So, this is just a random thing I wrote while on the way to my Oma und Opa's house~ Not long, I know.

Anyway, I remember when I was younger my mom planted Calla Lilies every year and I could always smell them. Weird, hm? Then I started thinking about FMA and how sad I was when-
Oh, you get it.

Lilies. Calla Lilies to be exact. That's what my house smelled like growing up. My mother loved Calla Lilies; she planted them every year. As a child, the familiar scent of those flowers comforted me. When my parents left, I often smelled that scent even though the beautiful flowers were there no more.

"Winry bug, come help Mommy with the flowers!" I can still hear my mother speaking those words. Winry bug. That was my nickname. It seemed to suit me at the time, too. My mother would often call for me to help plant the Lilies, or to water them after they were already planted. Those were the days. That all changed when the war happened, though.

"Look, Win, your mommy and I will be back soon. I promise," I remember my father saying, "Be a good girl and make sure you and Granny stay out of trouble." My parents were doctors, not soldiers. They shouldn't have had to leave for the war. Then again, if they didn't, who would have helped the wounded? As I waved to my parents while they walked away, a gentle breeze brought the smell of Calla Lilies to my nose. It was a sweet scent. A comforting one. I had no doubt in my mind that my parents would return safe and sound. I was wrong.

"Winry dear, I'm sorry," Granny Pinako looked at me sadly, "Your mother and father aren't coming home." As my mind tried to process the thought of them not being here, the image of their backs walking away appeared in my mind. Even though there were no more flowers, the smell of Calla Lilies seemed to linger in the air. Granny would often ask me why I never planted anymore flowers. I always told her it was because I was too busy with working. That's not true, though. I didn't plant anymore because the smell of Calla Lilies reminded me of my mother and father. It reminded me of love. It reminded me of life. Most importantly, it reminded me of death.

The scent of the flowers still seems to follow me. At my wedding I had Roses, but the scent of Calla Lilies filled my nose. It was odd, yes, but it made me feel like my parents were there on the happiest day of my life. "I promised we'd be back," I could hear my father whisper as I walked down that isle, "Didn't I?"

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Hiromu Arakawa; the genius behind FMA.

I hope you enjoyed my random writing. :P