All Together

This is just a quick one shot, inspired by the first chapter of Today's Lesson Is: by Seito. Just so you know, this story does have Jay, Crow and Alice in it together.

The Young Justice were just hanging out at the Mountain, when the computer began announcing people coming in.

"Now entering: Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Martian Man Hunter, Aquaman, and Flash."

The team turned to see the heroes walk in.

"Ollie! Roy!" the two archers Artemis and Crow said as they ran over and hugged the other two archers.

"Superman!" the two clones said as they rushed their father.

"Uncle J'hon!" Megan said happily.

"Batman!" Robin and Jay said as they ran over to their mentor. He smiled down at them and ruffled their hair.

"My King." Aqualad said happily to Aquaman.

"Hey Uncle Barry!" Kid Flash said as he greeted his uncle.

"What are you all doing here?" Alice asked.

"We decided it was time we paid you all a visit." Superman said. They smiled and the heroes then dispersed, each going to their own things. Robin and Jay performed for their father, Megan and her Uncle had a deep conversation telepathically, Aqualad and Aquaman hung out by the pool, the Super family was laying outside, talking, the archers were shooting targets and having fun messing with each other, and the speedsters were racing.

Suddenly, the adults all got a call, and they grouped in the briefing room. Batman looked at the computer.

"It seems like the Penguin has gone out of Gotham and kidnapped Black Canary. Here's a video feed." he said as he pulled it up. The young heroes cringed as they saw who most of them considered their mother figure be beaten senseless by Penguin. Batman smirked then.

"Because he is not in Gotham, I see no reason we can't all go and deal with him." he said. The young heroes grinned evilly.

Penguin was in the middle of beating Black Canary when he heard a cough from behind him. He turned to see no one standing there. Suddenly, Kid flash appeared in front of him.

"You're Penguin?" he asked. The fat man nodded. "Huh. Well, you might want to let her go." he said.

"Make me." he sneered.

"I was hoping you would say that. Look around." he said. He did, and nearly fainted. In the rafters were four angry archers, their bows drawn. He spun around, and saw on the balcony was the Super family, who were looking a bit peeved. He looked up and saw an annoyed pair of Martians. Over by the pipes that were newly burst, were two Atlantians. He turned back to Kid Flash, who was leaning against the wall with Flash. Penguin, in terror, began to back up, but he bumped into something, or someone. He slowly turned around to see a family of Bats, their arms crossed over their chests, each one giving him a very intense Bat Glare of their own.

"Penguin, it's been a while." Jay said.

"What made you think kidnapping the person who could pretty much be described as Young Justice's mother was a good idea?" Alice called from her spot on the balcony. Penguin turned back to Kid Flash.

"I told ya to let her go." he said. The heroes then slowly walked forward and surrounded and now screaming Penguin.

"Thanks for that guys." Black Canary said to the other heroes.

"Ah, it was nothing." Crow said happily.

"He was being stupid." Jay said.

The heroes then laughed and went their separate ways.


"D-don't mess w-with these Y-Young J-Justice k-kids..." Penguin stuttered to the other villains.

"Why? They're just kids." Riddler said.

"T-they look it, but they can be s-scary as crap..." Penguin said as he told them what happened.

By the end of the day, every villain there was shaking.

Don't mess with the Young Justice.

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