Hey everyone its TheLogicalDreamerandWriter! i hope you like this! The grammar is not the best (But hopefully I'm fixing a lot of the errors! 6/23/15)

I do not own Tangled of any of its characters but i do own Hazel



Once upon a time, two single drops of sunlight and moonlight fell from the heavens. From these small drops of sun and moon, grew two magic flowers. One flower grew golden petals that shined brightly. The other flower had grown strinking ivory petals. They both had the ability to heal the sick and injured. Even to keep someone young as long as they knew the special song,

Flowers, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

Centuries passed and a kingdom started to grow. It had a beloved King and Queen, who cared for their people very much.

Our story starts with them.

When the Queen revealed she was pregnant, there was joy throughout the land!

That is until she got sick. So sick that everyone feared that she would not be able to survive giving birth to her child.

"Fear not!" One of the king's men said, taking out a map "I may have a solution! There is a rumor of two flowers..."

Once the man finished his tale, the King ordered his men to find the flowers. Anything to save his beloved wife.

A woman who was named Gothel, found the flowers centuries before, hid them and used their power for her own benefit, to stay young forever!

One night she went to use the power but heard the guards coming. In panic, she hid them under a fake bush. However, as she ran away her basket hit the fake bush leaving the flowers visible to the guards.

The guards found them at last! Unfortunately, they thought they only needed one to heal the sick queen. The kings men, dug up the golden flower and left the other one.

Gothel saw this and was mad that they took one of her flowers! She put the fake bush back over it, knowing that they will come back for the other flower if the golden one did not heal the queen and left to come up with a plan to return her flower.

When the men returned back at the kingdom, the healers boiled the flower and had the queen drink it. They waited and waited, but the queen did not get better. In a desperate cry, the King sent out his men to get the other flower.

They quickly went back to where they found the flowers and they dug up the small white flower and put it safely in a pouch. Not paying any attention to the knocked over fake bush.

Now, you're probably wondering why the bush was knocked over, when you just read that Gothel put it over the flower? Well if you rewind time about 4 hours after Gothel left, you'd see a woman in a green cloak running through the forest. A brown satchel in one hand and an infant with a matching set of big brown eyes and hair, in the other. Why is she running? Because this woman stole a bundle of food in the kingdom to feed her small son. Sadly. she was caught.

As she ran she knocked over the fake bush, nearly tripping. She regained her balance and continued to run.

When she was at the end of the forest, she saw a old building with sign that said, 'Orphanage.' The woman gently laid her son down on the front step and set her note and the satchel next to him.

Making sure no one saw her, she quickly knocked on the door and ran away never to be seen again.

The woman who ran the orphanage, Hannah, opened the door and saw the little boy. She quickly picked him up and spotted the note. She picked it up and read it:

"His name is Eugene Fitzherbert"

She picked up the satchel and looked inside. The only thing in there was a book called, The Tales of Flynnigan Rider.

Back at the palace, they took the ivory flower and boiled it. The king was losing hope as the queen became weaker and weaker. The healers quickly ran in with their latest brew and presented it to the king. He took it from them and gently placed it to his precious wife's lips. As soon as the Queen sipped it she got better!

After that she finally gave birth to their two beautiful baby princesses. The first baby girl, she named Rapunzel. Rapunzel was beautiful, with big green eyes and shining golden hair. The second child was named Hazel. She was just as beautiful with green eyes with silver flecks and bold ivory hair.

To celebrate the twin's birth, the King and Queen launched two flying lanterns into the sky. They will mark this day in the heart of the kingdom forever.

That night Gothel snuck into the castle. She started to sing and grinned when it made the twin's hair start to glow,

"Flowers, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock re-"

Mother Gothel cut a strand of Rapunzel's hair, but it instantly turned brown. Gothel turned to Hazel and saw the same strand had turned brown as well. Not seeing any other option, she took the twins and took off in to the night.

She hid them in a tower where no one can find them and attempt to take her little flowers from her again.

In sadness, the king and Queen, along with the rest of the kingdom, released thousands of lanterns into the sky on their birthday. Hoping that one day the lost princesses would return home.

should i continue? please reveiw and tell me:)

bye for now!