As the snow fell in Lima, Ohio, Kurt Hummel stared blankly out the window of his home. He ran his fingers back through his hair as he sat, his back perfectly straight, in his favorite chair. His father, Burt, was watching TV with his step-brother, Finn. They were roaring incessantly at some caveman-era game on the screen. Each trying to out-scream the other. Or so it appeared to Kurt. He pulled his knees up close to his chest in a pair of black skinny jeans and boots, his ankles crossed. He had on his favorite red, knee-length sweater held a cup of cocoa in his hands. The cocoa was cold, as Kurt only needed an excuse to take his mind off of-

No, it wasn't time to think about that. He nearly spilled his cocoa when his phone buzzed and his hand shot to it in almost no time. The drink placed haphazardly on the edge of the window. He unlocked the iPhone and read the text from Wes.

Doctor says he'll pull through. You can come and visit. He's awake. -Wes

Kurt didn't take the time to respond. His feet moving instinctually he'd already grabbed his car keys and shoved them in his pocket by the time he'd gotten half-way up. He ran out the door.

"Blaine's awake." He shouted to his father and brother, both of whom stopped their cheering to watch the door close. Finn laughed.

"Sorry, not appropriate," he said, immediately.

Burt replied, "It's adorable and tragic at the same time." They returned to watching their game with the noise level turned down.

The cocoa was left on the window ledge.

Kurt pulled in at the Lima Hospital just 15 minutes later. Having broken all the speed rules and only obeying stoplights and traffic signs. Wes was waiting outside. His face stern and hard, not the usual bright and smiley Wesley. His face did brighten a little when he saw Kurt.

"He's asking for you," Wes breathed, it was all he was able to get out because as soon as his sentence was finished Kurt had started sprinting inside. Kurt already knew the floor and the room number. He had to use the wall phone in order to get into Critical Care, but was running again as soon as he was cleared. He almost ran past the room, but saw it just in time.

"Blaine," Kurt sighed, tears already welling up at the sight of the man he loved under bandages. His leg was elevated, suspended on wires and encased in a thick cast. One of his arms was in a sling and a splint across his chest, the other was also in a cast. His face was bruised. Kurt couldn't hold back his tears and he started to sob, falling to the floor on the side of the bed.

"Kurt," Blaine choked out. Kurt looked up into Blaine's smiling face. Smiling. Extraordinary how even in all this pain, Blaine found a reason to smile.

"Blaine, I can't-you have-I'm," Kurt took a deep breath before composing his sentences, "I'm so happy that you're awake, but devastated that this happened. Do you know what happened?" Blaine nodded.

"Kurt-" Blaine started, but was cut off by the other.

"We'll get them, Blaine. The police found them, and we'll go to court. We'll get them. You don't deserve this. Then-"

"I love you." Kurt stopped talking and smiled. "I wanted…you…to know." Kurt put a hand to Blaine's cheek, rubbing it gently. Blaine closed his eyes and smiled. The words had been spoken before, but in that moment Kurt felt them heavier than any of the times before. They were in love. No amount of brutes holding bats could stop them.

"Not as much as I love you," Kurt responded. He stood up and kissed the man he loved on the cheek. Blaine's eyes were stilled closed and he sighed contently. He puckered his lips and Kurt laughed and leaned in to kiss him on the lips.

"I love you…Kurt," Blaine said softer, falling asleep. Kurt sat by his side for hours. He let tears fall again. Blaine would have moments of awareness. Once, he was awake for an hour and a half and had to be spoon-fed pudding by Kurt. The doctor came and went many times. Checking vitals and giving cursory examinations. Blaine was going to pull through.

About three hours after Kurt arrived, so did his step-brother and Rachel. Wes hadn't returned in that time. Rachel immediately ran to Kurt's side and hugged him. Finn set a boom-box on the table next to Blaine's bed.

"Oh, Rachel, I appreciate the sentiment, but another rendition of Papa, Can You Hear Me? is unnecessary. Thank you, though. Blaine has woken up several times," Kurt said. Rachel smiled and shook her head. She was wearing the exact outfit that he was sure he'd seen Quinn wearing once before.

"This isn't for me, Kurt. This is for you. I have several tracks on here, but I think I know you well enough to know which one you want to sing. Look, he's stirring. This is how he should have woken up the first time. It would have been such a testament to the arts and to romance everywhere. Well, the opportunity is missed, and we need to seize this one. Finn, quick, press play and choose track four." The music started softly. Kurt's mouth opened as he looked at Rachel stunned. His eyes shot over to Blaine's face a second later. How she'd known which song to choose was incredible. His mouth opened and he breathed music.

Maybe I hang around here
A little more than I should
We both know I got somewhere else to go
But I got something to tell you
That I never thought I would
But I believe you really ought to know

Blaine opened his eyes a hairline of width and looked at Kurt. Kurt's eyes were filled with sorrow and passion. The emotions of the song and the real feelings were pouring out of him so passionately.

I love you
I honestly love you

Blaine opened his eyes wider and smiled. He teared up at the beauty of the moment. Kurt looked extraordinary, like an angel. The tears fell heavily in the magic of the song.

You don't have to answer
I see it in your eyes
Maybe it was better left unsaid
This is pure and simple
And you should realize
That it's coming from my heart and not my head

I love you
I honestly love you

Kurt was crying with Blaine now. His voice didn't waver a even a half-step. He wasn't surprised when Rachel added a harmony in the background. He was surprised to hear Finn singing, too. The three of them blending perfectly. Finn and Rachel sang an upper harmony on 'ah' as Kurt took lead again.

I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable
I'm not trying to make you anything at all
But this feeling doesn't come along everyday
And you shouldn't blow the chance
When you've got the chance to say

I love you
I honestly love you

If we both were born
In another place and time
This moment might be ending in a kiss
But there you are with yours
And here I am with mine
So I guess we'll just be leaving it at this

I love you
I honestly love you
I honestly love you

Hey! Thanks for reading! I'm really nervous about this first chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it.

More about Blaine's incident will be coming along later.

The song is

I Honestly Love You - The Boy From Oz OR Olivia Newton John.

The version I'm most familiar with is The Boy From Oz. The musical isn't that spectacular, but this is a great song and I thought it appropriate. I felt that Kurt would sing a musical theater piece more than anything else.

Again, hope you enjoyed it.

3 Allan.