door without even knocking. The whole room was quiet and I had the urge to sneeze, itch my nose or fart; all of the three totally inappropriate.

"I thought I heard some voices in here." I could just see Shaggy's mom – blonde hair falling down her back, hands on her hips and heels that made her ridiculously tall. Her nose was probably turned up at the smell of Shag's room, but whatever. She smells like shit and perfume too.

"Nope, I was just talking to myself."

I heard a drawer open and by my brown haired friends' silence, it must have been the drawer the bag was in, which was now in my pocket.

Shaggy's mother clicked her tongue. "Fine, just don't laze around all day. Mow the yard, since it's nice outside. I'm going to bingo with the girls and then out to dinner, so behave."

The door slammed shut and after five seconds, Shaggy let out a long puff of air that I didn't realize he had been holding. He opened the closet door a second later, holding a finger up to his lips. I quietly detached myself from Shag's messy closet and we both made our way over to the window, quickly climbing out with ease. Shaggy quietly followed.

We crept along the side of Shag's house, keeping close to the bushes so that no one would see us from the street. Finally, we saw Shaggy's mom's car drive down the street in the opposite direction and my friend let out another breath of air, laughing slightly.

"Dude, let's go to the tree."

I nodded, following him to the sidewalk and casually strolling along with Shag. The sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a singly cloud, making it an extremely nice, early summer day. All I could smell was fresh cut grass, mud and blooming flowers. And Shaggy.

My favourite smell.

We got to the big, old oak tree about a block away from the school and sat down in the cool shade. Shaggy pulled the small bag out of his pocket, pulling a weed pipe out of the other. He stuffed the contents of the baggie into the bowl and lit it with his bright yellow lighter and took a long drag.

What? What did you think was in the bag?

The whole town knew that the gang smoked, but no one really made a fuss about it except for Shaggy's mom. We saved the town from so much shit over our high school years; they pretty much just turned the other cheek to our illegal pastime.

My friend took a long puff from the pipe, keeping the smoke in for a couple of seconds before blowing it slowly out of his lips, a relaxed smile spreading on his face. He passed the pipe to me and I lit the bowl again, taking a long puff and feeling almost immediately relaxed. Smoking pot didn't really do much to me anymore, especially since I do it so much with Shaggy. Daphne and Velma smoked, but not nearly as much as we did.

We kept passing the pipe back and forth before we smoked a whole bowl. It surprises me that Shag still gets high, considering he's being smoking since before the gang was even formed. Maybe it was all in his head, or maybe he just bought stronger stuff, I'll never know.

We sat there in comfortable silence, listening to the faint, happy screams of younger kids on the playground across the street.

I breathed in the sweet summer air and looked down at Shaggy, who was laying in the grass with his head near my knee, his eyes closed as if he was asleep.

"Hey Shag," I said while nudging his head with my knee. "Do you ever wish we could be young again?"

"Nope," Shaggy replied without missing a beat. I was taken aback slightly, since he really didn't put any thought into my question. I laughed a little.

"C'mon Shags, being young was awesome. Why wouldn't you want to go back?"

Shaggy shrugged as he opened his eyes, staring up at me. "Why would anyone wanna relive their childhood? Like, ours was pretty good, actually, so I'm cool with being old."

I sighed, resting my head on the tree trunk, squinting up at the bright sky, trying to watch the clouds race by. "Aren't you scared of getting old though?"

"Nope." Again, Shaggy didn't miss a beat.

Most of the time, I found myself wishing that I could be more like Shaggy; so carefree and sure with himself, so certain in my actions and having real fun without even trying. Sometimes, I wish Shaggy had been born in the big city instead of this shitty, small town. At least in a big city Shags could have more, real fun, not this makeshift fun that country kids create.

"You kno-ow, Fred," Shaggy suddenly said, his voice cracking slightly. "Why would I want to relive my perfect childhood? I grew up with good friends, a really good dog and a job, so why go and try to change that?"

I looked back down at Shaggy, slightly startled that he was looking back at me. His eyes were open wide, as if he has just told me the greatest discovery he would ever make in his entire life. The urge to reach down and run my fingers through his hair was overwhelming, but I somehow resisted.

When had these lazy afternoons turn into something so romantically one-sided? When had all these feelings for Shaggy sprout up? And why could I never make a move, or even try to show that I thought of Shaggy like more than a best friend?

Shaggy suddenly laughed really loud, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"What? What is it?" I asked, blushing a little and laughing nervously.

"Dude," Shaggy said between laughs. "You look like you need to fart or shit."

I laughed, hiding my face in my hands, trying to make it look like I thought what Shaggy said was really funny. In reality, I felt like crying and my face was probably redder than Shaggy's mom's lipstick. "Shag, I can't help what my thinking face looks like."

Shaggy just laughed some more, haphazardly trying to stand up, but failing. Finally, my friend was on his feet, staring at me with a red face and a smile on his lips.

"Dude, wanna go to the field?"

I took my hands away from my face and rolled my eyes, but that was unable to stop the small smile from forming on my mouth. Shaggy and I would go to the huge field behind the High School when we had nothing else to do, or if we had girls to make out with (). It was also a really great place to go when the 4th of July came around; the fireworks looked wicked awesome from there.

I nodded, standing up quickly. Shag's and I walked in comfortable silence, passing the playground, making scary faces at the really small kids. The kids screamed and ran back to their moms, Shaggy and I just laughing and enjoying the lazy, warm afternoon.

We finally made it to the field, casually walking over to our usual spot. We've been coming to the same spot since Middle School, so the area where we would lay in the grass didn't really grow grass anymore. But that was fine with me.

The sky was beginning to darken by then, but that was fine with us. Coolsville was far enough from the city that you could still see the stars at night, yet not too far that you feel like an ax-murderer would pop out from behind a tree and ax you to death.

We liked it here at night. It was peaceful and people didn't come here to bother us that often. Velma and Daphne would join us sometimes, but usually it was just me and Shaggy here, sitting in comfortable silence or having the kind of talks that only best friends could have in the middle of the night.

I let out a lazy sigh as I laid down in the dead grass, instantly getting comfortable. I heard Shaggy lay next to me, mirroring my sigh.

It was days like this where I wish I could just roll over and kiss Shaggy on the lips, or rest my head on his chest or whisper my true feelings to him. But, every time I got the courage to maybe try something, Shaggy would either fall asleep or I would actually roll over and wimp out at the last second.

Yay for being a huge pussy. Go me.

"Do you still wish on stars, Fred?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and stared at the sky, faintly seeing the first star of the night. Shaggy must have seen it and made a wish, just like we did when we were kids.

I shrugged, rolling my head to look at Shaggy. "Sometimes, why?"

Shaggy shrugged back at me. "I don't know. I mean, I used to wish that Scooby would live forever, then it sorta came true, cause he lived to be 16, and man, that's old for a dog, y'know?"

I nodded, not saying anything. Even though Shag and I are best friends, the taller of us didn't open up like this very often, so I knew that I shouldn't talk when he did, or it would ruin the rare, magical moment.

"So," Shaggy continued. "I started wishing for stupid stuff, like true love. Do you think shit like that is real? Or do you think it's all movie crap that they try to force down our throats? Man, I really thought Velms and I had a chance, but," Shaggy ran his hand through his brown hair. "She was just too smart for me, y'know?"

Shaggy rolled his head to look at me, so I nodded again. He just stared at me for a while, not saying anything, so I took that as my cue to say something.

"Velms just wasn't the one for you, man. Y'never know, the person who is meant to be with you for like, ever, is walking around right now, breathing and eating and doing other crap like that. They're out there, you just have to be patient and wait for them, y'know? Love is out there, you just have to wait for it."

He nodded, his brown eyes far away for a moment, so I looked back up at the twilight sky, seeing a few more stars just just a little bit ago. I would never admit this to Shaggy, but I wished on stars all the time. My wish was always the same.

I wish Shaggy would open his eyes and see me.

I made that wish quietly to myself and rolled my head to look at Shaggy again, so was staring at me. I started, 99% sure my face was red again.

"D-do I have something on my face?" Smooth, stuttering is so fucking attractive. I rubbed at my cheek, trying to hide my blush.

Shaggy shook his head, still staring at me with a strange expression on his face, like he was trying to figure something out and he was this close to figuring out the answer.

"Dude, can I try something?"

I nodded, my blush subsiding a little. I kept my eyes locked with his.

With a swift movement, Shaggy was on top of me, pinning me down by the shoulders, his legs tangled with mine. To be honest, I could have easily thrown Shaggy off me and beat the shit out of him, but that was the opposite of what I wanted to do.

My blush came back full force, my eyes widening. "S-shag, what's wrong?" Cool, even more stuttering.

Shaggy stayed silent, bringing his face closer to mind, closing his eyes. He stopped as our mouths were only half an inch apart.

"I'm gonna kiss you, dude," Shaggy said in a shaky whisper.

Then our mouths were together, and I swear all I could see were stars.


A/N: Wow, that was longer/shorter than I thought it was gonna be. Be sure to look out for part two, it will be longer than this part~

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Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you come back for the second part (:

With love, ~xxignoredxx.