A/N- Invader Cakez! I shall answer your question. Prepare for a story!

Once upon a time in Fangirl Land, lived a girl named Kat. She had some odd friends, that like her, watched You-Tube a lot. One of her best friends, (we'll call her Stacy) showed her a video on You-Tube. This video was only one in a series of videos. Kat loved the video and watched the rest of them too. These videos were by someone called 'Eddsworld'. Now, Eddsworld had 3 characters. (It originally had 4, but Tord left D= )) ANYWAY! These 3 characters were named Edd, Matt, and TOm. They were based off of real people. Tom, and Matt both had their own YT accounts, and Kat went to both. She became extremely fangirl-ish to TomSka's videos, and to Tom himself. Tom has a friend named Abi, and Kat loved that name, and decided to use it in a story. Thus, Abi is born.

D= SORRY IT WAS SO LONG! DX Did that answer your question, Cakez?

Back to the fanfic. To all you loyal readers: THANK YOU SO MUCH! It means so much to me! Seriously. You all deserve a cookie, but I'm TOO LAZ. So have a hug instead. *hugs*

Sitting in his room, Zim was thinking of his many attempts to enslave the world. He hadn't officially given up yet, but he knew he would never succeed. He glared around at the various instuments of destruction scattered about. Standing up from his bed, he gathered the weapons in his arms, and dumped them into a pile on the ground. Smiling grimly, he lit them on fire with a lighter he kept handy. As he watched the flames dance higher, he realized he had made it final. He was no longer an Irken Invader. He shook his head and watched the fire dwindle out, the kindle melted, his old life gone. He carefully stepped over the melted mess, and out his door. He strode through the living room, past Abi and Gir, with no explanation. He opened the door, and closed it behind him. Squinting in the bright light, Zim made his way to Dib's doorstep. He knocked on the door loudly.

"What?" Dib snapped, flinging open the door.

"I gave up." Zim said shortly.

"Gave what up?" Dib said, looking suspicious.

"Being an Invader, and I need your help." Zim explained, walking past Dib into the house.

"Help with what?" Dib asked again, staring at Zim's back.

Zim span around so he was looking at Dib. "I want to be a human."

"You want to what?"


"Fine, fine," Dib sighed. "I can't make you human."

"At least make me look human?" Zim begged.

"Fine," Dib surrendered. "Go into my lab, you know where it is." Smiling smugly, Zim walked farther into the house towards the lab...

A/N- Sorry it was so short! D= I just couldn't continue, is all. So! Whaddya think? Is it original, somewhat original, overused?

P.S.- I really do appreciate all you guys reveiwing.