DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. They all belong to Masashi Kishimoto; though I do wish he could lend them to me indefinitely.

Summary: Uchiha Sasuke is forced to take his foster brother in after a suicide attempt. Naruto wants to destroy him. Will Sasuke give in to Naruto's lustful advances and mind games? Or will the Uchiha bring him back to the light? SasuNaruSasu, YAOI, Sort of Dark.

Warnings: Graphic description of suicide attempt. (More to come in later chapters)

A/N: OK. Here is a new story that I have been working on in the last three years. It's going to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, it's also going to be dark – very different from my usual stories. This is yaoi, please do not land on this page if you're against it.

Now read on and enjoy!

Chapter 1: Eyes

The rain pattered against the windows, tapping on it softly forming a neat rhythm in the background. An apt rhythm for this particular office; the office of the best architect in the famous city of Konoha…the equally famous Uchiha Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke was well known, not just for his beautiful buildings, but also for a number of other reasons. He was the genius of the Uchiha family, surpassing even his older brother Itachi, graduating with an architecture degree at the age of eighteen and branching off to start his own very successful company right after. He was also on the news for walking out on his family after a disagreement when he was fifteen. He had also been voted the Heartthrob of Fire Country and had won the Fire Country Architect's Award last year at the age of twenty one.

Yes Uchiha Sasuke was many things. He was also a bastard. No, not because of some great tragedy that had occurred in the past, though his parents had passed away three years after he'd left and he'd had a slightly rough childhood from having to face up to big expectations. But no, Sasuke was a bastard because he believed he was too good for anyone. His ego was larger than the northern hemisphere and though he could be quite charming, he only turned it on for people he respected. Those people were few.

This particular overcast and rainy evening, Uchiha Sasuke was sitting at his desk, one leg unceremoniously slung over the right arm of his chair and the other engaged in letting him swivel a little, to either side as he talked on his phone. As he shut it, a smug little smirk decorated his handsome face. Another project and this time a whole shit load of money coming with it. If things continued this way, then he could buy out Itachi and that seemed like fun.

Thinking of Itachi, he glanced over at the picture hanging on the wall. A family portrait…he almost sneered; his father had loved getting stuff like this done. This had been the sixth one, taken because of the gaki his parent's had taken in. Sure enough in the picture, amidst all the smiling, dignified black haired Uchihas was one small blond and ultra-cheerful gaki, who went by the name of Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto.

Sasuke's intercom buzzed, his secretary was informing him that she would be leaving now. He looked at his watch…it was almost seven; the building would most probably be empty save for the few who were working late on some silly project or the other. Sasuke helped himself to a bottle of water, moving to sit more fully in his chair, with both his feet on the ground. He wondered whether he should leave right away…but the thought of going home wasn't very alluring. He'd be bored to death, he'd even finished the numerous books he'd bought and usually he stayed out clubbing or drinking, but he wasn't in the mood for either today.

A basic Nokia ring tone cut through the air, alerting him to the fact that his phone was ringing. He brushed back his bangs and reached for it, pausing to look at who was calling.

Uchiha Itachi

The name blinked a few times before he deigned to pick it up. Picking it up too quickly would seem like he was eager to talk to his brother, which he really wasn't. Pressing the gold answer button, he put it to his ear.


"Sasuke…" his brother's voice, usually calm and controlled sounded stressed, like the man on the other end was close to panicking.


"I need you to come to Katsura hospital right away." Itachi breathed in. "Its Naruto…"

Sasuke's face acquired a look of concern, though he remained in a relaxed position. He wasn't the type to panic right away, but a niggling worm of worry began wriggling inside him. "Why? What happened?"

"Sasuke…" Itachi sounded exasperated, and Sasuke had no doubt that had Itachi been there he would have hit him. Then his brother said in a defeated voice. "I'll fill you in when you get here, I don't want to talk on the phone. Could you please come as fast as possible?"

"Fine. I'm leaving now; I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Sasuke shut off his phone and detached his jacket from where it hung, covering the back of his chair. Sometimes, Uchiha could be sloppy; he had the right to in his own office at least. He poked the button for the elevator harder than necessary and scowled as he watched the numbers flash until it reached his floor. What the heck had happened to make Itachi sound like that?

He stepped out as the doors slid open and walked up to his BMW Z3. He slid in and started the car, still deep in thought. Actually come to think of it, he hadn't thought of Naruto in a long time. Ever since he'd left, he'd been really focused on what he'd wanted rather than think of his family. But before he'd left, well they had been close for about two years until he'd turned thirteen and had been sent to eleventh grade. His workload had increased and he'd stopped spending time with the gaki. He frowned when he realised that he'd only seen Naruto at the Christmas dinners that he'd been forced to attend with the family…first by his mother and after she died, by Itachi.

Sasuke brushed the tiny tendrils of guilt away. He didn't need to feel guilty…after all; his goal back then had been to make his mark in the world and leave home. One of the reasons why he'd worked so hard to become an architect…his father had not been pleased with his decision to have nothing to do with their family business. He stopped at a traffic light and waited a tad impatiently for the gold signal to come on. He just wanted to get this over and done with, so he could go home (he suddenly felt like it, now that he was needed elsewhere) and have a hot shower and get out of this rain.

Sasuke hated rain with a passion. After almost hitting the car in front of him in his impatience and lack of concentration, he decided his thoughts about his foster brother could wait.

Itachi let his head fall back against the wall as he sat in the empty waiting room of Katsura hospital. His head ached almost like a road roller had run over it multiple times. He let his eyes close, but opened them again as horrible images came back to haunt him. He sat back up, straight and rigid, willing himself to forget. He glanced at the clock mounted up on the pale cream wall opposite him. Sasuke was late…

How the heck had this happened? Itachi thought back to the time, when Naruto had first been taken into his home. The blond had been the child of his father's best friend Namikaze Minato and his wife Uzumaki Kushina. So he had known Naruto since he was a baby. After Minato and Kushina had passed away due to an epidemic in Grass Country while on business (Minato was an Ambassador), his parents had assumed guardianship of the small six year old.

Naruto had taken a month or so to get over the fact that his parents weren't coming back and had, being as young as he was, adapted to the Uchihas. He was cuddled and spoiled by both the adults and he'd gotten along well with Sasuke and Itachi. But then things with Sasuke had changed and the boy left suddenly. After days of asking after him, and crying for him, Naruto had gotten over that too, though he remained a tad gloomy. After his parents had passed away four years ago, he'd taken custody of Naruto…who had been completely devastated. The boy had really closed up then, though he seemed cheery on the outside, Itachi had known that he was really broken about it. But a few months later, Itachi thought things had been working…how the hell had it gotten to this?

He wished that the stupid question would stop beating around in his head and leave him in peace. Finally unable to sit, he took to pacing in circles on the small grey rug in the middle of the room. The pacing calmed him down to some extent, though he hoped that it would exhaust him enough to become numb.

Contrary to what people believed, Itachi was the more open of the two brothers. It was not that Sasuke was emotionless; he just didn't seem to care unless something cataclysmic had happened.

The sound of fast-paced footsteps caught his attention and held it. He looked up and out the glass windows of the waiting room until the sound manifested itself in the form of his younger brother. Sasuke looked like his normal self except for the slight crease that showed his concern.

"What happened?"

"Come sit down." Itachi caught his brother's arm and led him to one of the chairs. Itachi took a deep breath once they'd settled down. "Naruto attempted to commit suicide."

Sasuke felt himself go a little cold. Suicide? What would prompt the gaki to take such extreme measures? "Why? What exactly happened?"

Itachi seemed to shudder. Sasuke had never seen his brother like this before, so, that along with the fact that his foster brother had tried to kill himself, peaked his concern. But not to a large dramatic ocean of shock or anything. Sometimes Sasuke was too practical for his own good. He watched his brother like a hawk before moving his hand onto the older man's shoulder.

Itachi took another deep breath. "Well I had just got home from work when the cook came running up to me, frantic. She said that Naruto had just gone into the kitchen a few minutes ago, shoved her out and locked himself in there. I wondered what he was up to, so I walked to the kitchen and…" Itachi stopped, taking a few more deep breaths, his mouth tightening, the corners turning down. "H-he was sitting on the floor; I could see him through the glass doors, a big knife in his hand. He looked really calm Sasuke, it was like he didn't even notice me and then he just slit his wrists with these neat quick slashes, like he knew exactly how deep it needed to go for him to die…"

Sasuke frowned and his hand on Itachi's shoulder tightened. Itachi just continued, the haunted look in his eyes growing. "There was blood shooting out all over the place…the cook dialled for the ambulance, while I broke down the door. I tied his wrists up with a ripped dishcloth and tried stopping the bleeding until the paramedics got there…but there was so much blood…"

"He didn't care, Sasuke! He just didn't, he was quiet the entire time, by the time I broke the door down he was already unconscious…but…but when I looked into his eyes before he lost consciousness…through the door…I saw this gleam…he looked satisfied Sasuke…"

Itachi covered his face in his hands and let Sasuke rub his shoulder in a somewhat soothing manner. Sasuke scuffed his shoe clad foot on the carpet, as he thought through the things he'd heard. After a few minutes had passed and a nice indent was left in the carpet, he turned to Itachi. "Do you have any idea why he would do it?"

Itachi shook his head. "No. We…I don't have time…well the whole of this year I haven't had time to figure out what's been going on. His teachers called me a few times about his grades slipping, but I haven't been able to pay attention, we're going through a few really tough deals which I have to close if I want the company still running…" A look of utter guilt, etched itself onto his tired face.

"Aniki, it isn't your fault…"

"I should have paid attention, Sasuke…I should have at least tried to talk to him…"


They both looked up to see a red haired woman standing there in a tight deep red evening dress and a small red hand bag dangling from her fingers. Her gold eyes were filled with concern and she looked like she'd run a race, her gown all crumpled and hair all dishevelled. "How is he? What happened?" Her heels clicked on the floor as she made her way up to them.

Sasuke let go of his brother, so that Kyuubi could grab him in a hug. Sasuke knew that she could handle it better than he could anyway. She did. In a few minutes she had Itachi looking calmer and she'd also convinced him to go get himself a cup of coffee, while she and Sasuke waited at the room.

The woman slipped out of her shoes and tucked her legs beneath her. Then she pulled her hair into a sloppy bun at the back of her head, before resting both arms on the rests on either side of the chair. "This is awful…"

Sasuke looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She growled at him a bit. "Sasuke, aren't you feeling the least bit worried?"

"Of course I am, Kyuubi…" Sasuke glanced at the clock on the wall. "I just don't want to stress myself out by panicking or guilt tripping myself."

Kyuubi shook her head. "Itachi and I were supposed to be at some party tonight…the thought freaks me out. Did you know he was supposed to come straight there? He wasn't going to stop off at home…thankfully he'd left some papers behind and had gone to collect them so he could read them in the car…if he hadn't then Naruto…then Naruto would have…" she stopped biting her lips.

Sasuke sighed. "Look, he'll be fine. Stop stressing out over it all right? There's nothing you can do short of shoving the doctor out of the way and caring for him by yourself…" his voice remained natural and normal. He didn't like emotions and this time he was making a small allowance, for his brother's girlfriend who wasn't so bad.

"Well I hope so…I'm still wondering exactly what went so bad that he thought he'd have to go this far. Itachi's really shaken up about this…I mean he has no one else left…" she stopped a bit, suddenly looking a bit guilty. "I mean…well you left and you've made it quite clear that you don't want to have anything to do with us anymore…Naruto's all he has left. I bet he's blaming himself for this…its going to cause problems with the courts now…"

Sasuke breathed deeply and fidgeted just a little. "What do you mean problems?" He wondered what problems anyone could cause Itachi.

"Well he took custody of Naruto…and well Naruto is still a minor. Tachi was supposed to be playing the parental role here, but instead he hasn't been able to do so fully…so if this goes to court…they will know about it of course, we had to call the police…so they might…well they might…"

"They will mostly take him away from me." Itachi stood at the doorway, staring down at the carpet. "A foster home probably…no question of emancipation, after this stunt he's pulled. I haven't been to any of his school meetings, I haven't been able to see that he's studying okay, I don't even know any of his friends…"

Itachi walked forward to collapse onto a chair again and stared at the far wall in agitation. "I've been an awful parent and role model. I knew he was withdrawing from me, but I dismissed it as teenage sullenness. I had to make a choice, the company or Naruto…I chose the company so I could give him a good life….the irony…" Itachi's face twisted into a bitter grimace.

Sasuke looked at him fully then. "Choose? Why? The company should be able to run itself…"

Itachi laughed at that, a sudden harsh noise, which definitely shouldn't have come from a calm man like him. "Sasuke! Do you still think our business is secure? Your plans of buying us out might not materialise because if I don't do something we might be bought out before you can raise enough money to do so! Father messed up a few major accounts with some very important clients…I lost all of them in the beginning. Now stocks seem to be falling and one of my employees was caught for embezzlement. Things are going really badly. I haven't a moment to spare."

Now Sasuke was shocked. The one thing he had been sure of after he'd left home was about this. He always believed that his family business would haunt him through out his life and stand there mocking him…and now it was crumbling even before he could be the one who was making it crumble. "Why haven't you said anything? Why haven't you asked me for help?"

Now it was Itachi's turn to raise a tired eyebrow. "Sasuke…you've been visiting us once a year, staying for about three hours at the maximum and then communicating by phone about thrice a year. You hated the company and have wanted to buy us out since you were thirteen years old. You act like it's a burden to even come near us! You might have a big ego, but I am an Uchiha too…I will not beg you for help!"

Swords of guilt stuck themselves into Uchiha Sasuke's heart…he made a mean comeback to cover the fact up. "Well I wish you had, because maybe then you wouldn't have had to be in this mess…I would have helped out if you had begged…"

"Sasuke!" Kyuubi glared at him and reached out to rub Itachi's shoulder. "You have no right to be saying that! You just left your family and let Itachi take on all the responsibility for Naruto…you didn't even bother to wish the kid on his birthday and now you stalk in here and think you can cast judgement over everyone else! Leave your brother alone…if this is the way you behave, I'm proud that he thought not to ask you for help!"

The younger man just turned away to look at the doorway for the next half hour. He wished the doctor would hurry up and come to them. He suddenly felt tired. Somehow being with Itachi always made him feel inadequate which was what had made him beat Itachi in everything, but it still wasn't enough…and that made him more irritable and mean. He felt his eyes droop; he'd had a long night the day before and now the exhaustion was catching up to him. But at least he'd gotten the project done….

Kyuubi sighed. "Asshole over there is asleep." She reached out to stroke Itachi's cheek. "Why don't you catch a few winks too? I promise I'll wake you the moment we get any news."

Itachi shook his head. "I'm too worried. God, I hope he's ok, Kyuu. What are we going to do? I can't let them move him to a foster home…people will think twice before they adopt a suicidal kid and others might do it for his fortune."

Kyuubi looked over at the sleeping raven and sighed. "I think I have an idea…."


"You are coming with me and that is final!"

"No! I hate coming for those silly parties you have! I don't want to meet any of those children, they're all so stupid! I have art class tomorrow…I don't want to miss it!"

"Sasuke, I will carry you into the car if I have to! I promised Mr. Kamikawa that I would bring you along to keep his son company…You can forget about your art class for one day….you'll be taking over part of the company with Itachi, so you'd better start learning about it!" Fugaku glared at his son. He hated it when Sasuke threw these tantrums. Why the boy wouldn't just learn to accept that he'd be running the company was something Fugaku never understood.

"I'm only eleven years old! I don't even know if I want to run the company…."

"Enough! I expect you down at six tomorrow morning" Fugaku strode out of his office leaving an extremely angry Sasuke behind.

The boy found his feet a few minutes later and stomped his way up to his own room. He flung himself onto his bed and decided that glaring at the far wall was going to help in some fashion. He lay in the dark of his blue room for about half an hour, reluctant to start packing for the stupid two day trip.

Sasuke heard something and suddenly there was a weight on his bed. Something small crawled its way up to him and a picture made of two flesh coloured blobs and what looked like black grass coming out of one of the blobs was thrust into his face. "Sasuke-nii…." Piped up a small voice. "I coloured you!"

Sighing Sasuke sat up and took the sheet of paper. It was a bit distasteful to be painted in the form of two round blobs. "Naru…it's ok. But I can teach you to draw better…"

"Really? I wanna draw just like Sasuke-nii!"



Sasuke shook his head. "I'm going out with Otou-san tomorrow."

Beautiful blue eyes stare up at him and then suddenly clouded over in concern. "Why is Sasuke-nii sad?"

Sasuke heaved another sigh. "Otou-san wants me to go play with some irritating kid tomorrow…"

Naruto scrunched his nose at that. "What's a ritating kid?"

"Someone not fun to play with…"

The six year old studied him for sometime. "Okay! I think I wanna go talk to Chichi-ue!"


But the bundle had run off as fast as his legs could carry him, which was unusually speedy. Sasuke marvelled at the fact that Naruto was never frightened of his father. He wondered how the little chibi would fight his case…no matter…he would have to go anyway. He knew his father wouldn't waver on that. Maybe if Naruto was coming it could be more fun…at least the little thing had sense

He could a little voice shouting very loudly about 'rotating boys?' and the very deep and low voice of his father…which meant his father was in his room and Naruto had left the door open. So the whole house would know.

Soon, footsteps echoed and something launched itself at him. Sasuke grunted and shifted to accommodate the little boy who beamed up at him. "Chichi-ue said that I could come to keep you company! He said that if I behaved nicely and didn't throw sand at the 'rotating' boy like I said I would, then he'd be glad to take me!"

Naruto threw his arms around Sasuke's waist and cuddled up. "Aren't you happy now, Sasu-nii?"

Sasuke allowed himself a small smile. "Yeah…I'll teach you to draw tomorrow ok?"

Naruto nodded and then suddenly fell onto Sasuke pillow. "Sleepy…"

Sasuke nodded and covered them both up and cuddled the little blond. "Tomorrow, you should sleep in your own bed ok? Big boys aren't scared of the dark…"

"Sasuke-nii! I'm not scared…only today the cookie monster will eat me…"

Sasuke laughed and…

-Flashback End-

…woke up to Kyuubi shaking his shoulder. "Sasuke, wake up…the doc's here…."

Opening bleary eyes still trying to shake off his memory-dream, Sasuke rubbed his eyes and sat up. The doctor was a man of medium height. He had short black hair and brown eyes. Nothing remarkable about his face, nothing that Sasuke would remember, if at this point in time, he wasn't the man who was about to alleviate the tension in this room. That doctor was the most important person in the world apart from Naruto at the moment.

The three of them crowded around him, anxious expressions on their faces. The doctor looked over the clip board he was carrying one more time. "Namikaze-san is recovering…he lost a lot of blood, but we managed to find enough to keep him going. But what we were shocked to find, were the traces of drugs and alcohol in his blood stream. Not too much, but faint traces…"

"What do you mean drugs?" Itachi asked his voice a little too loud.

The doctor sighed looking like he had been expecting some question of the sort. "Marijuana…We even tested a hair sample…we're sure it's Marijuana…and a lot of alcohol…"

Itachi had turned white, his face taking on a sickly look. Kyuubi grabbed his shoulder to keep him upright, leaning his weight against her a bit. Now Sasuke looked shocked as well. The doctor continued. "I'm sorry but these reports must go to the police. We will be keeping Namikaze-san under observation for one more day and then he will be released into a ward. You may visit him there…one of you may stay each night past the visiting hours…" The doctor nodded and left.

Itachi sank to the floor, sliding off Kyuubi voicing a strangled "Oh god…"

Kyuubi looked at Itachi and then turned to Sasuke. "Our only hope is…you." She saw Sasuke open his mouth and held up a hand. "Shut up and let me explain. You are a successful businessman, you're respected, your company is doing great…you haven't kept in touch with Naruto in a long time till you set up your home and all. You can always plead to the jury that you'll take better care of him…that you'd be a better role model than Itachi, since your company is better off." Kyuubi looked annoyed at having to say that.

Sasuke shook his head. "NO! Are you mad? Do you think I'd like having some gaki run around my house? I left…"

Kyuubi grabbed his shoulders in an iron grip. "You listen to me; Sasuke…you fucking left your family behind, walked out on Naruto and haven't bothered to keep in touch. You hurt that kid as much as the death of your parents did…HE'S IN THERE FOR TRYING TO COMMIT SUICIDE! THEY'RE GOING TO SHIP HIM OFF TO SOME UNFAMILIAR FOSTER HOME AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT YOUR HOUSE?" A nurse shushed her and she continued in a lower but still fierce voice. "Your brother is almost dying, trying to keep your family company afloat and you're thinking about your stupid lifestyle? You stupid, selfish bastard! If you don't take custody of Naruto, I promise I will hurt your precious company….no matter how good you are, I'll make your stupid company break and you know I can! I'll destroy you!" Her large gold eyes glittered with fury, almost making Sasuke take a step back.

Itachi grabbed her hand. "Kyuubi…calm down…if Sasuke won't do it then we'll figure something out…"

She turned to him, rage still making her eyes glow. "Itachi…you know better than that! If you weren't so tired, I'd wonder where you're resolve had gone. No we will not 'figure' anything out and Sasuke will take custody."

Sasuke on the other hand felt anger rise up in a wave and stalked from the room so that he could keep his temper. He'd left all this behind…he didn't see why he had to take Naruto…well he did, but still…Itachi was respected everywhere…surely they'd let him keep the boy…Sasuke found himself outside the ICU, at the glass screen through which he could see Naruto. He stopped and went closer. The brat was lying there, tight white bandages wrapped around both wrists and his face pale. Dark circles surrounded his eyes and his body looked thin under the covers. It was that image that shook Sasuke. The IV stuck into Naruto's hand and the stillness of the whole scene. A hand on his shoulder startled him, it was Itachi. His older brother just stared into the room for sometime and then grabbed Sasuke's shoulder and started to steer him back to the waiting room.

Sasuke let himself be led, but his mind was on other things. Itachi looked just about ready to give up, if things were really going the way that Kyuubi claimed they were, then there was no chance of him buying out the family business anyway….since it would be lost…Sasuke sighed…could he really see the gaki sent off elsewhere knowing he had had a chance to make things ok?

When they got back to the waiting room, Kyuubi was curled up in a chair, tear streaks marring her cheeks and her lips turned down while she steadfastly looked at everything but Sasuke. Itachi aimlessly played a game on his cell phone from the moment he sat down…Sasuke was painfully aware that his brother was close to begging him to take Naruto. It was written all over Itachi's face, though the older man tried his best to keep his expression aloof.

Sasuke stood up. "I'm going to get some coffee again…no point in all of us waiting here actually…why don't you guys go home…? Aniki, you need to go into work tomorrow right? I'll take over here…Neji will be able to take over at work tomorrow."

Itachi looked at him for a long moment. Then he stood and nodded. "I just have to stop by at work…I'll be here by noon tomorrow. But if we're allowed to see him…let me know at once." He reached out to clasp Kyuubi's hand and then left with her.

Sasuke sighed and sat back down to wait. In a selfish way, he found the whole damn thing very awkward. When Naruto woke up what was he supposed to say to the gaki? More than saying anything, he felt like punching the boy as a spark of rage welled up. Suicide… Sasuke scoffed. He'd had things bad at home too but he'd found a way to deal with them…he'd left…he wondered what the need was for Naruto to go attempt to kill himself. It was weak…absolutely weak!

Now that he was alone, Sasuke slammed a fist down on the armrest…it didn't look like he'd have a choice…Kyuubi could kill his company if she wanted to and it would be in bad taste to leave Naruto without a home…FINE…he'd do it. He'd take the silly punk into his home… he'd feed him and clothe him, but that was it. He wasn't some motherly person who the brat could come running to. Sasuke glanced at the clock and moved down to pick up some coffee. It was going to be one long night anyway.

It was almost seven the next night when they allowed the Uchiha's in to see Naruto. The white and blue polka dot hospital gown did nothing to improve the picture. Even against all the white, which should have contrasted with Naruto's bright hair and eyes; the boy looked dull. The boy's face was turned away from them all; he was steadfastly staring out of the window at the rain, not acknowledging anyone.

"Naru!" Kyuubi ran to him, throwing her arms around him and hiccupping with the beginning of sobs. The boy in the bed lay unresponsive, his blue eyes still staring out of the window. "Naruto...why would you? You stupid boy!"

Itachi moved to the bedside, but made no move to say anything. After a while, he just prised the still crying Kyuubi off the boy. He hugged her and then looked down at the boy. He reached out and grabbed one of Naruto's hands, fingers lightly grazing the bandages. "I'm glad you're safe, Otouto. I intend to keep you safer from now on...please don't try anything of this sort again. I'm really sorry…I know I should have taken better care of you, maybe spent more time…I made a mistake." Itachi faltered a bit but controlled himself again. "I see that you want to be left alone. Kyuubi and I will be right outside if you need us."

Itachi left with Kyuubi, leaving Sasuke alone with the blond boy. Sasuke wondered what he was supposed to do or say. He decided his usual approach was okay in a situation like this. "Naruto..."

The boy still didn't look at him or even acknowledge his presence. It irritated Sasuke. He was used to Naruto looking at him...Naruto looking up to him...Naruto wanting to be him. This Naruto...this stupid and idiotic Naruto who had just tried to end his life irked Sasuke. It got under his skin like nothing else could.

"Naruto..." his voice was more forceful this time. H-he was sitting on the floor; I could see him through the glass doors, a big knife in his hand. He looked really calm Sasuke, and then he just slit his wrists with these neat quick slashes, like he knew exactly how deep it needed to go for him to die… Itachi's words rang in his head. His fists clenched. "Don't you fucking ignore me, you little shit!"

The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself. In actuality all he wanted to do was shake the boy out of his mindless staring and talk to him. But the boy still didn't react. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Sasuke walked up to the bed and leaned towards Naruto. The boy's face was still turned away from him and Sasuke restrained himself, trying not to reach out and pound some life into the boy. "You have any idea how much this is going to hurt Itachi? He's been bloody trying to keep the company alive just so he can keep you happy and safe...and you bloody go do this to him? Aniki loves you...he's always so goddamn proud of you...you're everybody's fucking baby and you pull this! Why? Did you do it for attention?" Sasuke's voice was low and hoarse with anger and worry all mixed in.

The dig about being 'everyone's baby' came from the left over resentment, from the time he'd wanted to be his father's favourite. "Well now you have the attention, the least you can do is respond! Look at me, Naruto! Don't you dare ignore me after putting me through hell, all right?"

Sasuke finally slipped a bit in his control and reached out to grab Naruto's chin and turn it towards him. Angry black eyes stared into blue...blank blue eyes. Dead blue eyes...it was as if Naruto wasn't in there anymore...the heart monitor was beeping normally and everything was normal...except his eyes. Sasuke let go and staggered back, unable to break eye contact with those eyes. Naruto's head lay where he'd let it fall, eyes just looking up at him. They freaked him out...they made him want to throw up...he tried to reason with himself...they shouldn't affect him this much...but they did.

Trying to keep hold of his dignity and his sanity Sasuke backed away until he was finally out the door. He made it to the closest toilet and locked himself in a cubicle, sitting down hard. There where no one could see him, he bent down and buried his head in his lap...fighting his weakness...fighting the awful feeling of guilt, shame and pain clawing through him.


"Sasu-nii!" Naruto tried to reach up and grab the older boy's hand. "Where are we going?"


"Please! Tell me!" Naruto's blue eyes were wide with curiosity. "Tell me now!"

Sasuke tried to control his laughter and ignored the constant wringing of his hand by the younger boy. Somehow Naruto made him laugh. Naruto made him want to laugh actually...and not many people made him want to laugh. He was determined to buy the boy a treat for creating his first "un-blobby" drawing.

Finally Naruto resorted to being stubborn. He just hung onto to Sasuke's hand and stopped walking, making the older boy have to drag him for part of the way. Sasuke, much to his annoyance tired of dragging the six year old through the streets and turned to him.

"Okay we're going home."

The blue eyes got even larger if that was possible. "Why?"

"You're being annoying. I wanted to give you a surprise but you're not letting me, so we might as well go home."

Before Sasuke could say another word, the boy's face had crumbled. Those unbearably blue eyes filled with tears, which dripped down the chubby cheeks. Sasuke's demon side quailed at the sight and he heaved a sigh. "Naru-chan...Please don't cry..."

Naruto went on crying, he was so afraid that Sasuke would really take him home now...even though he was mad at Sasuke, he moved forwards and shoved his face into the older boy's waist and bawled even louder.

Sasuke sighed again and this time cuddled the child. "Ok, we're not going home. But I want you to stop asking what it is, alright?"

Naruto stepped back and nodded. Then he looked up at Sasuke his eyes sparkly and happy again. "Carry me...I'm tired..."

Sasuke grumbled under his breath as he hoisted a bundle of blond and blue eyed warmth into his arms. He got a thoroughly wet smack on his cheek for all his pains and they set off again to wherever they were going.

When they finally got there, Naruto saw it was a crepe stall. He squealed with joy and wriggled out of Sasuke's arms and ran to it. The older boy watched, feeling pleased with himself. His mother never allowed them to eat too many sweets and Sasuke knew that Naruto loved sweets. He made his way to where the younger boy was and ordered a chocolate and a strawberry crepe for him. But nothing for himself, Sasuke didn't really enjoy sweets.

Then they went to sit on one of the benches. Sasuke leaned back and gazed up at the sky feeling pleasant. He tried not to think of the fact that school would begin in a few days and he would be under all that pressure to do well again. He looked over at the chibi currently slurping at the crepe before taking a few bites and then going back to slurping. Naruto would be going into his second grade this year...at a new school his parents had found. Sasuke wondered how the boy would fit in.

Actually sometimes Sasuke found himself wondering how Naruto would grow...what he'd grow up to look like. Sasuke smirked a bit...with the Namikaze looks and hopefully Uchiha attitude, Naruto might become quite the lady-killer...like himself. Right now Naruto wanted to be a Truck Driver and drive all around Konoha apparently. Sasuke snorted to himself, wondering if that dream would ever materialize... Naruto being a trucker and Sasuke being an architect...no...he doubted his father would let either of them do that. He had to take over the Uchiha Company while Naruto took over the Namikaze one. Just before Sasuke's mood could sour at the thought something wet dripped onto his chest.


He looked down to see Naruto precariously leaning over him, while the chocolate sauce of the crepe dribbled onto his shirt. Those blue eyes were filled with guilt now. "I was just trying to see why you weren't talking to me...Sasu-nii...don't be mad..."

Sasuke stared at the frightened child some more. It made the little blond babble. "I thought you were dead...I was going to give you some of my sweet to make you alive...I thought you were dead because you don't have sweets to give you energy? Hinata-chan in my class says that sweets give you energy..." his sweet baby voice continued.

After a few minutes of passive staring, he burst into laughter, not minding the bits of chocolate still dripping onto him; he caught and tickled the gaki, till Naruto cried for him to stop. Then he threw away the crushed remains of the crepe and picked up the boy. Naruto had at least eaten half the crepe, before its ultimate destruction.

"Let's go home, Naru-chan..."

"You're the best Sasuke-nii!" Naruto threw his arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He even dropped another sticky splotchy kiss onto his foster brother's cheek. "You're my bestest friend!"

-Flashback End-

Sasuke's eye opened...but consciousness didn't come for him yet. For a while the beautiful black eyes just gazed at the photo chromatic glass ceiling above him. He watched the clouds go by, the evening star still visible in one corner without the sun's rays to make it disappear. Sasuke's mind slowly caught up to him. Today was the day of judgement. For the last week, about one month after Naruto's 'incident' they had been arguing about whether he could stay with Sasuke. Some psychologists advised that he be put into a 'facility' a softer word to describe an asylum. No matter how much he hated this, Sasuke wasn't going to let Naruto be put into an asylum...because it would ruin the reputation Sasuke had built up...at least that's what he told himself.

The boy had fought too, but much more subdued. He had just stated that it was a mistake and that he wouldn't do it again. That he'd been high when the thought had occurred. Luckily a few psychologists has supported the idea that he live in Sasuke's house. They gathered that the sudden change of environment and being away from familiarity might do more harm than good. Finally today it would all end. Today, the decision would be made. Sasuke had had enough of it all. Enough of seeing Itachi's haggard face and Kyuubi's worried one. Enough of Naruto's meekness and quiet.

Sasuke hauled himself out of bed. He missed having nothing on his mind but his designs and his clients. Now for the past few weeks he'd been dealing with his family and how to get the house ready for Naruto in case he was coming. Sasuke had all ready ordered all the necessary things for one of the bedrooms...at least what he thought a seventeen year old boy would need. Now once he was sure, one phone call would be enough for everything to get done by the time he got home.

He turned the shower to extra hot and thought about what it might be like to have a brat around the house, quite forgetting that he was a pretty big brat himself. But if this whole thing with Naruto continued it would be a very quiet brat...and Sasuke didn't know if that was ok...if it was right that Naruto should be quiet.

When he got there, the court room was all ready quite full. Naruto was sitting up front between Itachi and the solicitor Gekkou Hayate. His eyes were downcast and he had his hands folded in his lap. Sasuke resisted the urge to click his tongue in impatience...he was also mad at himself, he still hadn't been able to look Naruto in the eye after the hospital room row.

Sasuke sat down in the second row behind them and waited. His skin crawled with unease and he wished this stupid thing would just be over and done with! The judge walked in and the rest of the court room fell silent. The room was so quiet, everyone's breathing seemed extra loud like a room full of panting sumo wrestlers. The judge took his seat and shuffled his papers.

Sasuke spied Naruto's fingers clench, his knuckles turning white. He turned his attention to the judge, not wanting to spend any more time watching his foster brother. The judge cleared his throat and began.

"We have gone through all the evidence in this case and read through all the professional's reports. The decision is that Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto will live with his foster brother Uchiha Sasuke for the next four years till the age of twenty one. We have raised the age limit, so that we can make sure this incident never occurs again and so that the Namikaze inheritance will be passed on without any glitches. But he will attend sessions with a psychiatrist and report to him/her at the end of every week. Any sign of a repeat of this unfortunate incident will result in the boy being put into foster care or whatever other arrangement the law sees fit, however long or short the time might be."

Sasuke exhaled hard. Itachi was looking at him with a mixture of relief and sadness. Kyuubi was giving him a warning look. Naruto stared at the ground in front of him. Sasuke made his way to the front of the court room to join Itachi. Kyuubi came running up to grab Itachi's hand and put the other arm around Naruto's shoulder.

"Naruto, I'm so glad…" she squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

Itachi nodded. He looked over at Sasuke, his lips pursed a bit. "Will you both be ok? Will you be able to get him to his therapy on time? I could do that if…"

It irked Sasuke. This was his choice, even though he'd practically been forced into it. Of course he would take good care of Naruto. "You couldn't do it before, so what makes you think you'll be able to do it now?" He watched Itachi breath in sharply and then conceded. "Well I should be, I have more free time now. You don't need to worry about it, Aniki."

Kyuubi nodded. "We'd better not. We'll be watching you, Sasuke."

Sasuke frowned but let it go. He looked at Naruto; the boy had moved away from them and sat down on one of the benches deep in thought. He stayed that way until everyone left. Sasuke walked up to him. "Come one let's go, unless you prefer brooding away in this courtroom for the next few hours?"

They walked to the car, both silent, in their own world. Sasuke wondering how they were going to manage from this point on, and Naruto expressionless, but clenching his hands every now and again. They reached Sasuke's beautiful sports car and the raven got behind the wheel and looked at him.

"Get in"

Their eyes met. The blue ones suddenly lit up...with a searing hatred. It paralysed Sasuke for a few seconds and then suddenly the eyes were dead again and the boy silently got into the car.

A/N: There, how do you like it?

Also, since this plot is a bit difficult, I'd appreciate hearing what you thought of this first chapter. Who you liked or disliked, what you thought of Sasuke, what you thought of the descriptions, etc.

Thank you



Sasuke -22

Itachi - 27

Kyuubi - 26

Naruto - 17