Hey, so this isn't the conventional fanfic story, and there's going to be a lot of twists and turns so I hope everyone enjoys it.

I don't own Twilight, *cries* but I do own this plot, which is awesome. So enjoy!

Bella POV

My father is Charlie Swan, the foremost drug importer and exporter in the world. His business stretches from the west coast to the east coast and in some part of Europe. In simpler terms, he's a mafia overlord, and I being his only daughter, I am the air to his entire business.

My family is best friends with the Cullens, who happen to be the foremost arms importers and exporters in the world. Carlisle runs the organization and has known my dad since high school. They've stayed close their entire lives which consequently ment our secluded mansions were only a few miles away from each other.

The Cullens have a son my age named Edward but I try my best to ignore him. We've been at each others throats since we could talk and it's only gotten worse with age. He's a playboy who has a different girl on his dick every week and who parties way too much. I mean I'm not a prude or anything, but that boy in the definition of a man whore.

All my life I've been training to take over the business. I'm skilled in hand to hand combat, can hit any target with any gun, and I could probably out drive any person I know. I am not to be messed with. The only other people who actually know what my father does is obviously Edward, his older sister Alice, my older brothers Emmett and Jasper, and Emmett girlfriend Rosalie, whom Carlisle adopted. He was apparently good friends with her parents, as was Charlie.

I'm currently a sophomore in high school along with, unfortunately Edward, while Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie are seniors. Emmett graduated last year and is currently working along side my dad. It always seemed weird to me, that I would be inheriting the family business since I was the youngest and a girl, but my father always assured me that he wouldn't want to leave his legacy to anyone else. Little did I know that wasn't entirely true.

That morning Carlisle and Edward came over to my house for a meeting. I had been in my room listening to a CD and reading when Edward came bursting it. Since I hadn't been expecting company, all I had on was a pair of red and black lace boy shorts and I black lace tank top.

Edward seemed to drink in my appearance before his signature smirk came on full force. His eyes held a certain hunger as he appraised my body which I found annoying. It wasn't enough that he had to go and fuck every other girl in the school, no; he always had to chase after me as well.

I mean it's not like Edward isn't good looking, because well he is. He's 6'2, with a strange shade of bronze hair – which he inherited from his mother Esme – that always looked mused liked he'd just got done having wild and hot sex, and he had the most gorgeous green eyes I'd ever seen. But none of that made up for his atrocious, arrogant personality.

"Get up slut, our dads want a meeting with us." Of course, slut was his nickname for me, even though it was a much better suited for him.

"Get the fuck out of my room man whore," I said throwing my pillow at him. Of course he dodged it but I was sure I got my point across.

"Your really need to get laid, it would mellow you out." He smirked. Heading toward the door.

"And I suppose you're volunteering?"

"Just tell me when and where and I'm there baby."

"God you're cheesy," I said, getting up to put on some pants.

"I love you too baby girl," he winked, then left to stand in the hall.

I walked out a few seconds later, with my curly brown hair up in a messy bun and no make-up on. I normally didn't get very dressed up when I was home for the day but then again I really didn't need to. Dressed up or dressed down, by body was coveted by every boy in school. Besides Rosalie, I was the girl guys wanted to fuck most in high school.

Edward and I walked into my father's office side by side and sat down next to each other. We tried to keep our bickering down to a minimum while around our parents. They'd always forced us together when we were younger, hoping that our relationship would flourish but that never happened. Sure Edward had been my first kiss, but it all went down hill from there.

"You're probably wondering why it is we called you both here." My dad Charlie said, smiling at both of us.

"Naturally," Edward retorted. I smacked him upside the head. It was no secret to us what our dads did for a living, and we'd been taught at an early age to show respect for them. Well I'd been taught. I don't think that lesson ever really sunk in for Edward .

Charlie and Carlisle seemed to ignore our little exchange. They went on to talk about how important the family businesses were and how when we were older we would be inheriting not only a lot of money but a lot of responsibility. It wasn't anything I hadn't heard before which led me to tune out. I noticed Edward doing the same thing as he slouched down in his chair. He was dangerously close to falling asleep which I was secretly praying for. No doubt, Carlisle would realize sooner or later and Edward would get his ass handed to him. Nothing was more entertaining then Edward getting scolded.

"Bella did you just hear what I said?" Charlie asked, looking at me like I had two heads. He'd very rudely interrupted my day dream of Edward getting eating by a shark after I pushed him off the family yacht into the ocean.

"I'm sorry, what was it you said Daddy?" He could never be mad at me when I played the daddy card.

"Carlisle and I said that nothing would make us happier then the joining of our two families." He smiled at me as he let the words sink into my mind.

"What do you mean by that?" Edward asked from beside me in a tight voice. I didn't even realize he'd decided to check back into the conversation.

"What he means," Carlisle said, taking in a deep breath, "is that we would like you Edward, and you Bella, to get married and unite our two families."

I stared at the two older men in front of me for a few moments, stunned beyond belief. Surely this was a joke. Surely my father and my uncle, for all intense and purposes, could not be serious. There was no way I would ever agree to marry the man whore to my right. Ever.

I turned my head and glanced at Edward who seemed to have a similar disbelieving face. There was no way he wanted to marry me anymore then I wanted to marry him. My dad had obviously been hitting the pipe or something because I'd never heard such crazy talk in my life. And considering Emmett Swan is my older brother that's saying something.

"I think I speak for both Edward and myself when I say that there is no way in hell that we are going to be getting married." I finally said, after I'd regained my voice which seemed to have disappeared in my shocked state.

"Oh but I think you are," Charlie said smirking at me. I'd never wanted to hit someone so hard in my entire life. And that was my father!

"I think Bella is right here; there is no way we are going to be getting married." Edward said, finally. I was starting to think he'd gone mute.

"Edward, son, this is not up for discussion, the matter has already been decided upon." Carlisle said, looking at Edward with disappointed. Like he couldn't believe his son was actually going to fight him on this. He was as crazy as my father.

"You can't honestly tell me Esme and Renee agreed to this," Edward retorted, bringing up a good point. He was right; there was no way our mothers would let this happen to their babies.

"Both of your mothers have given their blessings. You know they've been dreaming of their children getting married to each other since you were in diapers." Carlisle said, chuckling at the memory. All I wanted was to throw up.

"I will never agree to this and neither will Bella," Edward said, his anger evident in his voice. He stood up and walked over to the door. He turned around to see if I'd followed and when he saw me still sitting in my seat he came back over and picked me up and dragged me with him.

"This really isn't up for negotiation. Either you two marry or you're cut off. You will have no contact with any members of the families nor will you have access to your trust funds." Charlie said, putting just as much anger in his voice as Edward had.

Before either of us could move, both men got up and strode out the door Edward and I were standing in front of. We both let them pass as we let their parting statement really sink in. We'd both grown up privileged, any want and demand catered to. Neither one of us knew how to survive without the money. Not only that, there was no way we could just give up our bothers and sisters like that. All six of us were best friends; we were our own little rat pack.

Edward and I both glanced up at each other at the same time with the same look in our eyes; we were fucked.

After the disastrous meeting with our parents Edward and I went back to my bedroom where I proceeded to throw myself onto my bed face first. Edward just began to pace, tugging at his hair on occasion, and never stopped. I was worried that perhaps he may have lost it, not that he ever really had it, but after about two hours he went over to my couch and sprawled his body out. His legs dangled off the edge.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, my voice sounding small and fragile. I was trying very hard to hold back the tears. I'd always thought I'd get married to someone I loved with all my heart, settle down and have a few kids. I never imagined having a business marriage to someone I could barely tolerate.

"I don't know," he whispered. His voice sounded just as strained. I knew Edward wasn't into the whole marriage thing. Commitment made him itchy.

"You don't really think they'll cut us off do you? I mean they're not that heartless." I said.

"I don't know," he said again.

"Do you think Alice or Emmett knew about this? Or Rosalie or Jasper?" I pressed.

"I DON'T KNOW," Edward yelled. "I don't know a god damn thing. I'm as much in the dark as you are. I don't have the answers you want so just stop asking so many questions." He roared.

His yelling seemed to release the flood gates and all of a sudden I was bawling. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks and violent sobs ripped through my body. I didn't hear him but suddenly I felt a pair of very muscular arms wrap around me and I was assaulted by the smell of leather, cigarettes and something more manly. The scent was completely Edward and for some reason it made me relax a little.

He held me in my arms as I cried and cried, not once making a sound. I knew he was probably uncomfortable but he didn't show any signs of letting go. Then it hit me, this situation was probably just as hard for him as it was for me yet he was putting his own feelings aside to comfort me. It was extremely unlike him and it made me wonder what he was thinking.

Eventually, the tears lightened up and I finally stopped crying all together. Edward still had his arms around me but sometime during my emotional fit we'd ended up in my bed under the covers. I couldn't see his face to determine whether or not he was asleep or not, but the fatigue was taking over and soon I felt myself drifting into a dreamless slumber.

Edward POV

I held Bella as she cried, feeling like such a jackass. It was my fault she was sobbing and I just wanted her to stop. I didn't mean to snap at her like that but I was so angry and she was the only one there to take my anger out on. It wasn't fair to her and it wasn't fair to me. I still couldn't believe what our fathers had said.

Neither Bella nor I wanted this marriage but I really didn't see a way around it. I mean neither of us would make it if we were cut off, a fact I was absolutely sure of. We've grown accustom to the lifestyle we were raised in, there was no way we could live without it. Not only that, I'd always wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and take over the business when he passed away. I just never realized that that position came with a ball and chain.

I mean don't get me wrong, Bella isn't ugly or anything, in fact I think she's pretty damn hot, but I never wanted a family or anything. I didn't want to have to consider another person when I made decisions and choices. I'd always wanted my own life. And I know there's no way in hell Bella wants to start a family with a guy she can barely stand. And she can barely stand me.

I know it's my fault. I've always pushed her buttons. Especially when we were younger, I couldn't help it, I had the biggest crush on her. Of course she never saw me like that and eventually I learned to keep my feelings for her on the back burner. I'd found sleeping around was a lot easier and a lot more fun. Everyday was different, sometimes a blond sometimes a brunette, and every once and a while a red head.

I've gown accustomed to my play boy life style and even if we got married I doubt I'd be able to change. All that would lead to is resentment from both Bella and I and an immanent divorce. We weren't compatible; I really didn't understand how our dads and I guess our moms couldn't see that.

"Edward," I heard Bella sigh.

I looked down at her to see if she'd woken up since she'd fallen asleep a little while ago, but her body was still relaxed and her eyes were still closed. She mumbled my name once more then a couple other words I couldn't decipher before going silent once more. It was then I realize she'd been talking in her sleep. I wasn't sure how I felt about her saying my name in her sleep but then I figured she'd just had a nightmare about me and our doomed nuptials.

There seriously had to be a way to get Carlisle or maybe even Charlie to see reason. I couldn't believe they'd subject their children to a loveless marriage and an unhappy lifetime together just for the sake of merging the two companies together. There was no way Bella and I would be producing any heirs either. I doubt she'd let me touch her with a ten foot pole and wile I wouldn't mind tapping that ass I wasn't something I was going to go through with.

My eyes started to droop and I let the exhaustion of the day wash over my body as I snuggled further into Bella and closed my eyes and let the rest of the world drift away.

Hey everyone, so I know this was kind of short...but this is just the intro kinda...the next chapter will be much more lengthy as the story progresses.

I have a recommandation for you all...its called Mafia Princess by Verucasin. If you guys are interested in this story then you'll definetly love this story.

If you all like it then please, send a review my way :)
