AN: New story I hope you like it.



You know that feeling when you are lying in bed early in the morning just listening to the birds chirping and watching the sun slowly shine through your curtains? It's a blissful feeling especially on a Saturday when you know that you don't have to get up and go to work, so you can just roll over and go back to sleep.

I was having one of those mornings and I was just about to roll over and drift off to sleep when Lady Gaga ruined my blissful morning. More specifically my roommate's boyfriend was preventing me from getting anymore sleep. Rosalie and Emmett had been dating for almost a year now and were annoyingly happy. That is until Emmett's roommate kicked him out of the apartment three days ago for having a loud sex life. I can tell you that loud doesn't even begin to describe it, you would think that he was killing her in there.

So that is how I found myself stumbling down the hall on a Saturday morning while Gaga and Emmett belted out Born This Way.

I walked over to the stereo and turned the volume down so my ear drums wouldn't burst which just left Emmett singing. I walked into the kitchen to see Emmett shaking his ass which was clad in a red silk robe that was showing way too much thigh this early in the morning, or ever really.

"Good morning, sunshine," he spun around when he heard me enter the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee.

"At least you remembered to put clothes on this morning," I mumbled while adding cream and sugar.

"Third days a charm," he smiled before turning back to the stove where he was making some scrambled eggs.

"I was sleeping you know," I made my way to the bar stool.

"It's almost 8:30, did you want to sleep the day away?"

"I was planning on it," I sipped my coffee while he plated the scrambled eggs and set the plate down in front of me.

As I was finishing my eggs Rose comes bursting through the door wearing work out clothes with her earbuds blasting music loudly. What is wrong with these people, doesn't anybody know how to enjoy a Saturday morning?

"Good morning," she bounced into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

She ran up to Emmett and wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his face down to hers for a very intense kiss that made me grab my coffee and go back to my bedroom.

Before I could even flip the TV on I heard a rather loud moan coming through the wall then a door slamming, a few seconds later I heard the distinctive thump of a headboard hitting the wall.

"You have got to be kidding me," I said out loud even though I knew they couldn't hear me. I had a feeling that the entire day was going to be like this, and I don't think I could stand to hear the thumps and moans all day long.

I grabbed my cell phone off the nightstand and dialed Alice's number.

Alice was my other best friend, Rose and I had known each other since we were in diapers, our dads worked together. And we met Alice when she started dating Rose's older brother, Jasper about two years ago. Ever since then the three of us had been the best of friends.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a call this early on a Saturday?" she asked in her usual musical voice.

"Rose and Em are trying to knock the walls down. Do you wanna go shopping?"

"Is that a serious question?" she squealed loudly.

"Alice, if we go shopping I am begging you to keep your squealing for another day."

"Deal. Let's meet at the coffee shop on the corner in fifteen minutes," she hung up the phone before I could even reply.

Twenty minutes later I met Alice, who was standing in front of the coffee shop tapping her little foot impatiently.

"How is it that I live further than you and I still made it here before you?" she asked exasperated.

I just shrugged my shoulders as we started walking down the street. Alice and Jasper lived in an apartment just down the street from Rose and I, and now Emmett it would seem. We would regularly meet at a little coffee shop called It's About The Bean, which was in between our apartment buildings.

We turned down another street and walked a few blocks before we hit the mall, we lived in the heart of Seattle. It was a beautiful city, the weather being my favorite part about living in the Pacific northwest. Rose, Jasper, and I grew up in Forks which is about a four hour drive from Seattle. My dad and their parents still lived there.

My dad, Charlie Swan, was the chief of police in the sleepy town of Forks, and he was my hero. My mother had walked out on us when I was only two years old, she told my father that she never wanted to live in a small town and have a small life. She wanted to be something better than Forks and better than him, so she packed her bags and never looked back. She was nice enough the send him divorce papers four weeks later which he signed happily. I don't think they ever really loved one another, they only got married because Renee got pregnant with me.

So my dad raised me, and at times it wasn't easy. Like, how do you talk to your father about needing to get tampons when you get your period for the first time? Or the awkward conversation we had when he was trying to explain safe sex to me. Sometimes a girl just needs a mother, Rose's mom tried to fill that void for me. She took Rose and I out to buy our first bras when we were twelve, I can't even imagine how my dad would have handled that one.

I was now twenty-four years old and living in Seattle with my best friend. I graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Journalism and I now currently worked for the Seattle times. It wasn't a glamourous job since I was just an assistant to one on the editors, but it was something.

"So, what do you want to buy?" Alice asked as we entered the mall.

"I don't know, I didn't really have anything in mind I just needed to get out of the apartment. Emmett is driving me crazy and he has only been there three days."

We stepped into a shoe store and started picking out shoes we wanted to try on.

"And you know I get this feeling that Rosalie doesn't want him to find another apartment. She just keeps telling him that he doesn't have to start looking yet."

"Well, would you mind him living there with you guys? You have more than enough room." Alice said while we each handed the sales associate our shoe selections and told her our sizes so she could get the shoes from the back for us to try on.

We sat down in the chairs to wait while she grabbed everything we asked for, "I don't think I would mind, if we could just set some ground rules you know?"

"Like what?" she asked as I spotted the sales associate walking towards us with a tower of boxes.

"Thank you," we thanked her as she set them down and told us to let her know if we needed anymore help.

"Some rules like no walking around the house naked, no blasting music early in the morning, and to knock before coming into my room. Do you know the other day he walked in while I was having... me time?" I whispered the last part, blushing at just the remembrance of the mortifying and frustrating experience.

"No shit?" she busted up laughing, "What did he do?"

"Well, at first I didn't know he was in there and he didn't know what I was doing, but when he finally figured it out he screamed like a little girl which scared me so then I screamed and then he then attempted to run out of the room."

"Attempted?" she asked as she slipped another pair of heels on.

"Ya, he covered his eyes spun around in a circle and then ran for what he thought was the door. He ran straight into the wall creating a big dent with his head and then fell flat on his ass. He ended up crawling out of my room with his eyes squeezed shut."

Alice was laughing so hard tears were starting to form in the corners of her eyes, "It's not funny, Alice."

Once she had controlled her laughter, we each grabbed the shoes we had decided on and headed towards the register.

"Maybe I should just look for a new place to live. It would give them the two of them some much needed privacy."

"You know Bella, my brother has a great apartment you can live in," she said excitedly while swiping her credit card through the machine.

"Alice, I'm not going to live with your brother. I've never even met him," I said to her like she was crazy.

"Oh no, I didn't mean live with him. Edward left a few weeks ago for Europe, he won't be back for a few months," she explained with a smile.

"You could stay there while you look for another apartment. Save your money for a few months and then get a really nice place."

"Well, I couldn't live there for free."

"Why not? It's not being used, Edward won't mind."

"I'll think about it, maybe living with Emmett won't be that bad."

We spent the rest of the day in the mall spending money on things we probably didn't even need. As we walked back home I kept thinking about Alice's offer, it really did sound nice. Live rent free in a nice apartment, save up some money and find a new apartment for myself. One, that would be Emmett free.

I set my shopping bags down outside of the apartment and dug through my huge purse for my keys. It took me a few minutes, my purse was beginning to resemble a bottomless pit, before I finally found them in the very bottom.

When I finally got the door unlocked I heard our resident squatter in the living room talking to someone, whom I assumed was Rose. Boy was I wrong. Sitting on the couch next to Emmett was a full grown duck.

In my shock I dropped my shopping bags, which alerted Emmett to my presence in the room. He looked from me to the duck and then back to me, "So funny thing happened to me today," he began with a smile.

I just turned and started walking towards my room, but not before Emmett shouted at me, "Wait, don't you want to meet Norman?"

I closed my bedroom door and dug my phone out of my purse before sitting down on my bed to call Alice.

I dialed her number for the second time today. She answered after two rings, "Alice, when can I move into your brothers apartment?"