I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT! I just love to make them do stupid shit.


"I'm not going!" I told my best friend Jake, he wanted to go out tonight and celebrate I wanted to stay in and sleep. I just finished culinary school and was ready to have a few days of peace and quiet. Jake, Paul his boyfriend of 2 years, Rachael his sister, Marcus her husband, Angela, Ben, Jessica and her boyfriend I have yet to meet, all wanted to go out and celebrate, a graduation party of sorts for culinary school, but I just wasn't in the mood. I needed to rest this weekend so that I could start looking for a job on Monday but Jake wouldn't hear of it.

My parents had passed away while I was in school about 2 years ago; they were driving home from dinner one night and were hit by a drunk driver who crossed the line. When I went back to school after there funeral I worked even harder, I wanted to open my own restaurant and name it after them, but I thought I would start out working somewhere first to gain the experience that I needed. I didn't know of any restaurants that were hiring so I was taking a major risk.

"To damn bad you're going, you should be out celebrating that you graduated culinary school! You need to relax a little before going into the working world; I know that you want to start right away but why? I mean you have a nice apartment, granted the car could us an update but I know how much the truck means to you. You are 23 years old you need to live a little first!" Jake ranted to me, I knew that I need to relax for a little but I just wanted to get started the more I learned, the better I would be when I opened my own place.

"I know that but Jake I just want to relax tonight not go out clubbing with a bunch of married people while I'm the only one who doesn't have a date!" That was the main reason I didn't want to go I would feel like the odd man out, I always did, because everyone had a boyfriend or was married. I would be the looser who sat at the table guarding the purses and drinks while they all went out to the dance floor and had fun.

"You know that I'll dance with you so will Paul. This is your party and you need to be there." Jake was relentless trying to get me to go.

"Whatever!" I shouted at him and walked away I knew it would be no use and I would be stuck going anyway. I slammed by bedroom door and walked into my bathroom slamming that door also, I was pissed that I was being forced to go out and I wanted to make Jake aware of that fact. I took my shower in the hottest water that I could stand to try to relax myself but it didn't seem to be working, I was still upset and tense because of it. When I got out, I noticed that Jake has laid an outfit on my bed for me. He picked out the outfit that he had bought me; it was a black crepe viscose jersey tie dress by Gucci and 4-inch heal bootie boots also by Gucci, the outfit looks great but I know how much he spent on it too. This was not something that I wanted to wear out to a club where someone spilling a drink on me or me spilling on myself could ruin it.

"You can't be serious you want me to wear this, to a club where I will spill something on myself! This outfit coasted you a fortune why can't I wear jeans I would be so much more comfortable or better yet not go at all?" I asked him when I came out of my bedroom.

"Because you look hot in it that's why and don't worry so much about the cost geeze! It was my money that I spent besides you need a night to just get dressed up and have fun, who cares if you get something on it, it's just a dress." Sometimes I wondered if he even knew who Gucci was, I know that he did but the way he said it like it was no big deal I clearly think the man had lost his damn mind.

"Fine whatever, let's just go." Jake led me to the taxi we were taking; at least I didn't have to worry about how I was getting home if we all were going to be drinking. When we got to the club there was a line outside but Jake walked up to the bouncer and gave him his name, the bouncer was a huge man, his muscles had muscles, he had brown hair and eyes, when he smiled at me I noticed that he also had dimples. Jake led me to the table that our friends were at I noticed that everyone was there and that Jessica had someone sitting next to here this must be her new boyfriend, he was cute definitely Jessica's type, long curly blond hair, and bright blue eyes. He was introduced to Jake and me as Randall; he works with Jess at Volturi law firm downtown.

"Hello welcome to Eclipse, my name is Amber is there anything that I can start you off with tonight?" Everyone ordered there drinks and we decided on appetizers so we ordered them too. She came back a few minutes later with our drinks and a bottle of champagne for us.

"This was sent over by the owner of the club as congratulation, this is our finest 2002 Louis Roederer Cristal Brut Rose Champagne, hope you enjoy." With that she opened the bottle, filled our glasses and placed the bottle it in the ice and walked away.

"Wow Jake, how do you know the owner of the club?" I didn't know that he knew the owner but you learn something new everyday.

"I don't, I called up here to make reservations, when they asked me what kind of party I was having I just said that it was a graduation from culinary school. I didn't know that they would send something like this to us. But I do know that what you are drinking is about $500.00 a bottle so I hope that you like it." He said just as I took a sip of the champagne. I started to choke on it, who the hell sends a $500.00 a bottle champagne to a table of collage kids that they don't even know!

"Wow I would like to tell that guy thanks, this shit is awesome I understand why it's so expensive though." Marcus said.

"This is the best that I have ever had, it will be hard going back to the other stuff now, but for $500.00 I think I can live without it," Jess laughed.

"No kidding, this is great but who has that kind of money to just drink away?" Rachael asked.

"Apparently the owner does, still it was nice of him to do that for us." Paul said.

"The owner is actually a really nice guy," Angela said quietly. I looked at her in question.

"Have you met him before?" I was curious as to who the owner was.

"His name is Edward Cullen. And he is also my boss at Midnight Sun." That is the restaurant that Angela works, for she's a hostess there. "He's also opening up another restaurant with his brother-in-law Jasper Whitlock."

"Wow, I had no idea that this was his place, I knew that you worked for him but that was it." I replied to her.

Shortly after that everyone got up to go dance leaving me here to watch over everything. This is what I hate the most about going out with the group and not having a date. I must have been so lost in thought that I didn't hear anyone come up beside me.

"What is a beautiful woman like you doing sitting here alone?" The velvety voice asked me. When I turned to see who he was I gasped, he had to have been the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life, he was dressed in a tailored black suite, with shinny shoes, long muscular legs, broad shoulders, a chiseled jaw, unruly bronze colored hair and the most intense green eyes I had ever seen. I noticed that he had a smirk on his lips; man did his lips look as if they would be so soft against mine. I finally snapped out of my ogling of him when I realized he had asked me a question.

"I'm here with my friends celebrating, they all went to dance, and since I'm here alone I get left to watch over our stuff until they come back. Um, wow sorry, I just had a word vomit moment." I laughed awkwardly.

"No that's ok you were fine. How about I take you out there to dance, your stuff will be fine here, nobody is going to touch it.," the man said.

"Um, I don't really know, I think I should just wait for my friends, plus I'm not that great at dancing." I wasn't lying about that, I couldn't dance at all. I have stepped on Jake's toes so many times I'm surprised he has any left.

"It's all in the leading, come on let me show you." He said as he stood up from the chair and offered me his hand. I slowly reached out to grasp his hand when I felt a spark jolt up my arm and down to my toes. When I looked up at him he was looking at my hand, did that mean he felt the jolt too? He led me out to the dance floor and twirled me around brining me close to him. We continued to dance for a while when I realized that I didn't even know what his name was.

"So mystery man what is your name?"

"Edward Cullen, what beautiful lady may I ask is yours?"

"Bella Swan. So you are the one who sent us the champagne right?" He nodded his head yes and it felt like he tightened his hold on me afraid that I would run away. "Thank you that was very generous of you to do that for my friends and me."

"You are very welcome, what are you celebrating if I may ask?"

"I just finished culinary school, 4 years later." I laughed lightly, some think that culinary school would be easy but it's not. "I have my bachelor's degree in culinary arts. That's why it took me so long," I explained.

"Wow that's great well congratulations then, I bet your parents are very proud of you." When he said that I tended up he must have felt me because he said, "sorry I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, it's fine, my parents died about 2 years ago in a car crash, they were hit by a drunk driver." I told him, it was still hard to talk about even though it was so long ago now.

"Sorry to hear about that, is the other guy in jail now?"

"Oh how I wish, no it was a hit and run, they never did find out who it was." I replied. Once the song was over, I thanked him for the dance.

"Thank you, you really are a great teacher, hope I didn't step on your toes to many times." I didn't remember stepping on his toes at all now that I stop and think about it.

"You didn't step on them at all; see I told you it was all in the leading. I really had a great time dancing with you; I hope that I will get to see you again?"

"Me to, I had a great time thanks again." I turned to leave when he caught me by the arm, he wasn't holding it very tightly just enough to stop me.

"May I have your number? I would really like to get to know you more; maybe we can meet for coffee one day this week." He asked me with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Ok, sure," he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I put my name and number in and then handed it back to him.

"Thanks, I'll give you a call tomorrow in the afternoon and see what we can come up with." I nodded my head in agreement and then we parted ways, I went back to the table where my friends where and we went off towards the bar area.

"Oh my god! Do you know who you were just dancing with?" Angela asked me, she must have been drinking while I was gone because she was slurring her words.

"Yes Ange I know who I was dancing with, you were right he is really nice." I wanted to leave it at that, I wasn't sure if they has saw me giving him my phone number and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it because the chances of him calling were slim to none.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to head home, why don't we get the check and then leave?" I asked everyone at the table they all nodded. When Amber walked by I asked her if we could have the check when she had a moment. She said that she would be right back with it, she left and took care of another table and then came back to us.

"Your tab has already been taken care of by Mr. Cullen; he said I quote 'congratulations again'. I hope that you all had a nice time and will be seeing you again." With that, she smiled at us and left. I sat there stunned, first he bought us a bottle of expensive champagne and then he takes care of our bill for us, I know it wasn't cheep because there was so many of us, when we all got up to leave we made sure that she had a generous tip.



When I woke up the next morning I had a slight headache not a real hang over but close to it, just then my phone started to ring, great who would be calling me this early in the morning but when I looked at my clock I noticed it was 2pm. I hurried to answer it before going to voicemail.

"Hello," I said trying to catch my breath.

"Hello, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." I smiled at the voice on the line, he said that he would call but I didn't think that he really would.

"No not at all I was just rushing to get my phone before the voicemail picked up is all." I tried to stifle my yawn but he must have heard me anyway.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked trying not to laugh at me.

"No," I said blushing, I was a terrible liar and I knew it.

"I think you are lying to me, I think that you just woke up and that is the real reason you were out of breath." He said laughing.

"Ok, ok I just woke up are you happy? I didn't get in until sometime early this morning, but in my defense I was drinking, so I don't know what time it was when I finally got home."

"That's ok; do you want me to call you back so that you could get some more rest?" He sounded concerned about me not getting enough sleep.

"No, I needed to get up and moving anyway. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?" I was hoping that he was going to ask me out as he said he would but I didn't want to get to excited.

"Well I said that I would call you today to see what your schedule is like, are you free for coffee later today?"

"Yeah that's fine with me, what time and where would you like to meet?"

"How about 4pm at Starbucks on Michigan Street? Will that give you enough time to get ready and be there?"

"That's fine with me; its right down the road form my apartment." We said our goodbyes and hung up; since I still had time before I had to get ready, I decided that I would get something to eat. When I was done it was 3pm so I went to take a shower and get ready, Starbucks was only a 15-minute walk from my place so I knew that I would have plenty of time.



I walked into Starbucks and spotted him right away sitting at a table by the window.

"Hi, hope you haven't been waiting to long." I knew that I was only a couple minutes early, but he didn't have anything to drink yet so I wasn't sure how long he had been waiting.

"Hello, I just got here myself. I didn't order yet because I was unsure of what you would like," he said.

"I'll just have a strawberry white mocha please." He nodded his head and went up to place our order, when they were done he placed the cup on the table along with a blueberry muffin in front of me.

"So I know that you just graduated culinary school are you already working somewhere?"

"No, not yet, I was going to start looking on Monday morning. I wanted to give myself a couple of days off to rest now that school was done."

"Did you have some places in mind that you were going to look at?"

"No, I don't know if anyone is hiring. I was planning on just going into the restaurants and putting in apps, I know that's not the best way to do it but I figured it was a start."

"Well I happen to know of a place that is hiring, you could always put in an app there. It's not open yet so you would have a better chance then if you just went into places on a whim." He said, I was wondering where this place was at I would definitely have to look into it.

"Where is this place at?"

"It's on the corner of California and Snow Rd. It's called Twilight, from what I hear the owner is nice."

"I'll check it out Monday then, thanks for the information." I had finished my mocha and so had Edward but we continued to talk for a while. I learned that he liked the color blue, he owns a blue BMW, his favorite food is lasagna, and he likes dogs. He owns several places; clubs, restaurants, apartment complexes and a hotel. I told him that my favorite food was pizza with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese only, I drive a beat up old pickup truck, I also like dogs and my favorite color is green. The afternoon turned into evening as we sat there talking, when I looked at the time it was already 6pm and I was starting to get hungry.

"I had a really nice time, thank you again for the coffee and muffin."

"Your welcome, I also had a wonderful time. Hey, are you doing anything for dinner tonight?" He asked me shyly. I couldn't think of anything that was going on tonight so I told him no. "Would you have dinner with me? I know this great restaurant just down the road."

"Um, I would need to go home and change first, I'm not dressed to go out for dinner," I told him.

"What you are wearing is fine. I'm going in what I have on." He was wearing a pair of jeans and a blue button down shirt. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that said 'don't interrupt me while I ignore you', it was one of my favorite shirts but I didn't think it would be something to wear out to dinner.

"If you're sure what I have on is ok, I would love to go to dinner with you." He got up from his seat and held out his hand for me to take, I did without hesitation this time and we walked down to the restaurant he told me about. It only took about 10 minutes to walk there and it was a nice night out. He opened the door for me and led me inside, we didn't even wait to be seated he just went to a table in the back and sat down. I thought it was kind of weird that he did this, but then I remembered that he owned a few restaurants.

"I take it by the way you just walked in here and sat down that this is one of your places."

"Yep this is the first place I opened. I put a lot of work into it in the beginning and it's done really well so far." He handed me a menu to look at, I didn't even notice that he had grabbed them.

"Welcome to Crossroads my name is Rebecca, what can I get you to drink?" The waitress asked us I noticed that she kept her eyes mostly on Edward, not that I could blame her, but didn't she know that he was her boss or the fact that he was sitting with someone?

"Bella baby, what would you like to drink?" He was looking at me with a smirk on his handsome face I started to turn bright read knowing that I was giving this girl a glare.

"I'll just have a coke for now," I replied. She finally turned towards me with a surprised look. It's like she didn't even know I was here at all.

"And for you sir?"

"I'll have a Heineken," he said in a short voice. She wrote our order down and then left to get the drinks.

"I take it the employee's don't know who you are then? Or at least she didn't." I laughed.

"No the wait staff doesn't; I do it that way so when I come in here I can be waited on like any other customer. It gives me the chance to see how they really work, you can talk your way threw an interview, I want to see how they interact with the customers, it tells me more about the person." He explained to me. Just then the waitress came back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order. I ordered a burger and fries and Edward did the same.

"This also gives me the chance to see how well the food is cooked. With them not knowing me they can't go back to the kitchen and say that this order is for the boss or anything."

"That makes since, if they screw up your order they wouldn't know it so then that would lead you to believe that the cook doesn't know shit about cooking." The waitress brought out our burgers and fries a few minutes later and everything looked to be perfect.

"This looks really good," I said just before taking a bit. "Wow this is great! This is the best burger I have had in years." It really was good; it reminded me of when my dad would make burgers on his grill.

"I'm glad you liked it, we'll have to come back here again." I nodded my head in agreement. We left shortly after that; it was already 9pm; I couldn't believe that we had been sitting in Crossroads for almost 3 hours.

"Would you like me to give you a ride home? I would hate for you to have to walk in the dark, or I could walk with you if you like."

"Um, sure either one is fine with me, thank you; I didn't realize how late it was already. I have to admit, I hate walking alone in the dark." I was glad that he would be taking me home because I didn't know this area that well yet and it was really dark out now, it was creepy to me. We started to walk towards my apartment, it was getting cold out and I was glad that I had brought my jacket with me. When we got to the door we said goodnight, he told me that he would call me later in the week to see if I was busy and would want to meet someplace.


So tell me what you think. Do I keep going with this?