Timeline: The story is cannon up to 4.07- War at the Roses.

Summary: What did Chuck Bass give to Blair Waldorf on her 20th birthday? A baby! Married couples pray for one, couples in love don't mind one but what does a couple in hatred do with a baby?

A/N: This is so late. I could come up with so many excuses but I don't really think that cuts it. I was going through some drama of my own and that meant I could only write drama/angst. But now that I'm coming to terms to it, I sat down and wrote this out. It doesn't move the story much. But it does show the interaction between the expecting parents.

Warning: This is M rated chapter. I think I suck at M-rated scenes but I tried my best. Let me know what you think.


Chuck took a small sip of his coffee and stared at the numbers on the files. The Bass Inc shares weren't looking so good. The economic crisis that had hit the world was hard to combat. He stared at the profitability graphs and felt a definite sense of unease. Profits were declining and fast. He really needed to talk to Lily about this. He closed the file and checked his watch. It had been quite a hectic had been meeting up with Lily quite frequently. Everytime he met her, he realised that she is yet to know the most important update in his life-the baby and yet Blair was adamant about refusing to tell Lily.

"All in good time, Bass" was her comment. He didn't necessarily agree with her but really didn't want to infuriate a pregnant Waldorf. He was doing his best to be on good terms with her and make as much progress as he wasn't easy being Chuck Bass nowadays. He was caught up in the dilemma where he wasn't sure whether he should propose marriage or not. The idea of being wedded with Blair made never dying butterflies erupt in his Bass had a certain ring to it but there again, his feelings on the matter were irrelevant at this moment.

He sighed as the limo came to a stop. He stepped out smartly.

Arthur nodded and then cleared his throat uncertainly "Mr. Bass…"

"Yes, Arthur?"

"I couldn't help but overhear some of your conversations…"

Chuck raised his eyebrow. Arthur overheard every single conversation he had on the phone. Now that he thought about it, the guy heard every single moan or gasp when he had sex in the limo The thought was slightly strange as limo sex was strictly with Blair- no other woman could sully her memories in the limo. It was sacred to him. But then he decided that that the woman was voyeur and probably didn't mind the idea at thought of her naked body pressed to his made him shift uneasily. He scolded himself. Blair was pregnant and he needed to be there for her and that meant his sexual thoughts should be kept far away tucked in some discrete corner of his mind. He wrenched his mind away from the tantalizing images and listened to Arthur.

"I heard about Miss. Waldorf. Congratulations, Mr. Bass"

Chuck smiled inwardly. "Thank you Arthur"

Miss Waldorf was pregnant- and he had no idea how to be a father.

"Do you have children, Arthur?" he asked suddenly

"Two sons... Mr. Bass" he said

"Oh good" Chuck said slowly "Remind me to ask Stephen to get me some pregnancy books."

"Of course" he cleared his throat "And I could pick up some of the prawn cocktails from Palace after dropping you off, Mr. Bass?"

"That would be good."

"She needs nutrition, the first few months I mean" Arthur provided helpfully

Chuck bit his lip thoughtfully and called the Palace. He ordered a healthy meal with proteins and greens in abundance. He needed Blair to eat. She was already having problems keeping anything down.

His mind was still on Blair. He was terrified for her. Pregnancy scared him and not only for a particular reason. It was a whole myriad of reasons. He would have her more careful with every little step she took. He was going to take better care of her from today.

With that thought on mind, he stepped out of the elevator. Lily smiled widely in welcome as she usually did with him.

"Charles, so good to see you." She murmured as she greeted him. He smiled at her and nodded at Rufus before taking a seat.

"I met with Connor today."he explained "He was informing that the new project has seemingly added to our recent losses."

Lily nodded "Oh yes. It was a miscalculation."

"There has been quite some of that in the last few days."Chuck stated slowly

Lily smile disappeared. " It is a business, Charles and while I appreciate you taking a greater interest in Bass Inc. I am still the CEO."

Chuck shook his head "I don't mean to criticize. I admire what you did for my father's legacy. It is clearly an achievement."

Lily pursed her lips. "You didn't really seem that much interested in your legacy Last year, Chuck. You were all about striking out on your own."

Chuck nodded, eyeing her intently "I was quite adamant to prove something to myself but Bass Inc is my legacy and someday I would want it back."

"Of course" Lily replied quickly. "Wouldn't you stay for lunch?" Her smile reappeared suddenly as she stood up.

"Maybe another time."Chuck stated, following suit "I really need to be somewhere."


Blair Waldorf was sitting in her room, surrounded by books, files, a calendar and her laptop. Her long curly hair was pulled up in a stern ponytail and she was dressed in a loose Marc Jacobs top and a snug dark blue skirt. She frowned in concentration as she marked and re-marked the dates in her calendar. She had prepared a whole list of matters that she needed to attend to. The pregnancy may have been unplanned but Blair Waldorf never jumps into anything without the meticulous details planned out and a basic inventory added to her planner.

Planning for parenthood wasn't exactly easy, especially not when one was as ambitious as she was. Blair realized that she was twenty and that she was too young to be prepared for a child but she knew that others had managed it before her. In some cultures it was common for girls to be married and have children in their early twenties. And if they could do that, so could she. While this baby would bring monumental changes in her life, it didn't mean that she would have to let go of all her ambitions or dreams. She was still hell-bent upon ensuring that she graduated with a GPA score that would make universities salivate at the thought of accepting Blair as a post graduate student. She realized she could take four courses for the next two semesters and take two semesters off after summer to be with baby. She would then resume classes part-time.

In the mean time her to-do list had a couple of bullet points that needed immediate attention.

Tell Lily about pregnancy

Choose modules for next semester

Apply for internships

Tell Gossip Girl

Find a way to stop being sick every ten minutes

She sighed as she looked at the list. Aside from a medical miracle nothing could help attune her stomach but the others looked doable. The point was getting the courage to do it. After hours of contemplation on the subject, she and Chuck had both decided that they needed to tell Gossip Girl before she actually found out. This way, she got to maintain her dignity and announce her news when she wanted to. But Blair was finding it difficult. Classes were set to resume the week after and Blair couldn't deal with the idea of facing the smirks on her minions' faces. She still remembered how everyone had turned against her in junior year and she didn't want to go through another public humiliation. She wondered how she would explain the situation she was in. It was one thing to be pregnant ( Blair would still call the woman trash) but to be pregnant with the man she was publicly at war with a few weeks back called for a big explanation. She didn't how to work on this.

Frustrated with the continuous musings, she dropped her laptop back and skipped off to the washroom. The door to her room opened as Blair opened the washroom door.

"B…" Serena said entering the room with a sunshine smile and hugging her. She threw down a box on her bed. "I saw these Christian louboutins and couldn't resist." She pulled a lovely pair of navy blue louboutins. "What do you think?"

"Fantastic. They would lovely on you, S. Try them on and I'll just be back" she said with as much as enthusiasm as she could muster.

Apparently it wasn't enough for her best friend.

"What? You don't like them" she scowled staring at them in her hand "They looked so much better in the shop"

"No! I love them. I just need to go throw up."

"Oh! Again?" Serena asked with wide blue eyes. Blair glared at her. It was so easy for her. Her biggest worry in the world was finding the best pair of shoes. Blair, on the other hand was planning to raise the devil's spawn. She rushed inside the washroom. She could hear Serena speaking loudly.

"Gosh, you have been working too hard. What's with all the books and stuff? You shouldn't be so stressed." Blair rolled her eyes as she washed her hands. She opened the door and scoffed.

"I 'm not stressed. I 'm planning"

Serena grinned: "Well, plan later. You haven't had a moment to de-stress all week. We could go shopping..."

Blair smiled at her efforts "I wish I could but I 'm tired, S"

Serena threw up her hands "B, I 'm telling you. You have to get out of the house. You aren't showing at all. Gossip Girl is not going to find out"

Blair scowled at her. "It's not that. I 'm just tired"

"Fine, let's take a stroll down Central Park." Serena said jumping down the bed and gently pulling Blair too. "Come on it will do you good. We can even feed the ducks if you want"

The familiar dwindling paths were pleasant to walk in. However, Blair was in no mood to tell her walking companion that. She had an awful night's sleep. The baby had taken upon itself to press on her bladder which meant she ended having to use the washroom all night. Between the constant urge to pee and her morning sickness which was showing no signs of abating, Blair thought of dragging her bed to her toilet. It would save so much time for her.

"I don't know what to do, B" Serena said squinting at the sun. "On one hand Dan is sensitive and sweet. Nate, however, just gets me, you know"

"Yeah! I know. You 're both blondes with blue eyes"

Serena giggled "I 'm just being careful. I don't want to choose the wrong person this time. "

"God, Serena. You have such serious problems" Blair said with a scoff "You have two guys panting after you, and waiting with abated breath to tell them who is the lucky one to catch your heart- That is life-changing! What is a stupid unplanned pregnancy compared to that?"

Serena rolled her eyes. "Give it a rest"

"Rest?" Blair sighed dramatically "I can't rest, S. Not with these stupid aversions and cravings"

"What cravings? We haven't discussed cravings. All you said was that you can't keep anything down long enough" Serena said staring at her and bumping directly with a guy jogging towards them.

"Hey, watch it" The man cried as Serena squealed.

"Oh, I 'm so sorry"

The man looked pissed but the moment he caught a glimpse of the sunny haired beauty his face smoothened. He eyed the beautiful brunette and smiled charmingly.

"Oh, it's no problem" he said. Blair eyed his sandy hair and playful blue eyes. He had a well-toned body and he looked delectable. She looked at him wistfully as Serena brushed past him. She turned back to see Serena looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"What?" Blair demanded.

"You're looking at him like he was your favorite macaroon." She teased with a grin. Blair scowled at her.

"Remember when I was talking about cravings…" While the idea of most food made her nauseous, she had been facing a very different kind of hunger. She seemed to find almost every man attractive and she seemed to want to jump their bones. It was weird considering that she had always been the more confined in her choices. Even her crushes were carefully evaluated- this lusting was so unlike her. She just couldn't get the thought of sex out of her mind. The pregnancy book she was reading said that horniness was a part of the package…

"B…You were saying?" Serena asked slowly and then trailed off and squinted "Isn't that Chuck?"

Blair looked at the direction she was pointing and almost sighed. It was indeed Chuck. He was dressed in a well-tailored grey suit, his hands on his pocket as he sauntered towards him. If the sandy haired guy had looked delectable, Chuck looked amazing. His hair was neatly combed back and Blair itched to run her hands through it, clutching it tightly as he devoured her mouth.

His lips felt so heavenly on her skin. She loved it when he suckled on her neck... God, she was getting aroused in middle of Central Park with no way to relieve herself.

"What are you doing here?" Serena asked once he reached them.

He flashed her an amused look "I was under the impression that I am walking. What are you calling it in bimbo land nowadays?"

"What's with the tone?" Serena asked, offended

Chuck ignored and looked at Blair. She stared at his full lips as he smirked. He had a sexy smirk.

"Morning, Waldorf."

Blair smiled at him. He made it a point to come see here once every day. It was good to see him actually try and work this hard. She had never thought he would adapt so easily to it but he seemed to be genuinely trying to make this work. And that reassured her.


"Did you forget that I was coming to see you this morning?"

Her smile slipped. "I… Serena dragged me outside"

He flashed her amused look which was replaced too soon. He was worried.

"Is everything alright?" she said, touching his arm instinctively.

He looked away "Yeah, fine. I went to the house and Dorota said you were here."

"I thought she needed some fresh air" Serena said.

"You know what? I 'm done with fresh air" Blair quipped "I 'm ready for the comforts of the limo..."

"We all know your weakness for my limo" he replied with a smirk

Blair fought the urge to pull him down and kiss him hungrily. He would be surprised but as always up for it- He would pull her up, pressing his body against her. His hands would trail down her body, teasing her as only he could. She would press herself against him and he would pull up her skirt to her waist and…

"But what about our tete-a-tete?" Serena complained loudly

..And Serena would vanish magically.

"I would rather not have her out in this cold, on an empty stomach" Chuck commented thoughtfully unaware of the effect he was creating.

Serena pulled on her arm excitedly. "That is so thoughtful, Chuck" she looked down at her best friend with a twinkle in her eyes "Isn't it, B?"

"Let's get going before I freeze my ass" Blair said bitchily. Serena shrugged and took off in the direction of Arthur. He gave Blair the biggest smile and Blair blushed. She turned to Chuck quickly

"He knows?"

He smirked and nodded.

He really needed to stop doing that... before she committed sexual assault on him. She scowled at him.

"What's with the mood, Waldorf?" Chuck said placing a hand on her arm. Heat shot to her core. He seemed most unaffected.

She fought the desire and kept her eyes downcast. "Nothing"

He chuckled "If it's about Arthur- he won't tell a soul"

"I know…"

"Blair, if you are worrying about Gossip Girl sightings then let me tell you …"

"I 'm not worried about that." She spat and then felt guilty when she saw the concern on his face. It wasn't his fault.

"I'm just tired, Chuck. I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't keep anything down so I drank loads of water. I kept on peeing all night so I couldn't get much sleep" Blair said and immediately cringed inside. Well done, Blair that really made you irresistible.

"The doctor did say that the morning sickness would go away" he said softly "We could get a second opinion"

"It's not going to change anything, Bass" Blair said shaking her head. They reached the limo. Chuck opened the door and helped Blair sit down before he joined her. He could feel the happiness radiating from his step sister.


"Nothing..."she said quickly "I realized that I have to get going."

"What?" Blair questioned "What do you mean you have to go?"

Serena shrugged "I have to go ..."

"Sleep with somebody. You are free to go. I hate to cock-block strangers" Chuck said watching in amusement as Serena glared at him.

Then her glare melted and she turned to Blair with a smile "Actually, I was thinking of chatting up with the gorgeous sandy haired guy you were having eye-sex with, B"

Blair flushed. Chuck sat up quickly and looked around with a poisonous glare. Serena giggled inwardly, loving the murderous expression on his face.

"Don't you have some place to be, S? Don't let us make you late" Blair chirped quickly.

Serena laughed and hugged Blair. Chuck opened his mouth to comment but then closed it. He didn't have any right to be upset anyway. Blair was entitled to have sex with anyone she wanted. There was something he could do about it. She wasn't his to be jealous over… He clenched his fists at the thought.

"What's the smell?"

"I got you something to eat. Dorota said you left without eating.

Blair peered over the basket. It was full of goodies that Blair usually loved. Chuck had obviously taken great efforts to ensure that all her demands are met. Only the paper napkins were a light purple. Blair smiled at them. It felt surreal to be sitting next to Chuck and doing this but Blair was pleased, in a way that it had. It was strangely comforting to see Chuck do something as simple unwrapping a sandwich from the tin foil. Things had messed up - so bad, so quickly. For almost half a year now their equation had been volatile, whether with immense hatred, pain or lust. Simple gestures as this were sorely missed.

She felt a bittersweet longing and sighed. Chuck looked around immediately.


"Wonder what Gossip Girl would say if she saw together at the Park?" Blair said

He looked intently at her. She didn't seem too upset.

"Are you worried about that?" Why did the idea of everyone knowing about them appall her so much?

"No..." she bit her lip "I suppose it would weaken the punch line when my pregnancy finally hits her website"

The more sightings she had with Chuck, the less people would have to talk about them. If they were seen together often, the baby's paternity would be more easily explainable.

He picked up another sandwich and offered it to her. She took it, without thinking and unwrapped it.

"When are you planning to tell her?" he asked

"I don't know. I was thinking it would be better to wait. I don't want to be the juicy gossip on the first week of the semester. On the other hand, that would be mean that there is greater chance of Gossip girl finding out on her own so I don't know…" she trailed off

"You are worrying too much, Waldorf" Chuck said

"Easy for you to say" Blair said taking a bite of the sandwich in frustration

"What is that supposed to mean?" Chuck asked his voice cold. "I 'm in this as much as you are…" he trailed off as he saw her face "Blair?"

She made a funny face "I need to puke." She squeaked out.


"Move that revolting thing away from me…" she commanded as she breathed in deeply.

He whisked the sandwich out of her hand and out in the pavement. His soon followed.

"Close the basket…"

He shut it and looked at her. She was breathing in deeply. He inched closer. She tried to glare at him but he kept rubbing soothing circles on her back. A few minutes later she looked at him.

"See what I mean, anyone can find out… anyone…" she added in frustrated tone.


"Did you do that on purpose? So that someone could catch me…"

"What the hell, Blair…" Chuck cried out in annoyance

"Did the sandwich have tuna?" she interrupted in an icy voice

"Well- yeah…"

"I –can't-eat- tuna" she said with gritted teeth


"It-makes – me-sick…" she said furiously

"I didn't know that…" he said stung

"Well- maybe you should" she said in the same tone before her tone got frisky "You know considering that all the problems this pregnancy is causing me, I wouldn't be surprised if it is part of your war vendetta."

Chuck's mouth fell open. She didn't just say that, did she? It was absurd to hear that from Nate but from Blair's mouth it just hurt. It was painful to imagine that he would do this to her and worse because it meant using their baby as a scheme. How could she even think him capable of that? He might have treated her awfully but he wasn't that awful.

"If that's what you think, Blair, then I 've nothing to say."

So much for a relaxing morning, so much for making progress with Blair, so much for bonding with her

He opened the partition and buzzed Arthur

"Stop the car. Take Ms. Waldorf home. Don't let her walk no matter how big a tantrum she throws"

"Yes, Mr. Bass"

He opened the door but a small hand clutched his.

"What do you want?"

Blair took a look at his face and bit her lip. The pain in his face was evident. She didn't know why she had said all that. She knew it hurt him. In spite of her better understanding she still hurt when she hurt him. She didn't mean it- she knew that Chuck wouldn't make her pregnant on purpose. She didn't even know why she felt so angry then and there… Maybe it was the last straw or an outburst from all the stress she had been holding in. Or it was her lack of sleep…

"I didn't mean it, you know" she said sincerely

Chuck looked at her for a whole minute, as though he was gauging her level of sincerity. His demeanor softened.

"Then why say it?" he asked

"I don't know" she murmured

"Blair, if you really think its one huge vendetta for me then…"

"I don't, Chuck" she cried desperately "I really don't. I'm not stupid enough to think that."

"But you said it…"

Blair threw her hands up, feeling unreasonably mulish.

"I was upset. It's all too much. My life is upside down. I had a plan-a definite plan on how I wanted this year to go. I was so happy to be in Columbia- to finally fulfill my academic dreams. And now…" she trailed off "It's a horrible thing to say but this pregnancy has made everything so difficult. I don't know how to face all this. I keep on worrying how to break the news just to get over the stress. Then I start worrying how I would face them"

"Blair…" Chuck began gently

"My breasts are sore, I can't sleep at night and I 'm tired. I 'm constantly horny... I can't eat and I am forever worrying whether my bump is showing. And I... I..." she trailed off

Chuck moved and took her hands.

"It would be fine." He said not knowing how else to comfort her. She rested her head on his chest.

"I didn't mean it. "She said against his chest.

"Its ok, Waldorf" he said with a nervous chuckle. She pulled back and smiled at him. He rested his forehead against hers and grinned "Did you just say you are constantly horny?"

Blair cringed. Oh no, how did that slip out?

"I-I-It's a normal pregnancy symptom" she defended quickly.

He pressed his lips on her ear and breathed out "You know that is the only pregnancy-related thing I can help you do you say, Waldorf?"

Blair blushed. He could make all of the fantasies come true. He moved in slowly, his hands gently cupping her waist and pulling her closer. His lips made its way down to her neck and he gently sucked her nape.

She moaned. He intertwined their fingers. With tender eyes he moved down kissing her neck and the small amount of cleavage that was shown. She pulled her hand away with a purr and ran it greedily through his hair.

"Oh Chuck…"

He twisted the top button of her top with his tongue and gently licked the valley between her breasts. He parted the opened slit and sucked her nipples through her lacy La Perlas. This time Blair arched her waist and moaned loudly. He looked up and stopped his ministrations.

"I 'm still waiting for a verbal answer" he said with an infuriating smirk

"Chuck, please…"

He kissed her jaw. Heat shot to her core.

"Please what, Blair?"

"Fuck me…"

"With pleasure" he said swooping in and kissing her passionately.

As their tongues tangled for dominance, his hands slipped down her skirt. Rolling in up her waist, he teased her by running a finger across the lacy thong she wore. Blair mewed in his arms becoming suddenly aggressive. She reached down and rubbed the large bulge on his trousers. He groaned at the friction. Working frantically she unbuckled it in record time and pulled down his boxers.

He slid his finger inside her thong and groaned in pleasure. She was so wet…He kissed her deeply and moved his kisses down her body. She moaned in pleasure. He placed her down on the limo seat and admired her for a second. His heart thudded. She was lying in wanton need, her top lying on the floor, her eyes closed and her lips murmuring his name. It reminded him of the first time... the night that changed his life. He knew from that night onward that Blair was the one for him.

"Take me now, Chuck"

He chuckled "Patience, Waldorf"

"Chuck…" He ignored her plea and kissed her upper thighs loving how he made her squirm.

She gasped and then cried "I said stop it…"

He laughed against her thighs and gave her core a long lick. The next thing he knew was that she was pulling his hair.

"Ow... If you wanted to play rough all you had to do was ask..."

"I did ask..." she said breathlessly "You didn't listen"


"Shut up and take me now…" she commanded.

"I love it when you dominate me, Waldorf" he said before kissing her. He placed her legs on his shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach before sliding into her deeply.

Their gasps of pleasure echoed loudly. Slowly he grinded against her, giving her time to adjust to his length... Her body was different, more beautiful. She was carrying his child.

And he loved her more now.

God, how he loved her...

I gave you limo sex, don't you think you should give me a review ? I think so… :)
