Yes, I am posting two chapters in one day. I felt bad about the short chapter so here is the next and most likely last chapter.

Suddenly, I saw light. And heard a faint beeping. I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by the faces of my friends staring down at me. "Hey, guys," I managed to get out. Suddenly Kendall spoke up. "Guys, do you think I can have a moment with him alone?" They all nodded slowly and walked out. "What is the meaning of this?" He said as he held up my left wrist. The gauze and bandana were removed. Uh oh. "I, uh, um," I couldn't finish because I didn't know how I was going to. "So," he spat harshly, " you can't can you?" I shook my head. "What about the drastic change in weight. Can you explain that?" I thought for a moment and nodded my head. It's about time I truly let someone in to break down my walls. If anyone I'm glad it would be Kendall. He's my closest friend. So I explained everything. Why I cut myself and starved myself and about my childhood. Every so often he would nod in understanding. By the end of telling him, I had tears dripping down my face. He put his arm around me and apologized for being so harsh. I couldn't blame him though. If one of them was going through this I would act the same way. He walked over to the doors and motioned for Carlos and Logan to come in. He asked if it was all right to tell them what I had told him. I nodded. He explained everything to them. Carlos' eyes were wide and I saw how a tear slipped down Logan's cheek. All three walked over to me. "We promise," they said together, "that we will always be there for you and help you. Always." Thank you, guys. Really." Nothing more was said, but really was there any reason to anyway.

In a few hours I was released from the hospital. Ms. Knight doesn't even know the whole story. She thinks I fainted because I just had a slight case of the flu. Oh, if only she knew. But she never will have to. As long as I have Kendall, Carlos, and Logan by my side I never will have to worry again.

And if you are wondering with the help of them I completely stopped cutting myself. Also, it turns out if I had gone any longer without eating, I probably would have had serious complications. Thanks to the guys I no longer have to live in my hidden torment ever again.

I can sense them coming

Trying to pull me free

Save me

From myself


I'm fading

Too fast

All I see is red

I'm slipping


Please save me

Help me

Rescue me

Save me

From myself

I feel a warm presence

Drawing me in

A pure light




I see a face


I see a hand


Pulling me in

I grab it

Don't cry for me

I'm too far gone

I crossed the other side

I'm too far

Too lost

He never leaves

He doesn't forsake you

Thank you




To you no one is too lost

Too far gone

And certainly

Never too late

For hope




A true home

Well, this is the end. If you liked it I'm going to be starting a new one called "A test of strength". Thank you, readers and have a blessed day!