What If?

What if when Bella came to Forks, she was pregnant? And Edward didn't care? What if Rosalie never hated Bella? Well this is what would happen :)

Author's note: This is my first fan fiction so please try to be nice. Enjoy read & Review!

Chapter one: Coming home

The plane ride there I only thought about what it would be like there. What would people say? Would anyone like me? I looked down at my 7 month pregnant tummy. I rubbed it thinking of everything that would happen in Forks. My mom said I could stay, but I knew that she didn't want me to. She had a life with Phil, and she wanted to travel with him. Anyways this would be good, nobody knew about my life back home. Going to live with my dad was the best thing I could possibly do right now.

In about ten minutes the plane would be landing. I knew I could be happy here, with my daughter and Charlie. And I had too at least pretend to be happy, my dad deserved that. He was letting me come live with him, his 17 year old daughter who was pregnant. He even traded rooms with me because his was bigger. The house was only two rooms, so the baby would be sleeping in my room but she would have a crib that my dad bought for her.

" Now landing in Port Angeles. " the piolit said. When we were able to get off I took a deep breath, and went to see my dad. When he saw me his eyes went wide, he had not seen me being pregnant. Quickly, he put his eyes on my face and smiled. I gave him a hug, it was awkward because of my tummy. We went to get my bags after, except he wouldnt let me carry any; he said I shouldn't be carrying heavy things. I only had two suit-cases and three carry bags; most were filled with baby stuff.

We got out to his cruiser, and started home. The car ride was awkward, but when weren't things with my dad awkward. Charlie and myself didn't talk much, and didn't talk about feelings. Then since the silence was annoying I started a conversation.

" Hey, did you know that the baby is a girl?" I asked him. I saw the smile on his face before he replied.

" No. Do you know what your naming her?" he asked actually sounding interested.

"Well," I began " I was thinking Nikkolette Rose Swan or even Nikkolette Grace Swan. I will know when I see her though!"

" I like it, and your using Swan for the last name? What about Ronalds last name?" He brought up her father.

" Dad, his name is Ryan and he said he didn't want anything to do with her, so I am respecting his wishes." I said only angry.

For the rest of the ride we didn't speak, whenever Ryan was brought up I got angry. I don't regret having this baby, no. But he put me through hell, after I told him I was pregnant he exploded on me. Saying " I dont want anything to do with that thing, dont tell people I got you knocked up. Just dont talk to me." And that was the last time I talked to that guy. Even at school he would just glare at me, and with the other students make fun of me because I was pregnant.

We arrived at my new home, in the driveway was a 2001 honda civic. I looked at my dad confused, last time I was here he only had the police cruiser.

" I know your going to need to get around with the baby so, I bought this car for you from an old friend. It will be safe for the baby and drives good." my dad said

" Oh my god, thank you so much!" I said leaning over to "hug" him. Truth was i had money saved up; enough for a when I didnt know dad bought me a car, I planned on buying myself one, I didnt know where I would ge the rest of the money I would need for the baby, but now I had it. I could buy my daughter everything she deserved, except a father. She deserved one, a guy who wants her, and will care for her as much as i do, and when she is born will.

Charlie took my things up to my new room. It was yellow, and my bed was against the wall making enough room for a crib and a desk. Above the desk was a cork board with drawings and letters; I would replace those with pictures including my ultrasound pictures. The last ultra sound I had was like three weeks before I left, so that was 29 weeks, and im 32 so I would need to go soon. I pulled out sticky-notes and wrote ; Ultra-sound call hospital, or visit. After I unpacked my bags which was mainly baby things, I went down to my new car! Charlie was outside checking it over, making sure I would be safe

" You wanna take it for a ride Bells?" Charlie asked.

I nodded yes, and he threw me the keys and told me to be home by 8, it was 6:50. Before leaving I decided on grab my money, maybe get some baby things or groceries. I got in my car and drove off, there wasnt much here, but I decided to drive by my new school, then I noticed my gas was about to run out so I went to the nearest gas station. As I was pumping the gas, a girl came up to me probably 5'7 brown hair.

" Hi, I know you don't know me but I'm Jessica Stanley, I go to Forks high school. We have some classes together tomorrow!" She said

" Oh, Im Bella Swan. Nice to meet you, and at least I will know someone tomorrow?" we both laughed. She clearly didnt notice my belly until she actually looked at me. Her eyes became wide so I said " Yeah, I am pregnant, it's kinda why I moved."

" Oh, it's fine. I dont care, so do you know what your having? How far are you? Sorry, I talk a lot!" Jessica said

" Well im 32 weeks, and yeah its a girl. I'm naming her Nikkolette." I said

She smiled at me and said " Awh thats so cute, well I will see you tomorrow, nice meeting you! BYE!"

I got into my car and drove to the hospital, might as well. I parked my car into visitor, and got out. When I got to the receptionist desk and asked " Hi, can I book an apointment now?" she looked at me confused

" Have you been to this hospital before?" She asked.

"oh im sorry" I said " No, I just moved here. I need an ultra sound soon, im 32 weeks, so can I book an appointment."

" Oh, yes dear, the doctor we have is ? Is that okay?" She asked me, I nodded. " Im just going to need your information."

" Well my name is Isabella Swan, im 17, my birthday is September 13th, 1987" I said, then she asked me some other things. My appointment was set for this Friday, with here.

I walked out of the hospital at 7:45 and decided to head back to home, I had a long day ahead of me. I got home exactly at 8:00, Charlie ordered pizza so I had a slice and said good night and went to my room, to get ready for bed. I had a routine every night before bed. I had to brush my teeth, wash my face, put my hair up, take my viatamins, and then I would rub cocoa butter on my belly ( I heard it gets rid of stretch marks.)

After I did my routine I went to my room, and started into my babies crib. I could just imagine her sleeping in there, I hope this was comfortable and could keep her asleep. It was only 8;54, and i wasn't ready to sleep so I went through my daughter's clothes. I decided while I had a chance, that I would pack my hospital bag, I even picked her coming home outfit. I didn't have everything for her to come home, and be happy. I still needed a lot of things, but I had 8 weeks to get ready. At least I had 9 months to get use to the idea of having a baby.

When I was in Arizona, and hadn't even thought of moving to Forks, I considered adoption. I was set on it until I found out it was a girl, and Im sure if it was a boy I woud've decided to keep it. I think I decided when I found out the sex because, it became so much more real. My mom wanted me to go with adoption, because she said I would be able to have fun and go out with friends. I didnt really have friends back in Arizona, I had people I talked to, but I never called them friends. She thinks that a baby will prevent me from graduating. I dont think it will, im smart and if I cant I can take my G.E.D.

Everyone tells me I should put the baby up for adoption also because I will be a single parent. Everyone today has a problem with single parents, my mom was and I turned out... okay? I'm sure one day Ryan will want to help with Nikkolette, but I understand why he is mad. He is a teenage guy, he is popular, and he is on the football team a baby would only ruin all that for him. And for me it's ruining nothing.

After thinking about everything, I decided I needed to go to sleep. I needed to be at the school at 8:30 so I was getting up at 7:00. It was 10:20 and I know I will be waking up all through the night so I should sleep now. I fell asleep thinking about tomorrow, maybe my soul mate will be here? Ha, yeah right. Wishful thinking..