Lacus had to act fast. Her time in the command chamber of the ZAFT compound she had entered was limited. She had carefully timed her intrusion to coincide with a certain ZAFT figurehead's escort through the base, a brief moment when security would be thin in all but one part of the structure. Everything was at stake, but this was practically a last ditch effort for her. She had to see what the ZAFT Chairman kept in his databanks at any cost. She needed to verify he was plotting something similar to the notes she found in an abandoned research colony days before. It was the only way her mission could succeed now.

But, despite her brilliance, she has shocked to hear sound of soldier boots approaching her from a door directly behind her. The sound of a gun safety clicking into unlocked position echoed just a few meters from her head, and she soon heard the voice of her captor speaking sternly. She had been caught in the act, and now she would be a prisoner of war. Or worse.

"Get away from the terminal with your hands raised."

She recognized the voice instantly, but was wise enough not to make any foolish moves. She rose obediently to her feet and raised her empty hands so they would be at even height with her head. When she turned around, she saw exactly what she expected.

Athrun stood in full pilot regalia with a look of cold intent on his face. A silver FAITH emblem adorned his breast and a single pistol was held steadily in both hands. Meer stood closely to his side, dressed in her usual attire of a rather unique white, blue, and purple dress that showed off much of her arms, hips, and legs. Her eyes were wide with anxiety because, while it was one thing for her to speak disapprovingly of the exiled leader in the privacy of Athrun's quarters, it was a completely different matter when she came face-to-face with her mirror image. Lacus currently seemed to home in on her with an angered scowl and caused her to quickly slip behind Athrun's back in surprise. As she spoke out of fear, she poked her light blue eyes over his shoulder in the same way a timid princess would seek safety behind her knight.

"Wha-... what's she doing here?"

Lacus's expression changed to one of subtle amusement before she spoke. Her tone was always stoic and disconnected, but whether this was an inherent quality or a result of all the tragedy she had seen in the past several months was anyone's guess.

"Hello, Athrun."

Athrun answered her in the same character. His aim remained on her head the entire time.

"Lacus. It's been a while."

The pink-haired politician's eyes shifted to her shivering doppelganger before returning to Athrun.

"You've chosen to point your gun at me and protect my impostor. You've changed."

He responded with a small nod.

"I woke up."

Lacus now altered her stance. Desperation sparked in her eyes, and her voice gained new energy.

"There's still so much you need to learn, Athrun. Durandal is..."

Athrun's posture, however, was left unhindered. He answered Lacus's objection so she wouldn't have to finish it.

"I know. The Destiny Plan."

She responded at first in a way that was unusual for her. An authentic gasp of astonishment escaped her mouth, and she recollected herself before proceeding further.

"How much do you know?"

"Everything. He explained it to me himself."

She blinked as she was attacked by a new way of surprise.

"Why would he... ?"

Again, Athrun was able to answer her before she could finish.

"Ever since Kira died, he's been a lot more open with me about certain things. I'm the best pilot he has, I'm training Shinn to be just as good, and he knows I'm reliable as long as I trust him."

Her colder persona returned as Athrun's words faded into her thoughts and she deduced he had lost all of his compassion. She stared squarely at the barrel of the pistol for a few seconds before she turned her head away in shame.

"Are you going to be my assassin, Athrun?"

His response was the most surprising thing she heard yet.

"Not unless you force me to."

She now spoke in a prying tone, her mind spiraling through uncertainty.

"Then what is it you plan to do?"

Athrun spoke with his determination as clear as ever.

"I'm going to wait until you turn around and walk out of this room. The moment you leave this complex, I want you to hide your face from the world and never interfere with Durandal's operations again. You've done it before, and you can do it again. If you come back, I WILL pull the trigger next time."

Lacus's head lowered as her voice did the same.

"If I disgust you so much, why won't you just do it now?"

"Two reasons."

He stopped to sigh, making a small display of grief and regret toward the words that followed.

"First, I still don't know what exactly it is that you're trying to do. You might not believe me at this point, but I haven't become some military dog who goes off shooting potential innocents."

Another pause followed, and he seemed slightly more bothered when he continued.

"And second, you and I are the only remaining members of the Archangel crew. I'd prefer not making myself the sole survivor."

Lacus almost stepped forward, but remembered she was pinned in place by the sights on Athrun's pistol. She still managed to raise her voice to offer her guidance.

"Athrun, you know I'm trying to bring justice for all people."

Athrun stood in silence for several seconds as his regrets tried to overtake him. However, his strength was restored by the feeling of one of Meer's gloved hands unconsciously seeking protection on his shoulder. It was then that he reminded himself where his mind stood.

"And Durandal is making the exact same claim."

Lacus found this observation to be an intriguing way to defend her position. She moved to her next inquiry in mildly entertained thought.

"What evidence does he have to show his goals are truly noble?"

Athrun proceeded to list what the chairman had accomplished in the previous months while his stern attitude returned in full.

"Finding where the Alliance was keeping the Destroy Gundams before any of them could be completed? Liberating one of the Extendeds and developing a way to reverse her defects? Identifying the members of LOGOS? Capturing a known war criminal while he sought refuge in Orb? And God knows how much he wouldn't have been able to do if you were still using Kira to block him at every turn."

Lacus gazed downward in reserved sadness.

"Kira gave his life on his own volition."

A look of scorn briefly appeared on Athrun's face. The direction the conversation was taking was too close for comfort. The subject matter had been hard enough for Athrun to get over even with Meer's particular therapeutic methods, and he didn't like bringing it back up.

"Yeah, a volition formed by the pep talk you gave him about why he should aimlessly jump into the battlefield in a Mobile Suit you personally had built for him."

Lacus's manner suddenly became much more anxious.

"I had Freedom Gundam repaired in case we needed to defend ourselves!"

Athrun's steel resolve wouldn't bend.

"But then you took things too far. Committing constant guerrilla attacks against people who aren't even your enemies in the first place is not self-defense."

Lacus now wanted to change the subject as well. She was hiding something. Was she just now realizing her own poor planning had ruined her pure-hearted intentions? Or had it been her bloodthirsty strategy all along? It was impossible to tell.

The next exchanges between Lacus and Athrun came one after the other. Neither side had to stop and think about what their next argument would be.

"But at the same time Gilbert has granted each of the miracles you describe, he's amassed two doomsday weapons, left Orb in cinders for the second time, and promoted a war with no end in sight. "

"If Orb had allowed to Djibril to escape, the colonies would be in cinders. Durandal can't be blamed for what that bastard built, and just because he has a Genesis doesn't mean he intends to use it to..."

Lacus introduced her next objection before she allowed Athrun to finish his last.

"And the data he used to find the Destroy Gundams and the identities of LOGOS's leaders. Isn't it convenient how all this information just wound up in his hands at the exact moments it would help his reputation the most?"

Athrun answered her question with a new source of strength in his voice. He was standing his ground in the argument, with his weapon still locked onto its target.

"Is it any more convenient than disappearing from a country for several years and then suddenly showing up with an illegal militia at the easiest time to usurp the new leadership? Your actions can be interpreted just as many ways as his, Lacus."

Lacus lowered her head and spoke in a lonely voice. Whether this was a sign of misunderstanding or an admission of guilt, no one but her could be certain.

"I see."

She then tilted her head slightly as she addressed him again.

"So, are you really not bothered by the idea that he could use the Destiny Plan as leverage to control the entire human race?"

Athrun looked mildly insulted by the question.

"Of course I'm bothered by it, but there's no evidence to say that's how he'll actually use it. Any system can be corrupted if its leaders aren't responsible."

Lacus then brought up what may have been the fundamental flaw in the chairman's design.

"But the plan strips people of their right to choose their path by its very nature. Where's the freedom in that?"

Athrun's response came swiftly and forcefully.

"The freedom comes from the fact the people will be allowed to choose whether or not they want the plan in place. Everything you're saying about how Gilbert's going to use Requiem and Genesis to terrorize everyone into signing on is just your suspicion. Or are you trying to say nobody should be given that option in the first place?"

Lacus's eyes closed in a modest display of her wisdom.

"That's what I think is for the best. There are some choices that are too dangerous to be made."

Athrun, however, would have none of it.

"Then what you're saying is you're all for freedom just as long as it matches your personal definition of freedom. Gilbert's methods are questionable, but you're preaching pure hypocrisy. You're the one whose vision has become skewed."

Lacus's voice took on a sorrowful quality when she spoke next.

"I never said I wanted to violate my own ideals."

Athrun slowly shook his head.

"That's the part I'm still not sure of. That's what scares me about you."

Lacus paused in deep thought before offering a new question.

"Then, are you convinced Gilbert's telling the truth?"

Her rival took no time in responding.

"No, and that's why I'm staying here. I want to see where he goes with this before I make any decisions."

Lacus fired back in an ominous tone.

"What will you do if I turn out to be right, and he expects you to kill on his whim?"

The cold-faced demeanor finally left Athrun and was replaced by a small, confident smirk.

"It wouldn't be the first time I left ZAFT for disagreeing with its leadership."

Lacus thought in silence before her attention turned again to her synthetic twin.

"Will you take your false idol with you?"

The visible portion of Meer's face turned a flustered red as she remained behind Athrun. More of it became visible when she stood on the toes of her pearl-colored shoes, showing Lacus her mouth was contorted in an angry frown. She had taken enough verbal abuse, and now her displeasure outweighed her fear.

"Hey! I..."

Athrun put her worries to rest by turning his head and offering her a friendly glance.

"Don't worry, Meer. I've got this covered."

When she settled down accordingly, Athrun returned to Lacus and instantly transitioned back into being an emotional brick wall.

"She's worked harder than anyone to give people hope. She acts more like the Lacus Clyne I know than you have for the past three years."

The girl he spoke of now stepped into full view at his side, her confidence finally restored by his supportive words. She then watched Athrun and Lacus's conversation continue in content silence.

"But, to answer your question, we've already agreed that we're going to stay together no matter what happens. If half of your theories about Durandal come true, she'll have no part of it. She knows the difference between being a leader and being a slave master, and helping him do what you claim he'll do goes against everything she stands for."

Lacus considered her position for a great while before returning in a softer voice.

"I trust you, Athrun, but Gilbert has no part in the promise you're making me. What if I do as you say, and he only sends more assassins to get rid of me?"

Athrun nearly rolled his eyes as he muttered.

"That's assuming he was the one who sent the first squad."

He then regained his usual tone.

"In any case, he's practically given me access to the entire ZAFT command network. If he makes a move, I'll see it."

Lacus laughed under her breath and replied in what may have been half-sarcasm.

"I suppose loyalty has its rewards."

She entered another moment of deep thought as she carefully weighed her options and studied the couple in front of her. When she was satisfied, she closed hey eyes and curled her lips into an ambiguous shape. The expression could have been a polite smile, but perhaps it was a wicked smirk. She acknowledged both Athrun and Meer with silent nods before announcing her decision.

"Very well. I shall leave the destiny of the world in your hands."

The safety on Athrun's gun clicked back into place, and its user carefully loaded the weapon into a holster on his uniform belt. He lowered his head and quietly sighed in a mix of relief and uncertainty. Meer shifted her position so she was much closer to his side, almost to the point of leaning into him as her fingers gingerly took a hold of his closest arm. Her eyes beamed with subtle radiance as she cautiously (but curiously) watched Lacus's actions.

When Athrun raised his head again, he found Lacus closely observing them before speaking again.

"I only hope the two of you will be strong enough to stop that madman when he reveals his true face."

She turned in the direction she had came, leaving the various equipment she had brought with her abandoned at the workstation. Her only words were conveyed in an air of isolation and defeat.

"Goodbye, Athrun."

Athrun tried his best to offer an assuring smile, but found he didn't know how to part ways in such awkward context even when he struggled.

And then Lacus disappeared from both the command room and the world at large.

Meer became much more relaxed when she and Athrun were left alone in the room. She tried to do the same for his composure as she spoke in a chipper voice.

"That was a close one."

Athrun's dreary complexion slowly faded as his mind digested what had just happened. The most unpredictable variable in humanity's future had been removed and Meer's life had been secured, but at what cost was yet to be seen. Still, he couldn't stop himself from feeling joy in the moment, and a warm smile crossed his face as he turned to his charge.

"Looks like your secret's still safe."

Meer nodded playfully before she tilted her head and blinked.

"Do you really think she's gone?"

This question didn't seem to bother Athrun, as he answered with his new confident outlook intact.

"I'm not sure, but you don't need to worry about it. If she tries something, I doubt she'll have any political pull as long as I claim you're the real Lacus Clyne."

The gentle songstress closed her eyes and rested her head under his chin.

"Thanks, Athrun."

They then both shifted their heads so they could join together in a short kiss.

Hours later, Athrun reported to the chairman what had happened that day, why he had acted the way he did, and how the original Lacus would no longer be a problem in ZAFT's plans. All was well, at least for the time being.

ZAFT Military Records

Unit no.: ZGMF-X33S+E

Unit name: "Eternal Legend Gundam"

Unit history: This is a heavily customized variant of the ZGMF-X33S Legend Gundam. Revisions were made at the request of Commander Athrun Zala to address the original unit's shortcomings during Operation: Ragnarok. He believed while the machine excelled in ranged combat like its predecessor, the ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam, its heavy equipment loadout hindered its melee ability compared to the ZGMF-X09A Justice and ZGMF-X23S Saviour models.

Design changes focused mainly on the Legend Gundam's Dragoon backpack. The entire binder system was redesigned as a self-contained unit that can separate and function as a sub-flight lifter. Subsequent changes were made to the original Legend Gundam's head sensors. It is now equipped with a forehead antenna that allows Commander Zala to control the "Pronoea-01" backpack while it is in drone mode. These alterations were based partially on the original schematics for the stolen ZGMF-19A Infinite Justice prototype and its Fatum-01 system (note: still under investigation; possibly linked to missing ASH units).

Eternal Legend Gundam's Dragoons operate identically to those on the original Legend Gundam. However, additional thrusters were added to each Dragoon to expand the Gundam's overall versatility. This results in Eternal Legend's key defining feature: the new "Voiture Eclair" propulsion system. When the all of the Dragoons are docked, they can function as a swiveling array of thrusters, allowing the Eternal Legend to move in any direction in aerial space with virtually no loss of speed. At maximum thrust, the Eternal Legend's Variable Phase Shift armor shifts into the red spectrum so more energy can be diverted to high-speed melee combat. Eternal Legend can remain in this mode for up to three minutes. At this point, the Hyper-Deuterion reactor reverts to standard operations and automatically begins to recharge the Gundam's capacitor. Several engineers have stated the Phase Shift effect causes the Eternal Legend to bear an even stronger resemblance to the Justice/Saviour lineage, but this is purely coincidental.

Final alterations focused on maximizing the Eternal Legend's options in close-range situations. Auxiliary arms were installed near the two large Dragoon ports on the backpack, as well as inside the beam saber compartments on the side of each leg. With all of its arms deployed, the Eternal Legend can fight with six beam sabers, generate six beam shields, or utilize any combination in between.

The Eternal Legend Gundam was unveiled during Lacus Clyne's live performance of "Ignited" to mixed public reaction. All doubts were put to rest when the unit was deployed in the final defense of the Messiah base. Commander Zala served as an adviser for ZAFT's flagship team led by Shinn Asuka in the ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam. Other units in the team included the ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse (piloted by Rey Za Burrel), the ZGMF-X23S Saviour (piloted by Lunamaria Hawke), and the repurposed ZGMF-X56S/ζ Gaia Impulse (piloted by Stella Louisser). Despite the tragic loss of Rey Za Burel and the destruction of Requiem, the mission was a success. ZAFT agreed to self-destruct the remaining Neo-Genesis cannon (a decision strongly supported by Commander Zala himself) to facilitate the enemy's conditional surrender. 40% of the Earth Sphere has adopted the Destiny Plan, while most of the other countries are in talks to sign on as part of their reconstruction efforts.