Enough of that xD So I wrote this story inspired by learning about the life of Edgar Allan Poe xD This guy wrote a detective story, where the detective was a Frenchie, and investigating a series of murders that, police suspected, was by the same thing. Now I say thing because, in a horrible twist of Edgar Allan Poe's story, a knife wielding ape did it T_T That's probably the shittiest twist ever...BE REASSURED THAT NO MONKEYS SHALL BE INVOLVED IN MY STORY!

For now, Enjoy :)


Pairings: FrUk and France X Jeanne (there will be mention of other pairings that aren't as important xD)

PS: Human names alone will be used xD I use the last names a lot so if you don't know them, now would be a good time to go look them up so you know them xDD

ACT I - Phantom of a White Rose

They laid on a bed, white blankets and covers were a mess. Their naked bodies pressed against one another in a passion only they could understand. Her soft, short, blonde hair seemed to be glowing like the beautiful sun outside.

It was fit.

She was the sun in his life.

The moon, the stars, the sky, everything.

"Je t'aime…*" She whispered softly as she pressed her pink lips softly on his cheek.

"Moi aussi…**" The blonde Frenchman responded lovingly. He kissed her shoulder in return and trailed his kisses down her arm and too her hand that he held tightly. This earned him a cute giggle. "Pour toujour***."

She smiled at him sweetly demonstrating gratitude and eternal love with that one smile. It always made his heart leap of joy. They shared a short and passionate kiss yet again as the woman placed herself comfortably on the Frenchman's lap. The two exchanged lustful gazes. She leaned in and started kissing his neck.

"Jeanne…" He whispered in her ear.

Jeanne smiled and trailed her kisses down to his collarbone.


The Frenchman looked at Jeanne questionably. He then brushed it off and kept about his business.

"Ugly frog, wake up!"

The blonde man looked at his love again. She gave him a sweet smile once more before outrageous pain to his skull exploded.

The intense pain to his head woke him up. He starred at the pissed off Brit standing in front of him. His green eyes were blazing with furry.

"Good you're awake!" He hissed. "Take out our fucking tickets Francis."

"Arthur…What did you do?" Francis asked, his French accent bothering his British comrade.

"I hit you with your suitcase!" Arthur answered gesturing to the leather suitcase next to his feet.

Before the two characters could further their conversation, the train conductor arrived. "Tickets." He requested.

"Here." Francis handed him the tickets.

As the train conductor was about to leave, he took a quick glance at the Brit and then the French. "You…I know you both from somewhere." He mumbled.

"Arthur Kirkland, England's best detective." Arthur announced proudly as he lifted his hat slightly from his blonde head.

"Francis Bonnefoy, Europe's best detective." The Frenchman introduced himself winking at the train conductor.

Arthur hit Francis again, harder this time. "Bloody frog! Just because you've solved cases in more than five countries in Europe doesn't make you its best detective!"

"You're just jealous!" Francis wined and rubbed his head.

The train conductor smiled. "Well enjoy your time in England." He said and politely saluted the detectives.

Francis chuckled. "That'll be difficult."

"I'll say." Arthur agreed. "We're here to solve the murder of Lord Roderick Edelstein."


After a few more minutes of sitting uncomfortably in the train, they finally reached the London station. From there they picked up their luggage and found a taxi that would bring them to the countryside where Lord Roderick Edelstein's vacation house was located. On their way, Arthur had been occupying himself with briefing Francis on the case.

"This case has been open for almost a month now without any progress." Arthur explained. "We've interviewed the suspects over and over again but all of their alibis are air tight and have not changed the slightest bit. The investigators are trying to expand the list of suspects but have not yet accomplished that task."

Arthur handed a folder to Francis. "I assume this is the folder containing the list of suspects." Francis stated more than asked.

Arthur nodded. "The first you'll see is Elizaveta Hédéváry." Francis found the picture of a beautiful young, Hungarian woman with long wavy hair. There was a flower on the right side of her hair. "She is the daughter of the wealthiest Hungarian Aristocrat who had good ties with the Edelstein family. They arranged a marriage between Miss Hédéváry and Lord Edelstein to tighten the bond between their families."

Francis nodded scanning the picture repeatedly. She was truly a gorgeous woman, a prize to any man worth a thousand more times than all the gold in the world. However, Francis had known a better woman.

"Next is Lord Gilbert Weillschmidt." Arthur continued. Francis flipped threw the papers before coming upon the picture of a young man a little older looking than Elizaveta. He had short hair and a cocky grin, one that Francis admired. It would bring him far in life that is if he was not accused of the murder of Lord Roderick Edelstein. "He's a good childhood friend of Lord Edelstein and Miss Hédéváry. He had come to visit a month earlier to celebrate the soon approaching wedding day that would have been today. Rumors have it that he fancies Miss Hédéváry."

"This partly explains why he's under suspicion…" Francis mumbled to himself. He flipped to the next document. "Ludwig Weillschmidt."

"As you can guess, he is Lord Weillschmidt's younger brother." Arthur stated as he gazed out the window. They were officially in the middle of nowhere and this bothered him.

"Younger?" Francis repeated raising an eyebrow. "He looks older."

"They get that a lot."

"Why is he put under suspicion?" Francis inquired, "It says here that's he's only acquainted with Lord Edelstein, which is natural considering his older brother is friends with the man."

Arthur looked at Francis from the corner of his eye. "He's under suspicion of being the accomplice of Lord Weillschmidt."

"I take it your prime suspect is Lord Weillschmidt…" Francis assumed grinning amused.

"Naturally." The younger blonde haired detective was starting to sound annoyed.

"I hope it's for a better reason than the rumours—"

"Of course, you bloody idiot!" Arthur snapped. "We're not going to suspect someone just because he supposedly loves someone related to the affair!"

"Then what are the other reasons?" Inquired Francis.

Arthur somewhat calmed down but glared at Francis. "I was going to discuss that after we've finished looking threw all the suspects."

Francis nodded and looked at the next photograph. The person's gender had confused him for a moment but he managed to deduce that the person was actually male. He had a goofy smile, short hair with a rebellious curl to the left side of his head. He could never be the murderer.

"His name is Feliciano Vargas. He's the maid." Arthur continued to explain.

"You mean butler or servant. A man can't be a maid." Francis corrected.

"No, maid. Mister Vargas wanted to be a maid so Lord Edelstein granted his wish." Explained Arthur as if there had been nothing abnormal about what he had just said.

"You can't possibly think he's the one." Francis said, almost asking, in a disappointed tone.

"It's possible."

"Not with this face!" Francis defended. "I'm ready to bet all my belongings that he cried at the first question you asked him!"

Arthur didn't say anything, confirming Francis's hypothesis.

"For all we know he could be faking." Arthur mumbled not believing himself.

Francis just sighed and moved to the next and last document. There he found the pictures of two siblings again. Lord Vash Zwingli, a man originally from Switzerland and his little sister, Lady Lili**** Zwingli, a young girl with a sweet face that resembled her older brother a lot.

"I assume you're at the Switzerland siblings?" Arthur asked receiving a nod from Francis before he continued to explain. "These families have never been fond of each other but Lord Zwingli's and Lord Edelstein's hatred seems to go beyond their families' poor relationship. They are also prime suspects."

"If they're from Switzerland why would they be?" Francis asked.

"Do to this 'hatred' Lord Zwingli has always felt the need to top Lord Edelstein in whatever he did." Arthur sighed finally turning his gaze to the Frenchman. "So when Lord Edelstein bought his mansion in the country side of London, he bought the one next to it and renovated it to make it grander. Whenever Lord Edelstein goes to his mansion, so does he. It's a way to constantly keep tabs on his rival."

"Strange…" Francis commented.


"Sirs." The Taxi driver finally spoke up. "We are here."

Even if the case had been open for almost a month, there was still a considerable amount of police vehicles in front of the building. An amount that would make anyone think that an incident recently took place.

Francis and Arthur both stepped out of the car; Francis managed to confuse Arthur into paying the driver for him before concluding their conversation with one last piece of information that still intrigued the blonde Frenchman.

"Now what are the other details that make Lord Weillschmidt a bigger suspect than the Switzerland siblings?" Francis asked.

"We have reason to believe that Lord Weillschmidt was involved in other dark matters." Arthur confided.

"Such as…?"

"You'd have to be a member of my department to know this information." Arthur glared.

"Really?" Asked Francis, disappointment dripping from his words. "That's stupid! We're comrade, colleagues, partners! You should at least inform me more on why Lord Weillschmidt is such a big suspect!"

Arthur dismissed Francis's whining and told him to come along so he could describe where and in what position the corpse of Lord Edelstein was found.

"Maudit soit ce foutu Anglais!*****" He growled under his breath.

Other fellow police officers greeted them before entering the house. It was extravagant. Before them laid perfectly polished floors made of the finest wood ever to be found. To either side of the room were swirling staircases that led to the second floor. Above them hung a chandelier with crystals shaped like tears hanging from the bottom. On the ceiling were various drawings of angels, demons, half-naked women and men as well as animals. Everything seemed to be something you would find in a prestigious art museum such as the Louvre. Covering the walls were many beautiful paintings. It surprised Francis that none of them were in a museum, the paintings really were unique.

"Lord Edelstein was quite the artist in many forms and ways." Arthur explained seeing Francis was absorbed by the art of the house itself. "He was also quite the pianist."

Francis nodded. "Anyways, I'd like a briefing of what happened."

"Right." Arthur started. They walked up the staircase on the right and took a left down a very long hall. "A month ago, on Saturday, Lord Edelstein was found dead in this room."

Arthur waved his arm to the second room on the left. In the center of the room was a beautiful black piano, it was the only furniture in the room.

Laying against the piano, slowly raising her eyes to meet his. A forced smile passing her lips as she clutched the bleeding wound that was on her side. Sweat trickled down her beautiful face.

"Cours******…" She whispered.

"Francis!" Arthur hissed.

Francis snapped out of his thoughts.

Arthur sighed angrily. "Would you stop zoning out and pay attention!"

The Frenchman looked out one of the series of windows in the room before shaking his head clear of the previous thoughts. "Sorry, please continue."

"Lord Edelstein was found dead against the piano." Arthur repeated. "He was beaten up and had been stabbed on his right side. The room is relatively the same as it was a month ago with the exception of the dead corpse."

"Who was the one to find him?"

"That would be Miss Hédéváry and Lord Weillschmidt." Answered Arthur taking a step towards the window, observing his fellow policemen outside.

"I assume you took pictures of the corpse?" Francis asked walking around the room.

"Of course, you'll be allowed to see them tomorrow." Arthur answered.

"Why then?"

"Because I don't have them now." That twinge of annoyance returned in Arthur's voice.

Francis smirked. Arthur was an amusing character, quick to get angry. He assumed that Arthur was one of those English men that were prejudice towards Frenchmen. Basically, Arthur was the portrait of a British stereotype. Was Francis being prejudice himself by thinking that?

"Um…excuse me, sirs." Called a feminine sounding voice from behind.

The two detectives turned around to see a cute looking maid. He wore a soft smile that, all though filled with kindness, failed to hide his grief.

"You're mister Feliciano, correct?" Arthur asked.

* I love you (familiar French)

** Me too

*** Forever

**** Lili = Liechtenstein

***** Damn that English bastard

****** Run

So enjoying it? Of course you're not *emo corner*


not rlly Emo corner, though you are totally not enjoying it T_T

Anyways, I'll be uploading chapter 2 shortly :3