Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, etc., of Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. This story is for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit.


Summary: Not everyone is happy with the winner of the Demon World Tournament. A new darkness rises out of the east, threatening the fragile new kingdom, and Sango, Hiei and Kurama find themselves thick in the fray.

A/N: So here it 'tis, the second installment in my IY/YYH crossover series begun with "The Heart Within." This story can stand on its own, though, without needing to read the first. =)




Ningenkai - Human World

Reikai - Spirit World

Makai - Demon World

Youkai - demon, or apparition (English terms are used interchangeably)

Hanyou - half-demon

Miko - priestess

Taijiya - demon slayer

Inu - dog

Chapter One

"I still can't believe everything that's happened," Kagome said, curling up on one end of their shared sofa and absently fiddling with a piece of her long, black hair.

Sitting sideways facing her best friend, Sango could only smile as she hugged her knees. "It's all so incredible, isn't it? To be honest, I never thought I would see you again."

"Me, too." Kagome gave her friend a tremulous smile. "Inuyasha and I thought you had died along with everyone else."

"I nearly did," Sango answered quietly, lowering her eyes. For a long moment, both girls thought of all the friends they had lost. Miroku's memory still hurt, as did the poignant loss of her beloved fire-cat, Kirara, and her little brother, Kohaku.

"Does it bother you, Kagome, to know that I…took Kagura's heart? That it's now a part of me?" Sango asked, her earnest brown eyes searching her friend's. This was the first chance the two women had been able to talk in private, after all the excitement of earlier that evening as they reunited after - for what seemed to Kagome, and was, literally, for Sango - five hundred years.

"Why should it?" Kagome asked, truly bewildered by Sango's question. She shrugged. "I mean, it's a bit weird to think of you being a wind hanyou. Or that you've been living for the past five hundred years. I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like, how it might have changed you. I keep wondering if I might be…I dunno…immature, I guess. Childish, somehow, to you."

Sango laughed. "No, Kagome, that you could never be. At least, not to me."

The reunited friends clasped hands, squeezing lightly to renew the promise of their deep love and respect for one another. There were some people, Sango reflected, whose company it felt you never left, no matter how much time had passed.

Although there were subtle differences in their old closeness. They were still hesitant, feeling each other out, but that reserve was already dissolving under Kagome's natural warmth. There had always been something about the young miko that was soothing to one's spirit. As if, by her mere presence, your own burdens seemed lighter.

Perhaps it was the girl's spiritual energy, which was rather tangible. It shimmered around the girl, bathing her in an incandescent glow when the taijiya used her astral sight. Always powerful, Kagome's spiritual energy had grown in relation to her strength and training under the formidable old priestess, Genkai. The same priestess who had once trained Yusuke Urameshi, whose Detective gig Kagome was going to be taking over.

But there was a palpable difference between Kagome's spiritual energy and Yusuke's. Where his was the fire of youth, hers was the light whisper of a gentle spring breeze. It reached out, soothing and healing, like the first gentle breezes after a hard winter's thaw. There was life to it, young life, with all its eternal hope and optimism.

But there was more to it than that. Kagome's energy, while sweet and pure, was also strong and steady. It could rend as well as heal, and that springtime warmth could be turned into the more deadly tornado-like force of Sango's wind-borne nature - now that she was a wind-changeling, thanks to her hasty heart transplant.

Gaining Kagura's heart had granted Sango abilities she had never imagined - and strange influences she was still trying to cope with, even after all these the longest time, Sango had denied her dual heritage, subsuming the demonic for the human. It was only yesterday - was that really how little time had passed, she mused, so much had happened since then - that she had finally come to terms with both her nature and her love.

"Do you miss him?" Kagome suddenly asked. "Miroku?"

Sango's brown eyes turned opaque as her thoughts turned inward, painful memories stirring. "Yes," she finally said, gaze distant. "Even now."

"Those two demons…" Kagome began, trying to ask what she could not bring herself to say. If they were worthy of her best friend, a fitting substitute to the handsome young monk they had both known and loved.

"Hiei and Kurama?" Sango smiled softly. The emotion in her eyes nearly took Kagome's breath away. That Sango, seriously reserved Sango, was capable of revealing such depths of tenderness - Kagome could only grin.

"Wow. They must really be worth something, to get that kind of look out of you," she teased lightly, and Sango flushed.

"Well, it's all still a bit new and even a little overwhelming. I've - known them for a while now, but it was only yesterday, really, that we…well…that is…uh…"

"Became mates?" Kagome's look turned wicked. It was not something Sango would have expected to see on the "innocent" miko. She raised an inquisitive brow and it was Kagome's turn to blush. "Well, of course, you know Inuyasha and I, we were always going to be together. Losing everyone so suddenly like that - well."

Kagome shrugged uneasily, trying to hide the pain that belief must have caused her. Naraku's death must have been a bitter triumph for the modern-day miko and her inu hanyou lover. The cost of all their friends, who Kagome and Inuyasha had thought died in that horrendous last battle, and the sealing of the time-spanning well behind them, so that they were unable to travel back to the Sengoku Jidai to find out who had - must have been awful. Even Naraku's final fate had been uncertain - except that the completed Shikon no Tama had come through time with Kagome.

Wounded and near death herself, the young priestess had been in no shape to try to return. By the time she got out of the hospital, all hope had died of the Bone-Eater's Well ever opening again, its link to the past severed by the Jewel now returned to Kagome's time and currently resting in Spirit World's secured vaults.

For months Kagome and Inuyasha had mourned, until word came from the most unlikely of sources. For Lord Sesshoumaru had survived, though he now lived in Canada with Rin and Shippou, who had mated in the intervening five hundred years, and had children of their own. Although Kagome had yet to see the kits, there had been many phone calls back and forth between the young miko and her beloved fox demon.

It was unreal to Sango, that little Shippou had survived that battle. That Lord Sesshoumaru had taken the wounded orphan in, just as he had the little girl Rin two years before. That the little fox was now grown, with kits of his own - well, she had lived through those five centuries, too, but sitting here with Kagome, it felt like no time had passed. It must feel surreal to Kagome as well, for Sango had changed little herself in the intervening years. Well, except for her much shorter hair, which she had gotten cut roughly four months ago. But it was Youko, Kurama's demon fox form, who had told her the little known secret, that changelings such as herself did not age as normal demons. That by their very transformation, they kept the physical appearance they had had when they were first changed into a demon.

There were drawbacks to that, as Sango was well aware. Although the scars of those five centuries she wandered alone, searching for her little brother and the evil Naraku - who had fled into Demon World, taking Kohaku with him - would never show on her skin, still they were there, inside her heart and laid across her soul. She didn't know if she could ever tell Kagome what those long, dark years had meant, so lost in anger and bitterness, her mind consumed so much in vengeance that she often went mad, losing years to that very darkness that had seethed throughout her restless searching.

It was only in the last year that Sango had finally found peace, reconciling herself to Kohaku's loss and Naraku's ignoble end, and not at her hand. No, that satisfaction had been denied her. And it had almost killed the taijiya, in shattered spirit and wounded pride. But it was those friends she had made over the past year - Hiei and Kurama, Yusuke and Jin and all the others, who had helped her to find a new reason to look beyond the bitterness and finally find a place for herself in the Demon World that had become, over the last year, her adopted home.

But that tale had already been shared between the two women, in the earlier excitement as those from both past and present gathered in Prince Koenma's rooms to share their stories. There were still gaps - for there hadn't been much time to share personal details, Kagome reflected, like how Sango had fallen in love with two such disparate demons as Hiei and Kurama. Or how she, herself, had come to the attention of Spirit World through a chance meeting with Kuwabara, and had trained so hard for the past year under the relentless tyranny of old Genkai.

And Kagome had yet to meet the former Spirit Detective who had been Genkai's first student. Yusuke Urameshi lay unconscious in the hospital, his body shutting down to repair the injuries sustained in his earlier fight with a demon named Yomi for some worldwide karate tournament currently going on. The soft-spoken fox demon, Kurama, had called it "hibernation." The others seemed to take it for granted, although Kagome was still trying to figure out what the heck that was all about. She still couldn't believe she was here, in Demon World, with Sango and Kouga, and a disparate crew that went from the strange to the stranger.

Like meeting demons who were both scary, powerful and tiny. From a grouchy skunk demon naturally called "Skunk" to an elegant elf lord, who seemed to know an awful lot about Sango. That Prince Koenma, the son and heir of King Yama and her would-be boss, knew Hiei and Kurama, that even Botan had worked with the two demons, who had been a part of Team Urameshi.

But there was more to it than that. Regardless of the sudden reunion between old friends and new, there was still the imminent threat of the Demon World Tournament being played out even as they all sat around and talked late into the night. Some of those demons, of the highest caliber "Super-A", or "S" class of Spirit World's designation, were still fighting, some half-a-day later, and looked as if they wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Frankly, the very idea that some of those demons had been fighting for more than twelve hours now was completely unreal to Kagome. She had trained hard over the past year under the demanding guidance of Genkai. She had finally mastered her own spiritual powers as a result, but she wondered what that kind of demonic power might mean for Human World. For the very fate of all three worlds - Human, Demon, and Spirit - rested on the outcome of this tournament, where the winner took all Makai as the prize.

Suggested by Yusuke as a way to stop the civil unrest that threatened to swamp all Demon World up into a war that made Ningenkai's World War II look like children bickering over toys, the Great Tournament was supposed to pit fighter against fighter until the last one standing won the crown by default. It was a very demonic - and Yusuke, Prince Koenma wryly added - thing to do.

But the outcome was in no way certain, for their - or, Spirit and Human World's, rather - main proponents were now out of the running. Hiei, Kurama, others like Jin and Touya, and the other youkai Kagome had met while training under Genkai, even Sango, and now Yusuke, in the fifth round, had all been defeated.

And that didn't leave Spirit World with many good options. For the ambitious Lord Yomi and the violent traditionalist, Lady Mukuro, were still in the running, as were too many of the powerful unknowns that had appeared at the start of the tournament. It was all twisted up and confusing to Kagome, who could hardly keep all the new names straight, let alone the intricate power struggles and larger worlds-wide significance that were twisted up in all this mess. She just knew that Prince Koenma was deeply worried, especially with Yusuke now out of the picture. The stakes were twice as high, for no one really knew what might happen once the winner took the throne. And if Makai's new king decided that a good way to unite the various factions was to turn their attentions - and hunger - on Human World, who was there, really, to stop them?

Well, there was her. And Inuyasha, of course. He would never let demons just rage all over the place without trying to do something about it. But Kagome - who had seen what demons could do, back in the Sengoku Jidai - shrank from the thought of what they might do to the modern world, so blissfully unaware of even their existence. She didn't want to see the destruction of all she held dear.

But she would stand, and fight, as she ever had to do. And she knew there were now others who would stand with her. Sango, and those strange two who always seemed to be near the slayer - for here they were, even now slipping inside the room, the red-haired fox with an apologetic smile, the short, grumpy one with an angry scowl.

How Sango could tolerate that one was beyond Kagome. He looked as approachable as a grizzly bear, and about as huggable as barbed wire. There was a darkness to his aura that sent shivers down the miko's spine. There was something that hovered around him, some touch of the Netherworld. It was as if he drew some power from the very pits of hell to add to the fire, ever raging, that was his elemental nature.

He had barely said - or growled, rather, since that seemed all he was capable of doing - two words the entire evening, though his scathing red eyes had barely left Sango for a second. He had not even joined in the group, only taking up a deceptively relaxed pose against the wall behind Sango's chair. It was the other demon, the strange fox youkai, Kurama, who had easily taken up their side of the story. Leaning indolently against one arm of the couch, the handsome fox had shown Kagome nothing but polite courtesy, even able to smoothly disarm Inuyasha's reflexive animosity as he reiterated their part in the adventure.

No, Kurama was as different from Hiei as day was to night. Uneasy in the fire demon's presence, Kagome found herself frankly enjoying the fox's company. He had all the qualities one could wish in their best friend's boyfriend - handsome, sophisticated, soft-spoken and solicitous.

But there was no denying that Kurama, too, was all demon. There was a guarded calculation in the back of his green eyes that didn't fool Kagome in the least. But Kurama's natural courtesy had soon dissolved her fears, as did the unconscious way Sango had simply reached up and touched his hand when he'd idly rested it against the back of her chair. That gesture was far more telling than any other, and Kagome was reassured once again in the way Sango's eyes lit up as the two demons entered the room.

"Sango," the taller one began, his green eyes apologetically flicking to Kagome and then back to the slayer, "I'm sorry to impose, but we - "

"It's late," the short one interrupted, glowering.

'Well, ain't we just Mr. Sunshine. What an arrogant jerk,' Kagome thought, bristling. If Inuyasha had even tried something like that with her, she'd sit him into next week.


Wincing for the bellow that must have awoken everyone within a hundred mile radius, Kagome sighed.

The door bounced back off of the wall as Inuyasha strode through, looking sour and cute all at the same time. "Where the hell have you been, bitch?"

"Inuyasha," Kagome bit out, letting her fury show through the glitter in her brown eyes.

Uh-oh. The inu hanyou started backpedaling, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room, hands raised as if he could fend off the inevitable.

"Sit, boy!"


"That's quite the leash the miko has on her mate," Kurama said, amused as the two fell to quarrelling in raised voices as they left the sitting room.

"Hn," was Hiei's sour opinion of the whole matter.

"They'll be at it for some time," Sango said, her soft smile indulgent.

"Well, then, we'd best go. It'll be dawn soon."

"I hadn't realized it was so late," Sango said, stretching a bit. She was unaware of how the unconscious movement arched her spine and threw her breasts up in a way that heated Hiei's eyes. "Sorry."

"No problem," Kurama hastily reassured her as Hiei glowered behind her back. Kurama narrowed his eyes on the impatient fire demon as he deliberately intenerated, "We understand you needed some time with your friend."

Hiei scowled, abruptly vanishing as they crossed the quiet expanse of Prince Koenma's deserted suite.

"Hiei?" Sango asked, troubled by the abrupt way he had disappeared, using his unearthly speed to leave.

"Don't worry about him," Kurama reassured her, smoothly slipping an arm about the taijiya's narrow waist. "You know he never likes being around large groups of strangers. He's also new to the idea of us being mated. It will take time for his protective instincts to wear off."

"Oh." Sango still looked troubled. "Really, Kurama, I hadn't even thought about it. So much has happened, I forget that…we…"

Kurama shrugged. "It will take time for all of us to adjust," he casually said, though he wouldn't admit his own unreasonable jealousythat the taijiya's attention had been all for her friends, and not for her new mates. Which was unworthy of the slayer, for he knew she loved them as much as they loved her. Still, it was something hard to explain to his more bestial instincts, which were closer now that he and Youko were united as one. Emotions were closer to the surface than ever before as a result of that unity, and Kurama's more logical side was still trying to wrestle with that byproduct of the sudden change within him.

'Aren't we all, really,' he thought, smiling softly down at the slayer. She didn't even realize how beautiful she was, or how much a gift it felt to have his arm thrown about her waist. She smelled right, a mix of sunlight and clean, windswept heights, a linger of brimstone and the damp earth that was his and Hiei's own scents wrapped up in hers. Kurama couldn't explain to anyone how right that felt, how much like coming home.

Sango feathered a careless hand through her short, black hair, and Kurama wondered if the taijiya knew how arousing even that absent gesture was to in jeans and a light blue hoodie, with dark circles under her eyes and her shoulders sagging a bit as all the excitement of the evening wore off, she was even more beautiful than she had been in battle, when she had faced the formidable Koku and united her wind-borne nature with her human chi to form an awesome display of force that had fair taken his breath away.

"You're slow," was Hiei's impatient growl as they finally emerged from Prince Koenma's spacious suite. Leaning against the wall, he turned with an abrupt movement and led the way to their own suite on the other side, and two floors down, of the hotel. Stalking in front of them, every hard line simmered with the fire demon's bad mood, and even Kurama forebode commenting on it. He didn't know what was bothering the apparition so much.

Maybe it was just all the anxiety Koenma had done a poor job of hiding about the final outcome of the Great Tournament. But then, the de facto prince and heir-apparent of all Spirit Word would have cause for concern, should the lot fall to one of the more aggressive demons still striving for that particular accolade. Beneath all the celebration of reunited friends was the underlying tension of what this tournament might bring, now that Yusuke was out of the running.

Kurama grimaced. He, himself, hadn't really given much thought to the broader significance of this tournament, so wrapped up in his own petty concerns. He had used the tournament for his own, selfish reasons. Revenging himself on that diabolical surgeon, Shigure, for the terrible price he'd demanded of those dearest to him, as well as settling for once and all who, inthe end, would win - he or Youko.

It still baffled Kurama how neatly the fox-spirit had played him, right up until the end. For Kurama had been willing to sacrifice himself to free the former thief, which had been the fox-spirit's intention all along. Fleeing injurious death at the hands of Spirit World agents, Youko had joined with the soul of an unborn human child, and thus created Kurama - who lived as a gifted student named Shuichi Minamino in Human World, but used his fox-granted mastery over plants and demon energy to help Yusuke Urameshi protect the Ningenkai he'd adopted as his own for so many years.

But Kurama could not keep his demonic instincts at bay forever, and knew that the crucial day would come when he would have to decide whether he or Youko - the formidable, thousand-year-old demon who shared his body - would prevail. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought Youko would deliberately submit his personality to his; the fox demon's intention had always been to emerge eventually, making them one but with his will and personality dominant.

But the ancient fox spirit had deceived Kurama, just as he was willing and ready to give up his life for that purpose, knowing that he had, at least, satisfied the revenge necessary on the evil chirurgeon who had preformed the organ transplants that had given Sango her wind-demoness's heart and Hiei his Jagan Eye. Ready to lay down his life, and yes, even his soul, Kurama had been the last to expect that Youko would turn the tables on him, and subsume himself within Kurama's awareness, so that they were now two as one, instead of two, distinctly separate entities.

There were consequences to that, as Kurama was still learning. His emotions were so much closer to the surface, and his demonic instincts, as well as abilities, were so much stronger now that he was a full demon. Powerful, yes, he was now as powerful as he had ever wished, but still, there was that part of Youko that now tainted his own thoughts, twisting through his personality in devious ways. He might never learn just how much was still his, and how much of him was now Youko.

But coming on the heels of that surprising revelation was the even more stunning discovery that his secret yearning and admiration for both the fire demon and slayer were readily returned. The gift of their love - it was still so new, so humbling, and yet so completely right. But there was still that hesitancy - as they each had yet to learn so much about the others, making tighter those bonds formed through hardship and difficulty that only time and understanding might bring.

He was still uncertain how welcome even his touch might be to the fire demon, who was not, when all was said and done, attracted to men. But Hiei - simple, uncomplicated Hiei, would welcome it for Kurama's sake, if not his own. But Kurama did not want the demon to merely suffer his touch only because he wanted it. That was as distasteful as the thought of taking Sango unwilling, a virtual rape of the delicate intimacy they all shared.

Easier was it to turn to the slayer, then, to ease his arousal, which was not all for Hiei, but for both of them. Youko had always been rather free with his affections, neither caring male or female, and Kurama had always been as open as the fox-spirit to that possibility. He found the slayer's lithe curves as delightful as Hiei's hard strength. They were both such a study in contrasts, while still retaining a superficial similarity. Both so passionate and stubborn, even if Sango managed to hide hers a little better than the blunt fire apparition. Roughly the same height, Sango stood an inch above Hiei, but his gravity-defying hair gave him the appearance of being taller, as did the solid weight of his sturdy frame, his wide shoulders easily twice the width of the slender slayer's.

But Sango's softness was deceptive, for it hid a hard core of steely strength. Sango was as much a warrior as either of them, and her body was laced with the scars she had gained before her transformation into a wind-hanyou. Testament to her fierce will and inner strength, the scars bore their own tale of a hard life and struggle to be what she was in a time when women were not typically allowed to own property, let alone take up weapons to defend their homes and fellow people.

Kurama would have liked to have met the man who had been so open to new ideas that he would train his only daughter in the ancient art of demon slaying. But Sango's father had been killed by the very brother she had come to Demon World seeking, the very one who had been lost to her five hundred years before when she had made the desperate decision to use Kagura's heart to follow them.

But that chapter in the slayer's life was already closed, though who knew how those dark years as she searched in vain for her brother and the evil hanyou who had destroyed her clan had shaped the slayer into the woman he loved today. Kurama smiled ironically. The gods alone knew what inner demons, he, himself, had yet to deal with. He was hardly one to wonder what the choices and chances of life brought another to where they were right now.

Which was, if he was correct, to the very door of their hotel suite. Officiously named the "Harem Suite," the rooms were decorated in an hedonistic vision of a sultan's palace - or the demonic interpretation of one. Violent colors clashed with plump pillows and curved archways, the furniture heavy and dark when not covered in brilliant brocades and silks. Thick carpets softened their feet, and incense hung heavy in the rooms, making Kurama wrinkle his nose as the near reek of it.

Slipping free of his arm as Hiei held open the door, Sango yawned sleepily as she entered the suite. The fire demon caught her free wrist as she passed, jerking the distracted slyer to him with a hard pull, and kissed her, his desire hot and flaring. Surprised, Sango stiffened, but then the heat of the fire demon's talented mouth worked its heady magic on her, and she softened into him, curling her body around his. Hiei's strong arms came around her, and Kurama watched with ironic forbearance, that Hiei would dare what he would not. At least - not yet. He was still too cautious of the slayer's human frailty to let his more aggressive instincts out, but was conscious of the distinct flush to his skin as his own eyes heated at the pure eroticism of Hiei's dominance.

Hiei growled, something too low for Kurama to make out, and Sango turned her head, her dark eyes full of something that drew Kurama like a magnet to their side. She reached a calloused hand up to lightly caress his cheek, and Kurama bent his red head over hers, his lips seeking hers in a gentle, lingering kiss.

"Kurama…" she whispered into the heat of his mouth, and knit her fingers through his long, red hair as Hiei tugged impatiently at her clothes. She let the fire demon undress her, giving all her attention to the fox as her hoodie was pulled down her arms. She hopped from one foot to the other in a lopsided dance as her sneakers were yanked off that had Kurama smiling against her lips even as he curled his fingers along the bottom of her T-shirt and edged it upwards...


Kurama, moved by tenderness for those he loved, slid down the bed, dragging the blanket with him. Shoving pillows out of the way, he deftly swirled the blanket over all three of them as he tucked himself around the two. Sango rose a bit, so she could share a sleepy kiss as he curled over her. Lightly nuzzling the top of her sweaty head, Kurama rested his chin on her shoulder, and felt Hiei lightly brush his hip with one arm as he turned slightly, nestling his cheek into the slayer's breast as sleep finally overtook them.