AU. OOCness on all ends of everything! Sorry for any mistakes! R&R

JuusanOkami: thanks for the one-shot story idea!

Last one! I'm done with this! I'm kinda bored with writing Bleach fanfics...or really long ones. So I figure I'll write one-shots or small stories with maybe 10 to 15 chapters or less. I'm not gonna finish my other stories so if anyone wants to take them up, just let me know or they'll just stay untouched. Kinda don't care.

"Get up!" Soi smacked Kisuke upside the head. "Everyone else is awake and cleaning the place or cleaning themselves. Get up." She hissed.

"Ow…can't you hit with anything besides that metal death trap?" Kisuke mumbled as he rubbed the goose egg that was quickly swelling on his temple.

"Shut it and get it up before I hit you again."

Kisuke stood from the chair he had sunk into last night after finally drinking too much. "Alright already." He rubbed his head. "Worst hangover ever."

"We made coffee!" Someone called from the kitchen.

Soi went back to picking up plastic cups and streamers and other articles of trash from last night's party.

"You think the world is actually gonna end next winter?" Yoruichi called as she tossed some crumpled posters into her own black bag. "I mean…all the Americans are hyping it up, but do you think it's true?"

"Almost everyone believes that." Soi answered calmly as she glanced at her girlfriend who was still in her rumbled clothes from the day before. "I don't buy it but even if it does end we won't be here for it."

"Yeah, that is true." Yoruichi hummed thoughtfully. "We should have a party next winter here in town and just leave it trashed! If the world is gonna end anyways why bother picking up the mess?"

"I love everything about that." Kisuke snickered as he returned with a fresh cup of coffee. "And it's true too."

"But you aren't allowed back to the Soul Society…so how is that good for you?" Soi raised a brow as she glared at the blonde man.

He shrugged. "I'm sure if I talked to the old man about doing research for him or something along those lines he'll let me back. And I'm fine with sleeping in a cell at night; my room now is as small as one anyways."

Soi rolled her eyes. "Idiot." She mumbled as she picked up more plastic cups.

"We shouldn't party this much next time!" Ichigo called from the back. "Take a look." He waved.

The back doorway was crowded as captains and lieutenants and several seated officers tried to peer outside. Some moved to windows or upstairs to look out.

Renji and Ikkaku sat outside in a small plastic swimming pool; words written in bold red marker covered their faces. Renji lay across the pool face down with his head over the edge, pants almost off as Ikkaku's face rested dangerously close on his lower back. Several posters, plastic cups, parts of ripped balloons and streamers were scattered about.

Kisuke broke the silence with a loud bark of laughter. "Someone take a picture! This is priceless!"

"Still think we should have an even bigger party next winter?" Soi looked up at Yoruichi who shook her head quickly. "Thought so."