Down, under the ocean, lived a world. It was lost but never forgotten. You may have heard of it in stories. It is called Atlantis. Remember it? The lost city, they call it. Some even call it a city before its time. But there truly is only one name for it.


This city is home to another type of myth. Mermaids. Their king, King Neptune, ruled the kingdom of Atlantis with wisdom. All his subjects couldn't be happier. They loved their king. For he brought joy to them himself.

Today, the city of Atlantis were gathering for a festival. For the Queen had given birth to a new baby mermaid, named Cleo. (Whose name would soon change to Morgan.) Laughter filled the kingdom as young and old merpeople gathered to celabrate.

The king, queen, and their new baby stood in the center of it all, smiles on their faces. But then all that changed...

The once very clear, blue water turned grey and murky. The laughter stopped and the screams began. The King stared through the water, looking for a sign. The Queen pulled her new child closer.

Then everything stopped. The screams turned into a shocked silence as the women floated through the crowd. She was evil. You could see it in her eyes. Heck, if you looked at her, you'de know. She smiled and razor teeth showed, much like a shark's. Her tail was a dark green with shiny black sparkles layering it. The shells that covered her chest were black. Her hair was a green color, her eyes were black. You would think she would be ugly, but she was beautiful. But her beauty was a dark one.

She came and stood in front of the king and queen. "What are you doing here? You have no buisness here." The king called out in a loud booming voice.

"Well," the woman began, "I came to wish my god-daughter a happy life." She smirked.

"You are no longer her god-mother. Not after what you did to this kingdom." The queen said.

The woman rolled her eyes. She swam closer. "Give me the child." She hissed.

"Never!" the queen exclaimed.

The evil woman smirked. "Fine, have it your way." She said. "But i'll be back, one day, when you least expect me."

"Leave, now. I do not wish to see your face ever again, Lusinda." The queen said.

Lusinda swam away. She would keep her promise, she would be back. She would kidnapp the king and queen's precious daughter and keep her where no one would find her. She would always keep her promise.