Puck was sitting in the park at the swing sets. He had run as far as his legs would carry him leaving his truck at the Hudson-Hummel house. He sat there in one of the "big swings" letting his feet drag in the hollowed out spot underneath. Puck watched as drops of water fell from his face to make small craters in the dusty bowl.

Flashback to thirty minutes earlier….

Puck was on his way to Mike's when he received a text from his boyfriend.

Sorry going to stay and study this weekend. I have a major test in Political Science Monday…Love you and will see you next Friday night…

Kurt 3's Noah

Puck is disappointed but he knows his boyfriend and he never settles for anything less than an A so he responds like a 'good boyfriend' should.

Its cool Babe. I can find something to do this weekend. Text me when you take a break okay? Lov u

Noah 3's Kurt

Go have fun with Mike and COD. I will text you later.

Kurt 3's Noah

How did you know about the COD tournament?

Noah 3's Kurt

Finn told me. So go have fun!

Kurt 3's Noah

Ok. TTYL Lov u!

Noah 3's Kurt

Puck should have known something was wrong when Kurt didn't respond with the usual Lov u more! at the end of his message. It was almost like he was avoiding him. Puck just let it go to being nervous about his test. He tried calling Finn but went straight to voicemail which meant he either forgot to charge his phone or he was having another scream fest with Berry because Jesse was back in town. Puck pulls into the driveway seeing Kurt's Navigator parked in the garage. Maybe Burt had to do some work on it…

Finn greets him at the door with a confused look on his face and asks him what he is doing there. Puck tells him about the COD tournament at Mike's and thought they could ride together. Puck notices Finn is acting all nervous and strange like he doesn't want him to come in the house.

"Finn is something wrong? What's Kurt's Nav doing in the garage?" Puck watches as Finn's mouth opens and closes a few times. The taller teen seemingly can't say anything.

Puck grows angry at the situation. He thinks something is clearly wrong and wants to know the truth. He hears a noise from upstairs that sounds like his boyfriend moaning.

"Hudson move out of the way. NOW!" Puck walks past Finn who has dropped his head on his chest slightly shaking it from side to side.

"Puck you don't want to go up there dude." Finn watches with an extremely sad look on his face as his best friend runs up the stairs. Finn knows what is going on upstairs and knows the fallout is going to be bad as he makes his way to the stairs.

Puck silently opens the door to Kurt's room and sees him lying half naked with the Hobbit on top of him heatedly making out. He closes the door as quietly as he opened it and starts back down the stairs. His heart is hammering in his chest so hard he almost can't breathe. His dark hazel eyes filling with tears.

Puck makes it to the bottom before the first tear drop hit's the front of his shirt. His knees are becoming weaker and shakier as he heads to the front door. He holds his hand up at Finn signaling to just let him go; to let him leave the suffocating house.

His feet hit the front porch step and he does the one thing he is good at….He runs as fast as he can as far as he can. His vision blurry from the tears, his chest wanting to explode from the pain of it being shattered into a thousand pieces plus the cool night air.

Everyone told him that he wasn't good enough for Kurt. That he wasn't refined enough for Kurt. He was never going to be what Kurt wanted or needed. God it hurt so much knowing everyone was right. He wasn't enough or good enough. But why couldn't he tell me instead of cheating?

His phone has been vibrating non stop since he left the Hudmel house. He just ignores it sitting down in the swing. That's how he ends up at the park on the other side of town.

"Did you know everyone is looking for you?" Dave asks Puck as he sits in the next swing.

"Fuck'em all! It's not like they are my friends! Finn knew what was going on so that means Rachel knew and we all know if she knew then everyone in Glee knew but me! So FUCK'EM ALL!" Puck practically shouts at Dave. He goes to stand from the swing and his legs give out landing him back in the seat.

"Okay so fuck'em all! Puck I know this is hard for you and yes they should have told you what was going on. But more importantly Kurt should have been honest with YOU! But he wasn't and now it hurts like a motherfucker." Dave doesn't believe in sugar coating the situation. "Brittany was the one who told me where to find you. She called me worried that you would jump out of a tree or step in front a mad duck. The girl has issues but I got the point."

"Brittany is one of a kind. I'm not mad at her. Hell she probably wanted to tell me and the others talked her out of it. She hates liars as much as I do." Puck wiping his cheeks looks up at Dave and sees the larger jock is dressed in sweats and a hoodie. "No plans for tonight?"

"Naw just chasing after broken hearts and playing COD online. Another exciting Friday night for Dave Karofsky." Dave's voice holds little mirth at the last statement. He pulls out his cell and calls Brittany.

"He's safe Brittany. No I am not going to tell you where he is at…cause then you would tell Artie and Artie would tell…Nevermind….Just know he is safe….Bye" Dave hangs up the phone shaking his head.

"Thanks man." Puck is staring at the open field behind the park. His whole world was just destroyed and the one person he never thought would give two shits about him is sitting next to him. The laugh that escapes his lips is more of a sneer at the irony.

Dave holds his hand out to Puck as he stands from the swing. "let's go kick some ass online".

Puck stares at Dave for a minute and takes the offered hand. "Yeah killing people is just what I need." Dave helps him stand up and they walk over to his truck. The ride back to Casa De Karofsky is filled with loud music and loud harmonizing vocals from both teens.

"Can I borrow your phone to let my Ma know where I am?" Puck shifts his feet as they walk into Dave's room. "I don't really want to even look at mine, it still hasn't stopped going off."

Dave hands him his phone and holds his hand out for Puck's. "Let me see yours for a minute." Puck hands it to him as it starts vibrating again.

"Hello." Dave answers Puck's phone in a causal voice. "I'm sorry he can't come to the phone right now. No I am not giving him a message. Why? I think over a hundred phone calls and let's see how many texts….almost one fifty…I think you have said and done enough tonight. He will talk to you when HE is ready, not when YOU are ready! I am now going to turn off his phone and let him have some peace. Buh-Bye!"

"Uh, do I even want to ask who that was?" Puck is looking like he wants to cry again.

"Nope and if he shows up here tonight, you are going to stay up here in my room. What he did to you Puck is unforgivable right now. Who knows in a few weeks or months but right now if you go back to him he will do it again because he got away with it this time." Dave turns the phone off and tosses on his nightstand.

"I don't want to go back and I don't want to see him. It hurts knowing what I saw and what he has been doing. I know he has been doing it before tonight. And I just..I just want to forget about it tonight and kill something. Is that okay?" Puck's voice cracks just a little bit.

"Sounds good to me. Let me go get us something to snack on and something to drink. Why don't you call your Mom while I do that?" Dave offers him a small smile as he leave the room.

When Dave returns Puck is sniffling with his back to the door.

"Puck?" Dave sets the tray down by the TV and game system.

"I'm good man. Just my Ma being my Ma. Just how much she loves me and that she was proud of me. She knows I didn't cheat on Kurt and she is mad as hell that he cheated on me. She said to tell your parents thank you for letting me spend the night too." Puck smiles thinking about his Ma. She was proud of him and that meant a lot to the dark jock.

"It's all good man. My folks understand and they know you were dating Kurt. I finally came out to them. It was hard at first but my Dad is actually accepting it more than my Mom. She thinks I will change my mind and like girls again." Dave shrugs his shoulders in a noncommittal way. "And I am not out at school yet. Don't know I ever will be. So…"

"I won't out you man. That's something you have to do yourself. I have known since the shit went down with you and Kurt but no matter how much I hated you I could never do something like that to you or anyone else." Puck sits on floor in front of the game system getting everything ready for their epic battle.

"Thanks Puck." Dave sits beside him and reaches for a controller.

Fifteen minutes into the battle the Karofsky doorbell rings. Mr. Karofsky answers it and politely tells the Gleeks that Puck is not having visitors, neither is Dave and they just really need to go home. Puck can hear Kurt yelling at Dave's father to let him in that he has to fix this mix up, but Mr. Karofsky tells Kurt he can either leave now or when the police show up. Mr. K holds up his cell phone thumb over the send button.

Dave reaches for Puck watching as the smaller jock shivers and jumps each time they hear Kurt's shrill voice. Dave is not the comforting type of person but he knows that Puck is hurting and needs to be held.

When Dave hears the front door being closed and the sound of a car driving off he pulls Puck against him. It isn't sexual just a friend holding him letting him cry. Dave can feel the emotions sweeping through Puck's body; rage, fear, hurt, and sorrow.

Puck chokes out words in between sobs: Why? I was faithful. I love him so much. This sucks. I never want to see him again. He holds Puck allowing the teen to cry himself dry of his tears.

Dave gently nudges Puck with his shoulder indicating the bed. He watches as Puck's eyes grow wide for a moment until he tells him, "sleep dude, just sleep". Puck nods his head and crawls up settling down on one side of the bed.

"I'll be back. You rest. I am just going to check on my Dad and then I will be back up okay?" Dave asks Puck softly as he watches the hazel eyes droop close.

Dave's father is sitting in his home office working on some legal papers. The large jock clears his throat letting his father know he is in the room. He watches his Dad hold up a hand meaning to give me just another second and he turns around looking at Dave.

"You okay son? How is the Puckerman kid doing?" Mr. K asks his son concern in his voice and his eyes.

"I'm good, just angry that it happened to Puck. He didn't deserve this, any of this. He really loves Kurt even now after what he saw, but he knows he can't go back to him. He basically cried himself to sleep just now. I don't know what to do for him Dad, I am not a touchy feely person. I held him while he cried and talked about Kurt but I didn't know what else to do." Dave looks at the floor knowing that him holding another guy is the last thing his father wanted to hear about.

"Son, I don't know what to say about guy on guy relationships. Hell hetero is confusing enough for me. Your mother is a blessing and a curse at times." The elder Karofsky laughs a little bit. "I would think that holding him a good thing as long as it isn't sexually motivated and just letting him talk is good too. You mother tells me that I never listen to her and she is right. After twenty years she kinda repeats herself more often than not."

Dave looks up at his father, he expected him to yell at him call him names. He never expected him to talk about it like this, calmly and joking about his mother.

"Are you interested in Puckerman? Like interested in him, you know what I am trying to say."

"Not like that Dad. Maybe as a friend, since I don't have many of them at the moment. I would never go after Puck, not while he is hurting at least. He still loves Kurt and I respect that." Dave looks at his father curiously. To Dave this night is just totally strange. "Well I'm heading to bed. Puck should be passed out by now. Goodnight Dad and tell Mom I said thank you for letting Puck stay."

"I will son. Goodnight and I do love you." Mr. K stands and gives his son an awkward hug before going back to his desk.

"Love you too Dad."

Dave steps out of the home office and scratches his head. He wonders if he has stepped into one of those alternate realities where everyone is the opposite of what they seem.

First Brittany calls him looking for Puck. She told him where to look for Puck. He finds Puck and tries to make him feel better. So not my MO. They come here and his father is like some Dad from the sixties, being all understanding and talking about boyfriends with him. What the fuck is up with that? Holding Puck while he cried over Kurt. God I must be totally stoned or going nuts! And now I am going to share the same bed with Puck. Dave swears he can hear the old Twlight TV music playing in the background of him home.

Dave slowly goes back upstairs to his room and finds Puck wrapped around one of his pillows, minus his jacket and shoes. Dave looks at the bed and the floor. He decides on the bed as it is a large queen size and takes the opposite side as Puck.

As he starts to get comfortable, the night suddenly does get even weirder. Noah Puckerman is snuggling up against his side trying to get as close as possible. Just as Dave is about to get up and take the hard floor Puck rolls over draping one leg over Dave's and an arm around his waist. He watches Puck burrow his head in the crook of his arm.

Okay someone just shoot me! Cuddling with Puck!

Dave has no choice really except to hold Puck the rest of the night. No matter how good this feels Dave knows it just isn't right.