Set after "Eclipse" and the Season Two finale of GLEE. I haven't read "Breaking Dawn," so nothing in this fic is relevant to anything that happens in that book.

I'll post author's notes at the end of every chapter.

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Meet The Hummels – Bella's Point Of View

Edward killed Victoria. I broke Jacob's heart. The Volturi want me transformed, and soon. Edward asked me to marry him. After we marry, I can never see my parents ever again. Charlie or Renee. So tell me: if I was supposed to be losing touch with my family, little by little, then why was it that Aunt Carole, Cousin Finn, and the Hummels were going to be spending the rest of the summer with us? Why would they be in Forks, Washington? Tell me why I was going to be meeting the Hummels for the first time when the last thing I should be doing was welcoming more relatives into my life.

Before she married her first husband Christopher Hudson, Carole was a Swan. Charlie's sister. My cousin Finn is a football player – and a member of his high school's Glee Club. I thought I was complicated. But Finn was popular, outgoing, and kind of dumb. Not at all like me. I had no idea what I would say when I saw him, and it's been years since we'd seen each other. What's worse? Charlie warned me that the step – Kurt – was a total fashionista and drama queen. His icy blue eyes would size me up in two seconds flat – drab and uninteresting. I couldn't say I was excited about meeting him.

Finn was a little younger than me. When we were small, he would visit all the time. I was a depressed little girl, totally uninterested in everything my eager mother Renee had me participate in. Ballet. Gymnastics. Finn was an enthusiastic little boy with unkempt hair that fell in front of his chocolate brown eyes. Recent pictures show that he's cut it since. Growing up, Finn had always loved sports and drums. He and Jacob were friends. They would kick around a soccer ball and talk about cars. Charlie tells me that Finn's excited to see Jacob again. His tiny brain would explode if he were to find out that his childhood buddy was now a supernatural werewolf. I could predict that ahead of time.

What stressed me out most wasn't the fact that Finn and I had nothing in common, or that Kurt would know that I was anything but fabulous. It was that they would find out about the Cullens. I could predict that as well. The Cullens would mesmerize them, and they would pursue their fascination until they found out that I've been planning on moving in with a family of vampires!

Charlie and I stood in the driveway, waiting for them to arrive. My face was in excruciating pain from trying to smile. A truck turned the corner. "This must be them," Charlie said.

I hoped it wasn't, but the vehicle pulled into our very driveway. Aunt Carole was the first to get out of the car. She looked more tan than I remembered her to be, and different with a stylish haircut. I suppose she changed her look when she knew she was going to be married. Charlie and I had been invited to the wedding, but we couldn't get to Lima, Ohio at the time. Charlie was occupied at work what with the bloodthirsty army of newborn vampires and all. Carole laughed as though meeting up with an old friend and threw her arms around her brother. Wow, this wedding really had changed her. She used to be quiet like Charlie. After she stepped away from him, she gave me a bone-crunching hug and kissed me on the cheek. "Oh my goodness, Bella! It's been so long! You've gotten so beautiful!"

"Thanks, Aunt Carole," I replied politely. A man in a baseball cap shook hands with Charlie. Must have been the husband. Finn got out of the car, and God, was he tall. He had a goofy smile on his face like he thought life was just fun and games. Nothing could touch him. He wore an ordinary pair of jeans and sneakers, and a white t-shirt under a letterman jacket. After Carole let go of me and went back to talk to Charlie and her husband, Finn approached me and gave me a hug.

"What's up, Bella?" he asked cheerfully.

"Nothing much," was all I could come up with to say. Again, we hadn't seen each other in a while, so Finn was probably expecting some fun, awesome cousin. Not this: pale, awkward, clumsy, depressed.

There was a grunt as the fourth and final guest emerged from the vehicle, struggling to lift all of his suitcases and designer Louis Vuitton handbag at once. Kurt Hummel: probably the only mortal on this planet pale as I. Except his pale was more attractive; his skin was like ivory. His lovely pink lips were complimented by his beige sweater, and his tight pants hugged his hips just right. Even though he was a boy, I almost envied how good he looked. He approached and observed. "Nice outfit," he told me, but I knew he didn't like it. "Very outdoorsy; reminds me of camping – which you're probably used to with all these forests and what not."

"Thanks," I chuckled dryly.

"Hi, Bella," Kurt's father said in a friendly tone, reaching forward to shake my hand. "I'm Burt Hummel. Your dad here says you fix cars."

I smiled and nodded. "In my spare time." I thought of past times helping Mike Newton and Jacob.

"I'm a mechanic," Burt volunteered. "We should talk sometime."

"We should," I agreed. I glanced and Kurt and knew exactly what he was thinking. She is such a boy.

"How's Jacob?" Finn asked curiously. "Man, I haven't seen him in forever."

"Jacob's not doing too well," I explained. "He… got into a fight, and was injured."

"Wow, I'm sorry," Finn apologized.

"Yeah, I'll tell him you said so," I promised. "So, how's your life been?"

"Awesome. We just went to New York," Finn said, and Kurt smiled fondly. "What have you been up to?"

Fighting vampires and werewolves, kissing vampires and werewolves, dealing with vampires and werewolves…

"Hanging out with my boyfriend."

"That's right," Finn remembered. "You're dating that Edward Collins guy."

"Cullen," Kurt corrected, and I crossed my arms defensively. Someone must have described Edward to Kurt, because there was a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Cullen, right. I'm such a dork," Finn groaned.

"What'd you do in New York?" I changed the subject.

"We performed for Nationals," Finn answered.

Glee thing. "Did you win?" I asked.

"No." Finn shook his head. "But I don't mind. I got back with my ex-girlfriend Rachel. That's better than a win at Nationals."

"Hmm." Rachel Berry. I'd heard she was very short, and kind of obnoxious. But she wasn't a vampire. Not like my boyfriend. "Well, how did you like being in New York?"

"It was awesome," Finn said enthusiastically.

"It was amazing!" Kurt squeaked, and as he spoke I could see that he loved to talk with his hands as well as with his mouth. "I was destined to live there. Once I graduate, Blaine and I are moving there."

Right, Kurt was gay. Blaine was his boyfriend.

"Bella, how's it feel to finally be out of high school?" Burt asked, putting his arm around Carole.

"Good." I guess.

"Any big plans for your future?"

Marriage and becoming a vampire.

"I'll go wherever fate takes me," I chuckled.

"I might become a football coach, but I want to work at Burt's mechanic shop," Finn explained. Such an all-American boy.

"Fashion designer or big Broadway star," Kurt mumbled so quietly he probably thought he hadn't said it out loud.

"How about we go inside?" Charlie offered.

Carole laughed. "Yes, and let's eat something. We don't have to stand out here till the sun sets."

And so we all entered the house. Burt and Carole stood in the kitchen with Charlie. Kurt and Finn sat down on the couch in the living room. I stood in front of them. "What do you think of Forks?" I asked.

"I like it. I would love to live here," Finn said, and the look on Kurt's face was priceless. "I love how it drizzles and rains. Don't you?"

"No." I shook my head. "I hate rain. It's cold and wet." I'd spent most of my life in Phoenix, Arizona. I liked heat and dryness.

"Oh." Finn looked embarrassed.

"So, Bella…" Kurt grinned. "Tell us about the Cullens."

"What about them?" I was curious.

"We've heard so little," said Kurt. "What are they like?"

"Well, they're kind of hard to explain," I admitted. "Um, as you know, Edward is my boyfriend. He's handsome and romantic. Then there's Carlisle and Esme, the parents. Rosalie's beautiful, and Emmet's fun and athletic. You'd like him, Finn. Jasper's… interesting, and Alice likes shopping."

"I love her already." Kurt beamed.

"When do we get to meet them?" Finn wanted to know.

"You want to meet them?" I gulped.

"Yes," Kurt said in an of course tone. "I mean, after all, we are gonna be here for a while. We should meet them at some point."

"Oh yeah, well, I guess – um. I'm gonna go upstairs and see something." I quickly made my escape, and when I got to my room, I was embraced by my beautiful boyfriend. He was always there. "Oh, Edward."

He kissed my lips, smiled, and said in a velvet voice, "They like you. Finn thinks you're 'cool.' And this Kurt is quite intriguing."

"And pretty," I chuckled. "Probably smells better than me too."

"Never," Edward assured me, and we kissed again. "And I'll meet them. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" I wanted to clarify.

"Yes," said Edward. "I look forward to it."

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Author's Note: I read "Eclipse" two years ago, and never read "Breaking Dawn," so it's been a while since I've cared about the Twilight Saga. But I was looking at some Glee/Twilight crossovers on fanfiction and was inspired to write this. I will also be writing my other GLEE fanfic "Senior Year" as well. I hope to write many Glee fanfics.