Suzaku's home was surprisingly normal.

Lelouch had been expecting basketball trophies everywhere, or it to be really messy, or it to have Japanese artifacts scattered around.

In hindsight, the last was a tad racist.

Suzaku stood in the kitchen, in a relatively awkward way that Lelouch never saw at school. At Ashford, the basketball player had a relaxed slump, walked with a loping gait, an almost constant small smile on his face.

Lelouch hadn't even realized he'd noticed all of this.

"So, uh, do you want anything to eat?" Suzaku said, just as awkward as he was their first tutoring session. Lelouch mused that maybe it was because of the time they "accidentally" touched in the cafeteria.

"No, I'm fine. I'd like some water though." Lelouch replied, accidentally sounding a bit more seductive than he meant to so early in the game. Suzaku blinked, obviously noticing his tone, but he bent down to open the fridge to get the water.

Bent down.

Lelouch was very pleased to get a very nice view of Suzaku from behind.

The brunet stood back up, a glass of water in his tan hand which he handed to Lelouch. The Brittanian took it and sipped. "So. Where should we start today?"


Suzaku didn't know why it was so fascinating to watch Lelouch sip at the water. The way he did it was so elegant. He almost had to shake his head to snap out of watching him like a creep.

"I think we should do some more math," Suzaku said, trying to make himself focus on the tutoring task at hand.

"Alright." With that, Lelouch started pulling some books out of his bag. Suzaku wondered how the hell he carried that thing around without breaking his damn back.

The brunet sat down besides his tutor, looking over his shoulder at whatever they were studying. It was hard to concentrate when Lelouch smelled so good. It was kind of a feminine smell, but not at the same time. It was impossible to describe unless you actually smelled him.

Lelouch was going on and on about how to find the area of some shapes, but Suzaku was just lost in how pretty the Brittanian teen was. In these few moments, it didn't matter that Lelouch was boy. He was beautiful, and Suzaku liked it.

"Hey, Lelouch?" He heard himself say. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?"

That made Lelouch pause and look up, turning his head to the boy next to him. "Well, no. I can't they that they have." His voice almost had a pleased edge to it.

Suzaku felt his face grow hot. "Uh, sorry. I didn't know what I was saying, and- mmf..."

Suddenly Lelouch's soft lips were on his, cutting off whatever idiotic thing he was going to say next.


This was exactly the moment Lelouch had been waiting for. He'd been waiting for Suzaku to make some comment like that, and then cut him off. It had gone precisely as planned.

Suzaku was kissing back, which came as a mild surprise. A pleasant one, though. Lelouch used no tongue at first(and didn't plan to), but soon enough Suzaku traced his along Lelouch's bottom lip, gaining entrance.

Their tongue slid around each other, both boys getting lost in the kiss as Lelouch leaned forward into Suzaku's arms.

Lelouch's delight was short lived, however. One or two minutes into the kiss, Suzaku pushed Lelouch off, gasping for breath. "What the fuck." That was the brunet's simple statement. Lelouch just blinked, enjoying the way Suzaku looked so adorably confused.

"Well, let's continue with math, shall we?"


Why did I like that so much?

Suzaku had enjoyed kissing Lelouch way too much. Confused thoughts buzzed in his head.

The brunet splashed water on his face, getting ready for bed. Lelouch had left a few hours ago, but the memory of those soft pink lips on his own hadn't.

A cure for his brief lapse of heterosexuality came to mind as he lay in bed, trying to fall asleep. Well, it wasn't necessarily a cure, but a person.



Oh woah, I'm sorry this one's so short o.o

I didn't even realize it was this short until I made the document. xD

The next one WILL be longer, I'm just not having a very good day today, so..that's my excuse. *le sigh*

Anyway, I hope you all had a better day than I did, and enjoyed the story~